Chapter 250: Wing Defense Battle II

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  Chapter 250: Flank Defense Battle
  The situation in Feiyan Castle is critical, and the commander of the Rab Army can only divide his troops for rescue. He transferred the First and Sixth Brigades from the Northern Army and appointed William as the commander of the rescue force.

  William led his troops down the river by boat and joined the Knights College Cavalry Regiment and Wright County City Defense Army west of Fort Wright, and rushed to Feiyan Fort for reinforcements.

  The First Brigade commanded by William is the most powerful infantry brigade in the Northern Army. Although the equipment of this brigade is not as good as that of the First Brigade in Harland Territory, it does not have alchemy bombs.

  However, the ten infantry squadrons are fully equipped with more than 300 pieces of enchanted armor. The quality of the soldiers is very good. The ten squadrons add up to more than a hundred professional officers.

  If there is a positional battle with the Orcs head-on, the First Brigade can defeat the Orc Brigade head-on, and can be used in city defense battles. With the First Brigade as the backbone, it is enough to block the attacks of the three Orc Brigades.

  Although the combat effectiveness of the Sixth Brigade is not as good as that of the First Brigade, it is also the main force of the Northern Army. Together with the Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment, these three elites serve as the backbone, and the Feiyan Legion cooperates with the main force. It actually blocked the orc army to the east of Feiyan Castle.

  The orcs attacked Feiyan Castle for several days, but lost four thousand soldiers and still could not conquer Feiyan Castle and break through the defenders' defense line.

  The orcs once thought of a way to sneak across the Leyte River and bypass Feiyan Castle, hoping to break into the Dragon Canyon with light troops.

  As a result, the grain route was cut off by the navy of Geda Province.

  Although the naval force in the northern part of the Grant Kingdom was very weak, it was not as good as the counts in the south. There are only a few professional navy warships in the navy of Geda Province. Most of this naval force is requisitioned merchant ships, and even the Haaland territory has ten transport ships requisitioned by Heihe County.

  But compared to the orc army, humans are better at water warfare. Among the orc army, there are almost no navy formations. This naval force, which mainly consisted of merchant ships and transport ships, was still an insurmountable obstacle for the orc army, and it easily burned down the food ships of the orc smuggling troops.

  Without their logistical equipment and having to cross the mountains on both sides of the Dragon Canyon, the orc smuggling troops will face countless difficulties.

  Moreover, even if they barely penetrated the Dragon Canyon and lost the surprise of the attack, the three thousand orc army had no chance of winning against the coalition of tens of thousands of nobles in the Canyon, Brenner, Luomen and other counties.

  After careful consideration, the orc commander could only return to the north bank of the Leyte River in despair.

  The smuggling operation failed and six hundred soldiers were lost. They stormed Feiyan Fort and lost four thousand soldiers.

  The main force of the orc army is only 20,000, and the auxiliary soldiers are 10,000. Outside Feiyan Castle, the number of soldiers has already lost close to 5,000.

  The loss of one-sixth had already demoralized the orcs a lot. The orcs invade mainly for plunder, and are absolutely unwilling to fight a brutal and bloody battle with the main human force.

  Because of the heavy losses, during the military meeting, the orc captains spoke enthusiastically. What they meant was to give up the attack on Feiyan Castle, split their forces to attack the nearby human noble castles, and plunder the Lach Province.

  The number of the orcs who attacked Feiyan Castle was the Eighty-Sixth Legion. Obviously, this number is relatively low, and its combat effectiveness is weaker than that of the orcs with the higher number.

  The commander of the Eighty-sixth Orc Legion is named Morsa, a ninth-level wild boar man.

  The wild boar's nature is always rude and brutal. Although Morsa is already the leader of the legion, his temper is still savage and explosive.

  He knocked on the table fiercely and angrily said: "The Feiyan Castle in front of us contains 20,000 human troops. Under the nose of 20,000 human troops, you still dare to divide your troops and plunder? This time we send troops to Tusu
  . Under the command of Mu, although we severely damaged the Grizzly Legion and won a small victory. You are so proud and arrogant, and do not take others seriously. If you want to plunder, you must first defeat the enemies in Feiyan Castle. Human Legion.

  I ordered more trebuchets to be deployed to attack Feiyan Castle from tomorrow. Even if we bite with our teeth and butt our heads, we will conquer Feiyan Castle and break the defense line of human soldiers." In Morsa's strong

  voice At the request, the 86th Orc Legion unified their opinions and strengthened the siege.

  Dozens of trebuchets continued to throw giant stone projectiles, hitting the walls of Feiyan Castle.

  Looking at the heavy trebuchets equipped in the orc army, William's face became ugly.

