Chapter 282 The Ogre’s Special Tactics

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  Chapter 282 The Special Tactics of the Ogres
  The ogre tribe that attacked the camp this time was small, with less than thirty people in total. The range of their activities was not far from the swamp where Savio was hiding. It's just that the necromancer is good at hiding his traces, so the ogre didn't notice it.

  Today, Deng Lejin used the Holy Light Token and caused a lot of noise, which was immediately discovered by the ogre tribe.

  Every human professional is the best food for the ogres. Seeing humans entering their territory, the ogre tribe immediately searched and arrested them.

  Ogres have an extraordinary sense of smell and can clearly smell the scent of prey from several kilometers away. They live in the jungle and are good at tracking prey. Even though everyone left the scene, they were still discovered by the ogres in the camp in the middle of the night.

  The ogre tribe that attacked the camp did not have a two-headed ogre magician. The tribe elders were also average-minded and had a reckless and irritable personality. After discovering the human camp, they rashly chose to attack in a sneak attack. As a result, they kicked down the iron plate. The enemy's strength far exceeds that of the ogre tribe. Once the advantage of sneak attacks is lost, the situation of the ogres immediately becomes very bad.

  Seeing that the ogre's defeat was certain, Richard stopped consuming magic power. Being in the legendary ogre's territory, he had to keep a trump card at all times.

  At any moment, he must leave enough magic power to prepare to release the star bomb.

  Although Richard and Sophia did not take action again, relying on the powerful power in the camp, they still easily eliminated all the ogres that attacked the camp.

  After the battle, everyone quickly peeled off the ogre's skin, collected it and stored it in the bottle of starlight. Then he dug out the magic core from the ogre's body. The ogre's brain can be used to refine deep meditation potions, which is also a highly valuable magic material.

  The Church of the Dawn has a deep meditation potion formula and an excellent pharmacist, so the ogre's brain was naturally placed in Deng Lejin's hands.

  Ogre skin can be refined into enchanted armor. It is a precious resource that is urgently needed in Harland's territory, and was captured by Richard.

  The value of the ogre magic core is also very high, and everyone got some.

  Among the three forces, the officers and soldiers of the Mad Lion Legion are the weakest and play the smallest role in the battle. They will naturally suffer some losses when dividing the spoils and can only share the smallest benefits. Harland Territory and Dawn Church were allocated the most valuable treasure.

  After annihilating a tribe of ogres, everyone did not dare to delay. They packed their bags overnight, cleaned their bodies and continued walking back.

  The social structure of the ogres is very primitive, and the transmission of messages between tribes is slow.

  After waiting for about three or four days, the nearby ogre tribe noticed something unusual and discovered that a tribe had been wiped out by the enemy. Seeing an intruder coming to his territory, the two-headed ogre magician did not dare to neglect and immediately sent the news to the legendary ogre Gresso.

  Sensing that outsiders had entered his territory, Gresso immediately ordered all the ogres to mobilize and search all the nearby plants and trees.

  Soon the ruins hidden by the necromancer were discovered by the ogre.

  When the news reached the ears of the legendary ogre, Richard and others had already returned to Flame Castle and the team had disbanded.

  Because Bernie and others brought back the Gluttonous Stomach, the leader of the Mad Lion Army immediately asked for credit for them.

  Normally, Bernie and others can get at least five major merits for this operation, but the credit needs to be divided among forty officers. Although Bernie is the commander, he can only get 30% at most, which is replaced by one and a half major merits.

  Bernie has been accumulating military exploits for more than ten years. In addition to exchanging breathing techniques, ordinary training resources mostly rely on subsidies from the Harland territory. His enchanted armor, weapons, bows and arrows, and the second-level iron horned horse on his crotch are usually used. The Tenghui potions all come from Harland Territory.

  There is no need to spend merit in exchange for foreign goods. After more than ten years of accumulation, Bernie has accumulated seven great merits. His second son, Gavin, and his third son, Thorne, successively served in the Grizzlies Legion, and together they accumulated five medium merits.

  The meritorious service achieved by the Bernie family is not far away from becoming a knight.

  Before the goddess' birthday last year, Richard dealt with Bernie's eldest son, Tang En. His father, William, promised that after the next orc invasion, he would use his military exploits to help Bernie become a knight.

  This time Bernie got a semi-major achievement. Richard decided to talk to William and help Bernie get the title in advance.

  Having been granted the title of two earls successively, the merits in Richard's name have been completely exhausted, but there are still some merits in the names of Sophia and Wendy.

