Chapter 124 Reorganization of auxiliary troops

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  Chapter 124: Reorganizing the Auxiliary Soldiers.
  Richard and others stayed in Heihe City for two days before receiving the order to leave.

  Baron Sharp just arrived from the territory yesterday. The quality of the army he brought was not bad. Although the equipment was not as good as that of Harland Territory, the soldiers were veterans who had been in the army for many years. Many of them were from the Mad Lion Legion and were Sharp's relatives back then. soldiers.

  Counting the squadron brought by Baron Sharp, the aristocratic coalition commanded by Richard has a total of ten squadrons of soldiers, five of which have good combat effectiveness, and the remaining five squadrons are difficult to describe.

  On the contrary, there were more than a dozen guards protecting the baron, all riding tall horses.

  There are five barons and Warcraft mounts. If these people are organized, their combat effectiveness should be strong.

  The morale of the serf soldiers was very low. They scattered as soon as they left Heihe Fort. They barely moved thirty miles in a day.

  This army did not carry heavy logistical supplies, and there were supply stations along the way. Such a marching speed could be called a tortuous march in the Dawn Continent.

  Richard observed for a day and found that many serf soldiers lacked nutrition and suffered serious physical losses.

  It seems that Baron Rice and others are not selecting the strongest candidates, but specifically selecting those with weak physical strength.

  "Being teammates with such an army is really cheating."

  Richard shook his head and dispelled the haze in his heart. Pig teammates are teammates after all. Even if they are cannon fodder, it is better than having no teammates at all.

  Along the Dragon Canyon, one hundred kilometers south to Wright County.

  Archon Jerram gave them only four days.

  If they cannot reach Wright County within four days, they will be charged with missing the deadline.

  If the fighter plane is not delayed and great losses are caused, the crime of missing the deadline is not very serious, and hereditary nobles will generally be fined.

  The amount of the fine varies, ranging from tens to hundreds of gold coins.

  Richard and Jerram have a bad relationship, so he will probably be severely punished and fined several hundred gold coins.

  The fine of several hundred gold coins was very painful for Richard.

  We only walked 30 miles on the first day, and it would be impossible to continue procrastinating on the second day.

  However, the serf soldiers who had just been formed had very lax military discipline and average physical fitness. They did not have the ability to march long distances at all.

  Although Richard killed the chickens to scare the monkeys and dealt with the two deserters, he only walked forty miles the next day.

  Seeing the evening, Richard had no choice but to set up camp.

  The serf soldiers were wandering around and did not know how to build a camp. Many of them had the habit of urinating everywhere, making the camp smelly. This made Richard very angry and wanted to kill people again.

  The next one hundred and thirty miles would be covered in two days. Looking at the quality of the serf soldiers under his command, Richard also felt that his thinking was a little confused.

  At night, Richard summoned the main officers together and said straight to the point: "I think we will go separately tomorrow. The main squadron will rush to Wright City first, and the auxiliary troops will follow." "Baron Richard, leave the auxiliary troops behind

  . I'm afraid there will be a problem. Without the main force to suppress, the auxiliary troops will flee in large numbers. I don't think the crime of missing the deadline is very serious, why don't you wait a moment?" Finally, I hugged

  Richard's lap, and naturally we wanted to act together. Upon hearing the news that Richard was going to divide his troops, Baron Dark objected instinctively.

  "I have never been punished in a war. I really can't afford to disgrace this man. I think we should divide our troops when it's time."

  Baron Sharp's eyes widened and he retorted unceremoniously.

  Baron Sharp has been in the main army for many years and is the first generation of meritorious barons. He is more powerful than other barons. In the past two days, I have also been very disgusted with the serf soldiers brought by other lords.

  In Baron Sharp's understanding, such soldiers play no role at all in the war. "The serf soldiers are too lazy and cannot be trained in a short time. Otherwise, I think we can rely on veterans to lead new soldiers, and organize the five squadrons of serf soldiers into five main squadrons, and the baron's personal soldiers will be reorganized into the second cavalry squadron. Squadron.

  Try the effect tomorrow and see if it works? If it still doesn’t work, the five main squadrons will march overnight tomorrow night and arrive at Wright City the day after tomorrow.”

  Although the five Barons of Rice intended to object, their voices were not loud because of their lack of strength.

  If they all come out with the main force, Richard must consider their opinions.

  The ones being brought out now are all serf soldiers and cannon fodder. If they don't accept reorganization, Richard will give up on them.

  In this case, their fate is already doomed. They will first be accused of missing the deadline at Fort Wright, and then be used as expendable items by Jerram.

  By then, all the soldiers under his command will be exhausted, and he may not be able to save his life.

  It is better to follow Richard, since he still has the parents and relatives of the serf soldiers. Even if Richard wants to annex the serf soldiers after the war, the soldiers cannot bear to abandon their homes and careers. He may not be willing to follow Richard back to Harland Territory.

  A slave in his prime costs twenty gold coins, and a serf squadron of 150 soldiers is worth at least three thousand gold coins. Unless it is absolutely necessary, the baron lord will not give up his soldiers easily.

  In the end, under Richard's strict request, Baron Rice and others agreed to Richard's request.

  Early the next morning, Richard disbanded the five serf squadrons and incorporated them into the main squadron.

  The main force squadron soldiers are required to lead one by one, and the main force leads the auxiliary soldiers. They must complete the task of marching sixty miles.

  There are veterans with them who will beat them if they don't obey.

  The performance of the serf soldiers finally improved a lot. Whenever they were too tired, the veterans would help them carry a piece of luggage, so that the serf soldiers could relax a little. By the evening, they finally completed the task and walked a distance of sixty miles

  After walking sixty miles today, the serf soldiers' physical strength and will have been tempered. If they grit their teeth and persevere tomorrow, they should be able to walk the last seventy miles and reach Leyte City before dark.

  Early the next morning, following Richard's example, he buried a pot to make rice before dawn and walked more than 40 miles in the morning.

  At noon, I had some food and took a rest. I gritted my teeth and finally arrived at Wright Castle before dark.

  Letting the soldiers camp outside the city, Richard took several officers into the city and handed in the recruitment order.

  After marching for four consecutive days, Richard felt deeply that the quality of this auxiliary army was low.

  Since it is difficult to improve physical fitness in a short period of time, we can only find a way to enhance their ability to march long distances.

  After much thought, Richard decided to make a batch of leggings to see if they had any effect.

  Early the next morning, Richard arranged for someone to go to Wright County to purchase a batch of coarse cloth, then cut it into pieces of leggings and distributed them to the soldiers.

  Just after finishing this matter, I received an order to hold a meeting in the city.

  Richard took the main officers into the city lord's mansion. It was discovered that the aristocratic coalition forces from the two counties of Rome and Wright had arrived at the venue. The main officers of the two brigades of the Northern Army were also present at the venue, including Richard's third uncle Bernie.

  It turns out that the Sixth Brigade is also in the counter-insurgency army.

  William has been running the Sixth Brigade for more than ten years, and his brother Bernie is still serving as the deputy captain. Although the captain has changed, William's influence may last for many years.

  With his teammate from the Sixth Battalion taking care of him, Richard felt relieved.

  (End of chapter)

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