Chapter 214 Theory of Elements

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  Chapter 214 Theory of Elements

  Because of the financial surplus this year, Richard did not sell the flame spider's silk and planned to use it to make two magic robes.

  The spider silk has been spun into fine yarn, and the color is brownish red.

  Richard crushed several magic ores, mixed some magic beast blood, and began to draw magic runes on the gauze.

  Flame spider silk is a fire attribute magic material, suitable for drawing fire attribute magic runes. However, this kind of magic material is not of high quality and is not suitable for drawing complex and powerful fire-attribute magic runes.

  Richard thought for a moment and decided to add two low-level magics to this mage robe.

  The first one is the zero-ring magic cleaning technique, which Richard is going to draw on his sleeves. The second one is the two-ring magic scorching ray, and the runes are drawn on the back and chest.

  After drawing the runes, the magic robe is not yet complete.

  For magic equipment to work, you also need to install energy into the magic equipment.

  Richard cut off a few small pieces of magic crystal and made the magic crystal into buttons for the mage's robe.

  After the mage robe is successfully made, it only takes one-third of the magic power to release the scorching ray.

  Even if a senior mage apprentice puts on this robe, with the help of magic crystal buttons, the magic power in the body can release second-level spells. Such equipment is of great help to magic apprentices, allowing them to master professional-level power in advance.

  Three or five high-level apprentices wearing mage robes together are enough to fight a second-level magician.

  Due to material limitations, only two mage robes can be made this year.

  Sophia already has a mage robe, and these two mage robes belong to Richard and Wendy.

  After Wendy signs a pet contract with the Flame Spider Queen, she can communicate with the Flame Spider Queen through special soul fluctuations.

  Next year, the Flame Spider Queen will continue to hatch a batch of flame spiders. When the new batch of flame spiders grow up, the production of flame spider silk will increase. By next winter, the spider silk can continue to be used to make three mage robes.

  In a few years, in the Harland Territory Mage Association, almost all the main magicians will have mage robes.

  After finishing the mage robe, it was already late December.

  Richard packed his bags and took his family back to Black River Castle to celebrate the goddess's birthday.

  The Harland family has been developing very smoothly this year, as if blessed by the goddess of the morning. Due to the failure of political speculation, their rivals, the Holland family, have been exterminated. The Cisse family suffered considerable losses. Half of their territory was cut off and they were demoted to barons.

  Zachary of the Northern Army was dismissed from his post, and William was promoted to deputy commander, and was transferred to the First Brigade as captain. His official position climbed up a level.

  Bernie was transferred to the Fourth Brigade of the Wild Lions in May as captain, and the influence of the Harland family also penetrated into the Flame Castle.

  Ron followed the Mad Lions and went south to join the rebellion. Charlemagne may have wanted to use Ron to contain the Harland family, and he did not punish Ron during the rebellion. Ron had a very low position and was not a senior officer. He followed the trend and participated in a messy war. After the war, he was not held accountable and still served as a junior officer in the Wild Lion Army.

  Richard's good friend Diarra was very lucky. When the Mad Lion Legion went south to join the rebellion, he happened to go back to his hometown for a vacation. He accidentally escaped the turmoil. After the war, he was promoted one level and became the captain of the Eighth Brigade.

  With the care of two full-time captains, Diarra and Bernie, the Haaland family's business in Flame Castle has been very good this year, and the market has expanded a bit.

  Now that the Harland family has established its roots in Flame Castle and Black River Castle, the focus in the future will be to penetrate and develop into the Lach Province and the Grizzly Bear Legion.

  Because Third Uncle Bernie just took office this year, and Flame Castle is far away from Black River Castle, he did not attend this year's family gathering.

  This winter, the third uncle's second son Gavin and the second uncle's second son Cologne were promoted to advanced warrior apprentices. What they practice is the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique. This set of breathing techniques collected by the Harland family can only be practiced to the fifth level. If you want to practice the next level of breathing techniques, you must serve the Silver Wolf Legion.

  Gavin and Colon, Richard is going to arrange them in the Grizzlies.

  The development of the Harland family in the Grizzlies has not been smooth. Uncle Soros retired as a squadron leader, and his second brother Barron died in battle. The Harland family has almost no influence on the Grizzlies. It is also difficult to open up sales in the market in Lach Province.

  Gavin and Colon don't want to work hard in the Grizzlies.

  In comparison, staying in the territory as a civilian bureaucrat was the most comfortable, and the second choice was to stay in the Northern Territory and the Wild Lion Legion, where they would be taken care of by their relatives and elders.

  But Richard has communicated well with Bernie and Powell. For the long-term development of the Harland family, they can only go to the Grizzlies.

  Unless they are willing to make a statement and quit the Haaland family.

  Since you enjoy the benefits brought by the family, you must bear the obligations of the family.

  It is their obligation to develop in unfamiliar legions, expand their contacts, and strengthen the influence of the Harland family. Unless Bernie and Powell particularly like them and come to Richard in person to plead for mercy and replace a brother with the Grizzlies, Richard will consider his uncle's opinion.

  Compared to when Richard and Hayden joined the Mad Lions nine years ago, Gavin and Cologne's situation was much better. Carrying a full set of enchanted equipment, including long swords, bows and arrows, armor, and iron horned horse mounts, the Harland family has become a hereditary noble, and they do not need to exchange their merits for breathing skills.

