Chapter 264 Bursen Siege Battle III

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  Chapter 264 Burson Siege III

  The commander of Burson Castle is Baron Solawan. This man is a seventh-level silver knight. His family has Linus blood, and his combat effectiveness is much stronger than Baron Sharp.

  After Baron Solawan was awakened by the battle, he suppressed the irritability in his heart and immediately ordered his adjutant to organize a team, put on armor, and led the soldiers to the top of the city for support.

  The baron acted very quickly. In less than twenty minutes, the baron led the soldiers to put on their armor and rushed to the battlefield.

  At this time, Baron Sharp was preparing to organize his soldiers and open the city gate to receive the second echelon.

  When Baron Solawan saw this scene, he immediately led his soldiers to fight up to protect the safety of the city gate.

  There are three thousand defenders in Burson Castle, bringing together elite soldiers from six nearby barons. Although the combat effectiveness of the defenders was not as good as that of the Haaland territorial army, it was more elite than the three-province coalition.

  After all, the Stanik nobles were fighting a defensive war in the nature of the Patriotic War. The nobles could be said to have tried their best and carried out comprehensive mobilization.

  As for the nobles in the three-province coalition, almost all have reservations. Although they are also drafted veterans, the number of noble professionals is smaller. In a real fight, both the quality of the officers and soldiers and the combat morale are better than those of the three-province coalition.

  There are not many professionals in the Noble Alliance Army, but their performance on the battlefield is far inferior to that of the main Central Army. The fundamental reason is that the internal friction is relatively high when commanded.

  Whenever there is a breakup or sacrifice, the interest relationships within the noble coalition are complicated and the integration of forces is very difficult. The speed of decision-making is often very slow. On a battlefield where seconds are a factor, an army that responds slowly will suffer greater losses.

  When faced with difficult tasks, such an army with great internal friction cannot bear the responsibility.

  Solawan was very aware of the weaknesses of the noble coalition. The transfer of these three thousand soldiers to Burson Castle had consumed a lot of Baron Solawan's energy.

  The soldiers were gathered at Solawan Castle, and several nearby barons were bound to carry out the order of strengthening the walls and clearing the country.

  The loss of the Jianbi Qingye was very great. Wells had to be filled in, houses had to be burned down, and the population had to move to the rear. Carrying out a fortification and clearing the country is almost equivalent to the reconstruction of the territory for the nobles.

  Moreover, if the population migrates to the rear, it may not be safe, and there is a high probability that it will be annexed by the nobles in the rear. Wanting to recover the population after the war is also a confusing matter, and it is very complicated and troublesome to deal with.

  The interests of the nobles were harmed, and coordination was particularly difficult. Fortunately, Baron Solawan had some authority and was able to get the nearby nobles to hand over their soldiers and carry out the order of strengthening the walls and clearing the country.

  Because the internal structure is complex, they are not subordinate to each other. At a critical moment, Solawan can only rely on the soldiers under his command.

  Baron Solawan has only five to six hundred people under his command, which is roughly the same number as the first echelon.

  Visibility was low in night operations, and by the time the first echelon noticed the anomaly, Solawan had already led his troops to the vicinity.

  The two groups of soldiers immediately meleeed together, and fierce hand-to-hand combat broke out.

  Sharp and Solawan are both high-level professionals. They wear strong enchanted armor and use magic weapons in their hands. Ordinary soldiers can't stop them at all, and their moves are very lethal.

  The two of them were like sharp arrows, easily penetrating the opponent's scattered formation.

  Almost telepathically, the two high-level professionals fought together, and the collision of weapons erupted with a sound like thunder.

  Richard led a group of soldiers to cover the magician and climbed to the top of the city. He immediately noticed that Baron Sharp was at a disadvantage.

  Sharp is the soul of the first echelon and cannot be easily broken. If he died on the city wall, it would be a huge blow to morale. Realizing that Sharp was at risk of defeat, Richard immediately drew the enchanted longbow in his hand and aimed an arrow at the enemy without any time to think.

  Solawan fought with Baron Sharp and had just released a spell of frost orb, injuring his opponent. Before Solawan could continue his efforts and kill the enemy, a strong sense of crisis suddenly hit his heart. He had not figured out what was going on. What happened? Suddenly there was a gust of wind in my ears.

  Solawan glanced out of the corner of his eye, and an arrow shot towards his eye.

  In an instant, Solawan could feel the strong wind.

  "No, it's an enchanted arrow."

  Solawan was shocked and immediately gave up attacking Sharp, instead releasing a powerful magic energy shield.

  Because a lot of magic power was invested, the energy shield released by Solawan was very large, covering him from head to toe in the shield.

