Chapter 299 The decisive battle in the field

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  Chapter 299: Wild Battle Victory
  Dragon Veined Kobolds are different from ordinary kobolds. Their lifespan is up to sixty years. Every adult Dragon Veined Kobold is a born professional, the king of the Kobold tribe, and Kiram’s most important role among the orcs. The foundation of the empire.

  Without this dragon-veined kobold army, even if Kilam became a legend, he would still be an empty commander, unable to establish any military exploits, and it would be difficult for him to gain prestige among the orc army.

  The dragon-veined kobold tribe in the orc kingdom, including the elderly and underage children, only has a total of more than 20,000 people.

  Although kobolds have strong reproductive capabilities, it is very difficult for dragon-veined kobolds to give birth. Coupled with the consumption of war, the dragon-veined kobolds can maintain a population of up to 20,000 people, which is still replenished by Kiram's use of magical means.

  The legendary third-level dragon crystal in Kiram's hand can transform three hundred dragon-veined kobolds through magical means every year.

  Killing or injuring seven or eight hundred dragon-veined kobolds at once made Kilam feel extremely distressed.

  For more than ten years, the army in Harland's territory has used alchemy bombs many times, causing many casualties to the orcs. Kilam and others have also received similar information many times, but he did not pay attention to it.

  Although the power of alchemical bombs is powerful, the cost of manufacturing is also very high. If hundreds of them are used at one time, they will not play a decisive role in the main battle.

  This kind of weapon has been around in the Dawn Plane for thousands of years and is not new at all.

  But Kiram never expected that the firepower in Haaland's territory would be so fierce?

  In one battle, thousands of alchemy bombs were used, which played a very crucial role. This is enough to show that the Haaland Territory has mastered the method of manufacturing alchemical bombs at low cost and can use this weapon in conventional warfare.

  This discovery made Kilam feel extremely bad, which meant that the Grant Kingdom's war capabilities would increase by 30%. Coupled with the magic hot air balloon, every battle of the orcs in this direction will become more difficult.

  At this moment, regret is of no use. Casualties have been incurred and the dead cannot be raised.

  Kilam could only grit his teeth and order the remaining dragon-veined kobolds to continue charging.

  Seeing that the dragon-veined kobolds rushed forward regardless of casualties, the first group of soldiers raised their searing ray guns and fired a volley at the dragon-veined kobolds.

  From last winter to March this year, the Harland Territory Mage Association and the military industry department worked overtime and produced 500 searing ray guns, 300 of which were assigned to the first brigade.

  These three hundred scorching ray guns are mainly distributed to new recruits.

  The scorching ray gun relies on magic crystals for power and consumes less magic power on soldiers. Even junior warrior students can consume fighting energy to fire more than ten rounds.

  The combat effectiveness of recruits equipped with this kind of weapon increases very quickly, and the lethality projected from a long distance can be compared to the elite veterans who have been training for more than ten years at the third level of archery.

  Harland's first brigade originally had five to six hundred veterans with high levels of archery skills, and with the addition of three hundred recruits equipped with searing ray guns, the projection capability was almost doubled.

  In just a few tens of meters, the dragon-veined kobolds suffered extremely heavy casualties.

  Wails and screams kept coming, and scorching rays hit the dragon-veined kobold army formation.

  Searing Ray is a second-ring fire attribute magic, originally known for its destructive power. Even if a third-level professional is hit from the front, it is not easy to defend against it.

  According to tests conducted by the Harland Master Mage Association, the penetrating power of this magic is more powerful than killing two powerful bows with one stone.

  Moreover, being hit by the scorching ray will also cause impact kinetic energy damage, explosion damage, and magic fire damage. Even a thick-skinned snake-like person will lose his life if he is hit by several scorching rays in a row.

  Although dragon-veined kobolds are far more flexible than snake-bodied men, their defensive capabilities are still weak, not as good as wild boars and tauren. Moreover, in large-scale battles, speed and agility can hardly play a role.

  Three hundred scorching rays are shot at you at once. No matter how high your agility is or how awesome your dodge is, what's the use?

  A series of scorching rays shot out, hitting the dragon-veined kobolds one by one, making a popping sound. In just a minute or two, Richard could smell the smell of burnt barbecue.

  Surprised by the alchemy bomb, the kobolds suffered seven to eight hundred casualties. Then facing the long-range projection power of Harland's leader, the kobolds continued to suffer five to six hundred casualties.

  Before the hand-to-hand combat, the kobold casualties had exceeded 1,300. Such losses are equivalent to fighting several cruel wars.

