Chapter 234 Magic Crystal Charging

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  Chapter 234:
  The manufacturing of the magic crystal-charged microscope was very unsatisfactory, and it took several years to achieve success.

  Until Ruiz joined the project team. He has extraordinary visual talent and can observe the subtle differences in lenses. Although Ruiz was later transferred to the intelligence department and needed to participate in some special tasks, he has always worked part-time at the Optical Research Institute. Last winter, under the guidance of Ruiz, the first microscope was successfully built in Harland Territory.

  Through this fifty-fold magnification microscope, doctors in Haaland territory saw cells and bacteria for the first time.

  The discovery of bacteria will greatly promote the progress of medicine.

  The discovery of cells also played a great role in the study of magic.

  Because the microscope is so magical, all the magicians and doctors in Harland's territory are trying to use it.

  In order to plan the use time of the microscope, Richard also formulated strict regulations and formulated a machine time usage system based on different levels and different contributions.

  If you want to get a longer chance, you need to prove your abilities and contribute to the research of medicine and magic.

  For every successful research, Richard has formulated a contribution system. Only those with a high contribution system will have priority in using advanced instruments.

  There are only a dozen doctors and magicians in Harland's territory who can use microscopes for research.

  Heath, Butler, Adrian, etc. had less contribution. In order to use the microscope, they even needed to adjust their work and rest habits, switching to sleeping during the day and studying at night.

  In less than half a year since the territory built the microscope last winter, it has produced a lot of research results in both medicine and magic, and published more than twenty papers in journals within the territory.

  The quality of several papers was very high, which even made Richard feel fresh and new.

  There are now more than thirty magicians and magic apprentices, more than twenty doctors, and six teachers who have published papers in Harland's territory.

  Although these papers are not published publicly, only a few dozen copies are printed at a time. But scientific research in Harland's territory has begun to take root. As long as this seedling is protected, it will one day grow into a towering tree.

  After creating the first microscope, Ruiz and two mirror grinders continued their efforts and spent three months making constant adjustments to create the second microscope.

  The magnification of this microscope is even greater, reaching one hundred and twenty times.

  It is simply impossible to study the microstructure using a microscope with a magnification of 120 times.

  But there is magic in the Dawn Plane. Through visual magnification magic, superimposed on a microscope, you can continue to magnify the visual effect.

  Visual magnification is only a second-ring magic, and standard magic can only magnify images ten times. But if you invest thirty points of mental power, the visual magnification effect will be increased to a thousand times. With a 120 times microscope, the magnification effect will be superimposed to 120,000 times, and you can barely observe the internal structure of the crystal.

  While Richard asked the Institute of Optics to continue improving the microscope, he began to study the differences in the structures of magic crystals and abandoned magic crystals.

  Gradually, Richard discovered the difference.

  There is a special mechanical structure in the magic crystal atoms full of magic energy. This structure is a natural magic rune. Once the magic power in the magic crystal is exhausted, this special mechanical structure will lose its balance and the runes will also lose their balance. will dissipate.

  By studying this rune, Richard discovered the fundamental problem of magic energy storage.

  He used super magic metal to create the first artificial magic crystal. Even though this artificial magic crystal was large in size and weighed several hundred kilograms, the magic energy stored in it was not enough to perform a zero-ring trick, which cost thousands of gold coins. The artificial magic crystal created has no practicality at all.

  But this is a breakthrough from zero to one. After completing this step, the magician has completely understood the theory of magic energy storage.

  Magic charging has begun to show its light, and Richard immediately mobilized all magicians to participate in this project.

  There are many problems that need to be solved, such as the problem of magic energy conversion, the accuracy of magic power output, the problem of magic energy interface, the efficiency of charging array, etc. How long will it take for Richard to successfully research it alone?

  The first person to make a meritorious service was Butler. Because he converted to meditation, he had a special understanding of magic factors. A sudden inspiration allowed him to create a special rune that solved the problem of magic energy conversion.

  Then, with the help of the Optical Research Institute, the Territory Mage Association overcame the problem of magic output accuracy.

  The problem with the magic energy interface did not remain stuck for long. In May, it was overcome by Wendy and her research team.

  The most difficult thing is the efficiency of the charging array.

  This problem is particularly difficult to solve. The current charging efficiency of the charging array is too low, only about 1 in 500. It takes more than ten days to charge a magic crystal.

