Chapter 226: Bow and admit defeat

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  Chapter 226: Bowing his head and admitting
  defeat, Boy Cisse lost his prestige and could not suppress the accumulated conflicts below.

  Now that David has become the leader, many people have spoken out and expressed their indignation.

  The Xisai family has been knighted for many years, and there is not much family affection between the clan members. They mainly rely on interests to unite them together.

  In recent years, the Cisse family has experienced problems in its development, and its interests have been seriously damaged. With reduced income and lowered status, many people have accumulated countless resentments. In the past, I didn't dare to point it out, but it was because of Boy's powerful skills. After all, when fighting for the title, Boy executed many people.

  Now that David has taken the lead, many people immediately began to speak, wanting to hold Boy accountable.

  In fact, before today's meeting, there was an undercurrent surging within the Cisse family.

  Dawei has already secretly contacted many allies.

  "Dawei is right. You have brought the Cisse family into this state, do you still want to continue to dominate and order us? We have already discussed it before today's meeting. The title of Baron, the head of the Cisse family, is It's time to change people today.

  If you know better and take the initiative to step down, you will still be a member of the Cisse family. If you don't, we will have to let you be stabbed three times and commit suicide." The one who stood up and spoke was a rough man

  . This man's name is Rosen, and he is a distant branch of the Cisse family. Although he does not have the blood of an awakened knight, he is a sixth-level warrior and an important figure in the Cisse family.

  There are only four middle-level and above-level professionals in the Cisse family. Two of them stood up against Boy, and they didn't even bother to be submissive, and directly stated the intention of the coup.

  In fact, there is a reason why Rosen said this. The previous Viscount Cisse was Boy's uncle. After his uncle died in the war, Boy became the patriarch of the Cisse family through this coup and inherited the title of viscount.

  At that time, a tribesman who was ahead of Boy in the line of succession was stabbed three times in the back. In the end, Boy's investigation concluded that he committed suicide.

  This incident was very famous at that time, and even spread to the noble meeting.

  Boy's public confusion of right and wrong was to force family members to recognize the reality. Now that this matter was directly pointed out by Rosen, Boyi's face turned pale instantly.

  "Boy, the current situation is like this, you should accept your fate."

  Seeing that Boy didn't speak, an old man sighed. This old man is the cousin of Baron Cisse, his name is Ince, and he is an old and frail five-year-old man. Rank knight.

  It was with the strong support of Ince that Boy forced several cousins ​​to agree to give up the inheritance of the title. In the process, serious bloodshed broke out and several people who were ahead of Boy in the succession line were killed. heir.

  It was precisely relying on his strong strength and the support of most members of the Cisse family that Boy was able to successfully counterattack and inherit the powerful Viscount of Cisse as the sixteenth heir.

  Back then, Boy relied on his strength to obtain the right to inherit the title through a coup-like method.

  Now his opponents are using almost the same method to force Boy, asking him to give up his title and take responsibility.

  The situation has developed to this point. Although it is beyond Boy's expectation, he is faced with Dawei's pressure. Boy knew in his heart that he had to make a decision.

  At such a critical time, hesitation can only lead to self-destruction.

  Now there are only two ways. The first is to launch a family civil war, purge Dawi and others after victory, and suppress the dissatisfaction of the Cisse family members. Even though this would greatly consume the strength of the Cisse family, Boy still wanted to choose this method.

  After all, Boy's interests are no longer the same as those of the Cisse family. Boy used a coup to change the order of succession. Naturally, he was not a selfless person who was dedicated to the development of the Cisse family.

  Boy's nature is very selfish. As long as his own interests are not harmed, Boy does not care about other members of the Cisse family at all.

  It's just that in the past, his interests were basically the same as those of the Cisse family. The members of the Cisse family were also the basis for Boy to maintain his rule. With the development of the Cisse family, Boy's power will become even greater. But once the family civil war fails, Boy's whole family will be liquidated by the enemy, and it will be difficult for men, women and children to save their lives.

  The second is to give up power happily. According to the unspoken rules of title competition among nobles, although doing so will damage Boy's interests, it can basically save the lives of the whole family.

  As long as there was a slight chance of winning, Boy wanted to choose the first option.

