Chapter 199 Financial Revenue and Expenditure

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  Chapter 199 Financial Revenue and Expenditure
  After walking around Zhuanyao Village, Richard nodded with great satisfaction.

  Zhuanyao Village is the earliest developed area in the territory, and the people in the territory are generally relatively wealthy.

  In Zhuanyao Village, families are united. Not only are they allocated land, but they can also work in factories, earning an annual gross income of more than eight gold coins. After deducting the consumption of food, clothing, housing and transportation, you can have a balance of about three to four gold coins a year.

  Their general living standards are close to those of the families of the main legionnaires. The families of the soldiers of the main army are considered to be high-income families in the Grant Kingdom.

  The low-level bureaucrats in the royal capital only earn about one gold coin per month.

  Richard's uncle, Otto, worked as a low-level judge in the royal capital and only received a monthly salary of one gold coin and six silver coins. Of course, a son of a baron like Otto does not just rely on salary. His main income in the royal capital comes from rent.

  Sophia's father was very good to his children. After Otto settled in the royal capital, Baron Stopa spent 1,200 gold coins to buy a yard for him near the street. There were seven or eight houses in this yard that could be rented.

  Relying on rent, Otto has an income of about thirty gold coins per year.

  Ordinary citizens can have a balance of three or four gold coins every year, and their spending power is already quite good.

  Richard's store in Zhuanyao Village has been able to sell a lot of brown sugar and white wine since last year.

  However, there are relatively few villages as wealthy as Zhuanyao Village in Harland Territory. In addition to the 1,500 families of veterans' families, there are only 1,200 families with the same living standards, including the merchant class.

  The population with a good living standard in the territory is less than 3,000 households and about 14,000 to 5,000 people.

  Next year, approximately 8,000 indentured slaves will be able to regain their freedom, adding 8,000 people with spending power. The market will become more prosperous, and the territory will have more tax revenue.

  As time goes by, field taxes will gradually become the largest revenue in the territory.

  After Richard inspected the territory, he began to inspect military affairs.

  Last year, the Haaland Territory expanded its military force on a large scale, with the number of personnel increased by about 1,500.

  After more than a year of training, this group of soldiers has completed recruit training.

  Because of the large base of soldiers, a total of nine veterans were promoted to professionals this year.

  Although a drinking war broke out with Viscount Cisse and some people were killed or injured, the strength of the territory was still developing rapidly.

  During this year, whenever Richard had free time, he would make enchanted armor.

  In nearly a year, Richard enchanted fifty pieces of snake scale armor, thirty pieces of brute armor, and twenty pieces of light armor.

  After a year of hard work by Richard, the number of enchanted armors in the army increased by one hundred. Most of the veterans of the first and second squadrons are equipped with enchanted armor.

  There are still seventy sets of snake scale armor left, and seventy pieces of snake scale armor can be made.

  The blood steel produced in the territory can produce thirty pieces of enchanted armor every year. The reason why we were able to make fifty pieces this year was because we accumulated blood steel last year.

  If the orcs continue to invade once every three years as in previous years.

  Before the orcs invade, more than a hundred pieces of enchanted armor can be made in Harland territory.

  Richard spent all his energy on making enchanted armor. His experience in enchantment increased very quickly, which was reflected in the attribute panel. His enchantment had been upgraded to the fourth level.

  Fourth-level enchantment can create fourth-level enchanted weapons, which is considered an enchantment master in Northern Xinjiang.

  Richard concentrated on making enchanted armor, and Sophia and Wendy were not idle either. This year, the two of them made one hundred and fifty alchemy bombs, replenishing part of the alchemy bomb reserve.

  According to the current reserve rate, by the spring of the year after next, the reserve of alchemical bombs should be increased to about 600. In recent years, due to the increase in territorial productivity, the army's material support has become better and better. Brown sugar and white wine have begun to be distributed to the army in large quantities. This year, canned fruits have been added. In winter, sweaters and woolen military uniforms have been distributed, and the fuel in the barracks has also changed. Became coal.

  After talking with the soldiers, Richard found that the morale of the soldiers was very good. The soldiers are very satisfied with their current life.

  After a tour of each squadron, Richard returned to Fort William.

  It was November, and the belated heavy snow finally fell in Harland Territory.

  Officials from the territory came to Fort William to attend this year's financial meeting.

  Since the Haaland Territory has been on track, a fiscal meeting has been held every year in the winter.

  The meeting time is not fixed and needs to be randomly arranged according to Richard's time.

  As the officials responsible for various tasks reported one by one, Richard immediately understood that the territory was still in deflation this year.

  With the end of the war, the steel trade fell into a trough, and profits dropped by about 40% compared to last year. This year's profit was only 10,800 gold coins.

  The losses in the wine trade were even more serious because the technology was leaked and there were competitors. In addition, Richard sold the winemaking technology and gave up the market. There were only about 6,000 gold coins in the whole year, half of which was still based on fruit wine.

  Although a large amount of grain was sold this year, there was no cash flow due to the exchange of slaves. The sale of the liquor brewing process also resulted in a large number of slaves, and there was also no cash flow.

  From the coal business, the profit for the whole year is about one thousand gold coins. More than half are military purchases, which is equivalent to the left hand taking the right hand.

  The wool spinning business is very good. Although it is the first year, it still brings an income of two thousand gold coins to the territory.

  The income from hemostatic ointment is very stable, three thousand gold coins a year.

  The annual income from the spider silk produced by the flame spider is one thousand gold coins.

  The profit from brown sugar is still increasing rapidly this year. This year is already the fourth year of the establishment of the brown sugar plantation. The brown sugar trees planted have basically grown a lot taller. This year’s brown sugar output has increased by 1.2 times compared with last year. The profit of the brown sugar industry for the whole year reached 1,800 gold coins.

  Brick kilns and cement kilns mainly rely on official orders. This year's income is very average. The profit is not much different from last year, adding up to 600 gold coins.

  The profit of the glass kiln reached 800 gold coins from canning fruits.

  As more and more glass is produced, the glass craftsmen are becoming more and more experienced, and their technical level and craftsmanship have caught up with Viscount Romain. Due to the scale of production, the profit is even higher than Viscount Romain's glass kiln.

  The fruit industry is also a new income for the territory this year. Relying on tens of thousands of acres of wild orchards, the territory relies on selling fruits, canned fruits, preserves, and dried fruits, which adds up to a total income of 1,200 gold coins.

  Zitoufeng Honey now earns one thousand gold coins a year.

  Capturing and hunting Warcraft is also an important income for the territory this year. The Demon Hunting Team went deep into the Eagle Mountains seven times and successfully captured Warcraft three times. In addition to obtaining a batch of Warcraft materials, they also captured seven Iron Horned Horses. The territory was divided into six Thousand gold coins cash income.

  The other thing is taxes. The total of various taxes is just over 4,000 gold coins.

  The total cash income of Harland Territory this year is about 37,200 gold coins.

  Compared with last year, cash income decreased by 3,000 gold coins.

  Although there is no expansion of the army this year, the army's food and logistics supplies have increased a lot. The military expenditure is about 38,000 gold coins, plus a pension of 2,000 gold coins. If it had not been for the robbery of Viscount Cisse's casino, he would have made a fortune. Windfall. This year the territory will have a deficit and will be unable to make ends meet.

  (End of chapter)

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