  Richard is going to let Sophia perform a great service and help Bernie become a hereditary baron to ease the relationship between the two parties.

  After coordinating the interests within the Harland family, Richard sent someone to talk to his third uncle Bernie. Then through his father's relationship with William, he found the Speaker of the Noble Council, Marquis Allen, and conducted a title canonization ceremony to complete the demarcation of the territory.

  The territories of newly promoted military nobles were basically designated in the northern Xinjiang, and the opportunity to obtain southern fiefdoms was very rare. If his third uncle Bernie can be knighted earlier, Richard can still find a way to help him place the fiefdom in the central part of the Grand Duchy of Stanik.

  But now the divided territory can only be obtained from the four northern provinces. After all, third uncle Bernie was a vassal of King Roger, and his fiefdom could only be chosen among the royal territories.

  Last year King Roger granted several barons in the Grotta province, which is now bordering the Harland territory. According to Richard's wishes, he hopes that his third uncle will place the territory here.

  After thinking for a long time, Bernie agreed with Richard's idea. Now the northern territory of Geda Province has been sealed.

  The new nobles of the Grant Kingdom can only divide their territories into the two provinces of Grotta and Gascoigne. Relatively speaking, there is no powerful noble in Gascoigne Province. Although there is a Legion of Flame stationed there, it is easily invaded by orcs.

  The territory is located in the northern part of Gascoigne Province and is difficult to develop.

  Although Grotta Province was also invaded by orcs, the fiefdom could be placed next to Harland's territory. With the powerful Haaland Territory army taking care of it, the territory is relatively safer.

  Third Uncle Bernie's territory is in the south of the eastern county of Grotta River, about three kilometers away from the border crossing where Richard passed when he entered the Dukedom of Jonathan.

  Although this territory only covers an area of ​​1,200 square kilometers, it has more than 200 square kilometers of river valley flats, with the earldom of Harland in the north. Unless the orcs can penetrate the eastern counties of the Grotta River, it will be very difficult. safety.

  It is also a very high-quality territory in the entire Grotta Province. If the influence of the Haaland family had not increased dramatically, Bernie would not have been able to obtain this territory.

  After the third uncle Bernie became a hereditary baron, he appointed his second son Gavin as the heir. Richard and William worked together to support the third uncle with 20,000 gold coins as early development funds.

  Bernie's second son Gavin also resigned from the earldom of Harland, purchased 1,500 serfs, and returned to the territory to run his family business.

  Richard and others successfully killed the Necromancer and completed their mission. The legendary ogre Gresso sets out to investigate the cause of the ogre tribe's demise.

  Gresso has survived in the Eagle Mountains for hundreds of years, and has been dealing with humans for a very long time.

  Compared to ordinary ogres, Grayso is cruel and experienced. He even used magical means to control some high-ranking human officials to act as spies for him. Soon Gresso found out the whole story through various channels.

  After discovering that Richard and others passed through Songtao Castle and entered the source of the Kaia River, killing the necromancer and annihilating an ogre tribe along the way, Gresso's brows immediately frowned.

  Since Duke Brener defeated the orcs and seized the three northern provinces more than a hundred years ago, the territory of the Grant Kingdom has extended to the north for more than 200 kilometers. Duke Edward built Vera Castle in the north and has since become a rival to the legendary ogre.

  The first Duke Edward was a powerful legendary warrior. He organized his men several times and went deep into the Eagle Mountains in order to hunt down Gresso. In order to avoid the first Duke Edward, Gresso once moved his territory to the northeast.

  After the death of the first Duke Edward, the legendary ogre moved his residence to his homeland. With the decline of Duke Edward over the years, Gresso now even has to support thousands of people every year.

  But humans have expanded their sphere of influence deep into the Eagle Mountains. Villa Castle is only about a hundred kilometers away from Gresso's home base.

  Originally, Villa Castle was already a thorn in the side of the legendary ogre and a thorn in his flesh. Gresso wanted to uproot the castle every moment.

  However, Villa Castle is very solidly built and is at the forefront of the north. It is the northern gateway to the Dukedom of Edward and is garrisoned by a legion of soldiers all year round. Even the orc army can only besiege and be unable to conquer it.

  Although the ogre tribe controlled by Gresso is not weak, it does not have a large population after all. Once it attacks Villa Castle and suffers heavy losses, it may not be able to maintain its aloof status. Regardless of whether they are orcs or humans, as long as the winner is determined in this area, they will definitely be free to attack the ogre tribe and take Gresso's head.

