Chapter 212 Magic Elements

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  Chapter 212 Magic Elements
  The brain of the ogre can be used to refine deep meditation potions. It's a pity that there is no formula for deep meditation potion in Haaland territory.

  This kind of material can be sold at a high price of more than 300 gold coins in Markholm Magic Kingdom, but when sold to the Grant Kingdom Mage Association, it can only be sold for about 200 gold coins.

  Markhome Magic Kingdom is more than 10,000 kilometers away from Fort William. Even if you ride a fast horse, it will take more than half a year to go back and forth.

  Moreover, there are many dangerous areas along the way, and you need to follow a larger noble caravan to pass through, which may delay your work for a year.

  Richard needs to manage the territory and cannot leave the territory for too long. Although Sophia is familiar with her, Margaret is still young and cannot leave her child for too long.

  Of the three magicians in the Harland family, only Wendy has time to go to Markholm Magic Kingdom.

  He heard that war broke out in the Kingdom of St. Gruy on the way, and the road was not very safe. Richard was not worried about Wendy passing through the war-torn country alone.

  In desperation, he could only endure the exploitation of the Grant Mage Association for the time being and sold the raw materials cheaply.

  After returning to Fort William, Richard continued to deduce the Book of Fire. Counting the No. 4 meditation method practiced by the ogre, Richard had already read four advanced meditation methods, which can be said to be well-informed.

  In particular, the Starlight Meditation Method is a set of super meditation methods that can be practiced to the fourth level of legend.

  Every time he read and studied this meditation method, Richard couldn't help but admire Shao Gongyuan's vast knowledge and profound thinking about the person who created this meditation method.

  Every person with magical talent has different affinity to various elements.

  In the Dawn Plane, according to the theory of ancient magicians, there are more than a dozen magical elements including wind, fire, water, earth, light, darkness, thunder and lightning, stars, and soul.

  The so-called magic elements refer to various different magic energy particles.

  The highland meditation method that Richard practiced mainly absorbed the elements of earth and wind.

  But the element with which Richard has the highest affinity is precisely the soul element, followed by the light element. The elemental affinity between the earth element and the wind element in his body is very average, so the effect of meditation is not very good. If it were not for the help of killing power, he may not be able to advance to the intermediate level magician so quickly.

  Sophia's element with the highest affinity is the water element, followed by the wind element, and Wendy's element with the highest affinity is the earth element.

  When Richard first learned magic, he didn't even know the common sense of magic. He finally got a magic book, so naturally he grabbed it and started practicing.

  The study and meditation of a magician are difficult to change once you choose a path.

  If Richard practiced meditation methods such as the Book of Light and the Book of Holy Light, the effect of meditation would be much better.

  Although he has the highest affinity for the soul element, because of the three views he formed in his previous life, which conflict with his knowledge of soul magic, he is very slow to learn soul magic and is not suitable for taking the path of a soul mage or a necromancer.

  Now that Richard has created the Book of Fire, children with a high affinity for the fire element in the territory can choose to practice Book of Fire meditation.

  A large magic organization must have meditation methods with various attributes. Only by teaching students in accordance with their aptitude can they quickly cultivate mature magicians.

  Only when each generation of magicians can create something new can magic civilization progress and develop.

  I heard from Sophia that the Speaker of the Magic Parliament, Albert Sacco, had completed the deduction of two legendary meditation methods.

  Although Meditation Method No. 4 is very rough, it is closer to the essence of magic.

  By reading Meditation Method No. 4, Richard gradually gained new ideas. Then through brainstorming and listening to other people's ideas, we began to deduce the Book of Fire.

  By winter, Richard had reached the seventh level. The meditation method that can be cultivated to the fourth ring has a certain value even if it is placed in Markholm Magic Kingdom, and can be exchanged for a lot of magic crystals.

  In recent months, in addition to deducing the meditation method, Richard also took the time to make a batch of enchanted leather armor.

  The quality of the enchanted armor made from ogre skin is superior to that of snake scale armor.

  The skins of more than forty ogres can be peeled off to make about a hundred pieces of armor.

  Richard equipped all these hundred pieces of armor to the first squadron to strengthen the fist in his hand.

  There are now sixteen professionals in the First Squadron, and the veterans all have enchanted armor. When war breaks out, the squadron will be equipped with thirty pieces of brute armor and twenty pieces of light armor.

  Everyone who has been in the army for more than five years has an enchanted sword. There are more than thirty archers in the first squadron, equipped with enchanted crossbows.

  These master archers have reached the third level of archery skills.

  The combat effectiveness of the First Squadron is second only to the Warcraft Cavalry Squadron. Due to the larger number of people fighting between the two armies, the combat effectiveness is superior to that of the Orcs' Snakehead Heavy Infantry Squadron.

  The snake-body human scale armor replaced by the first squadron was strengthened to the second and third squadrons.

  Although the combat effectiveness of these two squadrons is much weaker than that of the first squadron, they are also the main squadrons in the Harland territory. Together they are equipped with more than one hundred enchanted armors and thirty magic armors.

  There are less than 500 elite soldiers in the three squadrons. Together with the alchemy bombs, their combat effectiveness is enough to rival the orc brigade.

  By this winter, according to Richard's statistics, there were already 186 professionals in the Harland territorial army.

  In a state of war, the mage team, medical team, and church priest team will also be strengthened. The total number of professionals is estimated to reach more than 200 people.

  In less than ten years, the number of professionals in the territory has exceeded 200, and the speed of development is very fast. The sixty years of accumulation of the Viscounty of Cisse cannot compare with the Haaland Territory.

  While Richard was busy, in the west of the Eagle Mountains, the legendary ogre Gresso received news that the ogre tribe had been completely annihilated.

