Chapter 24 Rescue Battle

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  Chapter 24: The siege battle.

  Richard rode the iron horned horse and followed Lieutenant Colonel Marvin to attack the orc army.

  Their appearance on the battlefield was very sudden and unprepared, and the orcs were not prepared at all.

  Commander Gunderson hurriedly used detachment tactics, commanding the two rear squadrons through flags to turn around and change their formation to block the cavalry in a dense square formation.

  Before the battle, Marvin and his cavalry fired three rounds of feather arrows in succession, shooting down fifty or sixty orc soldiers.

  Gunderson asked the messenger to direct the kobold infantry to fire crossbows, but the number was small and only seven or eight soldiers were shot.

  Once the cavalry charge is defeated, unless you are a powerful professional, it will be difficult to save your life.

  Richard's archery skills were very good. After several rounds of feather arrows, he killed six orcs, including a professional, and received 500 experience points, a small achievement.

  Getting closer and closer to the orc formation, Richard rode his war horse and violently rushed into the orc formation.

  The iron horned horse was very strong and knocked down an orc fiercely, trampling the orc to death. Richard thrust out the spear with force and killed the second enemy.

  A sound broke through the air, and Richard did not turn around. He could feel a hint of coldness through his clothes.

  Listen to the sound of the wind, it is the sound of spears thrusting.

  If he turned around, he would probably be stabbed through by this spear first. The orcs who could stab this spear were already quite skilled in spear skills.

  Richard was not good at using spears. When he saw the crisis approaching, he decisively discarded the spear and suddenly stepped forward to hide on the other side of the iron horned horse's body.

  The spear pierced the back of the iron horned horse, and Richard almost lost his life.

  Richard looked back and found that the attacker was a third-level tauren.

  The tauren stabbed in the air, and just as he was about to return his spear and stab again, Richard had already ridden away.

  The tauren's opponent has become Lieutenant Colonel Marvin.

  Lieutenant Colonel Marvin rode a fourth-level fire dragon colt. The fire dragon colt suddenly spit out a stream of flames and poured it on the tauren, and he struck hard with the spear in his hand.

  The third-level tauren weighing several hundred kilograms was jumped high into the air by Marvin, flew a distance of more than ten meters, and landed near Richard.

  Richard used his long sword to stab back with his left hand, hitting the Minotaur's throat without any bias, easily killing the third-level Minotaur.

  "Killing the third-level tauren will reward you with 2,000 experience points."

  Killing the third-level tauren will reward you with three small merits.

  Although Lieutenant Colonel Marvin accounted for the vast majority of contributions, the military judge after the war should give Richard a small credit.

  This battle is not over yet. Richard has already achieved two minor achievements and gained 2,500 experience points.

  Richard opened the attribute panel and found that 5,000 experience points had been accumulated, which was enough to improve the kingdom's three basic skills of swordsmanship, riding, and Northern Army fighting skills.

  Of these three skills, the Fighting Skills are the least useful.

  Combat skills are unarmed fighting skills and can only play a small role in war. Unless Richard fell off his horse, fell into a hand-to-hand combat, and wanted to knock down a heavy armored soldier, he would use fighting skills.

  Generally speaking, third-level fighting skills are enough. Unless they are gladiators performing bare-handed combat, few soldiers specialize in this skill.

  Even Richard's third uncle, Bernie Harland, only had level three martial arts skills, and his second uncle, Powell, was not as good as Richard in martial arts.

  On the contrary, Richard's father, William, was one of the few warriors in the Northern Legion who was proficient in fighting skills. He practiced this skill to the sixth level and reached the pinnacle of human fighting skills. Riding skills and basic swordsmanship in Grant Kingdom are both very important. Riding skills can enhance the coordination with Warcraft mounts. In the battle just now, if Richard had not been so good at riding and performed a hide-and-sneak maneuver, he would have been severely injured by the third-order tauren and died in the battle.

  Grant Kingdom's basic swordsmanship is also a very important combat skill, and he has repeatedly made military exploits in cavalry charges. Moreover, the basic swordsmanship of Grant Kingdom is also the prerequisite skill for high-level swordsmanship such as White Crow Swordsmanship, Spirit Snake Swordsmanship, and Flying Dragon Swordsmanship.

  In terms of increasing combat effectiveness, improving Grant Kingdom's basic swordsmanship will have an immediate effect. It was impossible for Richard to think for too long during the battle. In the blink of an eye, Richard had already made a choice to add 3,500 experience points to Grant Kingdom's basic swordsmanship.

  As experience is added, the attribute panel changes immediately.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 8.7
  Agility: 2.6
  Physical: 3.8
  Mental Power: 9.1
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 4 (1356/10000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 4 (Extreme)

  Archery: Level 4 (674/10000) 10000)

  Riding Skill: Level 3 (589/4000)

  Northern Legion Fighting Skill: Level 3 (181/4000)

  Experience: 2500
  “The basic swordsmanship of Level 4 is already at its limit. If you want to enhance the power of swordsmanship, you can only find more skills. The swordsmanship skills are one level higher."

  Richard calmed down, held the long sword in his backhand, and concentrated on hacking down the orc soldiers blocking the way. He glanced at the cavalry and found that the cavalry had broken through the obstruction of the two orc squadrons and killed them. Over one hundred and eighty orc soldiers.

  There were only a sparse fifty or sixty of the orc soldiers who survived this round of charge. They were already frightened and fled towards the forest in panic.

  Ron led dozens of soldiers and kept shooting arrows to hunt down these defeated deserters.

  After defeating two squadrons of Orks, Lieutenant Colonel Marvin turned around and attacked the Orks' left flank.

  The orcs on the left wing were very close to the castle. Their formation was scattered and they did not form a dense formation. The orcs could not stop the cavalry charge at all.

  Lieutenant Colonel Marvin fought consecutively, concentrating his strength to attack the scattered enemies, and continuously charged, defeating five squadrons of orc soldiers.

  In the subsequent battle, Richard once again seized the opportunity and shot a second-level orc, gaining 1,000 experience points and accumulating two small achievements.

  In this morning's battle, Richard gained 3,500 experience points and accumulated four minor achievements. Now he has accumulated two medium skills and seven minor skills.

  The soldiers of the Eighth Group stationed in the last three castles were already lacking in confidence and wanted to make a breakout plan.

  Suddenly, he noticed that reinforcements were coming, which immediately boosted his confidence.

  Seeing that Lieutenant Colonel Marvin was chopping melons and vegetables, he easily defeated five squadrons of orcs. Under the command of Captain Sharp, the defenders at the top of the city seized the opportunity and took the initiative to open the city gate and attack the orcs. Counterattack.

  Attacked by human soldiers from both inside and outside, the orc soldiers immediately retreated. Captain Sharp commanded the soldiers to pursue desperately and recaptured the lost forts No. 7 and 5.

  The remaining orc armies retreated to Castles One to Three one after another, not daring to act rashly.

  The orc siege troops were attacked by cavalry three times during the siege, and suffered heavy losses each time.

  Especially the third loss made Commander Gunderson very sad. Seeing that they were about to break through the Platos defense line, they did not expect that the situation would once again fall into a stalemate.

  Although the number of cavalry commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Marvin was small, their combat effectiveness was far inferior to the Warcraft Cavalry under Baron Harden. But this cavalry seized the best opportunity, and it was like the last straw on the camel's back, which suddenly crushed the spirit of the orcs.

  Gunderson knew in his heart that without a long period of repairs, the two orc brigades would no longer have the confidence to attack the city.

  (End of chapter)

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