  The only thing Gresso can rely on now, apart from two to three thousand ogres, is the forest protection of 890,000 square kilometers in the west of the Eagle Mountains.

  With vast stretches of forest protection, it is almost impossible for humans to mobilize large armies into the mountains.

  Without the protection of dense forests, the strength of the Jonathan family alone could dispatch an army of 50,000 to 60,000 to uproot the ogres in the Eagle Mountains. When the time comes, Gresso is reduced to a mere commander and may not be able to save his life.

  Although the ogre magicians have mastered some bloodline spells, their spellcasting abilities are far inferior to legendary magicians like Elena. The magic level of the ogre tribe is also not as good as that of humans and elves, and there are not many powerful magic creations.

  Once defeated, Gresso didn't have many escape spells.

  As the Grant Kingdom's national strength has increased, it has been expanding towards the Eagle Mountains in recent years. With the establishment of the two counts of Harland and Martins, the territory expanded to the north by about 100,000 square kilometers.

  Especially the Earldom of Martins is squeezing the living space of the ogre tribe.

  Songtao Castle is only about 160 kilometers away from Gresso's hometown.

  Once the Earl of Martins develops and has a population of 6 to 7 million, it will be able to provide supplies for the army. At that time, the Grant Kingdom will be able to send troops from the east and west sides, and the legendary ogre may not be able to stop it.

  Although Richard and others annihilated an ogre tribe, it was only a small matter to Gresso. But the existence of the Earl of Martins is a worry for Gresso.

  It is not an easy task to eliminate the Earldom of Martins. The orcs broke into Songtao Castle twice, plundered countless people, killed two Earls of Martins, and did not occupy this area.

  With the support of King Roger, even if it is very difficult, there is still an army to defend this territory.

  There is still a Redemptor Legion stationed in Songtao Castle, Martins Castle and other places. Together with the Martins family's private army, the total strength is about 15,000 people.

  "It is not a good idea to form a large army and attack the Earl of Martins. The human kingdom will send troops to reinforce and fight the main force of the human legion, consuming its own strength. Doing so is tantamount to hitting an egg with a stone." Gresso thought for a long time

  . In the end, it was decided to let the ogre tribe move eastward, capture the population of Earl Martins, and squeeze the living space of Earl Martins.

  If you run a territory and lose money for many years, even the Roger Kingdom may not be able to withstand it.

  Gresso's strategy was very effective. Six or seven ogre tribes moved eastward and began to operate near Martins Castle and Songtao Castle, preying on lone humans.

  In just ten days, the Earl of Martins lost several hundred people.

  Adult ogres are all mid-level professionals. Because of their special racial talents, they are very good at fighting alone.

  Once the ogres dispersed, the Earl of Martins was full of loopholes.

  The population density is too low, communication conditions are backward, and the nearby territories are immature, making it very difficult for the Earl of Martins to form a crusade army.

  Encountering a large-scale human army, the ogres became smarter and would never fight head-on. Instead, they retreated deep into the forest.

  The ogre's strategy is an alien version of guerrilla tactics.

  This new tactic immediately made the Earl of Martins very uncomfortable.

  Being continuously bled by the ogres, the Martins family was suddenly unable to bear it. Even King Roger of Nolan was helpless in a short time.

  To solve this problem, we must mobilize elite forces and form a professional team to hunt ogres. At least more than a hundred intermediate professionals and four to five hundred junior professionals are needed to gain the upper hand and go deep into the jungle. Drive the ogre away.

  The total number of nobles from the northern border of the Grant Kingdom can be mobilized to form this team. It's just that the ogres can't threaten their territory, so the nobles are naturally reluctant to take action.

  There are legends behind the ogres, and in small-scale battles, legendary professionals are an almost crushing force.

  Unless Duke Jonathan is transferred here, the legendary ogre can be contained. But Duke Jonathan is already Grand Duke Stanik, and there is no way he can come here to fight for the interests of the Martins family.

  Without powerful legendary professionals to hold the battle, who knows how many elite men will die if we want to win the battle?
  Even Richard is unwilling to provoke the legendary ogre without huge benefits, let alone the vast majority of nobles who have no overall perspective.

  King Roger's royal family, despite its strength, was unwilling to pay for the Martins family. After all, this territory belonged to the Martins family. The Grant family has no reason to bleed and pay for the Martins family.

  (End of chapter)

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