  But looking at the members of the Cisse family united around Dawei, and seeing the eagerness in the eyes of these Cisse family members, Boy knew in his heart that it was imperative to give up his power.

  Boy saw resentment in the eyes of most of the Cisse family members.

  Now, if he does not hand over power, it is very likely that his entire family will be killed and he will be charged with committing suicide out of fear of crime.

  Since there was no chance of winning, Boy could only bow his head and admit defeat. But an old fox like him still wants to ask for favors when he exits.

  "Since everyone has similar opinions, I am now writing a letter to the Parliament of Nobles in the name of illness. My children will all sign a letter of commitment to give up their titles. They are all good children and members of the Cisse family. I hope Don't resent them.

  I voluntarily gave up the title of Baron Cisse, and proposed that David be the first heir to Baron Cisse, and succeed me as the patriarch of the Cisse family. Yes,

  I have done a poor job in the past two years, Some benefits make me crazy, but my intentions are good and I hope to fight for the interests of the Cisse family. I hope Dawei can learn from my lesson and not let greed eat our hearts." Seeing that Boyi chose to withdraw and admit defeat, he was

  happy After handing over the power, Dawei and others were also very happy. When they collude in private, they don't want to get bloody.

  Moreover, Boy is still a sixth-level knight, which can be regarded as an important fighting force of the Cisse family.

  Now Boyi has made people angry in the Cisse family and has no supporters at all. He poses little threat to Dawei, and Dawei does not want Boyi to lose himself in the family's internal strife.

  After driving Boy off the stage, Dawei unceremoniously sat in the position of the patriarch.

  He looked around, looked at the facial expressions of the Cisse family members, and said decisively: "It is imperative to use resources to negotiate peace with the Haaland family. Even if we spend a huge sum of gold coins to expand our army, It is impossible to build an army that is good at fighting in a short period of time.

  The Harland family is already second only to the great nobles in strength. Even if we want to give gifts, the great nobles in the royal capital will weigh the pros and cons and may not be willing to pay the price to protect us. Instead of giving

  them Instead of giving gifts to the greedy nobles of the royal capital, it is better to pay compensation directly to Viscount Richard and fundamentally resolve this conflict." After hearing

  David's decision, Ince nodded and said: "Viscount Richard proposed half a million gold coins in supplies. If we can bargain for compensation, the supplies of 300,000 gold coins may be able to satisfy Viscount Richard's appetite. Now that half of our territory has been taken away, the farmland in the territory can no longer support 90,000 serfs. .

  In fact, after a while, we will need to sell our population in exchange for funds, and many people are eyeing our piece of fat. Compensating the excess population to Viscount Richard, plus some grain, should satisfy Viscount Richard. ." "Uncle Ince, this matter is very urgent. You go to Harland immediately and talk to Viscount Richard. Our bottom line is 60,000 serfs, plus 20,000 tons of grain. At this price, we can win the war with Harland. The Rand family signed a long-term peace contract, and both Viscount Richard and Baron Sophia had to sign this contract."

  After getting the negotiation conditions, Ince came to Harland Territory. After being left alone for a few days, he finally met Li Check.

  Insi is already over seventy years old, and the city is already very deep. Even though he had been left out for several days, he was still humble and polite after seeing Richard, as if he was an ordinary kind-hearted old man.

  But such people often have many faces. Bravery, cruelty, arrogance, cunning, and humility are all different faces of nobles. When they meet different people, they will show a suitable face.

  The nobles who can survive in Northern Xinjiang must be outstanding.

  The better Ince performed, the more Richard became more defensive about him.

  "Viscount Richard, our Cisse family has completely admitted defeat. We hope that the Harland family can let us go and spare our lives. We are willing to compensate the Harland family for their losses. But the amount of five hundred thousand gold coins is too much. , I hope Viscount Richard can reduce it a little. You are a magnanimous person, so have mercy on us!"

  Although Ince's posture was very low, an old man over eighty years old spoke to Richard in a condescending manner. Begging will make people feel pity after seeing it.

  But after hearing what Ince said, Richard did not express his attitude directly. His soul was not that of a young man in his twenties.

  Having experienced two lives before and after, Richard's mental age is over fifty. Ince had one face in front of him, but in the eyes of the serfs of the Cisse family, he probably had another face.

