Chapter 189 Ultrasonic Detection

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  Chapter 189 Ultrasonic Detection

  Seeing that Richard is very resistant to human experiments, Sophia explained: "In fact, sometimes human experiments are necessary, but we cannot unscrupulously use living people to conduct magic experiments. Now that the territory has been established Magic organizations, we should formulate strict requirements from the source.

  Only if the Harland Magic Association passes the motion will human body magic experiments be approved. Every human magic experiment must be supervised by the Harland Magic Association." Chen

  Xi The plane has serious class divisions, and it is a world where great power belongs to itself.

  In this environment, some magicians who possess extraordinary powers do not regard ordinary people as the same kind. For the purpose of magic research, they often use humans for magic experiments unscrupulously.

  Especially the magicians of the undead faction, who have almost no human morality, have become mice that everyone shouts and beats in almost all countries.

  After the goddess's birthday, at Richard's suggestion, the grassroots team of the Harland Magic Association was established.

  Richard is the first president, and Sophia and Wendy are both vice-presidents. There are only three of them as formal members of the Magic Association for the time being, and there are five magic apprentices as reserve members.

  After the Mage Association was established, it began to formulate various rules and regulations.

  There are more than a dozen mage associations in the Grant Kingdom, the largest of which is the Grant Kingdom Mage Association in Nolan.

  There are more than 200 magicians in this magician association, and more than a dozen high-level magicians. The magician team in the main army is almost all from the Grant Kingdom Magician Association.

  Other big nobles also control some small magician organizations, but together they are not as large and powerful as the Grant Magic Association.

  The weakest Mage Association of Cloverford, due to the death of Earl Cloverford, is now about the same strength as the Harland Mage Association, with only two mid-level magicians and four low-level magicians.

  Compared with other magic organizations in the Grant Kingdom, the Harland Wizards Association is still very weak, but it is not conservative.

  Richard is not afraid to spread extraordinary power. Breathing methods and meditation methods are taught to the people through special channels.

  As long as you join the army, you can learn breathing techniques. When you enter Henan Elementary School, you will be tested for magic aptitude. Children with magic aptitude will be absorbed by the Mage Association.

  Although the spread of extraordinary power will bring trouble to future generations, it can quickly increase strength in a short period of time.

  For Haaland's territory, increasing strength in a short period of time is the most important thing. As for the descendants of the Harland family hundreds of years from now, Richard doesn't know them at all, and of course he won't think about them. One generation can only take care of the affairs of one generation.

  It would be good if Richard could manage the affairs of his sons and grandsons well.

  If the descendants of the Haaland family can compete, have a complete inheritance, and have superior conditions, they can naturally hold their own. If the descendants fail to live up to their expectations and become helpless people, they deserve to lose power.

  Although the hierarchy in the Dawn Plane is very serious, there is no eternal kingdom or family.

  Even the Holy Glory Empire had a civil war and changed its royal family.

  A kingdom that can maintain its rule for eight hundred to one thousand years is considered very successful.

  The reason why the Grant family was able to overthrow the Venus royal family back then was because they radically spread the breathing method and quickly enhanced the combat effectiveness of the soldiers. This was a very key factor.

  During the Kingdom of Venus, the main force in combat was the Knights, who were basically nobles.

  At that time, the Holy Radiance Empire and the Church of the Seven Gods had just created the Breathing Method, and a large number of infantry legions appeared, and the national power increased rapidly.

  The Grant royal family seized the opportunity and spent some money to exchange a breathing method from the Holy Radiance Empire and teach it to soldiers on a large scale.

  Relying on the massive infantry regiment, the Grant family and their in-laws, the Lorain family, defeated the Vegas family's knights in one fell swoop. It has been about six hundred years since I took over the political power of this land.

  It is precisely because the Grant royal family is more open-minded than ordinary nobles that it can develop and grow rapidly.

  Relying on the created breathing method, the human country quickly popularized extraordinary power, defeated orcs, trolls, undead and other chaotic forces in one fell swoop, and became the overlord of the Dawn Plane.

