Chapter 244 New Drugs

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  Chapter 244 New Drugs.
  People like Jennings and Sula are professional officers. Their physical fitness is far higher than ordinary people, and their drinking capacity is greater than ordinary people. Although they do not encourage drinking, people like Odaye do not even drink. On average, every Each person drinks about two to three kilograms.

  Julian drank the wine in the glass and said: "I feel that there have been great changes in recent years. For example, Odaye's restaurant has roasted suckling pig and lamb. A few years ago, the territory was relatively short of meat. , it is impossible for us to eat suckling pigs or lambs. Eating a roasted whole lamb is considered a luxury."

  Odaye said: "Yes, the prices of meat, sugar, and wine have all dropped a bit this year. Ordinary soldier families can regularly consume brown sugar and white wine."

  "Let's drink for a better life!"

  After everyone had eaten and drank, Sulla handed over the food. He is a person who distinguishes between public and private affairs. Although he has the largest share in the hotel, because of his partnership with Odaye, he takes the initiative to pay every time he comes to eat.

  Seeing that everyone else had left, Jennings stood at the end. He quietly said to Odaye: "I heard that Sula got married?"

  Odaye nodded and said: "Sura got married three months ago. , married an indentured widow, who took her four children and was allocated thirty-six acres of land near Graveson Castle. I also moved my family from the village near Vicksburg to Graveson, and met Sulla's family. We became neighbors.

  Since our family had no strong labor force, we rented out half of the farmland. The remaining half of the farmland was planted with pasture and raised more than 200 sheep. Sula’s wife was good at raising pigs, and we raised more than a dozen An old sow. The suckling pigs and lambs used in the hotel are all produced at home. In fact, there is still a lack of meat in the market outside, and lambs and suckling pigs are rarely sold." "How is the hotel's income this year?


  " In addition to expenses, there is a net profit of about thirty gold coins. But Sura's investment in gold coins has exceeded two hundred, and there are a total of six indentured servants in the hotel and home."

  Zhan Nings nodded and said: "The profit is still possible. In a few years, when Master Richard becomes the earl, the migration law should be abolished. It is very good for the development of business, and your income will increase." "I

  hope This day has come early, and the ban on migration is very detrimental to the flow of business. When I go to Graveson's house, I need to write an application and go through many procedures, which is really troublesome. There is no immigrant population in Fort William, and the market is completely dependent on Local free people, if we don't change, our profits will have reached an end. The prohibition on migration has severely restricted commercial activities."

  Jennings sighed: "Nothing is perfect in the world. The development of the territory depends entirely on the external market. If Without the income from the sales of brown sugar, steel, woolen fabrics, glass and other commodities, the territory cannot support 7,000 regular troops. Although the prohibition on migration is not conducive to the flow of business, it also limits the activities of espionage and prolongs the time for technology leaks. The situation is like this, Everyone, please understand."

  Odaye nodded and said: "I don't mean to complain, I just hope that Master Richard will become a great nobleman as soon as possible. Master Richard has become a great nobleman, our territory has become a countland, and it is almost time for liberation. It's time to issue a ban."

  Zhannings nodded and found that Sulla had walked away. He pushed Odaye and asked quietly: "With Sulla's conditions, you can marry a noble lady. Why? Are you looking for a widow with how many children?"

  "The widow looked very much like Sulla's sister. Sulla's parents died early, and their brothers were raised by their sister. The Duke of Guise's soldiers killed him The brother-in-law of Sula sold the three Sula siblings to slave traders. Sula’s sister died on the road, and his brother was also bought by a merchant in Nolan. Sula has not found his family for so many years.

  ” Regarding Sulla's tragic past, Zhannings sighed empathetically: "Hey! I hope the Goddess of Dawn will bless Sulla and reunite the brothers as soon as possible." Zhannings

  ' situation is similar to Sulla's, except that his parents did not resist. , the entire family was captured by soldiers from the Duchy of Dugis.

  When migrating from the Delong Kingdom, Jennings's grandmother also died on the way.

  In Jennings' memory, it was a very difficult road, and many old and sick people were abandoned on the road.

  When they arrived in Nolan, life was also very difficult. Jennings' grandfather died of freezing and starvation in the first winter due to malnutrition, and his aunt was bought by a bald businessman because of her beauty.