  The arrow pierced the energy shield hard and seemed to be fixed in the air. The arrow shaft was constantly vibrating and making a strong buzzing sound.

  Before Solawan could breathe a sigh of relief, the feather arrow struck again.

  Solawang looked up and found that Richard had actually used the continuous arrow method, shooting eight feather arrows in just a few dozen seconds.

  Eight arrows pierced the energy shield fiercely, constantly consuming the power of the shield. In an instant, cracks appeared in the energy shield released by Solawan.

  There were more than ten magicians who climbed to the top of the city with Richard. They also reacted very quickly. Under Wendy's command, they released spells one after another to attack the enemy.

  Heath released the second-level magic weakening ray, and Annie released the second-level magic blazing ball, hitting Solawan at the same time.

  After being attacked continuously, the energy shield finally couldn't hold on any longer and turned into a little bit of magic power, dissipating in the air.

  Seeing the enemy mages scaling the city wall, Solawan's expression changed and he was greatly surprised. He never expected that the siege team would have a mage group cooperating in the battle.

  During the siege battle during the day, Solawan had clearly seen the reality of the coalition of nobles in Gascoigne Province.

  Although the Gascoigne provincial coalition army is not a serf soldier, its quality is relatively average, and it is somewhat weaker than the second-line army.

  The siege army is close to 20,000 people. If the quality of the soldiers who siege the city during the day is the same, Solawang has enough determination to hold on until the opponent's food is exhausted and retreat.

  But there are still many elite soldiers among the more than 15,000 coalition forces.

  In particular, the power of magic has played a key role today.

  There is no magician under Solawan's command, so he will definitely suffer this loss today.

  The magical power of the Grand Duchy of Stanik is far inferior to that of the Kingdom of Grant. This country has no natural magic wells and very little magic inheritance. It is very difficult to cultivate a magician.

  The limited magic power is concentrated in the capital and the northern frontier. Although the Southern Duke family has a magician heritage, it will not send magicians to assist Bursen City.

  If there was a mage group in Solawang, Richard would not dare to create a stone slope to attack the city, because the magician could release the fossil-to-mud spell, which would allow Richard to steal the chicken but lose the rice.

  After meeting the Harland Territory Mage Group, Solawan knew that the situation was already very dangerous. If these magicians could not be killed, they would have to accept the loss of the castle and the failure of the battle today.

  Baron Solawan roared: "Follow me!"

  His body jumped up like a cheetah, constantly changing his running path, and rushed towards Richard and the others. Solawan was very calm at this moment. He knew in his heart that only by killing the enemy's magician could he change the situation of the battle and achieve a complete victory.

  Although magicians are powerful, low-level magicians have not mastered magic such as flight, teleportation, and planes, and are afraid of encountering close combat.

  If the opponent's mage group can be massacred, the situation can still be restored in today's battle.

  Seeing Solawan charging forward with all his strength, Baron Sharp wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood in front without thinking. Although he could not defeat this man, he still had to fulfill his duty on the battlefield and prevent Solawan from approaching the magician. .

  Solawan let out an angry roar, raised the enchanted heavy sword with both hands, jumped up high, and struck Sharp's head in front of him.

  Sharp tensed his muscles, raised his enchanted sword, and faced the enemy.

  The two swords collided, sparks flew everywhere, and a thunderous sound erupted. With the force of the collision, Solawan's body was as light as a monkey and passed over Baron Sharp's head. Sorafei stabbed Baron Sharp in the back with a backhand sword.

  Baron Sharp reacted quickly, taking a step forward almost instinctively, and then swung his sword with his backhand to block Solawan's attack.

  But at this moment, Solawan has broken through Baron Sharp's obstruction and is very close to the magician.

  Seeing Solawan rushing over, Annie immediately released her spider web technique, trying to trap this person.

  A spider web appeared under his feet. Solawan tightened his legs and waved the enchanted arrows with both hands to cut off the spider web. Then he jumped hard and crossed a distance of five or six meters.

  As soon as Solawan landed, a sharp arrow pierced his eyebrow.

  At the critical moment, Solawan used his last bit of magic and released the seven-ring magic time delay.

  In an instant, the passage of time three meters around Solawan slowed down a bit. He hurriedly shook his head to dodge, narrowly dodging the fatal arrow.

  But his cheek was cut by an arrow and he almost died.

  After another brush with death, Solawan took a breath of cold air. He wiped the blood on his cheek, turned to look at the sneak attacker, and killed Richard with his eyes wide open.

  Solawang's speed was very fast, and he was no more than fifteen meters away from Richard. At such a close distance, against an enemy like Solawang, Richard had no time to draw his bow and aim.

