Chapter 166 Super Fireball

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  Chapter 166 Super Fireball
  Platos Castle is a military fortress with a large number of barracks built in the castle.

  Especially the main castle No. 9, the barracks can accommodate thousands of people.

  Although Richard brought many reinforcements, he was not afraid of not having a place to stay.

  After entering the city, Richard immediately took his soldiers to bed to recuperate and prepare for the next day's battle.

  Most of the troops in Harland's territory are veterans with rich combat experience. Even though they were going to participate in a brutal battle tomorrow, they still acted nonchalantly and quickly fell asleep.

  Veterans know that only by sleeping well today can they be energetic tomorrow.

  Being in better shape during a fight can sometimes determine the outcome of a battle.

  Even though they are nervous and afraid of death in their hearts, they are always confident on the outside.

  In addition, they have some special relaxation techniques, joking with each other, playing around, and their endurance is far greater than that of the recruits, so they can sleep peacefully before the battle.

  The soldiers all followed the herd. Seeing that the veterans could fall asleep, the recruits also relaxed a little and fell asleep one after another in the middle of the night.

  The sky is getting brighter and the sun peeks out from the east.

  Richard suddenly heard a horn and immediately got up from the bed, putting on his clothes quickly. He hurriedly climbed up the city wall and looked up to find a dozen human captives tied up outside the orc camp.

  A group of lion-headed men held sharp knives and stabbed the prisoner's throat fiercely, causing large amounts of blood to spurt out instantly.

  Soon the bones and flesh were separated and all were thrown into the cauldron to be cooked.

  Seeing this scene, Richard didn't feel any fluctuation in his heart. He knew in his heart that this was a way for the orcs to lower the morale of the defenders.

  Whether the defenders are frightened by the orcs, or the defenders are angered by the orcs, it is beneficial to the orcs.

  In a state of war, calmness is the first priority.

  Without a calm mind, it is easy to fall into the enemy's trap.

  Although Richard is young and has fought in many wars, he will naturally not be easily angered by orcs.

  Seeing that the reinforcements were holding on and did not reveal any flaws, Maruland decided to take action first to weigh in on the strength of the reinforcements.

  In this battle, he decided to personally lead the team to attack the city. Maruland picked up a heavy hammer weighing hundreds of kilograms, laughed evilly, and strode forward suddenly.

  He hid under the ladder truck and could easily defend himself from arrows.

  The ladder truck has thick felt and a few inches of wood.

  Unless powerful professionals like Richard and Thoros use enchanted crossbows, they can penetrate it.

  At the same time, the orc trebuchets also threw stone projectiles, suppressing the heavy trebuchets on Platos Castle.

  Neither side knew how to calculate ballistic trajectories and had no accuracy at all. The stone projectiles flew everywhere but failed to hit key points.

  Like novices pecking each other, after throwing several rounds of stone bullets, Maruland was close to the city wall.

  He put the heavy hammer behind his back, jumped out from under the ladder truck, and took a few quick steps.

  After approaching the city wall, he jumped up and took two steps on the city wall with the help of powerful impact.

  He reached out and grabbed the bulge of the city wall. Maruland roared angrily and climbed up to the top of the city with all his strength.

  After getting on the city horse, Ruland swung a heavy hammer and slammed it on the head of a junior officer.

  There was a loud bang, and the heavy shield raised by the officer was dented, leaving a hole in the iron sheet.

  The heavy hammer hit the officer's shoulder so hard that the shoulder bone shattered.

  A miserable cry was heard, and the junior officer fell to the ground, wailing.

  The soldiers stationed on the front line were soldiers under Baron Sharp. These soldiers were also considered elite soldiers and had fought many battles. I saw a dozen soldiers rushing forward, trying to kill their opponents with the strength of numbers.

  Unexpectedly, Maruland's power exceeded twenty points.

  With such a powerful force, soldiers with three or four points of strike power are like adults beating children. They are no match for Maruland simply relying on the numbers of people to fight hand-to-hand.

  Although the soldiers stabbed Maruland with their spears several times, they were all blocked by the orc's enchanted full-body armor.

  Within a short time, Maruland opened a gap.

  The orc professionals following Maruland took the opportunity to rush to the city.

  At the same time, one hundred and twenty third-order snake-like people from three squadrons also entered the attack formation.

  Once these one hundred and twenty snake-like people climbed up the city wall, even if Richard brought reinforcements to join the battle, the castle would not be able to hold on.

  There was a loophole in the city's defense line, and it was about to lose its hold.

  Sharp hurriedly blew the horn for help. Richard heard the horn sound and led the infantry to join the battle in advance.

  Richard climbed to the top of the city and immediately saw Maruland and Sharp fighting together.

  Maruland is a sixth-level tauren with more than 20 points of strength. Baron Sharp is a fifth-level warrior with a strength of around 16 points.

  The power gap of more than four points has already caused Baron Sharp to suffer a great loss. If Sharp's skills were not superior, he would not be Maruland's opponent at all.

  Although Sharp was at a disadvantage, he could barely contain his opponent. If the snake-like heavy infantry really climbs up, it will be a real trouble.

  Seeing that the snake-like man was less than 60 meters away from the city wall, Richard suddenly became angry with the trebuchet operators in the castle. After the war, he decided to kill a few of them as a warning to others.

  The situation was urgent. Richard didn't have time to think too much, so he immediately invested 30 points of mental power and activated the super powerful fireball technique.

  Thirty points of mental power are enough for Richard to release the legendary magic star bomb.

  The power of the star bomb is at least a hundred times that of the powerful fireball.

  The explosion radius of the star bomb is about 500 meters. With the explosion point as the center, the orcs within 500 meters, whether they are high-level professionals or ordinary soldiers, will have no way to survive.

  Even a legendary level orc may not be able to save his life if he is hit by this powerful magic.

  One starlight bomb can kill at least a large group of orcs on the battlefield.

  The power of the star bomb was so powerful that Richard was unwilling to reveal it.

  Unless he has no choice but to push himself to the limit, or when his strength is not enough, Richard will not use the magical equipment of the Star Necklace.

  The magic of starlight bomb is a magic invented by the time traveler Shao Gongyuan after a lifetime of research. Shao Gongyuan's power is second only to the gods. This magic can leverage the magic power far beyond the three-ring magic fireball.

  If the Star Necklace is exposed, I am afraid that the Grant royal family will want to grab this magical equipment regardless of their dignity.

  When you are weak, having such a powerful magical equipment on your body is the biggest original sin, no different from a child holding gold in the city.

  Only by becoming a great noble and having a powerful army can you keep this powerful magical equipment.

  Although the super fireball spell is not as powerful as the star bomb, this magic is also more powerful than the nine-ring magic.

  In an instant, Richard released nine fireballs. The nine fireballs fell on the snake army formation, killing and severely injuring sixteen snakemen in an instant.

  Richard released the super fireball, and the reinforcements from the Harland Territory soldiers also drew their bows and arrows, aiming at their opponents.

  Especially the veterans of the First Squadron took out alchemy bombs from their waists and aimed at the snake-shaped man and threw them.

  Being hit hard in an instant, the snake-shaped man was stunned.

  (End of chapter)

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