  His uncle became a eunuch during that time and was sent to Grant's royal court.

  That memory will never be forgotten by Zhan Nings in his life. Thinking of his lost relatives, his displaced aunt, and his castrated uncle, Zhan Nings also had thoughts of revenge in his mind.

  It's just that his reason can suppress crazy thoughts, but for the soldiers of the Duchy of Guise, people who have experienced them will always hate them to the bone.

  Coming out of the Odaye Hotel, Jennings looked at the sun and felt that he still had a lot of time left, so he decided to go to Fort William Hospital to visit his sister first.

  There are now six and a half infantry brigades and two cavalry brigades in Harland territory.

  Responsible for the first line of defense in the north are the Second Battalion, the Fifth Battalion, the Sixth Battalion, and the Scout Cavalry Brigade. Their strength exceeds half of the main force in the territory.

  The second brigade is stationed in the swamp basin, guarding the two mage towers in the territory.

  The Scout Cavalry Group was stationed at Depot Castle, and the 5th Group was stationed at Graveson Castle. The 1st Brigade, the 1st and 2nd Squadrons of the Guard, and the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade are stationed at Fort William. The 3rd Brigade was stationed at Vicksburg, and the 4th Brigade was stationed at Fort Sophia.

  The Sixth Brigade where Jennings is stationed at the Flower Castle is also responsible for patrolling the copper mine area.

  The Fifth and Sixth Brigades have completed a year of recruit training. Because they are mixed with the veterans of the Third and Fourth Brigades, although their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the old troops, they have not dropped too much.

  However, the army has not been established for a long time, and the officers and soldiers need to get used to it for a period of time. Recently, military affairs have been relatively busy. Except when senior officers of the army are meeting, Jennings rarely comes to Fort William. He has not seen his wife for two and a half months.

  Connie failed to become a magician. Her mental space was injured and she needed three years of training to recover.

  During the three years since the injury, I could not meditate or cast spells.

  Advanced students only need about half a year to a year of training to become advanced warriors. If a magic apprentice fails to advance to the professional level, the price will be higher and it will take three to five years to recover.

  Because Connie is younger, she only needs three years of training. After becoming a professional, once the magician's advancement fails, it will often be delayed even longer.

  Connie still works at the hospital. She has been in the hospital for five years. Over the past five years, she has been studying continuously in the hospital. Not only can she perform several common operations and become a qualified surgeon, she has also summed up a lot of experience in internal medicine and volunteered to be transferred to the internal medicine department of the hospital. Became a good internal medicine doctor.

  Although her talent in learning magic is average, Connie may be more suitable to become a doctor. She is more talented in learning medicine.

  Compared with the rapid advancement of surgery, the development of the internal medicine department of Harland Territorial Hospital is very slow. It can only treat diseases by summarizing various experiences, and the effect is not very good.

  Doctors who can perform surgeries are the backbone of the hospital, and most of the physicians are low-level doctors.

  Connie was very fond of medicine at heart. After the failure of the advanced magician, Connie was depressed for a while. Recently, she has come out of the gloom and is preparing to study a new drug.

  She won't be able to meditate for three years, and she plans to focus all her energy on medicine.

  The work of the internal medicine department is relatively leisurely, and there are not many patients at the end of the day.

  The few who come occasionally come to the internal medicine department just to queue up for registration, check into the hospital early, and find a surgeon for surgery.

  When Jennings came, he found that Connie was receiving a patient with a serious skin disease. A scrap of ulcerated skin was carefully removed and soaked in a special solution.

  "Your illness requires hospitalization for a period of observation. According to my experience, it should be a bacterial infection." "

  Can you let the surgeon take a look and arrange an operation for me, doctor." "

  Surgery is useless for this kind of disease. Magic The effect of treatment is better. Our Department of Internal Medicine is currently studying a drug. If you agree, we can give you a place in the experiment to try the effect. "

  "I, I still want to do the surgery." The patient said with some embarrassment, probably because he saw Connie was young.

  "In this case, I will write you a list and let Dean Griffin take a look. However, your disease is indeed not suitable for surgery, and you will probably be transferred to the internal medicine department." Because surgery has treated difficult and complicated diseases, ordinary

  contracts For slaves, it seems that surgery can cure all diseases.

  In fact, the vast majority of diseases are incurable. Regardless of surgery or internal medicine, most diseases are helpless. The most effective way to treat diseases is magical healing.