  Seeing Solawang stabbing with his sword, Richard raised the enchanted sword and fought Solawang together.

  Richard's physical talent is outstanding, his warrior level has been upgraded to the fifth level, and his swordsmanship is also quite good. For a while, Solawang was unable to kill Richard.

  Solawang was just about to fight to defeat both sides, break through Richard's blockage, and kill the other magicians, when he saw that Baron Sharp had already caught up with him and did not give him this chance at all.

  Sharp and Richard joined forces and were no longer inferior to Solawan in close combat.

  Sharp waved his sword to force Solawang back, and Richard immediately released the three-ring magic immobilization technique.

  Normally, according to Solawan's combat experience, it would be difficult to be hit by this magic.

  But on the chaotic battlefield, facing the threats from Richard and Sharp, Solawang did not dare to be distracted at all.

  Although his magic resistance is very high, the immobilization technique can only hold him for a second or two, but these two seconds can still kill people on the battlefield.

  Solawan was hit by the Immobilization Technique. Richard and Sharp stepped forward almost at the same time, stabbing Solawang's neck with the enchanted sword in their hands. This silver knight with strong fighting ability lost his life in an instant.

  There was a reminder in his mind, and Richard immediately knew that Solawan had died a violent death.

  Sharp stepped forward, cut off Solawan's head, and shouted loudly: "The Silver Knight has died in the battle, why don't you surrender?"

  At this moment, the second echelon also began to climb the city. The reinforcements sent by Solawang had just completed their preparations and were approaching the city wall.

  The battle in the dark night was very chaotic. Even if Solawan died in battle and Baron Sharp shouted that the Silver Knight had been killed, the defenders did not believe it.

  Seeing that the defenders had organized their team and rushed towards the city again, Wendy raised the lightning staff and released a series of lightning spells.

  Before sending troops this time, although the soldiers in Harland territory did not go out in full force, they still mobilized elite soldiers and generals. Richard brought the bottle of starlight, Sophia brought the star necklace, and Wendy also brought the thunder and lightning. Staff.

  The Harland Mage Association has mastered three pieces of legendary magic equipment, which is several points higher than the Grant Mage Association.

  In an instant, more than a dozen bolts of lightning struck the Bursen garrison, and more than a hundred people were killed or injured in an instant.

  With the bright light from the lightning, they could finally see clearly what was nearby. Seeing Baron Sharp holding Solawan's head, many soldiers suddenly lost their determination to resist.

  The chain of lightning was like the last straw, crushing the fighting will of the Bursen defenders.

  Many soldiers escaped from Bursen Castle in the dark and hid in the mountains and forests.

  The third echelon of reinforcements came up and captured the Bursen gate with almost no fighting.

  The surprise attack was successful, and the subsequent troops quickly took control of Bursen City.

  In the afternoon of the next day, the battlefield had been cleaned, casualties were counted, and large pits were dug to bury the soldiers who died in the Bursen garrison.

  As for the officers and soldiers killed in the battle by the coalition forces from the three provinces, if conditions permit, their bodies will be cremated, their ashes placed in jars, and sent to their families in the rear.

  Richard summoned the main officers to the main palace of Bursen City. When everyone arrived, the staff officer began to report the results of the battle.

  "According to our statistics, in last night's battle, 456 Bursen defenders were killed, 1,683 were captured, about 200 to 300 people escaped from the city, and the remaining 500 to 600 soldiers were They are all mixed in with the citizens of the castle."

  Listening to the staff officer's report, Richard frowned and suddenly interrupted: "Has the census of Bursen City been determined?" "

  There are no detailed statistics yet, only a rough figure. Not counting the defenders, there are more than 8,000 people in the castle."

  "What about the seizures? Especially the amount of grain seized, be sure to count it clearly." "

  After capturing Bursen City, we seized 2,200 tons of grain, one Fourteen hundred pieces of iron armor and more than forty thousand gold and silver coins."

  "Take out all the captured coins and give one point to the soldiers. Then select some beautiful women from Burson Castle and let the officers and soldiers who have done meritorious service give priority to our selection. Many of the soldiers are still single. After this battle is won, some beautiful women will be selected for the soldiers to get married."

  Richard is a fair man, although the soldiers of Harland Territory contributed the most in this battle and were able to break the bottle of starlight in the city. , the territorial mage group, and elite archers all played a decisive role, but he still decided to share the spoils with the coalition forces of the three provinces. This batch of trophies was mainly distributed to the soldiers at the bottom. With gold coins and women, the morale of the soldiers finally recovered a little.

  (End of chapter)

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