Chapter 169 Statistics of results

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  Chapter 169: Statistics of Battle Result
  : Although Maruland and his own soldiers crippled the second squadron, this small advantage was impossible to overturn and reverse the overall unfavorable battlefield situation.

  Baron Sharp and his soldiers had defeated the weak left wing brigade of the orcs, and began to outflank the orcs to fight the middle camp.

  The coalition of nobles from Black River County led by Baron Rice also fought vigorously and were not far from defeating the orcs' right wing.

  The orcs on the left and right wings are the main winners. Once there are more casualties, the orc army, dominated by sheep-headed men, will not be able to withstand it.

  Although Maruland severely damaged the second squadron, he was still far from defeating the Chinese army. The Fourth Squadron came forward and continued to fight Maruland.

  This battle has reached this point, and Maruland knows that failure is inevitable.

  He was just about to break out with his own soldiers, but was stopped by the Warcraft Cavalry Squadron.

  Although the sixth-level tauren persisted until the last moment, he was eventually shot to death by Thoros.

  Once the commander died, the orc army finally collapsed.

  The fighting gradually died down.

  Richard immediately ordered the battlefield to be cleaned and the wounded to be treated.

  The auxiliary soldiers who stayed behind carried stretchers and carried the wounded soldiers to the field hospital.

  In addition to the doctors from the Haaland territory, there are also more than a dozen priests from the Church of the Dawn in the hospital.

  These people are either low-level magicians or low-level priests. They usually preside over the local church and will be strengthened into the army during battles.

  Under Adrian's command, the priest began to release healing spells. The combination of surgical skills and healing spells produced extraordinary results.

  The priest of Dawn Church had never seen such a scene before, and his eyes widened with disbelief.

  Many smart priests got close to doctors one after another, apparently wanting to learn from them.

  Richard came to the field hospital and saw this scene. He quietly called Adrian out and whispered: "Pastors of the Dawn Church, if they want to secretly learn our medical skills, you should let them learn some of them." , but key blood transfusion techniques and surgical techniques cannot be learned by priests.

  Our medical technology is very valuable. If the Church of Dawn wants to learn it, it must exchange it for precious magic knowledge."

  Richard visited the wounded soldiers in the field hospital, and just now Back at the camp, several officers followed.

  "Have the casualty statistics been calculated?"

  "Report to Baron Richard, according to our statistics. The first squadron has twenty-six killed and thirty-seven wounded, which means the casualty has exceeded 40%. The second squadron has thirty-three killed and forty-eight wounded. More than half.

  Several other infantry squadrons suffered lighter casualties, totaling more than 300 people. Adding in the 60 casualties of the cavalry squadron, our casualties were 512. Among them, 236 were killed. Two hundred and seventy-six people were injured."

  "Although we won this battle, the losses were not small. How many of the wounded soldiers were able to recover?" "

  Sixty-three were retired from active service due to physical disabilities, and the remaining 211 Most of the thirteen soldiers can recover as long as they survive. However, some of them are seriously injured and I am afraid they cannot be rescued." "

  What are the casualties on the noble coalition side?" "

  Barons Sharp and Leon lost their officers and soldiers. More than three hundred, the right wing commanded by Baron Rice suffered slightly smaller casualties, adding up to just over two hundred." "What about the

  officer casualties?"

  "Heiman, the captain of the second squadron, Darcy, the deputy squadron of the first squadron, Vincent, the deputy captain of the 4th Squadron, and Andre, the deputy squadron leader of the 8th Squadron, were both killed on the battlefield. Eleven officers were seriously injured. In addition, two professional officers of the cavalry squadron were also killed." Heyman

  is Father William's old subordinates, Darcy, Vincent, and Andre were all soldiers born as slaves. Together with the two Warcraft Cavalry, six professional officers were killed in the Harland Territory.

  "How was the result?"