  Development in the army is much smoother for noble officers than for ordinary people. Their start is already far ahead of ordinary people.

  After celebrating the birthday of the goddess, entering the dawn calendar year 3261, He'an Primary School started school again.

  Because Richard lowered tuition this year, the number of new students enrolled has almost tripled to more than 260.

  Among the more than 260 classmates, there are a total of five children with magical talents.

  These five children all have low-level magic talents. Children with low-level magic talents need to learn magic for about six to eight years before they can become professionals. After becoming a professional, every step forward is very difficult. Only when you are fifty or sixty years old can you advance to the third level. Only those who have made groundbreaking contributions to magic research and have particularly good feedback on meditation can become a high-level magician.

  In the history of magic in the Dawn Plane, there are also magicians with low magic talents who eventually became legends and were praised by people. But such people are very rare in history. Most high-level magicians have very good talents.

  After returning to the territory, Richard began to get busy again, conducting a magic research.

  This magic research is a big project, and all magicians and magic apprentices in Harland territory have participated in the project.

  Because of the magic particles, the elements of this world are slightly different from those of the earth.

  This world has blood steel, orichalcum, mithril, fine gold, and other super-magic metals, including magic cores and magic crystals.

  But through long-term observation, Richard still believes that the elements of this world are still regular.

  If you want to summarize the patterns between elements, you need to do a lot of work.

  The first step is to purify the elements that have been discovered in the world and test conventional physical properties, such as density, hardness, melting point, boiling point, etc.

  Richard threw the iron pieces into hydrochloric acid, collected hydrogen, and then burned the hydrogen to produce water.

  The successful completion of this experiment is enough to prove that water is not a single element, and air is also not an element.

  This experiment directly proved the error of the theory of earth, fire, wind and water elements.

  The theory of the elements of earth, fire, feng shui is a cornerstone of magic theory. If this theory is fundamentally wrong, how can magicians explain magical phenomena?

  After overthrowing the existing magic theory, a new magic theory needs to be proposed to explain the existing magic phenomena.

  Based on the experience of his previous life, Richard wrote the Theory of Elements and began to study the laws between elements.

  Studying the nature of elements requires the use of a lot of equipment for observing the microscopic world, and the conditions in Harland's territory are not yet mature.

  Fortunately, magic exists in this world. The power of magic is very mysterious and can provide a lot of help to Richard's research.

  Since last winter, thirty-three elements have been discovered in Harland Territory.

  Next, Richard used spectroscopic technology to conduct detailed research on thirty-three elements.

  After the birthday of the goddess, Richard wrote his first research paper on elements, the relationship between the properties of elements and their atomic weights, and the first periodic table of elements, which contains thirty-three elements.

  Not long after the birthday of the goddess, Richard and Sophia's experimental assistant Anne observed the prominence through a spectroscope. From the red flames protruding from the back of the black moon disk, they saw colorful strips, which were the hot spectrum emitted by the sun.

  She found a yellow line, close to the sodium spectrum. Shortly thereafter, Anne observed this yellow line again in the solar spectrum.

  After further study, she realized that it was a new spectrum that did not belong to any known element.

  Anne discovered a new element and immediately informed the Harland Mage Association of the good news and recorded it.

  After reading Anne's paper, Richard immediately knew that Anne had discovered the element helium.

  But it is very difficult to collect rare gases under existing conditions. Richard thought it would be difficult to collect helium in a short period of time. Unexpectedly, Annie was lucky and discovered a mysterious gas while studying uranium ore. The spectrum of this gas happened to be that of helium.

  Inert gases were discovered in the Dawn Plane. Richard modified the periodic table of elements and added the rare gas family.

  The discovery of the nature of the elements gave Annie great meditation feedback. In less than half a month, she was promoted to an official magician, almost half a year ahead of schedule.

  Including Anne, there are already six magicians in the Harland Mage Association.

  This magical organization has been established for a very short time, and there are already more than 30 apprentices. Richard feels that the time is ripe to start an internal magic journal.

  He plans to publish an annual magazine at the Harland Mages Association, named "Elements".

  After Anne discovered the element helium, Sophia quickly found the similar element argon.

  In Richard's periodic table of elements, it not only lists the thirty-five known elements, but also points out that there are many undiscovered elements in the world.

  Because of the magic energy particles, there are many super-magic metals in the Dawn Plane. The physical and chemical properties of super-magic metals are different from ordinary metals. They are almost a new element.

  According to Richard's estimate, there may be two hundred elements in this world.

  After Sophia discovered the argon element, Wendy discovered the gallium element from zinc mines. In just one or two months, the Harland Mage Association discovered three new elements.

  The discovery of three new elements is enough to prove that the periodic table of elements is not a fantasy and that there are indeed patterns between elements.

  Mastering this law almost perfectly explains alchemy.

  This periodic table of elements is undoubtedly the greatest discovery in the history of alchemy.

  If the research results of the Harland Mage Association are made public, it will definitely cause a huge shock in the magic world, and Richard's name will become the father of modern alchemy, surpassing great magicians such as Aylin and Flatt.

  (End of chapter)

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