  In Richard's heart, the interests of the Harland family must be guaranteed.

  Seeing that Ince no longer begged, Richard said decisively: "The Cisse family can offset it with supplies. Anyway, your family's farmland is no longer enough to support 100,000 serfs. And the population of the Haaland family is far greater. It's not enough. If the Cisse family transfers 100,000 serfs, I will forgive you." "

  If all 100,000 serfs are given to Viscount Richard, our Cisse family will lose its aristocratic status. Half of the serfs, a population of 50,000 Is that okay? We are willing to promise that we will not send spies into Harland's territory. This condition can be written in the contract."

  After hearing what Ince said, Richard suddenly fell into a weighing situation.

  The reason why he behaved so unwillingly was because he wanted to defeat the Cisse family and incorporate the Cisse family population into the Harland territory.

  If we can swallow this piece of fat without going through a war, it will certainly be a good thing for the Haaland territory.

  If forced too hard, the Cisse family will desperately raise gold coins, and then use the gold coins to purchase various war resources. The war will drag on for a long time, which is not a good thing for the Haaland family.

  The benefits of pushing the Cisse family to the edge may not necessarily fall on Haaland's territory.

  After weighing the pros and cons, Richard decided to agree to the Cisse family's request.

  Because he was not good at bargaining, Richard left the bargaining to Hayden.

  Hayden talked with Ince for five or six days, but could not figure out the bottom line of the Cisse family.

  Compared with the experienced Ince, Hayden is still young after all, but he exposed the bottom line of the Haaland family to the Cisse family.

  After more than ten days of negotiations, the Haaland family obtained 56,000 people and 10,000 tons of grain from the Cisse family.

  After reaching the contract, Richard and Sophia signed their names on the contract. As long as the two of them are alive, the Haaland family will basically not use troops against the Cisse family.

  After signing this unequal contract, Richard spread the news around through the Harland family's business channels, hoping to use this method to spread the reputation of the Harland family.

  For a noble, as long as he has a reputation that he is not easy to mess with, he can avoid a lot of trouble and competition.

  Whether it is good or bad reputation, it has effect on nobles.

  Fifty-six thousand people moved from the territory of the Cisse family. By December of this year, after completing the census of the territory, Richard found that there were already more than 22,500 people in the Harland territory.

  Because of the newly relocated population of 56,000, the food compensated by the Cisse family was not enough to eat, so Richard could only transport the food stored at the Heiheburg cargo station back to the Harland territory.

  Most of this group of people were settled in the new territory by Richard.

  In particular, the area near Graveson Castle will be the focus of operations next year.

  There is a large area of ​​flat land near Graveson Castle, and the agricultural conditions exceed that of the swamp basin. If the development here is completed, it will be a territory no less than that of Black River Castle, enough to support hundreds of thousands of people.

  In addition, Richard is also preparing to arrange part of the population in the swamp basin.

  Developing swamps is very difficult. You need to drain the water first, then fill in the low-lying areas, and then build a large number of ditches and reservoirs to dredge the waters.

  The temperature in the northern region is lower, the number of mosquitoes is relatively small, and there are not many diseases. The development of swamp areas does not require a large number of dead people.

  In areas where the temperature is hot and humid and epidemic diseases are prevalent, swamps and jungles are developed, and large numbers of people die at every step forward.

  According to the history that Richard knew, when the Japanese developed tropical islands in Southeast Asia during World War II, the annual mortality rate was as high as more than 20%.

  When the Dutch and other European colonists developed colonies in Southeast Asia, the annual mortality rate exceeded 30%. After continuous development for two hundred years, the death rate was reduced with quinine.

  When Zheng Chenggong developed the island of Taiwan, his death rate was also very touching. Even this great military hero also died of the notorious Taiwan Malaria.

  Fortunately, the Harland Territory is located in northern Xinjiang, where the temperature is relatively low and the climate is similar to the three eastern provinces, so there is no prevalence of falciparum malaria.

  In spring and autumn, the temperature is not high and there are few mosquito activities. In summer, Richard will also arrange suitable work according to the climate. Reducing mosquito bites should prevent large-scale deaths.

  After signing a contract with the Cisse family and handing over the population, time entered October.

  (End of chapter)

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