  This thing was made by Richard and was presented to the Grant royal family after being exposed.

  Relying on the power of heavy trebuchets, the Northern Army defeated an Orc Army in one fell swoop. William's old chief, Martins, also used a heavy trebuchet as bait to hunt down the orc legend and was promoted to a hereditary earl.

  Unexpectedly, in less than ten years, the Orc Legion began to equip heavy trebuchets on a large scale. With heavy trebuchets, it became easier to attack strong castles. This invention significantly enhanced the national power of the orcs, making William look particularly upset.

  "Richard's invention can be said to be terrible. In his words, he shot himself in the foot." William held the mouth of the crenel with his hand and muttered a few words to himself.

  There are very few people in the Orc Empire who have advanced mathematical knowledge. Of course, there will be no scholars who are proficient in mathematics and can calculate parabolas.

  In fact, only a few people in the Harland Territory can calculate the gravity acceleration of the Dawn Plane and can calculate the ballistic trajectory.

  Without calculating ballistics, you can only rely on raw experience when using the trebuchet.

  The Eighty-sixth Legion has only been equipped with trebuchets for two years, and the soldiers operating the trebuchets have relatively little experience. The accuracy of the stone bullets thrown was not high, and none of them hit the front of the city wall.

  William waved his hand fiercely, and the bugler beside him blew the hiding horn, and the soldiers entered the hiding cave one after another. Those stationed on the top of the city also crouched and hid behind the crenellations.

  When William directs operations, he likes to be on the front line in person. Seeing the stone bullets flying continuously from the north, he carefully hid behind the crenellations of the city wall.

  Being hit by a three-hundred-pound stone bullet, even an eighth-level warrior like William might lose his life.

  Facing the rain of bullets fired by heavy trebuchets, even high-level professional officers like William cannot be distracted on the battlefield and must be careful at all times.

  "Inform Solanda and order him to suppress the orc trebuchet. The orcs cannot be allowed to fire stone bullets without scruples. If there is no interference, the accuracy of the orc trebuchet will become higher and higher. Once the city wall is breached, we will We must fight head-on with the orc army. Our trebuchets are located on high ground, have a range advantage, and are no less numerous than the orcs. If we can't suppress the orc trebuchets, I will enforce battlefield discipline and take Solanda's head. ."

  "Lord Legion Commander, Solanda is the brother-in-law of Veron, the commander of the Feiyan Legion. Can the order be more tactful?"

  William's adjutant Noel stepped forward and put forward his opinion.

  Noel is also a member of the distant branch of the Harland family. He is the grandson of Gibson, William's personal butler. He is thirty years old, has good talent, has reached the third level of warrior level, and now serves as William's adjutant.

  "No, the order must be straightforward. Tell him directly that if the orc trebuchet cannot be suppressed, I will kill him to boost the morale of the army and boost morale. After the war, I will also report to King Roger and hold Veron accountable. Fei The Yan Army is a force that needs to fight and cannot be messed up by nepotism."

  William's opinion is very decisive. Although he likes to hold banquets on weekdays, he is also very good at building relationships and has very good popularity among the Northern Army.

  But at critical moments, William was able to distinguish priorities and gave very decisive orders.

  If he was just a good old man who dared not offend anyone, William would not have been promoted to deputy commander of the Northern Army. His current position and identity are not weaker than Veron's, and his treatment is slightly better than Veron's.

  Solanda shivered and hid in the Tibetan Soldier Cave. A heavy stone bomb that just flew directly smashed a trebuchet. The flying wood fragments swept away the trebuchet crew. An unlucky guy was hit by the stone bomb and turned into a meat pie.

  Seeing this scene, Solanda's legs suddenly became weak.

  After receiving William's order, Solanda immediately burst into tears. Although he was timid, he was not stupid, and he had some political vision.

  After receiving the order, Solanda knew that if the situation could not be improved, William's butcher knife would fall immediately.

  Don't say that he is just the brother-in-law of the commander of the Veron Army. Even the prince of the Grant family, those iron-blooded officers will not be soft when it is time to strike.

  The Grant Kingdom is a classical militaristic country. Even King Roger rose from the rank of junior officer in the Royal Guards and participated in many wars in northern Xinjiang.

  The main army in Northern Xinjiang has some members who come from Nolan every year to experience the gold plating. These people rarely die at the hands of orcs, but often die under military law.

  If you can't pass this level, you are not a qualified member of the nobility.

  If he continues to avoid fighting in fear of death and cannot lead the trebuchet troops to improve the situation, he will undoubtedly die.

  Instead, command the trebuchet troops to fight, and you still have a chance to survive.

