Chapter 279 Divination Spell

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  Chapter 279 Divination Spells
  Due to the large influx of people into the Harland Territory, five primary schools have been expanded this year. With a large number of students enrolling in school, thousands of school-age children have been tested for magic qualifications in the past ten years. In the past two years, a total of eleven children have been tested for magic qualifications.

  Currently, the total population of Harland Territory is more than 500,000, and the number of people who can meditate should exceed 5,000. Unfortunately, the Harland Territory Mage Association, including the preliminary members, adds up to less than a hundred people. More than 98% of talents have no chance to practice meditation, and their pearls are covered with dust.

  However, based on the actual situation in the Harland territory, there is simply no ability to test the qualifications of all the population, and there are no educational resources for them to practice meditation. There is currently only one magic crystal ball in Harland's territory. Only three intermediate magicians, Sophia, Wendy, and Richard, can use the magic crystal ball to test their qualifications. Only newly enrolled children have the opportunity to be tested every year, and the number is also small. Less than a thousand people.

  An intermediate magician can use a crystal ball to test up to fifty or sixty people a day. For a thousand children, Sophia and the three of them need to take turns working for seven or eight days to complete the qualification test. As more students enroll, the pressure on this job will become increasingly severe.

  Among the eleven children was Dilson, an apprentice with moderate qualifications. Apprentices with medium qualifications who grow up step by step can basically be promoted to a fourth-ring magician before the age of forty, becoming the backbone of a magic organization in the middle.

  Over the years since its establishment, the Harland Territory Mage Association has only discovered three talents with moderate qualifications: Anne, Berika, and Dilson. In addition, Butler, Richard, Wendy, and Sophia have relatively good qualifications. Only seven people.

  According to statistics held by Harland Territory, the population with magic qualifications is less than one percent of the total population. The probability of an apprentice with medium qualifications appearing is about one thousandth. For apprentices with high qualifications, Harland Territory has tested thousands of people. As a child, the probability is still zero.

  Zooming in on the entire Grant Kingdom, the only highly qualified magicians that Richard had ever seen were Sena Walton, the archbishop of the Dawn Church of the Grant Kingdom, Pansy Grant, the president of the Grant Mage Association, and a few others.

  On the contrary, in Harland's territory, there are actually two people with high qualifications, Sophia and Butler. Even brother and sister Richard and Wendy's magic qualifications are only close to high-level talents.

  Wendy's magic resistance is average, and Richard doesn't have very good elemental affinities because of his shortcomings in talent. The brother and sister's qualifications are slightly lower than high-level magic talents, and a few points higher than average mid-level talents.

  After the third wave of plague ended, the senior pastor of the Church of Dawn entered the Harland Territory to investigate the cause of the epidemic.

  In addition to Richard's acquaintance Deng Lejin, the investigation team sent by the Dawn Church also included two high-level magicians.

  "Count Richard, you have met Sanchez. He is an old friend who blocked the plane passage together. Delian comes from the headquarters and is good at using divination spells." "

  Dear friend, we have not seen each other for nine years." Richard He shook hands with Sanchez enthusiastically, then opened his arms and hugged Delian.

  "Welcome Mr. Delian to the Harland Territory. If there is anything we can't take care of, please forgive us for our poor hospitality."

  Delian looked more reserved and didn't speak much. He exchanged a few words with Richard and went straight to the topic. : "Your Majesty the Earl is too polite. I heard that the magician under the Earl has isolated the plague virus. I need to use divination spells on the virus to trace the source of the plague virus." Richard also likes people with Delian's personality

  . There is contact. This kind of person is not good at socializing and doesn't care much about the world. It's not that this type of people are unintelligent, it's just that they devote their minds to the study of science and magic and don't like to bow to the world.

  Delian looks to be in his early forties, is already a seven-ring magician, and can be regarded as a rising star at the headquarters of the Church of the Dawn.

