Chapter 108 Secret discussion

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  Chapter 108:
  The mercenaries secretly discussed and were defeated. Several professionals were either killed or captured alive.

  Several veterans freed up their hands and threw a noose to trap Howard.

  Three or four senior warrior apprentices grabbed the rope and worked hard together, and their strength could compete with Howard.

  At the same time, Richard and Soros attacked from both sides and captured Howard alive.

  After the war, Richard asked Kent to count the casualties and results of the battle, and soon all the situations were summarized.

  "Lord Baron, seven of the Sixth Squadron were killed in this battle, and 21 were seriously injured. Six porters died and fourteen were injured." "

  How many prisoners were taken?" "

  Total one hundred and twenty-six. More than twenty of them are wounded soldiers."

  "The captured prisoners who can walk are allowed to follow, and the wounded soldiers who cannot walk are discarded." There were

  nearly fifty casualties in this battle, accounting for almost 10% of the total number of people in the caravan. one fifth.

  The injured soldiers still need to be carried, which is equivalent to a loss of more than a hundred people. Fortunately, more than a hundred prisoners were captured, and some pack horses were captured to supplement transportation capacity.

  The caravan has not yet returned to the territory and may be in danger at any time. Although the territory lacked a population at this time, Richard could only abandon the wounded soldiers among the prisoners.

  The three captured professional prisoners also gave Richard a headache.

  Especially since Howard is already a fifth-level warrior, he must be particularly careful when guarding him.

  Ordinary iron chains can't lock him at all. Once he relaxes his vigilance, Howard can escape.

  Even if Robin was watching over him personally, Richard was a little worried.

  But Howard himself is very useful, whether he is identifying Jerram at a noble meeting, or subduing this person and adding a general to the territory. These are all very important things to Richard.

  As for killing Howard to get 8,000 killing experience points, Richard didn't think much of it.

  After defeating the enemy, Richard still did not dare to relax.

  He has the gift of danger perception and can vaguely sense enemies hiding in the dark.

  This feeling was like a thorn in my back that didn't go away until the next day.

  After Simon, who was hiding in the dark, left, Richard finally felt a little relieved.

  With Richard and Soros taking turns watching, Howard was still wearing a heavy iron chain, and there was no trouble along the way, and he was escorted to Harland's territory smoothly.

  Just when Richard brought back the salt. Simon also quietly came to the province of Geda.

  Leyte Castle, the official residence of the provincial consul.

  After listening to Simon's account of the attack, Jerram and Saville looked very solemn.

  "What do you mean, how much stronger is Richard than his father William?" "

  That's true. Richard is a magician and a martial artist. How high is the magician level? This battle has not yet been tested. The warrior level is It has been promoted to the middle level and can compete with Howard.

  The army responsible for escorting goods in Harland territory is also relatively elite and defeated the mercenaries. I felt that there was no chance of winning, so I did not choose to take action rashly." Hearing that

  Simon did not take action, Jerram He was a little angry in his heart, but his city was very deep, and Simon was not his subordinate.

  Simon is already a sixth-level knight, and he also obeys the orders of Prince Felix. He and Jerram are actually in a parallel relationship.

  It's just that Jerram is the prince's uncle, which makes Mrs. Holland trust her even more.

  "What's going on with Howard?"

  Simon asked, "Howard has been captured alive by Richard."

  "Will he betray us?"

  Simon shook his head and said, "No, his wife and son are all under our control. I won’t say anything.” Jerram wiped the hot sweat from his head with his hand.

  Although it was early spring, the climate was actually still very cold. Even if a brazier was placed in the consul's mansion, the temperature was not too high.

  Jerram wiped his sweat, actually because he was afraid.

  Simon was not a hereditary noble and did not join the Parliament of Nobles. Little did he know that lying before the Council of Nobles would do no good.

  As long as the Harland family went to the Noble Council to complain and asked the Archbishop of the Church of the Dawn to use the power of power, Howard would have to tell the truth.

  As long as Howard is alive and is accused by the Harland family, he will never lie in front of the Noble Council.

  Once Howard confesses, things will become very troublesome.

  The person who assigned Howard the task was Mrs. Holland's maid. The matter was brought to the House of Lords, and it was difficult for Mrs. Holland to escape.

  Even if the maid is killed and the blame is placed on the maid, it still won't work.

  Nobles don't look at what you say, they only look at what you do.

  The king's wife actually sent mercenaries to attack the hereditary nobles. This spread became a scandal in Grant Kingdom.

  King Charles will also become a laughingstock by then.

  Prince Felix's competitors will also use this matter as a target to attack Prince Felix.

  At this critical time of fighting for the heir, someone must be held responsible if something goes wrong.

  Even if Jerram is the prince's uncle, it will be difficult for him to escape unscathed, and he might even become a scapegoat and lose his life.

  Savile saw that Jerram was sweating profusely and couldn't make up his mind, so he asked Simon: "Can Howard not be able to speak?" "I'm afraid it's

  difficult. Richard was very cautious along the way and now he has returned to the Harland territory. The place where Howard is imprisoned is heavily guarded, and it is difficult for an assassination attempt to succeed.

  Richard and his wife are both magicians, and there is a magic heritage in the Harland territory. There may be magic traps where Howard is imprisoned. Even if I take action personally, there is no chance that it will be too high. Be sure."

  Simon does the dirty work, and the reason why he never misses is because he is cautious.

  Without a 70% or 80% chance, I would never do it easily.

  With every assassination and assassination, he would put himself in a safe environment.

  He is an extreme egoist and will not be loyal to anyone in his heart.

  Not even Mrs. Holland would let him do a highly dangerous task.

  "This won't work, that won't work either. What should we do?" "

  It was your inaccurate information that led to our failure to assassinate Richard. This matter is not my responsibility."

  Jerram and Simon were about to have a conflict. , Savile quickly stopped.

  "I think we should talk to Richard. The rule of survival of aristocrats is always to put interests first. Even if the Harland family goes to the aristocratic council to file a complaint, what good will it do except to vent their anger and harm others without benefiting themselves?

  Being involved in the conflict between the prince and the heir is not a good thing for the Harland family.

  Moreover, the Harland family has brought the matter to the noble council, and they need to find someone to smooth things over. They invite the archbishop of the Church of the Dawn, and they also need to find favors. .When

  the reputation of Prince Felix is ​​damaged, the Harland family will become our enemies.

  Now it is just a conflict between Richard and Jerram, and there is still room for recovery in the relationship between the two parties.

  My opinion is that it is better to find someone Intermediary, talk to Richard to see how we can resolve this conflict?"

  (End of Chapter)

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