  The young barons such as Stopa and Diram were deeply afraid that the soldiers would overthrow their family rule after practicing breathing techniques, and they wished they could hold all the rights in their hands.

  Although they can rely on family members to suppress the people and maintain their rule.

  The orcs invaded without strong armed protection and could not defend their territory at all.

  Richard is more open-minded than the Grant royal family, and will not be conservative even when it comes to magical inheritance.

  Although the Harland Mage Association is weak now, in ten or twenty years, it will develop much faster than the established nobles. Richard will not publicize the training of new magicians. In addition, the territory is relatively closed and there are few outsiders.

  When learning magic, Richard would also specifically remind him to keep it confidential and the information should not be leaked for a long time.

  With Luciano's assistance, Wendy's magic research accelerated.

  Seeing the dawn of new magic research, Richard and Sophia also joined in. They quickly deduced the rune structure and developed new spells.

  This spell is called ultrasonic detection.

  Using this spell requires special magic equipment.

  It requires a special magic whistle to emit ultrasonic waves, then use a transformation magic to create an echolocation organ, and finally rely on brain analysis to detect opaque substances.

  This new spell, although it is only a first-level magic, is very powerful against the fourth-level magic invisibility spell.

  In addition, ultrasonic detection can also be used to diagnose diseases. If this spell is used on people, and the performer is proficient in human anatomy research, it can have an effect similar to B-ultrasound.

  This magic is very useful in medical diagnosis.

  Among the three presidents of the Harland Mage Association, Sophia created the four-ring magic transformation, Richard created the blood type identification, and Wendy created the ultrasonic detection. Magicians who can create new magic are very rare even in the Magic Kingdom on the southwest coast.

  Although their mage level is not high yet, due to the good environment and constant whimsical ideas, their talents in magic research have begun to show.

  After the magic research was successful, Wendy was the first to learn this new magic. Her mental power increased by two points and her meditation speed also increased.

  Richard had the experience of creating new magic and knew that once a new magic was created, the feedback from the magic particles would be particularly good for a period of time. Not only will your mental power increase, but the effects of meditation will also be accelerated.

  The period of accelerated meditation usually lasts from half a year to a year.

  According to Wendy's magic talent, new magic has been created. I am afraid that by the end of this year, there will be a chance to break through to the mid-level magician.

  March has entered and spring plowing has begun.

  Of the five baronies in the Harland territory, the old three baronies have been developed, and there is basically no wasteland left to reclaim.

  Unless Richard is willing to spend a lot of labor building terraces.

  The two territories are still very barren now, and it is not the time to develop the hilly slopes and build terraces.

  Besides, Richard is not planning to build terraces. He plans to plant fruit trees and build brown sugar plantations in hilly areas. The benefits of growing cash crops are far greater than growing food.

  Harland's territory is vast and sparsely populated, and the contradiction between man and land is not prominent. The per capita grain supply is relatively large, so there is no need to build terraces for the time being to feed the exploding population.

  The two new baronies are located in the north of the three old territories. The mountains are slightly more dangerous and there is less flat land that can be reclaimed.

  According to measurements by surveyors, of the 4,500 square kilometers of the new territory, only about 120 square kilometers can be cultivated for farmland, less than 3% of the territory.

  If both territories are fully developed, approximately 180,000 acres of farmland can be reclaimed.

  Ninety percent of these 180,000 acres of cultivated land is dry land, which can support up to about 40,000 people.

  The entire Harland territory has more than 9,000 square kilometers of land. If it does not build terraces and rely on breeding and grazing, it can support a population of about 200,000.

  Among them, 80,000 people are still in the Stopa territory. The Viscounty of Richard and Baron William, with more than 8,000 square kilometers of land, can support a maximum of 120,000 people.

  Although the mountain territory is easy to defend, it is also rich in products.

  It is indeed not suitable for agricultural cultivation, and the upper limit of development is far lower than that of plain areas.

  The land of more than 9,000 square kilometers is equivalent to a smaller earldom.

  The southern county has a population of at least five to six million people.

  (End of chapter)

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