Chapter 127 Rebel Siege

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  Chapter 127 The rebels besieged the city
  . It was late August when Richard arrived in Osma City.

  After the military meeting, large clouds appeared in the sky early the next morning.

  The autumn rain fell in patter, and the temperature dropped even more.

  Richard had just had breakfast, and there were already billows of smoke outside Osma Castle.

  Richard hurriedly came to the city wall, looked up and found that the rebels had appeared ten miles away.

  The ranks of the rebels were noisy, and many of them were trapped refugees.

  The refugees carried ladders and farm tools, drove pigs and sheep, and held chickens and ducks in their arms. They cried loudly along the way and slowly approached Osma Castle.

  After waiting for about an hour, the refugee vanguard had entered the range of the archers.

  These refugees are all natives of Brenner County, and many of them are relatives of the defenders on the city wall.

  Listening to the cries of relatives in their hometown, the Brenner city defense army suddenly became unable to take action and was reluctant to shoot their relatives in their hometown.

  Cultists are the main force of the rebels. Their equipment is already good, and their armor coverage rate exceeds 30%.

  These people hid in the rear and kept driving away the refugees.

  "Fire arrows!"

  Richard shouted, commanding the coalition of nobles from Heihe County to take the lead in firing arrows. Led by the soldiers from Heihe County, the soldiers from Brenner County also fired arrows.

  In an instant, arrows rained down, killing many refugees rushing forward.

  These abducted refugees have no weapons, armor, war experience, and poor organization.

  If he encounters any casualties, he will panic and shout. Many people were running around, dodging arrows.

  Such a refugee army, even if there are 100,000 people, still poses no threat to Osma Castle.

  Since the cultist troops did not take part in the battle, the defenders easily repelled the rebels' first attack.

  In the rebel camp, Cardinal Gallivan stared at the Osma city wall, observing the density of the arrow rain, and said with certainty: "Reinforcements have arrived in Osma city." "

  Since reinforcements have arrived, we can't fight yet. Attack Osma City?"

  "We still have a lot of blood-boiling potion left. Even if reinforcements come, we are sure to capture Osma City. First use the refugees to consume the defenders' arrows and energy, and wait until the afternoon, and issue two Hundreds of blood-boiling potions were used to conquer the city of Osma in one fell swoop."

  The rebels suddenly laid siege to the city, and after repelling the first trial attack, Richard immediately called a meeting of officers.

  This time, basically all the nobles from Brenner County came, including a few people who were late last time. Among them was Baron Franklin.

  Baron Franklin had business conflicts with the Harland family.

  Because of the large-scale sales of steel in the Harland territory, the price of steel has been reduced by one-third.

  The price of iron has dropped, and Baron Franklin's family also has a mine and sells iron products, so his income has naturally dropped a lot.

  The Harland Territory relies on two thousand orcs for mining, and the output of the blast furnace far exceeds that of the Franklin Territory. Although the price of iron has dropped, the output has continued to climb, and the income from selling steel has also increased.

  By June of this year, the steel production in Harland territory had reached nearly 30 tons.

  The territory's demand is only eight tons, and the steel sold outside has reached more than twenty tons every month.

  Even though the price of steel has dropped to twelve copper coins per kilogram, the territory relies on the sale of steel, and its monthly net income is already 700 gold coins. But at this point, unless more slaves are added and new blast furnaces are built, steel production capacity has basically reached its peak.

  Because of the competition for the steel trade market, the Harland and Franklin families have already had considerable conflicts.

  Yesterday, Richard summoned the officers for a meeting, but Baron Franklin refused to show up.

  The rebels were sieging the city today and it was already a wartime situation. Baron Franklin did not dare to violate military orders easily. Even if he was not happy, he still came to Richard's military tent.

  "I looked at the roster of soldiers that everyone sent me yesterday. Counting the Heihe County coalition forces, there are only eighty-three professionals in Osma Castle. The cultists have blood-boiling potions. As long as they are used by one or two hundred soldiers, we The defensive pressure will increase sharply.

  The most important thing is that the rebels still have an elite army. If we rely on fanatic believers to use blood-boiling potions to attack us to open a gap, and the elite soldiers will follow to expand the gap, it will be difficult to defend the city defenses. So

  this In the First World War, we cannot rely on standing firm. We must take the initiative to disrupt the rebels' position. We must not let the fanatic believers spend their time in offensive and defensive battles. According to everyone's intelligence, I found that after

  using the blood-boiling potion, the cultists will become violent and impulsive. Like beasts, they are not afraid of pain. Their IQ will also be temporarily lowered a lot.

  We can take advantage of this weakness and rely on the Warcraft Cavalry to attract and contain enemies who use blood-boiling potions.

  Then seize the fighter opportunity and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

  I order Baron Franklin to command the Eighth Route Army. A squadron of soldiers served as the center, Baron Plani commanded six squadrons of soldiers as the left wing, and Baron Sharp commanded the Black River County infantry as the right wing. I personally led the Warcraft Cavalry to look for fighter planes to attack the fanatic believers who used blood-boiling potions. Four squadrons were left

  . , stay and defend the city together with the city defense troops commanded by Mayor Adeles."

  On the surface, there is no problem with Richard's order, but in fact, it contains selfish motives.

  Through observation in the morning, he found that the army in the rebel camp was the most elite, and there were basically no elite soldiers on the left and right wings.

  Letting Baron Franklin command the Chinese army actually meant letting Baron Franklin use his own strength to fight against the rebels.

  Franklin's face turned pale when he heard Richard's military order.

  But military orders must be carried out.

  Every time there is a war, there are always people to chew hard bones, people to eat meat, and people to sacrifice for the dead.

  Richard is the commander of the aristocratic coalition, so he naturally does not need to let his direct line chew hard bones.

  Therefore, the tasks shared by the Heihe County coalition forces are lighter.

  Moreover, Richard also has to command the Warcraft Cavalry to deal with the most dangerous fanatic believers. Richard, a foreign nobleman, has put himself in danger. How can you, a native nobleman in Brenner County, not fight for your life?
  After the military order was issued, the gates of Osma Castle were opened, and groups of soldiers lined up at the foot of the city wall.

  The Warcraft Cavalry commanded by Richard temporarily hid in the military camp in the city and made the final decision at the critical moment.

  With the retinue of Baron Rice and others, the number of Warcraft horses has exceeded 40.

  The soldiers who fought with the Warcraft Knights all rode tall Northern Xinjiang horses.

  The Northern Horse is a common horse breed in the northern part of the Dawn Continent.

  This kind of horse is very suitable as a war horse. It is tall and powerful. It can easily carry a knight weighing three to four hundred pounds and run wildly.

  Horses in Northern Xinjiang are very valuable. One horse sells for fifteen gold coins, which is almost as much as a slave in his prime. Feeding them refined food on weekdays will give them enough physical strength during war to keep up with the Warcraft Cavalry.

  Although the soldiers riding Northern Xinjiang horses are attendants of the Warcraft Cavalry, their combat effectiveness is not weak at all. They are very well-equipped. They have practiced breathing techniques for many years, and their quality is better than that of infantry.

  (End of chapter)

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