Chapter 172 Rainy Night Surprise Attack II

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  Chapter 172 Rainy Night Surprise Attack 2

  Zachary took a deep breath of cold air and shook off the raindrops on his armor. His armor glows with white light and is very well made. It uses a lot of precious mithril and fine gold. The price of this armor alone exceeds three thousand gold coins.

  Rain ran down Zachary's thin face. His hand, holding the enchanted sword, was slightly pale due to nervousness.

  "Are the orcs on guard? Has the battle begun?"

  Zachary asked eagerly when he saw a scout jumping off his horse vigorously.

  "The orcs are indeed not well prepared. Captain Rab has already launched an attack with his cavalry." "

  Give Captain William an order to speed up and get into battle as soon as possible. The orcs must not be allowed to catch their breath."

  Looking at the order The soldiers left in a hurry. Zachary's eyes were bright. He led the soldiers on the way while staring into the distance.

  As the commander of a legion, Zachary's pressure is very heavy.

  He carries the security of a province on his shoulders, and every decision affects countless lives.

  If this battle fails, Black River Fort will be lost, and the gateway to the best place in Geda Province will be wide open.

  If the orc army is allowed to enter the rich Dragon Canyon to plunder, the royal family's elite territory in the northern Xinjiang region will suffer heavy losses.

  King Charles had been kind to him. If things really came to that point, Zachary could only take the initiative to die on the battlefield and die to apologize.

  Zachary walked while waiting for information from the front line.

  The dark rainy night was the best cover for a cavalry raid. The sound of falling raindrops masked the roar of horse hooves.

  The water mist formed after rainfall can also obscure the sight of the orcs, allowing the cavalry to launch a surprise attack at a closer distance.

  In the dark rainy night, Rab, the commander of the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade, rode on a fire dragon colt, his body bent to form a straight line with the horse's back. Although it was biting and cold, Rab felt the restlessness in his blood.

  As the commander of the cavalry in this battle, Rab could feel his blood boiling.

  "In this battle, Rab's name will definitely resound throughout northern Xinjiang, and he will contribute to the Grant Kingdom."

  Rab fiercely urged the Warcraft horse and shouted loudly: "Everyone, follow me in the charge. Let us advance against the blade and open up victory." Gate."

  Rab is a seventh-level silver knight, commander of the Warcraft Cavalry, and concurrently serves as the deputy commander of the regiment. In the Northern Army, his position is more important than William's.

  The war horse under his crotch is also a sixth-level magical beast, the Fire Dragon Colt.

  This kind of war horse has the blood of a giant dragon and has a violent personality that is difficult to subdue. However, once the knight gets the recognition of the war horse, the fire dragon colt is often very loyal to its owner.

  The fire dragon colt's intelligence is already very high, close to that of an adult human. After a long period of training, it can even understand human language.

  Rab rode the fire dragon colt and split open the door of the orc camp with a knife. He turned the blade and easily killed the sentry.

  The orc camp was suddenly attacked and the camp was blown up.

  Even the orc commander Drancy never expected that the Northern Army would attack in such horrible weather.

  Drancy immediately decided to lead his own soldiers to stop the Warcraft Cavalry.

  As soon as Delunci walked out of the tent and gathered his soldiers, he saw the orc camp was noisy. Many people were wearing armor in a panic and huddled together.

  On a dark rainy night, once the organization is lost, even a legendary professional is no match at all when besieged by a group of Warcraft.

  "Form up the team, raise your shields, and raise your spears. Say it again, form your team immediately, and everyone raise their spears."

  Drancy roared with all his strength, and the sound spread throughout the orc camp, suppressing the thunder. Drancy was a ninth-level lion man with a high prestige among the orcs. His voice immediately caused the orcs to suppress their fear and slowly formed an array under the command of junior officers.

  Outside the orc camp, the auxiliary soldiers of the Northern Army who cooperated with the Warcraft Cavalry threw their rope hooks with all their strength and hooked the thick wooden fence. The war horses neighed and immediately pulled the thick wooden fence open.

  The Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment immediately rushed towards this gap and rushed into the orc camp.

  Although the three cavalry groups, the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade, the Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment, and the Legion Reconnaissance Brigade, are both strong and weak, they are equally brave and good at fighting. They are like three long dragons, turning the orc camp upside down.

  The unorganized orc soldiers were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, dying easily under the cavalry's sabers.

  In just ten minutes, the orcs' casualties exceeded 2,000.

  Drancy led the organized orc army to surround the cavalry that rushed into the camp. William also rushed to the battlefield with the second echelon and immediately threw himself into the battle.

  Although the second echelon is only two brigades, it is the most powerful infantry of the Northern Army.

  In these two brigades, many soldiers are veterans who have been in the army for ten years. They are not only rich in combat experience, but also have a large number of professionals. The grassroots officers wear enchanted armor.

  Some of the squadrons of these elite infantrymen are much more powerful than the first squadron under Richard's command.

  These two infantry brigades are the two pillars of the Northern Army. The officers leading the teams are all major generals and high-level professionals. Like Rab, they are also high-ranking members of the Northern Army.

  The second echelon entered the battle, defeating Drancy's efforts.

  The newly organized orc soldiers were dispersed again. By the time Zachary led the third echelon into the battle, the defeat of the orc army was already certain.

  In desperation, Drenci could only withdraw with the organized orcs, and ordered the defeated orcs to disperse and break out.

  In the rainy night, the orcs were driven away and fled in all directions, with screams and killing sounds intertwined.

  In this night attack, the Northern Army was quite successful.

  The results of the battle were tallied the next day. The Northern Army had less than 3,000 casualties and killed more than 14,000 orcs.

  The orc army commanded by Drancy had suffered more than 50% casualties.

  After the defeat, Drancy hurriedly joined Gunderson's tribe. The orc army withdrew overnight and fled back to Graveson Castle to rest.

  The war situation in Geda Province has undergone fundamental changes. Drenci and Gunderson hurriedly sent harpies to deliver messages to request reinforcements from their superiors, the legendary kobold Killam.

  The upper limit of kobold bloodline is very low, and few kobolds advance to the level of intermediate professionals.

  Kobolds who can be promoted to legend have been rare for hundreds of years.

  Because of Kilam, the status of the kobolds in the orc empire has improved slightly in recent years.

  The legendary kobold Kiram was the supreme commander of the orcs who invaded the three northern provinces. In this battle, he strengthened two orc legions under his command, making a total of eight orc legions.

  But the war has developed to its current level, and the soldiers under Kilam's command have suffered many casualties, totaling more than 30,000.

  The results achieved by the orcs, including the garrison under Baron Martins, were less than ten thousand.

  By now, the strength advantage of the orc army has weakened somewhat.

  After Kiram received the letter asking for help, his face suddenly darkened, and he immediately scolded Drancy as a waste.

  (End of chapter)

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