  Solanda gritted her teeth, biting her lips until blood flowed, but now he felt no pain. He stumbled to the front line and mobilized the soldiers operating the trebuchets before the war.

  "Commander William just issued a military order. If the orc trebuchets cannot be suppressed, all of us will be executed. You have seen that I am so afraid of death that I am still forced to the front line." Hearing Solanda say

  this Said, the soldier operating the trebuchet burst into laughter instantly.

  "Stop laughing, stop laughing!" Seeing that the soldiers were still laughing at her, Solanda said with a sad face: "You can laugh if you want. But military orders cannot be discounted. The person who gave the order was William, the commander of the Northern Army. The military discipline of the Northern Army is extremely strict, and there is no possibility of accommodation. For your own destiny, everyone should be more careful when firing stone bombs. We are on the city wall and have a range advantage, so we will definitely be able to complete the mission." The soldiers mobilized before the war. If the officers did

  not Prestige, empty words, big words, and describing strategic prospects are of no use at all. On the contrary, Solanda's few down-to-earth words have a little effect.

  William's strict order still had an effect. Officers like Solanda came to the front line to command. The soldiers who controlled the trebuchets were more attentive and their efficiency was improved.

  In the end, relying on the range advantage, they smashed four orc trebuchets and suppressed the orc trebuchet troops.

  After all, compared with the human kingdom, the productivity of the Orc Empire is backward, and the number of craftsmen who can make trebuchets is also smaller. Even the craftsmen who assemble trebuchets are considered outstanding talents in the Orc Empire. The loss of four heavy trebuchets was already a big trouble for the orc army.

  Under the cover of the trebuchets, the orc army formed a dense formation and slowly approached Feiyan Fort.

  In the siege battle some time ago, although the orcs suffered a lot of casualties, they also achieved some results. They pulled out the antlers outside the city, filled the trenches, and even the moat was cut off by the orcs.

  After destroying part of the fortifications and distracting the trebuchets on the city, Morsa organized a capable force and launched another siege.

  Groups of orcs formed a formation and approached the city wall pushing ladder carts and shield carts.

  "Line up and shoot at 45 degrees."

  At the top of Feiyan Castle, the officer commanding the archers estimated the distance between the two sides and immediately gave the order, organizing the soldiers to shoot crossbows at the orcs.

  The physical fitness of the soldiers in the First Brigade is very good, and most of the soldiers are proficient in archery.

  When the two armies fought, the bows and crossbows took the lead.

  Regardless of ancient or modern times, at home and abroad, the most important thing for any army is the long-range attack unit.

  Humans' physical fitness is not as good as that of orcs, but they can often defeat more with less. The most critical reason is that human soldiers are good at using bows and arrows.

  Archery requires a lot of strength, and soldiers who are good at archery are usually big and round, with excellent physical fitness.

  The combat effectiveness of an infantry unit is usually determined by the armor equipped and the soldier's archery skills.

  The crossbow arrows fired by the first group of soldiers were very accurate, and the densely packed orcs were shot to the ground in an instant.

  Even a fifth-level werewolf was targeted by more than a dozen sharp archers, and the enchanted arrows penetrated the werewolf captain's armor. With a little carelessness, this fifth-level werewolf was targeted by ordinary soldiers, and his body was covered with dozens of arrows.

  He died in battle before the orc shaman could wait.

  In this kind of battle involving tens of thousands of people, even mid-level professionals must be careful at all times. If they are not careful, they will die in the war.

  "The archer aims freely to find valuable targets, while others shoot flatly and release arrows!" "The junior officers continued to issue orders in an orderly manner without any panic.

  In recent years, the Northern Army has won several battles in a row, and has received the best reinforcements from the Grant Kingdom. Because of repeated victories, the spirit of the officers and soldiers is extraordinary.

  In military operations, morale is a very important factor. Because of their reputation as a victorious army, the soldiers of the Northern Army have high morale. The muscle memory developed in daily training can be used perfectly in war.

  The archer drew his bow string and shot out rounds of feather arrows.

  The sound of the bow strings being pulled neatly was like a drum beat, constantly beating the hearts of the orc soldiers.

  In the short distance of 200 meters, the orc soldiers continued to fall. Before approaching the city wall, the orc casualties exceeded a thousand.

  As soon as the ladder truck hit the city wall, barrels of kerosene were poured on it, and then the ladder truck was set alight with torches.

  Although the ladder was covered with wet cowhide to protect it from rockets. But wet cowhide cannot stop the fire oil at all.

  Once kerosene is ignited, it cannot be extinguished even if water is poured on it. It can only be extinguished by covering it with sand. Once burned by the kerosene, the orcs suffered heavy casualties and let out shrill cries.

  (End of chapter)

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