Chapter 197 Food for Slaves

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  Chapter 197: Grain for Slaves

  After purchasing slaves from the Grand Duchy of Stanik, August has entered.

  August is the autumn harvest season, because the territory has reclaimed a lot of farmland this year, and food production is still increasing significantly.

  Adding autumn grain to summer grain, this year's grain output reached 26,000 tons.

  The territory has a population of more than 60,000. Saving some 15,000 tons of grain is enough, and 2,000 tons of grain will be left to grow grain next year. This year, there are 9,000 tons of surplus grain that can be used.

  Because the liquor market suffered heavy losses, less than 1,000 tons of grain were consumed in making liquor this year.

  Last year, 8,000 tons of grain were stored, but this year less than 2,000 tons were consumed.

  Currently, there are 14,000 tons of grain in stock in Haaland territory.

  Starting this year, Harland Territory will be able to sell thousands of tons of grain every year to fill the gap due to reduced profits from liquor.

  There is a high probability that there will be no war next year, so Richard only plans to reserve 6,000 tons of grain, and the remaining 8,000 tons of grain will be sold to the Duke of Edward.

  This year the Dukedom of Edward suffered from a locust plague, causing a severe reduction in food production.

  After the autumn grain arrived, Duke Edward's fleet came to Black River Fort and purchased a large amount of grain at a price two levels higher than the market price. If grain could be transported to Duke Edward, the price of grain would be two to three times higher than normal, or even five or ten times higher.

  However, making this money may not save your life. Duke Edward is not a good-tempered person. Let you hoard in his territory and earn a lot of gold coins.

  Eight thousand tons of grain were transported to Heihe Fort. According to this year's grain price, it could be sold for 19,000 gold coins.

  With this amount of funds, the territory’s revenue will surge this year.

  Richard sent this batch of old grain to Black River Fort by water transport, and met Sanji Tara, who was in charge of grain trade in the Dukedom of Edward.

  Sanchi Tara is Mrs. Tara’s elder brother.

  Lady Tara is Duke Edward's maid. She is very favored and has given birth to three children for Duke Edward.

  Relying on Lady Tara's relationship, Sanchitara became Duke Edward's business agent.

  Seeing Richard transporting a large amount of food, Sanjitala was very happy.

  After counting the food, Sanjitala did not negotiate the price directly with Richard, but invited Richard to a banquet.

  Richard also wants to see what kind of medicine is sold in Sanjitala gourd? So he followed Sanji Tara to the banquet. At the banquet, Richard met many acquaintances, including Viscount Roman, Baron Bazel, Baron Barton, Baron Green, etc.

  These hereditary nobles have a large amount of farmland in their territories, and they are the largest grain merchants in Heihe County.

  Including Richard's five nobles, the grain sold reached 60,000 tons.

  Sanji Tara clapped her hands, and a group of more than thirty beautiful girls appeared at the banquet.

  These girls are tall, scantily clad, and have fiery eyes, making them look very sexy and alluring.

  The nobles present were all physically strong professionals.

  Whether you are a knight or a warrior, because your body is strong and energetic, you will secrete more hormones and dopamine, and your desire will be much stronger than that of ordinary people.

  So most nobles will have a lot of women, powerful female knights, female warriors, and generally a lot of men.

  This has nothing to do with morals or immorality, it is entirely determined by hormone levels. As soon as these beautiful women appeared and gathered around the nobles, Viscount Luomen and others immediately had their blood boiling and their eyes glowing with fire.

  Baron Barton had the worst self-control. At that time, he raised and lowered his hands regardless of the occasion, showing his ugly appearance. It seemed that he had to take a shot and enter the sage's time before he could wake up.

  Although Richard was also aroused, he was soberer than others because of his strong mental power. He narrowed his eyes, pushed away the sexy woman who was approaching, and said directly: "Mr. Sanji, what do you mean by doing this to us?" "

  I just want to entertain everyone and thank you for selling food to us. If everyone likes it, these beautiful women can be sold for everyone to enjoy."

  The Duke of Edward has been severely affected by the disaster this year. The locust plague has reduced the territory's food supply by 70%.

  Although Duke Edward has 100,000 tons of grain in storage, the territory's population of more than 2 million is crying out for food. Some of the 100,000 tons of grain in storage are military rations, and the grain reserves are far from enough.

  Although Duke Edward had a lot of gold coins, he was unwilling to spend them all to feed the serfs and lead the people.

  Seeing that the food gap was still very large, Duke Edward came up with an idea to exchange slaves for food.

  Selling a slave means losing one mouth, and the food obtained by one strong slave can feed fifty slaves for a year. This can both increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and the slave-for-grain trade is very suitable for Duke Edward this year.

  Duke Edward knew very well that strong slaves could enhance the strength of his territory, so he planned to sell as many female slaves as possible.

  Especially beautiful female slaves can be sold for hundreds of gold coins. If one can be sold, Duke Edward can feed five hundred or even a thousand ordinary people in disaster years.

  This year, Sanchi Tara is displaying a group of female slaves with the highest price tags. The most beautiful ones are as beautiful as Sophia and Wendy, but because they are from a lower background, their temperament is not good enough.

  In previous years, female slaves with this kind of appearance were basically sold in the royal capital, and were usually high-value commodities exclusive to the great nobles.

  Hearing that Sanchi Tara was willing to sell these beautiful women, even Viscount Luomen was a little moved and immediately asked for the four girls with the largest breasts at the price of 500 tons of grain.

  Viscount Luomen has a high prestige, and no one else dares to compete for the woman he wants.

  Seeing that Richard had no intention of buying, Baron Baron Baron, Baron Barton, and Baron Green rushed to bid.

  The three of them even fell in love with the same beautiful slave girl. Baron Barton paid 400 tons of grain to get this beautiful slave girl.

  According to this year's grain prices, four hundred tons of grain cost about one thousand gold coins.

  The gold coins of the Grant Kingdom weighed about sixty-five grams, and this beautiful woman only weighed one hundred kilograms. The price paid by Baron Barton actually exceeded one hundred and thirty kilograms of gold.

  "It's really scary for a guy whose brain is taken over by hormones."

  Richard looked at the few people speechlessly and walked out of the banquet hall, trying to calm down first.

  Although the most beautiful female slaves were not purchased, the trade of slaves for food was very feasible.

  After Baron Bazel and others completed the transaction, Richard discussed the exchange of grain for slaves with Sanji Tara.

  Because Richard was only willing to accept slaves with complete families, Duke Edward eventually sold 800 households of slaves in exchange for 8,000 tons of grain.

  Among these 800 slave households, 300 households have no males, only 500 strong adult male slaves, 1,300 adult female slaves, and the remaining 2,600-odd slaves are all old people who cannot be sold at a high price. , children, in order to make the slaves feel at ease, Richard also took away a dozen fools and disabled people.

  After completing the slave-for-grain trade, Richard checked the census and found that the population of the territory already exceeded 68,400.

  (End of chapter)

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