Chapter 31 Magic Talent

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  Chapter 31 Magic Talent
  If you want to become a magician, you must have magic talent.

  Magic talent not only requires a naturally higher spiritual power than ordinary people, but also requires good elemental affinities. In addition, magic resistance must also meet the requirements.

  It is a prerequisite to have mental power that exceeds that of ordinary people. Otherwise, you will have a splitting headache when meditating. Not only will you not be able to increase your mental power, it will also cause damage to your soul, making you become weaker and weaker. In severe cases, you will go crazy or even die.

  If your mental power is not up to standard, you can only take some precious magic potions to increase your mental power to an appropriate level.

  Potions that increase mental power are extremely expensive, especially those that can be used by ordinary people, costing at least several thousand gold coins. Even if you use potions and are barely promoted to qualified apprentices, you will basically not achieve much in magic.

  Only wealthy aristocrats who sincerely like magic can purchase this potion and reluctantly become a magic apprentice.

  For small and medium-sized nobles, instead of spending a lot of money to become a weak magic apprentice, it is better to spend the same gold coins to buy some powerful enchanted weapons and follow the path of a warrior.

  The advancement of warriors is easier than that of magicians.

  Almost everyone has the talent to practice breathing techniques. As long as the body is not disabled, one can embark on the path of a warrior.

  Even people with poor physical abilities can advance to the level of professional by practicing breathing techniques for decades.

  The combat effectiveness of a seventh-level warrior is better than that of most fourth-level magicians. Cultivating a seventh-level warrior consumes less resources than cultivating a fourth-level magician.

  After the mental strength reaches the standard, you need to have better elemental intimacy.

  Elemental intimacy is related to the effect of meditation. Even if the mental strength is up to standard, the elemental intimacy is insufficient, and the effect of meditation is particularly bad.

  Richard meditated for more than a month before he succeeded in meditating for the first time and had just become a junior magic apprentice. His elemental intimacy is slightly lacking, barely reaching a medium level.

  In addition, magic resistance is also a very critical talent, related to the magician's ability to withstand elemental destruction.

  People with low magic resistance find it more difficult to release magic. Such people are not suitable for taking the path of a magician.

  After successfully entering meditation, another prompt came from the attribute panel.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 10.7
  Agility: 2.9
  Physical: 4.2
  Mental Power: 10.3
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 5 (521/20000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Archery: Level 4 (789/ 10000)

  Riding Skill: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Northern Army Fighting Skill: Level 4 (230/1000)

  Highland Meditation: Level 1 (6/1000)

  Experience: 2900
  Richard's attributes have changed again. Mental power increased by 1 point, strength, agility, and physical strength remained unchanged, and a new skill, Highland Meditation, was added.

  Finding that there was still experience left, Richard immediately added 1,000 experience points to the Highland Meditation skill, raising this skill to the second level.

  The meditation method was upgraded to the second level, and Richard suddenly fell into a trance. Then I felt severe fatigue. He fell asleep quickly. Fortunately, it was night now, otherwise he might have alerted the guards and caused some gossip in the army.

  Early the next morning, Richard's energy had recovered. He opened the properties panel. It was found that the mental power increased by 1 point and the experience decreased by 1000.

  Although he has not yet burned a spell into his mind, judging from the meditation level, Richard is already an intermediate magic apprentice.

  Normally, if you want to become a magic apprentice, your innate mental power must reach about 4 points.

  The mental power of a mid-level magic apprentice is generally 6 points, and even an advanced first-level magician only has about 9 points of mental power.

  Richard's mental strength is twice that of a normal magic apprentice, and a step ahead of a first-level magician.

  The mental power of 11.3 is equivalent to that of an ordinary second-level magician. The stronger the mental force, the greater the magic power, and the more powerful it is given to the spell.

  From this aspect, Richard undoubtedly has excellent talents.

  The threshold for learning magic is very high. Not only do you need to learn various basic subjects, but you also need a regular magic laboratory.

  High-level magicians need to build a mage tower to study magic. Only when various conditions are met can the magic level improve.

  Systematic learning of magic requires mastering a lot of knowledge, including magic philosophy, magic history, plane biology, plane geography, advanced algebra, world principles, magic patterns, material science, plane geometry, space geometry, racial history, World of Warcraft life analysis and other subjects.

  Learning potions, magic circles, and alchemy requires more professional knowledge, and it will continue to be refined as the knowledge deepens, and the learning process will last throughout the entire magic career.

  Fortunately, Richard in his previous life went to college, and the knowledge he once mastered was of great help in learning magic.

  In particular, courses such as advanced mathematics, algebraic geometry, space geometry, and Newtonian classical physics are also very important to magicians.

  Thermodynamics, optics, electromagnetism, and even microphysics are all good for learning magic.

  A lot of knowledge that Richard mastered was even ahead of his time. Since the ancient wizards were expelled and the gods fell into sleep, the magical civilization in the Dawn Plane has greatly regressed.

  Wizards in ancient times mastered the power of rules and could fight against gods from multiple planes. The powerful wizards at that time even had astral magic fleets. Now in the Dawn Plane, there is not even a floating city.

  Many new discoveries of magic are made through the excavation of ruins and magic archeology.

  Magicians in the Age of Kings grew from almost nothing.

  Richard is learning magic now, and there is no one to share his experience with. He learns spells entirely from magic books, which is like copying cats and tigers.

  Without a teacher to teach you, you cannot learn magic systematically, and you have no top-down understanding of the subject of magic. The objective conditions for learning magic are not very mature.

  All kinds of difficulties did not let Richard back down. During the stumbling, Richard gritted his teeth and studied as hard as he did in the college entrance examination in his previous life. He tirelessly learned new knowledge, combined with old knowledge, and gradually gained his own understanding of magic.

  Human spiritual power comes from the power of the soul, and the root of magic is the magic factor.

  The combination of magic factor and soul is a spell.

  Warriors practice breathing techniques to combine the physical body with magical factors. Magicians practice meditation in order to combine the soul with the magic factor.

  Although the soul relies on the body to be conceived, the power contained in the rules is more powerful than the physical power.

  Therefore, the power displayed by magicians is superior to that of warriors.

  The first step in learning meditation is to open up your mental space. The size of the mental power space is directly proportional to the strength of the mental power.

  The stronger the mental power, the larger and stronger the space.

  The magicians of Dawn Continent do not need to chant or cast gestures to release magic.

  By activating the spell inscriptions outlined in the spiritual space and investing spiritual power, you can directly affect the magic factors of the material world and release spells.

  The more complex the magic inscriptions engraved in the mental space are, the more powerful the spells will be.

  There is no magic net in this plane, so naturally there are no spell slot restrictions. As long as your mental power is strong enough, you can cast spells continuously.

  The strength of a spell is not only related to the level of the spell, but also to the intensity of mental power invested by the magician.

  When a nine-ring magician releases an apprentice-level zero-level magic, as long as the spiritual power invested is strong, it will be more powerful than the six-ring magic released by a six-ring magician.

  A low-level mage with strong mental power can often defeat higher-level opponents.

  (End of chapter)

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