Chapter 118 Warcraft Cavalry 1

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  Chapter 118 Warcraft Cavalry -
  After Richard returned to the territory, he immediately gave Lost a long vacation and asked him to go to the Kingdom of Lane to visit his relatives.

  Richard fulfilled his promise, which moved Lost very much. He knelt down on one knee, saluted Richard with a salute of allegiance, and left Harland Territory neatly.

  This trip to the Lion Kingdom is more than three thousand kilometers round trip.

  Farewell this time, there may not be another chance to meet again in the future.

  After Lost left, Claude took over as the captain of the 8th Squadron.

  When Richard returned to the territory, it was already early May and spring plowing had been completed.

  In recent years, the better cultivated paddy fields in the territory have been reclaimed. 4,000 hectares of paddy fields have been reclaimed from the 5,000 square kilometers of territory, accounting for less than one percent of the total territory.

  The yield of paddy fields is very good. In a normal year, the yield can reach 300 kilograms per mu. In good harvest years, it will be even higher. A 4,000-hectare paddy field can produce 9,000 tons of grain.

  Nine thousand tons of grain are enough to feed 25,000 people in the territory for a year.

  In addition to paddy fields, the territory also cultivated 6,000 hectares of dry land.

  The Grant Kingdom is close to the coast, and the Harland Territory is less than 400 kilometers from the sea. The precipitation here is very abundant, reaching 600-800 mm every year.

  Even in dry fields, there is actually no shortage of water.

  The yield of dry fields is only 120 kilograms per mu, and 6,000 hectares of farmland can produce 5,400 tons of grain.

  If this batch of grain were sold, it would be worth about 10,000 gold coins.

  Now the development of Harland Territory is on the right track.

  Relying on the steel and liquor business, he has a net income of 500 gold coins every month.

  The miscellaneous income from brown sugar, honey, royal jelly, etc. adds up to fifteen hundred gold coins every year.

  Bricks, cement, charcoal, coke and other materials are now mainly supplied to the territory. After completing Baron Sharp's order, the kiln factory has no profit.

  Nowadays, 1,300 brown sugar trees have been planted in the brown sugar plantation. The brown sugar trees planted last year have grown a lot taller, and the brown sugar production can be doubled this year.

  According to Richard's estimation, the brown sugar production this year can reach three tons. Based on the output value, it can reach 240 gold coins a year.

  As time goes by, the production of brown sugar is still increasing rapidly. When the brown sugar plantations are filled with brown sugar trees, it will not be a problem to produce more than 2,000 tons.

  At that time, even if the price is reduced by ten times, there will still be huge profits.

  There are tens of millions of people in Northern Xinjiang, even if the population with spending power is only 200,000 to 300,000, the vast majority of the consuming population are military families, grassroots officials, World of Warcraft hunters, high-level mercenaries plus some craftsmen with higher technical levels. A handful of operatic theater actors.

  Brown sugar now sells for one silver coin per kilogram, and even those with the spending power can only try a little occasionally.

  If you want to expand the market size, price reduction has become inevitable.

  Because there are very few nobles who can afford high prices. There are more than a hundred hereditary barons in northern Xinjiang, plus high-level bureaucrats, and the total population is only a few thousand.

  Even if a market with a population of several thousand is monopolized, how much money can be made?

  Moreover, they have to compete with honey, and some nobles prefer honey.

  The lower level of the market has spread to 200,000 to 300,000 consumers. If the Northern Xinjiang market is done well, it is not a problem to earn 30,000 gold coins a year.

  However, it is estimated that it will be difficult to develop to the south of Grant Kingdom.

  There are several provinces in the southern part of the kingdom, and both duchies have large bee-keeping industries.

  This is not a world of free trade. It is simply impossible to sell competitive products within one's sphere of influence.

  But the profit of 30,000 gold coins is already very impressive. Moreover, the Harland territory can develop its own market. If there are hundreds of thousands of consumers in the territory, even if the income from brown sugar is reduced by ten times, the annual profit will increase to 50,000 or 60,000 gold coins.

  Although the current output value of the brown sugar business is very small, it actually has great potential as the steel market.

  Although the profits of liquor are high, the brewing process is too simple. Even if Richard strictly guards against it, it will be difficult to monopolize the process for too long.

  After all, northern Xinjiang already has a grain wine brewing process, and the grain fermentation technology is mature. Liquor can be brewed by just adding a distillation process.

  It is estimated that competitors will appear within a few years.

  The territory's finances are very good this year. Not counting the 10,000 gold coins delivered by Jerram in the winter, it is estimated that there will be a lot of profit left.

  Seeing that there had been peace for two years, Richard began to prepare for war.

  After Richard purchased slaves this year, he established a new eighth squadron.

  Counting the Eighth Squadron, the Haaland family already has eight infantry squadrons in their hands, with more than 1,200 professional soldiers.

  This year Richard is planning to establish a cavalry squadron.

  Now the Haaland family already has thirty iron horned horses, plus five from the Thoros family, which is barely enough for half a Warcraft cavalry squadron.

  In addition, a group of professional officers have been trained in the territory, and there is barely a talent reserve.

  The conditions for establishing a small-scale Warcraft Cavalry are already in place.

  The Warcraft Cavalry is the strongest fighting force in the human kingdom.

  The reason why the orc empire is afraid of the human kingdom and does not dare to launch a full-scale war is because of the warcraft cavalry of the major kingdoms.

  There are many types of Warcraft cavalry in various countries. The most powerful Holy Glory Empire has a bipedal flying dragon cavalry regiment with a strength of 180 people.

  Every Flying Dragon Knight is a mid-level professional or above, the junior officers are all high-level, and each of the several commanders of the Flying Dragon Cavalry Regiment is a legend.

  This cavalry regiment of less than two hundred men can easily defeat any of Grant's main regiments.

  You must know that the Bipedal Flying Dragon Cavalry Regiment is an air superiority army and can attack any town or army of the opponent.

  He has a powerful bipedal flying dragon cavalry in his hand, which is enough to block a thousand with one, and its deterrence is stronger than an army of 200,000.

  In addition to the bipedal flying dragon cavalry, the human kingdom also has various flying units such as gryphon cavalry, flying tiger cavalry, and Pegasus cavalry.

  Each flying unit is the trump card of a powerful country.

  There is no large-scale flying monster army in the Grant Kingdom.

  Among the nearby countries, only the Kingdom of Lane has a Griffin Knights with less than 300 people.

  In order to deal with this cavalry group, the harpies need to gather thousands of professionals to suppress this gryphon flying group.

  In addition to flying monsters, the human kingdom also has powerful ground monster troops.

  For example, the Earth Dragon Cavalry Regiment, the Earth Bear Cavalry Regiment, the Unicorn Cavalry Regiment, etc. These powerful monsters are not weaker than high-level professionals. Even if they are few in number, they can still exert powerful combat effectiveness.

  Within the Dukedom of Jonathan, there is a twelve-man Earth Dragoon team. The team members are all high-level professionals trained by the Jonathan family.

  This small force has made countless military exploits by beheading generals and capturing flags on the battlefield. Their strength is enough to kill legends.

  (End of chapter)

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