Chapter 150 Knight’s Allegiance

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  Chapter 150 Knight's Allegiance
  Through meetings with the managers below, Richard had a general understanding of the economic situation of the territory.

  The population of the territory is estimated to be more than 43,600 people, most of whom are indentured servants and less than 2,000 free people.

  Freedmen were grassroots managers, soldiers who had fought in the war, or family members of disabled soldiers killed in battle.

  However, by February next year, the first batch of indentured servants will become freedmen. This batch of people is estimated to be about 3,600 people.

  When these indentured slaves regain their freedom, the population structure in the territory will become somewhat normal.

  When free people have money, of course they will consume, and the tertiary industry in the territory will develop.

  With a population of more than 40,000, it can already form a small-scale market and complete some internal circulation.

  After the meeting, Richard wrote a letter and asked Butler Gibson to bring it to Mrs. Ola.

  In recent years, with the help of the power of the Harland family, the business controlled by Mrs. Ola has developed significantly. In the past few years, she has accumulated three thousand gold coins of private money.

  After receiving the letter from Richard to borrow money, Mrs. Ola looked a little ugly.

  Although she is a businesswoman, she has a long-term vision. She chose William, who was more than ten years older than her, and caught a rich husband, allowing her to achieve a class jump.

  Mrs. Ola's children also became members of the nobility. Even her brother Rand received great benefits and the business scale expanded.

  Because Richard was so outstanding, Mrs. Ola already understood that it would be difficult for her children to obtain the right to inherit the territory.

  Richard's influence has now surpassed William's in the Harland territory, and Mrs. Ola does not dare to let her children compete with him for inheritance rights.

  The fight for inheritance rights between nobles is life-and-death, and a little carelessness may even be life-threatening.

  She didn't dare to compete for the territory, but she planned to leave the gold coins and her business to her children.

  Although these words were not stated explicitly, they were recognized by William and Richard would not have any objections.

  The gold coins Mrs. Olla saved from doing business in the past have supported the development of the territory.

  Now he finally saved some more, and Richard asked for a letter again.

  Mrs. Ola was willing to object, but she didn't dare to offend Richard. After all, she is not Richard's biological mother. She is also a little old and wan now, and William's love is not as good as before.

  Mrs. Ola cherishes everything she has gained now.

  She clearly knew that the most fundamental reason why she could obtain such a status, earn the adulation of noble ladies, and earn more than a thousand gold coins every year, far more than her father and brother, was the bloody fighting of the men of the Harland family.

  Late at night, she would sometimes touch the scars on her husband William's body, naturally knowing how hard it was to get everything now.

  Richard created such a big situation and experienced many dangers and hard battles.

  Mrs. Ola was very afraid of Richard, a strange son. This was a fear of power.

  She didn't even dare to talk to Richard when William was away.

  Richard wanted to borrow money. Even though Olaf was dissatisfied, he still took out the gold coins and lent the money.

  After borrowing the money from Mrs. Ola, Richard took out one thousand gold coins collected in the treasury and purchased two thousand tons of grain, increasing the grain reserve to eleven thousand tons.

  There is food in hand and no panic in mind.

  Richard planned to wait a while and continue to spend two thousand gold coins to buy another thousand tons of grain after the goddess's birthday.

  By then, even if the weather is abnormal next year and the grain harvest fails due to natural disasters, the grain reserves will still be enough to feed tens of thousands of people in the territory for several months.

  After purchasing the food, Richard immediately started training for the two new squadrons.

  Richard, the captain of the 9th Squadron, appointed Lost. Lost was a noble of the Kingdom of Lane. After his defeat, he became an indentured servant and served slave merchants.

  Because the contract was about to be sold to Richard by a slave merchant.

  After Richard bought the contract, he let Lost return to the Kingdom of Lane to look for his relatives. It has been five months now.

  Lost was born in a distant branch of the baron family. He had good talent and awakened his knight blood. He was already a second-level knight before he was captured. After being captured, his baron cousin was unwilling to pay a ransom for him, so he became a slave, and his wife also committed adultery with a cousin of the same race.

  The three sons were left to depend on their old parents and became citizens. Although they still had some money and their wives occasionally helped them, their lives were manageable, but they were still far different from before.

  After Lost returned, he took his parents and son away and forgave his wife.

  Because he knew in his heart that his cousin had already coveted his wife. As a powerless woman, she cannot protect herself at all.

  What Lost hated was not his wife, but his stingy cousin.

  He was captured fighting for the territory, and his uncle was unwilling to pay the ransom, which made all this happen.

  After meeting his family, Lost decided to be loyal to Richard and advanced to the third level after returning to the territory.

  The combat power of third-level knights exceeds that of fourth-level warriors.

  Today, Lost's strength exceeds that of veteran third-level professionals such as Martin and Heyman.

  Richard only spent eighty gold coins to obtain the allegiance of a third-level knight. This investment was very cost-effective.

  Lost was the captain of the 8th Squadron before, and this time Richard planned to let him lead new recruits and serve as the captain of the 9th Squadron.

  Captain of the 10th Squadron, Richard chose young Jennings.

  Jennings has good talent and can compete with outstanding talents like William.

  He studied breathing techniques for five years and advanced to a second-level professional without much resources.

  People like Hayden and Ron have practiced breathing techniques for more than ten years, and often take Tenghui potions, but the results are still not as good as others.

  If this officer who came out of a slave had not died in the flames of war, according to Richard's estimation, he should have been promoted to the fifth level.

  Harland's Silver Wolf Breathing Technique comes from the Stopa family and can be advanced to the fifth level at most.

  I don’t know if Jennings’ luck is good or bad.

  He said he was lucky. When he was young, Jennings met Richard and was saved from the plague by Richard. After joining the army, he easily learned the breathing technique, relied on his talents to stand out among the soldiers, and became a squadron leader at a young age.

  It is simply a template for ordinary people's struggle.

  It is said that he is unlucky. The upper limit of the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique he learned is not high, which wastes his excellent talent. He may never be promoted to a high level in this life.

  After Lost and Jennings were appointed squadron commanders, Richard also promoted seven new professional officers.

  Richard participated in blocking the plane passage and received a batch of pharmaceutical resources as a reward from the Grant Kingdom.

  In addition to promoting Thoros to the sixth level, this batch of potions also trained seven new professional officers in the Harland Territory with one hundred Tenghui potions.

  Richard selected two of them and appointed them as deputy squadron captains of the 9th and 10th Squadrons, and the remaining five were enriched into the Warcraft Cavalry Squadron.

  With the addition of these five new professionals, the number of professionals in the Warcraft Cavalry Squadron has reached thirteen.

  Although it is far from Duke Roger's Warcraft Cavalry, where everyone is a professional, compared with the Warcraft Cavalry under Baron Harden, professionals have reached 40% of Baron Harden's Warcraft Cavalry, and their combat effectiveness has also increased to approximately that of Harden. Half of the Baron's Warcraft Cavalry.

  (End of chapter)

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