  The magic well can continuously provide energy, and a large amount of magic energy is wasted every year. Even if the charging efficiency is too low, this technology still begins to bring profits to the Harland territory.

  With the continuous improvement of the charging array, the charging efficiency has gradually improved, reaching about one percent.

  The efficiency has increased five times, and it takes about three days to charge a standard magic crystal.

  If there are enough discarded magic crystals, this technology can bring funds of one hundred gold coins per month to the Harland territory.

  As the charging efficiency continues to improve, the benefits will increase. If the charging efficiency can be increased to 30%, relying on this small magic well, the Harland territory will receive 36,000 yuan per year. Gains from gold coins.

  Based on the monthly salary of eight silver coins for veterans in Harland Territory, four thousand soldiers can be supported.

  In addition, the Lightning Tower is also equipped with an array to gather magic power. The magic core of the legendary monster is equivalent to a magic energy battery that can be used an unlimited number of times, and can also charge abandoned magic crystals.

  Because this technology is very promising and will even advance the level of magical civilization in the Dawn Plane. Therefore, Richard attaches great importance to this technology, and Wendy personally participated in improving the charging efficiency.

  Although the benefits are not great now, Richard still orders Hayden to mobilize elite soldiers from the intelligence department to secretly monitor the people involved in the research to prevent them from contacting outsiders.

  This research was also arranged by Richard in the Tower of Fire.

  Because he was worried that the Venus family would leave a secret door, Richard had not arranged anyone to go to the Tower of Fire in recent months.

  After entering June, the construction of the Lightning Tower has been completed, and the members of the Harland Mage Association have basically moved to the vicinity of the Lightning Tower.

  The territory's magic laboratory was also moved to the Lightning Tower.

  In order to serve the magician community, Richard also arranged thousands of people near the Lightning Tower.

  The Lightning Tower is located at the northern end of the Harland territory, more than 100 kilometers away from Malte Castle in the south. Due to the territory's strict migration order, there are basically no outsiders in this area. The Tower of Flame is very close to the Tower of Lightning. Magicians in the territory can do research in the Tower of Flame during the day and return to the Tower of Lightning at night.

  Outside the two magic towers, Richard had stationed troops to prevent anyone from approaching.

  As time has entered September, the efficiency of the charging array has improved again, reaching about 3%. According to this efficiency, a piece of waste magic crystal can be charged in one day.

  Because the charging efficiency was improved, the abandoned magic crystals in Harland's territory were quickly consumed.

  Starting in June, Richard began to purchase abandoned magic crystals at a premium of 10% through the business channels of Harland territory.

  After years of development, the commercial channels in the Harland Territory have become quite large. With a wide variety of commodities, they have spread across the three provinces of northern Xinjiang and have also developed into the three duchies of Jonathan, Edward, and Fox.

  The size of the caravan is second only to the three dukes in Northern Xinjiang.

  Relying on the business tentacles of Harland territory, the caravan negotiated with hundreds of hereditary nobles and also found many professional families. In a few months, the caravan traveled throughout the three provinces of northern Xinjiang and purchased more than 5,000 magic-depleted people. Magic crystal.

  Compared with the purchase price of the royal family, Harland Territory gave a premium after all, and the discarded magic crystals could be exchanged for various goods.

  The little nobles live their lives carefully, and this acquisition almost wiped out all the discarded magic crystals accumulated by the little nobles in northern Xinjiang over the past few years.

  After acquiring enough discarded magic crystals, Wendy continued to lead the research team to improve the efficiency of the charged magic array.

  September has entered and the autumn harvest has been completed.

  The climate this year has been somewhat dry, and grain production has dropped by 30%.

  Fortunately, the Harland territory developed the paddy fields near Graveson on a large scale this year and extracted water from the Black River for irrigation. It was less affected by the drought. By the time the autumn grain was put into the warehouse, the grain warehouse already had 80,000 tons of grain stored.

  Grain reserves are related to the life and death of the territory.

  In order to prevent the granary management staff from corruption and reselling grain, Richard established a strict system, asking Tang En, who was in charge of agriculture, to inspect and inventory the granary every half a month. Richard would also conduct random inspections from time to time.

  Although the spot inspection system cannot fundamentally solve the problem and treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, it can still play a certain role and catch some bad guys.

