Chapter 194 Special Operation 2

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  Chapter 194 Special Operations The Second

  Viscounty of Cisse has been established for more than thirty years, and there are now 120,000 people in the territory.

  More than 90,000 of them were serfs, more than 10,000 yeoman farmers, and 10,000 citizens living near the castle. The remaining more than 10,000 people are territorial bureaucrats, garrison troops and their families

  . Elena Castle is the main castle in the Viscounty of Cisse. The castle occupies a large area, slightly smaller than Fort William, including the garrison families. This castle is home to 20,000 people year-round.

  The castle with a population of 20,000 is already a big city in the northern Xinjiang region.

  The population of Gascoigne Province is even smaller than that of Gedda Province, with a population of only 1.2 million. The city that is more prosperous than Elena Castle is only two or three counties directly controlled by the royal family.

  Richard followed the caravan to Elena Castle. Because of the bottle of starlight, they apparently did not carry any prohibited materials and easily sneaked into the castle.

  After booking a hotel, Richard took out the enchanted armor, weapons, and alchemy bombs from the bottle of starlight, preparing to take action at night.

  Intelligence support was needed before the operation, and Hayden, who was in charge of intelligence, also participated in the operation.

  Richard has always attached great importance to intelligence work and established an intelligence department very early.

  Hayden has placed personnel in important cities in northern Xinjiang.

  There are also intelligence agents from Harland Territory lurking in Elena Castle.

  The lurkers in Elena's Castle are two groups, with a total of more than a dozen people.

  One group is public and mainly sells goods from Haaland territory.

  Because the liquor process was leaked, the intelligence team on the surface was no longer trusted by the Haaland territory.

  The other team is lurking in the dark, with a single line of contact and directly taking orders from the head of Gascoigne Provincial Intelligence.

  This team consisted of three main intelligence agents, one of whom even lurked into the home of Viscount Cisse and became the chef of the Viscount's palace.

  Hayden has figured out the situation in Elena Castle through the intelligence agents lurking in the dark.

  After receiving the information, Hayden immediately reported to Richard: "Through intelligence inquiries, the person in charge of the liquor business is Luo Ning, the fourth son of Viscount Cisse. Luo Ning is also the business leader of the Cisse family. According to what we have According to the intelligence, Luo Ning should have bribed the liquor salesperson in January and obtained the process of making liquor." "

  How did the liquor salesperson master the brewing process?" "

  The liquor brewing process is very simple. When the salesperson enters the winery to pick up the goods, he should roughly touch it. It's clear."

  "Can you confirm who leaked the technology?"

  "Can't confirm yet?" "

  After the operation is over, find a way to bring the sales staff back, and interrogate him with torture if necessary." "Should we

  attack Luo Ning? "Hayden made a gesture of wiping his neck and asked Richard in a low voice.

  "If we attack Luo Ning, Viscount Cisse will immediately suspect us. We won't attack Luoning for the time being. Is there any other target that can attack Viscount Cisse without making people suspicious?" "We can attack Viscount Cisse.

  " The casino run by the family started to rob the casino's funds and undermine the reputation of the casino. The casino in Elena Castle can earn 8,000 gold coins a year, which is very important to the Cisse family. If you defeat this casino, Cisse will be able to The family is hurting to the bone."

  Richard nodded and continued to ask: "Can you find the Cisse family's treasury? If you rob the vault, it will be a heavy blow to Viscount Cisse." "Viscount Cisse's

  treasury must be there. Attacking the Viscount's residence in the Viscount's mansion will cause too much noise, and I'm afraid it will alarm the Royal Capital. Once the Royal Capital's investigation team comes down, it will be very troublesome." "You thought well. You will attack Viscount Cisse's casino tonight

  . He wants to steal my liquor business, so I will let his casino close down. The action is controlled within a certain range. Even if the Royal Capital Investigation Team comes, we will have reasons for revenge." At night, the action team put on armor and carried

  weapons , put on a layer of black night clothes, left the hotel with a mask, and appeared in the night.

  Night walkers appeared on the street, which immediately alerted the castle patrol. Just as the patrolman was about to blow the whistle to warn, he was shot by a crossbow and died on the spot.

  Someone on the street saw this scene and hurried home, closing the doors and windows tightly, not daring to make any sound.

  Before the large garrison could react, the action team had killed the casino guards and controlled the casino's main gate and secret door.

  Lost and Jennings led the action team into the casino and killed the gamblers and casino security personnel who dared to resist, killing thirty or forty people in an instant.

  Among these thirty or forty people were five or six officers and veterans of the Wild Lion Legion.

  These officers and veterans are not weak in combat effectiveness, but they have no armor on their bodies and no weapons in their hands. They cannot compete with the attackers who are armed to the teeth.

  Seeing how ferocious the murderer was, the remaining gamblers and casino managers were like frightened quails, not daring to move.

  The action team members were very fast and asked the gamblers to hand over all the cash in their hands, wiped out the casino's funds, and evacuated the casino cleanly.

  When leaving, he even used an alchemy bomb to blow down the casino door.

  After leaving the casino, the action team members went straight to the nearest Doxi Gate, directly killed all the Simon defenders, and left Elena Castle.

  This operation was very clean and efficient, and successfully damaged Viscount Cisse's casino reputation.

  A casino that cannot protect gamblers cannot continue to operate.

  Suffering this blow, Elena Casino basically closed its doors.

  It swept through the casino, emptied the casino's reserves of funds, and wiped out the coins of more than 200 gamblers. After the war, Richard counted his funds and found that he had robbed 5,200 gold coins from the casino. More than half of this was the money staked by more than 200 gamblers.

  After the operation, Richard, Sophia and the operation team members traveled overnight and walked for a day and a half to return to Harland Territory.

  After the attack, Viscount Cisse was very angry. He immediately sealed the city gate, arrested the outsiders, interrogated them strictly, and investigated the cause of the attack.

  Vitas, who is in charge of intelligence work in the Viscount of Cisse, is a very capable person. Although Richard made a lot of cover-ups, clues soon fell into Vitas' eyes.

  "Have you found out the matter?"

  "Basically, we have found out, but the enemy is very capable and left no clues." "

  Who is the attacker?"

  "It should be Viscount Richard."

  "Are you sure?"

  " It is basically certain. Although there is no direct evidence, the caravan we captured revealed information that the mercenaries they hired disappeared. These mercenaries were hired through Soros. Soros is the uncle of Viscount Richard. Now he is an important officer in the Haaland territory."

  "When did we offend the military strongman of this Gedda province?" "

  It should be that Luo Ning bribed the Haaland family liquor sales staff, obtained the liquor brewing technology, and started selling it. Liquor competes with Viscount Richard."

  "Because of this, he openly broke up with us?"

  Vitas nodded: "Liquor sales are very profitable and are an important trading income for the Harland family. The Haaland family has With three thousand regular troops, the financial pressure is very high. If we sell liquor, a conflict will inevitably break out with the Haaland family.

  Today is just an attack on the casino. If the trouble cannot be resolved, the conflict may become more and more serious, with attacks on caravans and looting. Commercial sales points, killing commercial sales personnel, attacking noble members, assassinating lord heirs, pretending to be bandits and robbing the people. The conflict between the two families may last for a long time until the winner is decided, and the losing party throws up its hands and admits defeat. ”

  (End of chapter)

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