Chapter 135 Encounter in Canyon County

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  Chapter 135: Encounter in Canyon County
  After retreating to the foot of the mountain, Richard immediately dispatched the Warcraft Cavalry to inform Bishop Gram of the Dawn Church in Brenner County about the emergence of the Death Mist.

  When he heard the news about the appearance of the Death Mist, Gram was shocked and asked: "Is the news confirmed?"

  "My lord, Baron Richard, is knowledgeable and a powerful magician. What he confirmed must be accurate. "

  The Warcraft Cavalry's eyes widened, and it was obvious that Gram's suspicion made him a little unhappy.

  Gram immediately asked the church pastor to pass the news to the provincial bishop Dengler King, and he personally came to the camp where the fog of death appeared.

  Seeing that the large fog of death was still expanding, Gram's face became very gloomy.

  "The fog is still expanding. If the fog of death is allowed to expand without limit, the power penetrating into the undead world will become stronger and stronger. If powerful undead are attracted, a plane war may break out." "Is there any way to stop it

  ? The mist of death is expanding?"

  "The best way is to close the plane passage, but this requires us to enter the world of the dead and set up a magic circle to seal the passage."

  After hearing Gram's method, Richard frowned and said: "This matter It's not possible to rely on us little shrimps. I'm afraid it will take the church's senior leaders to come forward to solve the problem."

  The necromantic world suppresses the living people very much. Without the protection of powerful legendary priests, it is almost impossible for living people to enter the necromantic world.

  After entering the undead world, the powerful undead smell the warmth of living people, just like sharks seeing blood. Bone dragons, lichs, death knights and even undead kings may appear.

  Setting up a magic circle to seal off two realms is not an easy task.

  Richard still had military affairs. Now that someone was managing the Death Mist, he immediately decided to take a small road into Canyon County.

  It is difficult to transport grain and grass on mountain roads. If an average army is used, it is difficult for a large army to travel on mountain roads.

  But Richard had the bottle of starlight and replenished military rations from Brenner County, saving a lot of transportation power. In order to reduce the logistical pressure, Richard did not bring the Brenner serf army with him this time.

  The soldiers who followed him into Canyon County through mountain paths included four infantry squadrons and two cavalry squadrons, totaling more than 1,700 people. The reason why there are more than 1,700 people in the six squadrons is because the main squadron led by Richard absorbed several auxiliary squadrons. Several infantry squadrons had doubled in number and looked a bit bloated.

  After the main force of the counter-rebel army suffered a loss, they have been fighting steadily in recent times and besieged the main force of the rebel army in the city of victory.

  Victory City is the county seat of Canyon County.

  This city is located at the southern entrance of Dragon Canyon. Marshal Brenner commanded the Grant Kingdom soldiers to defeat the orcs here.

  This battle was Marshal Brener's glorious battle.

  The Orc Kingdom suffered heavy losses in this battle. Four legendaries were killed in one battle and more than 800,000 square kilometers of land were lost.

  The territory of the Kingdom of Grant almost doubled. Relying on this victory in the war, the three northern provinces were established, the Dukedom of Jonathan, the Dukedom of Edward, and the Dukedom of Fox.

  Directly pushed the territory area several hundred kilometers northward.

  Since then, Nolan has become the hinterland of the Grant Kingdom and has not been invaded by orcs for more than a hundred years.

  Before this pioneering war, the two provinces of Sodamia and Gabria were the front lines against the orcs.

  Orc troops often broke through the defense lines of the two provinces, and on several occasions even reached the vicinity of Nolan, shocking the people of Grant's capital three times a day.

  This battle greatly changed the strategic situation of the Grant Kingdom.

  After this battle, Marshal Brenner completely established his reputation as a famous general.

  Even though the old marshal is getting old, he can still rely on his former reputation to keep the top brass from making rash moves.

  In order to commemorate that great victory, a castle was built on the battlefield and named the City of Victory. The area where Marshal Brenner was stationed for a long time was named Brenner County.

  Duke Roger led troops to surround the main force of the rebels, but the rebels still had a partial division wandering outside to cooperate with the main force of the rebels.

  This partial division continuously attacked Duke Roger's grain roads, suppressed the efficiency of transporting grain and grass in Geda Province, and contained the Warcraft Cavalry commanded by Duke Roger.

  After crossing the mountains and entering Canyon County through a small road, Richard immediately sent out his cavalry for reconnaissance, and soon discovered a group of enemies.

  This enemy is the rebel cavalry roaming outside.

  This group of cavalry was collecting food from a village at the foot of a mountain, and suddenly discovered a coalition of nobles coming from the northwest.

  The scouts immediately dismounted and lit the beacon fire. Both sides were caught off guard and immediately fell into an encounter.

  There are not many cavalry in this group, only one squadron of about a hundred people.

  The number of cavalry under Richard's command exceeds five hundred, and there are more than sixty Warcraft cavalry. There are more than 200 elite cavalry riding tall Northern Xinjiang horses and wearing tightly protected armor. The remaining 200 or so miscellaneous soldiers can also fight and have many battle experiences.

  The forces between the enemy and ourselves were unbalanced from the beginning.

  After the rebel cavalry discovered the enemy, they immediately sounded the rally call.

  Once the cavalry enters the village, it loses its impact and its combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the infantry.

  The rebel cavalry had just assembled and left the village, and Richard himself appeared nearby with the Warcraft cavalry.

  Looking at the shiny Northern Xinjiang horses under the rebels' crotches, Richard's eyes lit up, as if these Northern Xinjiang war horses were already in his possession.

  Richard narrowed his eyes and asked his soldiers to shout loudly: "If you dismount and surrender, I swear by my noble honor that I will not massacre the prisoners." "Bullshit noble honor,

  believers of Father God, charge with me!" Rebel

  ! The army commander waved the enchanted sword, pointed in the direction of Richard, kicked his horse and rushed towards Richard.

  Richard tightened his grip on the reins and immediately released the powerful spider web technique. A large spider web appeared in front of the rebel cavalry, tripping up more than ten cavalry in an instant.

  Unless they are powerful professionals, it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to survive if they fall off their horses in a cavalry battle.

  How can ordinary people stop charging horses with their strength?

  The strong inertia will trample the fallen cavalry into pulp.

  The cavalryman who fell down from his horse died immediately after being tripped by the spider web technique.

  Seeing the rebel commander coming to kill him without fear of life and death, Richard loosened his fingers and shot a sharp arrow into the man's eye.

  The rebel commander was already a third-level professional, and his reaction was very sensitive. He avoided a fatal arrow at the last moment. Before he could be happy, another fatal arrow was shot.

  It was Thoros who shot this arrow. He dodged the first arrow but couldn't dodge the second one.

  Soros' arrow directly penetrated the heart guard and hit the man's heart, killing him on the spot.

  The strength of both sides is so obvious. There are more than ten mid-level professionals on Richard's side, and there are dozens of Warcraft cavalry. After a hedging, the rebels have all fallen and suffered all casualties.

  The casualties of the Warcraft Cavalry were minimal. Only two people were injured by the loss. After being treated by the priest, they were able to go into battle in two or three days.

  (End of chapter)

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