  After finally getting close to the military formation of the first brigade, several key squadrons blocked the front. They activated their enchanted armors and activated their brute force spell instantly.

  Most of these backbone soldiers are high-level warrior apprentices. After using brute force, their strength is no weaker than that of professionals in a short period of time. They held large shields and struggled to block the fierce attack of the dragon-veined kobolds.

  "Don't panic, don't panic, just like in training, change formations, change formations quickly."

  Grassroots officers continued to issue commands to direct the recruits using the searing ray gun.

  After more than a year of arduous training, it has become a soldier's instinct to obey orders in battle. Their fear of whip martial law is higher than death.

  Some people who do not have enough willpower will basically be eliminated in recruit training.

  Moreover, in a cruel social environment like the Dawn Plane, people who are not strong-willed cannot survive at all. Especially in Northern Xinjiang, which faced an invasion of orcs every three years, there were no weak people here.

  Even new recruits with less combat experience can still execute military orders without compromise under the command of veteran officers.

  The soldiers using the scorching ray guns skillfully changed their formations, retreated to both wings of the shield formation, and attacked the dragon-veined kobolds from the side.

  The dragon-veined kobolds were unaware for a moment, and scorching rays hit the soft ribs of both wings, causing even more heavy casualties.

  Ordinary orc brigade, due to its low organizational ability, relies entirely on one bloody warrior to fight the battle. In fact, it is a mob.

  The reason why the orcs can fight against the human army is that they are not afraid of death. The physical fitness of the wild boars, lions, elephants, and werewolves far exceeds that of humans. The number of professionals is far greater than that of the human army. It relies on the power bonus of bloodline spells.

  Even more than two thousand years ago, when the orc empire was dominant, the knights composed of human knights could often defeat the orc army by relying on their organizational advantages.

  Richard has led troops to fight against orcs for many years. It is almost rare to see orcs mastering military formations, and it is even less likely to change formations during battle.

  Orcs always fight with three axes: satyrs and kobolds serve as cannon fodder to test the enemy's firepower, squadrons of quilboars and tauren charge, and when the battle is intense, they throw in snakes and harpies, fighting from the ground and the sky. Special forces were deployed, and after defeating the enemy, the werewolf cavalry pursued them.

  But relying on this simple tactic, before there is no overwhelming advantage in weapons and equipment, it is enough to compete with the main regular army of the human kingdom. The second-line army with average combat effectiveness could not withstand the orcs' three-axe attack.

  The dragon-veined kobolds were very well organized. After the battle situation changed, the dragon-veined kobolds immediately divided into four squadrons and attacked the searing ray spearmen on both wings.

  The first brigade only has four squadrons equipped with brute armor and light armor, and only these four squadrons can withstand elite orc soldiers in hand-to-hand combat. Although the remaining squadrons are not afraid of death, facing all professional soldiers, they cannot defeat the enemy in terms of combat effectiveness.

  Unable to defeat their opponents in hand-to-hand combat, the scorching ray spearmen on both sides could only fire scorching rays while continuing to change formations and move closer to several main squadrons.

  Once approached by dragon-veined kobolds and caught in hand-to-hand combat, it would be impossible for the recruits of these two squadrons to withstand the attacks of four squadrons of dragon-veined kobolds.

  After entering hand-to-hand combat, it became difficult to kill the dragon-veined kobolds, and the casualties of Harland's soldiers gradually increased.

  Powerful professionals such as Richard and Martin also took action to kill the dragon-veined kobolds to relieve the pressure on their comrades around them.

  Seeing that the dragon-veined kobolds were about to break through the formation of the third squadron, the shield array was torn apart. A dozen veterans holding shields suffered heavy casualties and screamed in agony.

  Richard immediately invested eight points of mental energy and released a powerful fireball technique. Several large fireballs fell from the sky and suddenly fell into the crowd of dragon-veined kobolds. Several violent explosions were heard, and more than twenty dragon-veined kobolds were killed and injured. .

  Richard's magical ability has surpassed that of an ordinary nine-ring magician, and is equivalent to a weakened version of the legendary magician. He releases powerful magic with devastating effects, which is extremely lethal to ordinary soldiers and low-level professionals.

  As soon as he took action, the offensive of the Kobold Squadron was immediately interrupted, and the reinforcements of the Dragon Vein Kobold Commando were swept away by Richard.

  The commander of the third squadron immediately seized the opportunity and led the reserve team to launch a fierce attack, killing seven or eight dragon-veined kobold warriors, plugging the gap in the shield array, and restoring balance to the battle line again.

