Chapter 202 Conspiracy to Rebellion

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  Chapter 202: Conspiracy and Rebellion
  Just after the birthday of the goddess, Baron Harden sent an invitation letter.

  "Dear Viscount Richard Harland, tomorrow is my daughter Monica's engagement dinner. I sincerely invite you to attend, your friend Harden."

  Sophia took the invitation and asked Richard: "Do we need to go?"

  "No, I need to focus on a magic problem these days and I don't have any free time. Besides, we don't have close contact with Baron Harden. If we attend these noble banquets every time, it will be a waste. Is that too much time?"

  Richard decisively refused. He is somewhat introverted and doesn't like to participate in this kind of aristocratic entertainment.

  When attending aristocratic banquets, one always has to speak nonsense words with various old men, and one needs to be very nervous mentally to analyze the meaning contained in the aristocratic words.

  Every time he attended a meeting of nobles, Richard felt like he was in a war, which consumed a lot of mental energy.

  Sophia's personality is more similar to that of a scientist. She doesn't even like taking care of children, and she doesn't like attending various aristocratic banquets. She thinks it is a waste of time.

  Only William and Mrs. Olla in the Harland family are party animals. They are keen to participate in various banquets and hang out with many strangers.

  They were strangers in the first place, but they seemed to be very familiar.

  "Then I will write a letter to refuse. Baron Harden is an important nobleman in Gascoigne Province. I will write a little more tactfully."

  Time passed by, and Baron Harden's engagement banquet was held as scheduled.

  In the baron's castle, the nobles wore gorgeous dresses, enjoyed fine wine and food, watched singing and dancing, and chatted about some news in the northern region.

  Three older nobles are hiding in the study. They must have a very close relationship and exchange some secret information.

  One of them is Baron Harden, the other is Charlemagne, the commander of the Wild Lion Army, and the last one is Viscount Anthony, a very important nobleman in Gascoigne Province.

  "I heard that Prince Chris married Duke Jonathan's third daughter?"

  "Duke Jonathan's third daughter seems to be a fool, right?"

  "Duke Jonathan's third daughter's IQ is indeed a bit low, and it is said to be related to the marriage of incest. But it is rumored that the Duke's daughter The bloodline is very pure, and there is no shortage of suitors in the Duke Jonathan family."

  The Duke Jonathan family has always had a tradition of incest marriage.

  In the Dawn Plane, in order to maintain the purity of their bloodline, it is common for princes and nobles to marry close relatives. Even if they pay a high price, in order to maintain the strength of their bloodline, nobles will still choose to marry close relatives, just to give birth to bloodline talents. High genius.

  Although the base of geniuses is small, most of them are deformed children, fools and other unlucky people.

  In fact, on the highly civilized Earth, in a country called America, marriages between close relatives are very common among the upper class of society.

  The reason for this is simple: to avoid the loss of wealth. America has the richest consortium in the world, and most of these consortiums are composed of several families closely united together.

  In these huge families, everyone holds some power and interests. Once an out-marriage occurs, after the death of a female member, the power and interests she holds will be passed on to the next generation in accordance with the provisions of the law, and the next generation's bloodline and surname will be passed on to the next generation. Obviously it is not on his side. The power and interests in the family are controlled by outsiders, which is a disaster for such a huge family.

  Therefore, whether it is to avoid the loss of power and interests, or whether male members want to enhance their voice and status in the family, they will take the initiative to take the responsibility of throwing their relatives into bed and killing them.

  Not only for money, but in this world, close relatives marry not only for money, but also for blood, strength, rights, etc. Because of this, moral standards will change.

  Civilians have long recognized the dangers of marriage between close relatives and consider it incest and a despised behavior. In the Church of the Seven Gods, the Goddess of Dawn and the God of Truth prohibit believers from marrying close relatives.

  On the contrary, the nobles believed that incest marriage was a behavior that could only be performed by those with noble blood, and despised the shallow and stupid understanding of common people.

  The Church of the God of Kingship and Order does not prohibit believers from marrying close relatives.

  "Prince Chris is going to compete for the throne. If the queen is not intelligent enough to be on the stage, how can she attend public events? Aren't she afraid of becoming a laughing stock?" "

  Now King Charlie supports Prince Felix, and the Grant family has not yet reached a unified opinion. Prince Chris Although there is support from Duke Duran and Duke Roger, if the Grant family unites its opinions to support Prince Felix, Prince Chris may not have a chance of winning?

  But it is different with the support of Duke Jonathan. With the influence of Duke Jonathan, the Grant family I will definitely consider Duke Jonathan's opinion."

  After listening to the analysis of his two old friends, Baron Harden asked thoughtfully: "How many years can this old guy Brener last?" "

  He could have lived for more than ten years. , but through our hands, we dedicated a piece of water of life to the Grant royal family. This water of life was added with the divine power of the God of Glory. If the legend of the prime of life is refined, it can increase the life span by twenty years, and there will be some A special miraculous effect, but the legendary refining of an old and frail person like Brenner may increase the burden on the body. The old man's physical deterioration is probably only in the past few days." "The Grant family betrayed their master and stole the power

  of the Kingdom of Venus. , it has been six hundred years now.

  For six hundred years, our ancestors have been struggling continuously, hoping to regain the power of their motherland. They have seen the light of day several times, but every time a genius appears in the Grant family. More than a hundred years ago, It was this old guy, Brenner, who defeated our ancestors and allowed the Grant family's national destiny to continue for more than a hundred years." "

  Now the Grant family's good luck is over, Brenner is about to die, and today's Kingdom of Charles is not one of great talent and strategy. King. It’s up to our generation to restore the glory of our ancestors.”

  After hearing the secret of Brener’s death, Baron Harden’s face suddenly glowed red. He nodded excitedly and said, "What will the family do after Breonna's death?"

  "We will assassinate King Charles and provoke a civil war in the Grant family. When the Grant royal family declines, we will contact the loyal ministers of the Venus family and completely liquidate the Grant family, a traitor family with dirty blood." If Richard hears these secret

  conversations , you will be surprised to find out that Baron Harden, Viscount Anthony, and Charlemagne, the leader of the Wild Lion Legion, are all members of the Venus family.

  These three people are all heavyweights in the Gascoigne Province. If the three of them join forces to start a rebellion, they can turn the Gascoigne Province upside down.

  "Among the young talents in Northern Xinjiang, are there any candidates worth wooing?"

  "The most capable one is Richard from the Haaland family. This family is an emerging force in Geda Province and already has three thousand soldiers. Although Richard is young, , has shown good battlefield intuition and has the demeanor of a famous general. The person I want to win over most is him, but this person is not easy to get along with. I also invited him to this banquet, but he did not agree to my invitation."

  " If you can win over this kind of young talent, you can win over them. If you can't win over, you can eliminate the troubles." "

  When we rebel, will the seven earls in the south cooperate with us in fighting? For more than six hundred years, they have been fighting against the Venus family. How much of your loyalty is left?"

  "Don't worry about this issue. Our people have taken control of the Cloverford family and the Meslin family."

  "Did we get rid of Earl Cloverford?" After hearing this, Baron Harden asked doubtfully.

  Charlemagne nodded and said: "Count Cloverford had no intention of cooperating with us, and even sold the person we sent to contact the royal capital. The family magician personally took action, seducing Earl Cloverford and letting him come. The Eagle Mountain Range has easily eliminated this trouble."

  (End of this chapter)

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