  Richard didn't like people who flattered him. His two previous lives, combined with more than sixty years of experience, gave Richard enough life experience, and he was considered worldly when he debuted. Seeing that the people from Dawn Church went straight to the topic, Richard immediately nodded and said: "Please follow me, the first generation viruses are stored in the Institute of Bacteria and Viruses.

  Through research by medical workers, we have found that this year’s plague virus has been iterated for three generations. Now the first-generation virus is no longer prevalent and is basically gone from the outside world. However, because our territory has some research data on necromancers, we used magical means to preserve the virus. According to common sense, the first-generation virus is closest to the source. If you use divination spells, you should be able to get more information. "

  Richard took Deng Lejin and the three of them to the heavily guarded Institute of Bacteria and Viruses.

  Researching bacteria and viruses is very dangerous. If you are not careful, it will be leaked. The leakage of the plague virus will definitely cause serious consequences. accident. Therefore, the Institute of Bacteria and Viruses was not established in a densely populated area, but in the northern part of the swamp basin, with basically no population nearby. The base camp of the Harland Master Association was established in the swamp basin, and the Institute of Virology was

  placed in the swamp. The northern part of the basin is more than ten kilometers away from the Mage Tower, which is convenient for magicians to conduct research. The

  Institute of Bacteria and Viruses is built on the mountainside. Almost all the houses in the institute are built of boulders and look very solid. A strict isolation system is set up inside. Entry and exit The institute needs to undergo strict disinfection, not only alcohol spray disinfection, but also the use of magical means to kill viruses. The perimeter

  of the Institute of Bacteria and Viruses is also guarded by troops controlled by the intelligence department, prohibiting outsiders from intruding.

  Li The police led the pastor of the Church of the Dawn into the virus research institute, and Sophia happened to be leading the doctors and magicians from the Harland Territory to study the virus. The

  Harland Territory has a deep foundation in the study of plague viruses, and the Mage Association has mastered a large number of undead. Mage human experiment data, Heath, Butler and others are from the Tower of Death, the necromancer organization, and know some knowledge about necromancers creating viruses. Combined with the biological knowledge mastered by Richard in his previous life, and the Haaland territory, he created High-power microscopes can visually observe and study viruses.

  The Haaland Territory has been far ahead in understanding bacteria and viruses.

  Through research on plague viruses, the Haaland Territory is already developing drugs to treat the plague. Through purification and extraction , boil various herbal juices and give them to patients. Doctors found that castor extract has the best effect and can treat mild patients.

  As for seriously ill patients, they can only rely on magic.

  Eliminating Plague is a spell that is very effective against bacteria and viruses. Using this magic, you can treat various viruses such as plague, smallpox, influenza, and cholera.

  Using this spell to treat this plague has a very good effect. Although the effect of Richard's improved plague treatment technique is not as good as eliminating the plague, it can still kill a large number of viruses in the patient's body. When combined with the spell to increase vitality, it can also treat seriously ill patients.

  The virus circulating this time is a magically modified malaria virus, which is mainly spread through contact. Mosquito bites are also a key factor in virus transmission.

  After discovering the transmission route of the virus, the Haaland Territory immediately took countermeasures, using a large number of mosquito coils, mosquito nets, filling puddles and other methods to reduce the probability of mosquito bites. With the correct response methods, the Haaland Territory An important factor in blocking the impact of the third plague.

  "The third-generation virus has enhanced its transmissibility and weakened its toxicity. Through our observation and comparison of more than a hundred patients, we have found that using castor extract, 96% of the patients can be treated, and the remaining 96% can be treated. Four need to use healing spells."

  After listening to the researcher's report, Sophia made a decisive decision: "Do we have enough castor in reserve?" Castor is a common herbal medicine that has some analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It has been six years since this herb was discovered in the Haaland territory, but its efficacy is not particularly outstanding and it has not been planted in large quantities, so the reserve quantity is naturally not enough.

  Sophia turned her head and saw the embarrassment on Adrian's face, and immediately understood the reason.