  Both sides went back and forth, the fighting became extremely fierce, and the casualties on both sides became heavier and heavier.

  Seeing Richard slaughtering his own people wantonly, Kilam was preparing to lead a surprise attack to kill this annoying enemy.

  Before Kilam could take action, the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade led by Rand finally came over for reinforcements.

  The commander of the cavalry brigade, Morgan, was very decisive and immediately launched a fierce attack on the Dragon Vein Kobold protrusion.

  These four squadrons of dragon-veined kobolds were just about to pursue the powerful Searing Ray soldiers when the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade arrived.

  The Warcraft Cavalry was very fast and immediately threw an alchemy bomb after approaching the kobold.

  Continuous explosions were heard in the kobold army formation. This terrible explosion made the dragon-veined kobolds present extremely frightened and hated.

  According to usual experience, the ordinary orc army cannot stop the charge of the Warcraft Cavalry.

  However, the fighting power of the dragon-veined kobolds far exceeds that of ordinary orcs. Even though they were thrown two rounds of alchemical bombs by the Warcraft Cavalry and were attacked by four hundred iron wildebeest magic missiles, the four flanking squadrons of dragon-veined kobolds still fought tenaciously.

  The dragon-veined kobolds are powerful, agile on their feet, and very accurate in using their spears. Even if the army formation has collapsed, they still do not retreat and attack the enemy.

  Even Morgan was stabbed in the abdomen by a dragon-veined kobold with a javelin, and almost fell off his horse and died in the battle.

  Although they won the battle this time and defeated the four dragon-veined kobold squadrons, the damage to the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade was not light at all.

  Morgan glanced around and found that there were more than a hundred fallen Warcraft cavalry.

  Since the formation of the Warcraft Cavalry led by Harland, there has never been such a difficult war.

  Morgan cut off the spear that stabbed his abdomen, and then applied hemostatic ointment to his wound. According to common sense, his injury should be operated on immediately. But on a cruel battlefield, effective treatment can only be obtained after the war is won. At this moment, even if his life is in danger, he can only hold on.

  Being on the front line of the fiercest battle, it was impossible for the wounded to retreat. Just when Morgan was a little desperate, Harland finally sent reinforcements.

  A bright magical lightning struck from a distance and hit the dragon-veined kobold army in an instant. In the blink of an eye, three or four dragon-veined kobolds were killed by the lightning. Then a bone-piercing ice pick fell from the sky and brutally nailed one to death. A third-level dragon-veined kobold.

  Just after the two spells passed, a large wave of arrows aimed at the Dragon Vein Kobold Army Formation.

  The reinforcements were the guard brigade led by Harland, and working with them was the Harland Mage Association. It was Sophia and Wendy who had just used long-range magic to kill the dragon-veined kobold.

  In this attack in the fog, it was not just Harland who led the First Brigade to launch the attack. The entire garrison fort was almost out in force. Even the Grizzly Corps stationed behind the fort also mobilized to launch an attack. onslaught.

  It's just that the first group attacked too fast and too fiercely, and they actually reached the orc center camp in a short time.

  As the Warcraft Cavalry and Guard Brigade arrived, the pressure on the First Brigade became lighter and lighter.

  At the end of the battle, the dragon-veined kobolds had suffered more than two thousand casualties, and their will to fight had also dropped a bit.

  Kilam had very rich combat experience and was not a stubborn person. He found that failure in this battle was inevitable, so he decisively issued the order to retreat.

  This legendary kobold launched a surprise attack with his own soldiers, rescued the besieged orcs, and then slowly withdrew to the camp.

  At this time, the sun had already risen in the sky. Richard roughly estimated that the time was already nine o'clock in the morning.

  Because the trebuchet troops were not ready yet, Richard did not intend to attack the orcs' strong camp.

  Now that most of the fog has dissipated, this surprise attack has been a perfect success.

  Because the battle was won and the battlefield was completely controlled, the Harland Territory Field Hospital also began to do its best to rescue the wounded. Richard's cousin Morgan was a high-ranking commander, and the best doctors performed the surgery on him at the first time, and it was successful. Life was saved.

  Morgan is already a fourth-level knight, and his physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people. His knight bloodline comes from the magical creature Earth Bear, and his vitality is also extremely strong. The combination of various factors allowed Morgan to survive successfully, but this time the injury was relatively serious. Morgan needed at least three months of training to recover.

  Hearing that Morgan was safe, Richard also let go of his worries.

  (End of chapter)

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