  "The results of the battle are glorious. In this battle, we killed 1,400 orcs, captured more than 1,200 goatmen, and the remaining 500 orcs escaped. The three orc brigades commanded by Maruland, They have been completely annihilated by us. Do you want to publicize it?"

  Richard waved his hand and said seriously: "I will reward the soldiers for their merits, and there is no need for any publicity to the outside world." Fighting against such a powerful enemy as the Orc Empire is insignificant. Development is the most critical. If possible, try not to publicize it, so as not to become a key target of the Orc Empire.

  Is Count Martins powerful?
  A famous general of the Grant Kingdom, he killed the legendary orc professional and became a new noble.

  His reputation spread widely in the royal capital.

  what's the result?
  Count Martins died in battle, his territory was conquered by the orcs, and all his people and wealth were plundered by the orcs. Is the ending tragic?

  The earl's son has relatively average abilities. After inheriting the territory, it is impossible to restore the earldom to its original state within three years.

  In Richard's view, it would be difficult for the Earl of Martins to have a future.

  If the orcs start another war or two, this county will be completely lost.

  The Martins family is also expected to lose the title of hereditary earl and fall from the position of great nobility.

  It is very difficult to be promoted to a great noble, and it is also very difficult to stand firm in the position of a great noble.

  Although Martins killed the legend and was very powerful himself, his family's wealth and strength were not accumulated enough, and the fiefdom was at the forefront of the war.

  The orcs will not give him time to manage the territory. It is actually very difficult to hold the earl territory. The conditions for the expansion of the Grant Kingdom are actually not mature yet.

  If Roger hadn't had the support of the Grant royal family, this battle would also have had no good outcome.

  These two people are very strong and capable, but it is still so difficult to manage the territory. From this, we can see how high the threshold is to become a great noble?
  Viscount Luomen has accumulated more than a hundred years of experience, and his strength is much greater than that of the Martins family. It is for this reason that he does not dare to be promoted to a noble title and expand his territory to the forefront.

  After the war, Richard immediately put away the Brute Force Armor to prevent the armor manufacturing technology from being leaked.

  Six of the ten pieces of brute armor had been damaged in the battle.

  This kind of armor performs well on the battlefield. If it can be equipped with a few veteran squadrons, it can achieve immediate results. Even if its combat effectiveness is not as good as that of Warcraft cavalry, it is much better than ordinary elite infantry.

  According to the output of blood steel in Harland territory, fifty or sixty pieces should be produced in three years.

  Richard plans to purchase some blood steel from the market and strive to manufacture 120 pieces within three years to equip two main squadrons.

  In addition to the brute armor, one hundred and twenty snakes were killed in this battle, and more than a hundred pieces of snake scale armor could be made by pulling off the snakes' scaly skin.

  This batch of snake scale armor is successfully manufactured, and the number of snake scale armor equipped in Haaland's territory will exceed two hundred pieces.

  The snake scale armor and the brute force armor add up to more than 300 pieces of enchanted armor, which can equip four or five infantry squadrons.

  This force, in terms of armament, has surpassed Count Martins. Apart from cheating the Northern Army and selling a bond, Count Martins actually didn't have much income at all.

  Because of their impoverished nature, they would hesitate when killing orc slaves. After all, orc slaves were the wealth of Count Martins. It is easy to use a knife on others, but it is difficult to use a knife on oneself.

  Once the opportunity is missed, the situation will develop to the point where death is inevitable.

  After returning to Platos Castle, in order to thank Richard for his rescue, Sharp invited Richard to a dinner.

  At the banquet, he actually arranged for his niece to appear naked in Richard's guest room.

  Such a powerful impact almost made Richard unbearable.

  New nobles often do things in this simple and crude way.

  Fortunately, Richard still had some sense in his heart. He felt that Sophia had just given birth to a baby and he could not be sorry for Sophia. He hurriedly avoided the human bomb attack and returned to the military camp overnight. He poured several basins of cold water in succession before quenching his desire. destroy.

  (End of chapter)

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