  "If you ask people to print castor patterns in large quantities, I will arrange for the spare labor force to dig castor in the wild, and then ask the winery to provide high-altitude liquor and manufacture large quantities of medicine to treat the plague. Since castor extract has the effect of killing viruses, The planting area should be expanded next year, and the hospital should also deploy manpower to study the efficacy of castor extract to see if this drug can treat other diseases? Can it restrain several viruses?" It was discovered that Richard brought outsiders to the bacterial and virus

  research So, Sophia immediately stopped and waved her hand to drive away several researchers around her.












  Denglerkin has been preaching in the northern border areas of the Grant Kingdom and is very familiar with the terrain of the northern provinces. More than 20 years ago, Denglerkin also served as the bishop of the Flame Castle area and led a team to explore the source of the Kea River.

  "It's in the Earl of Martins, in the west of the Eagle Mountains and at the source of the Kaia River. This area has always been the territory of the legendary ogre, but you didn't expect the Necromancer to be hiding here?" Although the Earl of Martins is vast in area,

  development The level is not as good as that of the eastern county of Grotta River, with a population of only over 50,000 on a land of 60,000 square kilometers.

  A total of two castles were built on the huge territory, both of which are located in the upper reaches of the Rania River, a tributary of the Black River.

  The 50,000-strong population of the Earl of Martins all live near the two castles. On the 60,000 square kilometers of land, only the vicinity of the two castles has been slightly developed, with some traces of civilization. The remaining land is basically a piece of land. barren. The security of this territory mainly relies on the guarding of the Redeemer Legion.

  If King Roger hadn't issued a loan of 300,000 gold coins and sent the Redeemer Legion to help guard it, this territory would not have been able to be defended by relying on the strength of the Martins family.

  Because of the low level of development, there are almost no existing roads in the Earl of Martins. The territory's transportation relies entirely on the Rania River, and now it is only barely self-sufficient.

  The area where the Necromancer may be hiding has no existing roads, lacks supplies along the way, and is not suitable for large army operations. To hunt down the necromancer, only a small number of elite manpower can be mobilized.

  After Delian completed the divination, Richard said to Denglekin: "The place where the Necromancer is hiding is very dangerous. It is only about 120 kilometers away from the legendary ogre's base camp. This area is located in dense mountain forests. There is only one supply point at Songtao Castle for more than 100 kilometers nearby. This operation is not suitable for dispatching too many manpower. According to my idea, a maximum of about a hundred people will be mobilized. But these hundred people must be elite soldiers, mainly professionals. Even if encounter Even the legendary ogre has the strength to retreat safely."

  Denglejin nodded and said: "The forces of the Dawn Church in the four northern provinces can participate in the battle, and about thirty people can be mobilized, including one eighth-level priest and one seventh-level magician. There are two sixth-level magicians and twenty-six middle- and low-level professionals. The remaining manpower can only be found by the nobles of Northern Xinjiang."

  After hearing what Deng Lejin said, Richard immediately said: "The Harland Territory can also draw 30 people, the Territory Mage Group can draw 10 people, and the remaining 20 people can be drawn from the Demon Hunting Team. We can also provide five Ten iron horned horses will serve as the pack animals for the team."

  "There are still 40 people left. I am going to let Duke Edward contribute. They have fought against the legendary ogres for many years and are familiar with the nearby terrain." See

  Deng Le Guin prepared to mobilize troops from Duke Edward, and Richard immediately shook his head.

  "No, I have fought against the ogre tribe, and I know that the ogre tribe has serious infiltration into the Duke of Edward. If the manpower is transferred from the Duke of Edward, the news is likely to be leaked. My opinion is to use the manpower from the Mad Lion Army. ."

  Denglerkin said: "Okay, I will write to Archbishop Cisse and ask the archbishop to coordinate, and we will do it according to your wishes."

  About ten days after Denglerkin wrote the letter, it was late July, and the morning light The church and the Kingdom of Grant have coordinated their relationship, and the Mad Lion Legion mobilized an elite force of forty people to go to the source of the Kea River to defeat the necromancer.

  The officer leading the Mad Lion Legion was Richard's third uncle.

  (End of chapter)

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