  The ogre tribe that Richard annihilated was the descendant of Gresso.

  Especially the ogre magician Taglat, the youngest son of the legendary ogre Gresso.

  Because he liked his little son very much, Gresso gave him such a precious treasure as the thunder staff.

  Unexpectedly, just after Gresso let Taglat out for training, he was completely wiped out by Harland Territory. It was rumored that even the skin on his body was made into armor by humans.

  After Gresso heard the news, although he was very angry, he did not let his anger go to his head and rashly went down the mountain to seek revenge on Harland's territory. Gresso has been able to stand firm in the Eagle Mountains for many years. He is very intelligent and can understand the situation very well. He also has in-depth research on geopolitics.

  After discovering that Taglat was dead, he immediately thought that humans had set a trap at the foot of the mountain and wanted to ambush and kill him after he came down the mountain.

  Despite his inner rage, Gresso's response was very methodical. He first notified the human spies hidden in the Dukedom of Edward and asked them to collect detailed information about Harland's territory. After collecting the information, he would decide whether to take action?
  Although Gresso likes to eat people, he is very good at using human spies. He has been dealing with Duke Edward for hundreds of years. Gresso's intelligence network has completed the penetration of Duke Edward.

  Some of the people who serve the legendary ogre through coercion, inducement, magic control and other means are even from within the Duke Edward family.

  Through Duke Edward's intelligence network, Gresso quickly obtained information about part of Harland's territory.

  After getting the intelligence, Gresso deliberately stood still and observed for a while. After discovering that it was not a trap, he prepared to take revenge on the Harland family.

  With this idea in mind, Gresso began to redeploy manpower.

  It is difficult for ogres to give birth. There are dozens of ogre tribes in the entire western part of the Eagle Mountains, with a combined population of about 2,000 people.

  Although the ogres are individually powerful, their population is too small to be a match for a dukedom.

  A duchy has at least one main force legion, two garrison legions, a population of at least one million, and a large number of professionals under its command.

  If Duke Edward is determined to eliminate the ogres, he can still eliminate his opponents as long as he is willing to pay a certain price.

  But there is a legend behind the ogre, so the legendary ogre cannot be solved. If the ogre tribe is wiped out, it will cause a lot of trouble.

  Gresso is determined to seek revenge on Duke Edward, but Duke Edward may not be able to guard against him.

  After all, there is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days. If you relax even a little bit, you will be killed by the legendary ogre hiding in the dark.

  Even a kingdom would be hard-pressed to defend against legendary terrorists wreaking havoc.

  Duke Edward was unwilling to offend a legend until the last moment.

  The most critical problem is that the Grant Kingdom does not have a legendary prophecy mage who can set traps to hunt legendary level opponents.

  In order to assassinate the legendary magician Elena of the Venus family, Duke Brenner even used the method of pretending to be dead, but still did not completely kill his opponent.

  This method can only be used once, and it will be difficult for the opponent to take the bait next time.

  Gresso mobilized five hundred ogres to prepare for a raid on Harland's territory.

  As soon as he entered the Gedda Province, he suddenly felt a strong palpitation in his heart, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly emerged in his heart, as if a disaster was imminent.

  As a legendary magician, Gresso has several special talents, one of which is the same as Richard, which is danger perception.

  The greater the perceived danger, the greater the fear in the heart.

  Gresso has been advanced into the Legend for nearly a hundred years, and has only felt this terrible feeling two or three times.

  After receiving the warning from his danger perception talent, Gresso immediately abandoned the ogres under his command and quickly returned to his lair. It wasn't until this terrible feeling disappeared that the pressure in my heart eased some.

  The ancestors all fled, and the remaining ogres were not fools. They immediately noticed the abnormality and chose to retreat one after another.

  In fact, the reason why the legendary ogre felt in danger was because Richard had the Star Necklace on him.

  The Star Necklace comes with a legendary magical star bomb.

  Starlight Bomb is the iconic magic created by the fourth-level legend Shao Gongyuan, and its lethality is very powerful.

  If this magic is used well, it can threaten the life of the legendary ogre.

  It just so happens that the legendary ogre Gresso has the gift of danger perception, and he is also a cunning and cautious character.

  After sensing the danger, he ran away regardless of face.

  The legendary ogres have all fled, and the remaining ogres will of course secretly speculate that they have returned to the west of the Eagle Mountains without even entering the Harland territory.

  In a state of confusion, Richard managed to survive a crisis. He had no idea about all this.

  This crisis is over before it even begins.

  This year there has been an influx of more than 47,000 people into the territory.

  With such a huge influx of people, the protection of territorial life and production resources has become a very critical task.

  Most of these 47,000 people were placed in the two baronies of Stopa and Dirham.

  Within the two baronies, more than 360,000 acres of farmland have been cultivated. Counting the original population of the Stopa territory, the two baronies now have a population of 70,000.

  Richard looked at the album. The two southernmost territories have the best agricultural conditions. If all the wasteland is developed, 100,000 acres of farmland can be reclaimed.

  In two or three years, there will be no flat wasteland in this area, and it will be considered mature for development.

  As for developing terraces on the hills, it would require a very large project. There is still a lot of wasteland in the territory, so there is no need to go to this step yet.

  In the hilly terrain, Richard is not planning to cultivate terraced fields, but is planning to cultivate brown sugar, fruit trees, medicinal materials and other cash crops.

  In addition, the hilly terrain is also particularly suitable for ranching. In recent years, wool spinning has become the largest industry in the territory. If the wool spinning industry is well established, it will be far more profitable than building terraces to grow food.

  (End of chapter)

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