  These people also came to set fire to the granary and killed him without any evidence.

  In his previous life, Richard had seen the granaries of the world and knew the news about the burning of granaries. He did not expect that the same thing would happen in his territory without changing the medicine.

  It is a pity that the lords of the otherworldly world do not need to compromise with the bureaucrats under their rule. All the bureaucrats in the grain depot were executed by Richard Lingchi, and his family members were sent to the mines to keep company with the orcs, even the two-year-old children were not spared.

  Because the soldiers guarding the grain depot failed to fulfill their responsibilities, all the officers were executed, and the soldiers were expelled from the military and would never be hired for three generations.

  There are professional officers who have been in the army for eighty or nine years, as well as veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles. The leading officer is even a distant branch of the Harland family and a blood relative of Gibson, the great butler of the Harland family.

  Richard was merciless in dealing with these people.

  Even though many people came to Richard to intercede, they were all severely reprimanded and pushed back by him.

  Harsh punishment can still have some deterrent effect.

  Especially when the territory was not too big and Richard could still supervise it, the bureaucrats did not dare to go too far in order to save the family's head.

  With 80,000 tons of grain, Richard had to feed 140,000 indentured servants, and he also had to keep grain for next year's planting and reserve grain. Only 20,000 tons could be sold.

  This year, due to drought, grain production in the inland areas of the west has been severely reduced. The price of grain in Heihe Fort is higher than in previous years. Twenty thousand tons of grain can be sold for 46,000 gold coins.

  After September, Richard continued to patrol the territory, dealt with a number of corrupt officials, dismissed a number of incompetent officials, and promoted a number of newcomers with better performance.

  For two whole months, Richard visited every village, factory and mine in the Harland territory.

  The lord went to great lengths to personally reach out to the grassroots, allowing a lot of filth to escape.

  In a village near Vicksburg, Richard randomly walked into a freedman's house and asked: "How is the harvest this year? Have the officials from the city hall bullied you?" "This year's harvest is not very good. The village chief is dividing the harvest

  . It was very unfair when we were working in the fields. Our family was not allocated paddy fields. After paying the taxes, we didn’t have enough to eat. We could only survive on wild vegetables and grass roots. We didn’t even have money to buy winter clothes. Our life was not as good as when we were indentured slaves. Richard Master, you must not leave us alone!"

  The man of this free family is named Joseph. He is a slave purchased by Richard from the Grand Duchy of Stanik. He has been working diligently in the Harland territory for five years, although he has not established any credit and no mistakes.

  This group of people was pardoned by Richard one month in advance and became free citizens in March this year.

  Becoming a free citizen before March will not delay the spring plowing. Generally speaking, indentured slaves who enter the Harland territory before July will become free citizens some time in advance before the spring plowing.

  Joseph was very frightened when faced with Richard's inquiry, but he may have deep resentment towards the village chief and the bureaucrats in the agricultural department, so he was very angry when he complained.

  Richard looked in the yard and found a large amount of firewood piled up in the yard. It seemed that the family was relatively poor and could not afford coal, so they could only collect shrubs and dead grass for the winter.

  The clothes they wore were also very shabby. They should have been issued when they were indentured slaves. The clothes on the children had already been worn to tatters and their skin was exposed. Now that the climate is relatively cold, they are already a little blue and red.

  The situation of this family can be said to be that they have nothing but four walls.

  After listening to Joseph's statement, Richard would not take any side of the story. He nodded and said to the soldiers beside him: "Gather the villagers of this village together, and then find the officials of the agricultural department who allocate the fields to this village. In addition, bring the village chief. Let's hold a meeting on site to see if the problem in this village is serious." After a

  short time, the soldiers brought the village chief to the courtyard of Joseph's house. The village chief wanted to get angry with Joseph, but Due to Richard's presence, he didn't dare to talk nonsense at all. However, after hearing all the rumors about Richard punishing bureaucrats, his face suddenly turned pale, his legs were shaking, and he looked trembling.

  Soon the villagers also gathered together, and Richard saw numb expressions on some people's faces.

  Generally speaking, because the free people of the territory have changed their destiny, their lives have been greatly improved, and their mental state is often positive. Seeing the many submissive and indifferent freedmen, Richard immediately knew that the problem in this village must be serious.

  (End of chapter)

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