  Therapeutic spells can not only stop bleeding, but also increase vitality. When vitality is increased, the body's immunity and resistance are also improved in a short period of time.

  Relying on the increased vitality, healing spells can withstand inflammatory storms and are most effective against bacterial and viral diseases. Moreover, magic treatments also include spells such as eliminating plagues, which are also particularly effective against some special viruses. Many diseases are cured this way.

  The only disadvantage of magic treatment is that it is difficult to popularize.

  The Grant Kingdom has a population of tens of millions, but the number of magicians is less than 300. Even if a magician releases spells to save people every day, it is still a drop in the bucket compared to the huge patient base and cannot improve the average life expectancy.

  According to the statistics of He'an Elementary School, the probability of low-level magic qualifications appearing is about one in fifty, but the children who can attend He'an Elementary School seem to be smarter.

  Zooming in on the entire population, the probability of someone having magical talent is estimated to be only one percent. Even if all these people with magical talents were trained to be magic doctors, how many patients would be able to be treated with healing techniques every day?
  The development of medical level still relies on a large number of ordinary doctors.

  Although there are relatively few physicians, their quality is also low. From Richard down to the deans of the hospital, they paid more attention to the development of internal medicine. They equipped the physicians with a microscope and let several internal medicine doctors do research.

  After seeing her brother, Connie nodded and sent away the patients first. After seeing that there were no new patients, she said, "Brother, when did you come back."

  "Sula invited us old comrades to eat. I took a day off and stopped by to see you. How are you doing?"

  After arriving at the hospital, he saw that Connie was in a good mood, and Jennings put down his worries.

  "It's good. I accidentally discovered that the indentured slaves from the Grand Duchy of Stanik used a special herbal medicine to treat burns, and the effect was pretty good. By studying the medicinal properties of this herbal medicine, I invented an ointment for treating burns. With four or five types of plants, animal experiments have been very successful. However, there are relatively few burn patients in the Territory, and human trials have not yet begun, and the therapeutic effects and side effects are still uncertain." At Harland Territorial Hospital, human trials of new drugs need to go through the

  hospital For approval, in addition to the president and vice president, there are also several authoritative doctors who have the authority to approve.

  These people have different voting rights, and experiments on new drugs will be approved only after the votes are passed.

  Only after approval by the hospital can new drugs be given to patients.

  Generally speaking, experiments on animals will be conducted before conducting experiments on humans. Only when the therapeutic effect of animal experiments is outstanding will it enter the stage of human experiments.

  In fact, 80% of the new drugs in Haaland's territory can be sold when they reach the stage of human trials.

  After all, the Harland Territory does not value human life as much as it did on Earth in its previous life, and there is no monopoly pharmaceutical giant in the Territory who has formulated extremely cumbersome human testing procedures for new drugs in order to raise the bar and block competitors. If a new drug is developed, as long as the side effects are not too serious and the drug has a certain effect, the new drug will be approved, manufactured and sold.

  Over the years since Harland Hospital was established, five drugs have been developed, the most successful of which is hemostatic ointment.

  The core of the hemostatic ointment is the two drugs, Purple Head Peak royal jelly and Purple Blood Vine. The Purple Blood Vine Harland territory can already be planted on a large scale. The current production of hemostatic ointment is insufficient, mainly restricted by the production of Purple Head Peak royal jelly.

  Richard once ordered drug researchers to find alternatives, using ordinary honey, royal jelly, and some plants that promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis together with purple blood vine to make an ointment. However, the effect was very average and could not replace the efficacy of purple head peak royal jelly.

  This year, a new queen appeared in the Purple Head Beehive in Haaland territory.

  According to the rules of the hive, there can only be one queen bee in a nest of Zitoufeng. If the care is not taken in time, the two queen bees will fight, and the young queen bee will be killed by the adult queen bee.

  Zitoufeng has a relatively large activity range, and their territory is within a radius of dozens of kilometers.

  Due to the establishment of a purple-headed peak nest near Vicksburg, some people are stung all over their heads by purple-headed peaks every year during the flower season. The purple-headed peak's tail needles are poisonous. In the past, even beekeepers were often stung to death.

  Sophia moved to Fort William after giving birth to Margaret, which was also a factor.

  (End of chapter)

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