Chapter 101 Forming a Caravan

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  Chapter 101 Forming a Caravan
  Although Powell has heard the name of Elf Black Tea, he has never drank it.

  Before becoming hereditary nobles, the three William brothers combined to earn several hundred gold coins every year, which was already very impressive for a professional family. Their social status and income level are second only to hereditary barons.

  But if they want to become a hereditary noble, they must save money to develop their territory, and their ordinary life is very frugal.

  In the first few years when he became a hereditary noble, the territory could not make ends meet, and his life became even more difficult.

  It was not until last summer that the income from liquor and steel continued to flow, and the Harland family became a little more comfortable.

  Powell also wanted to taste the elf black tea. He opened his mouth and took a sip. He immediately frowned and looked a little ugly.

  "Why, you can't get used to it?"

  "The taste is too bitter, and I really can't get used to it. Maybe I'm just a country bumpkin, and I think brown sugar water is the best." "

  Last winter, brown sugar production increased by 60%. I'll tell you later. I'll bring you a few bags. Wendy and Sophia will continue to raise seedlings. In a year or two, the brown sugar can be used for money." "

  I just hope that the brown sugar plantation can expand quickly. If you can drink brown sugar every day Water, I will have no regrets in my life even if I die."

  "Second uncle, your request is too low. The production of brown sugar may double this year, and your request will be realized by then." "

  This is really good news. As expected, Richard's mind works very fast and he can think of all kinds of ways to make a fortune. The development and growth of our Harland Territory is all due to your fantastic ideas and business strategies. In recent days, there has been a shortage of salt in the territory

  . . I went to Heihe Fort to buy and found that the price of salt in Heihe Fort has increased by 60%. The territory has a population of more than 20,000 and more than 100,000 livestock need salt. The price increase of salt is not a small sum of money." The most lacking supplies in the territory

  , Just cloth and salt.

  Northern Xinjiang is not very short of salt.

  However, no salt mines were found in the three central provinces directly controlled by the royal family.

  The salt needed in daily life is mainly obtained through trade with other provinces.

  The three major salt production areas in the Grant Kingdom.

  The first is sea salt from the four major eastern provinces. The territory of the four eastern marquises was close to the sea. They used a lot of manpower to cut down trees and boil seawater to obtain salt.

  The second is the mineral salt in the Dukedom of Jonathan. The Duke of Jonathan has a salt mine that can mine a large amount of salt.

  The third is the well salt of the Duchy of Lorraine.

  Of these three types of table salt, well salt is the most expensive and of the highest quality, and is the salt used by nobles.

  The salt business in Gedda Province is monopolized by Jerram Horan, who uses sea salt from the territories of the four eastern marquises.

  After listening to Powell's story, Richard showed some worry on his face.

  "We use such a large amount of salt, can we talk to Archon Jerram? Lower the price a little."

  "Jerram's butler Savile made it clear that this is the consul's request and there is no way to negotiate. "

  Richard took a sip of the elf black tea, weighed the pros and cons and said: "Since Jerram is unwilling to talk, we have to find a way on our own. Salt is a necessity of life, and we must not let others pinch the balls. I am planning to organize a caravan

  . , take people to the Dukedom of Jonathan, where you can not only buy salt, but also sell some specialties from your own territory. The

  Purple Head Peak in Vicksburg can already produce a lot of honey, and some royal jelly, plus two hundred pounds of brown sugar. , three hundred jars of liquor, and two tons of steel arrowheads.

  The total value exceeds eight hundred gold coins, which is enough to organize a caravan." "

  This is equivalent to us finding another source of salt, which may offend Archon Jerram. "Although Jerram's consulship is high, he cannot control the hereditary barons. Moreover, the consul was a wandering official and could not serve for more than a few years in northern Xinjiang.

  Although provincial consuls can use various legal and illegal means to suppress hereditary nobles.

  However, hereditary nobles can also use the method of overturning the table to sue the provincial consul in the Royal Parliament of Nobles.

  If the provincial consul fails to act and causes anger and resentment, he may be overthrown by the noble assembly.

  The noble council made a decision, and it was difficult for the royal family to violate it.

  Although the Grant royal family is the most powerful, it is not as powerful as one-third of the noble alliance.

  If the royal family really arouses public anger, it may be overthrown by the big nobles below.

  This is how the Grant royal family came to the throne. Next door, Duke Jonathan, gave birth to a foolish king, and the regime was overthrown in the Grand Duchy of Stanik.

  The main reason why the Harland family is unwilling to offend Jerram is Jerram's sister Agnes Holland.
  Mrs. Holland is King Charles' favorite woman. Although she is over forty, she still has the same figure. Graceful and graceful, her complexion is as white as snow.

  Mrs. Holland gave birth to three children for King Charles.

  It is rumored that King Charles is not satisfied with his eldest son and is planning to replace him.

  As long as he doesn't push too hard, Richard is actually unwilling to offend Jerram Holland.

  The relationship between the Harland family and Consul Jerram is very normal. In order to obtain a good fiefdom last time, William found the army commander Zachary and asked Zachary to come forward to communicate. William gave Consul Jerram a sum of money. .

  Archon Jerram took money to do things, and because of Zachary's face, things went smoothly.

  The two sides had interacted once, and William's relationship at Black River Fort was mainly with the Northern Army.

  The price of salt has increased by 60 percent, which is a huge burden for the Haaland family.

  Richard could only choose to open up a new channel.

  As for whether it will affect Jerram's interests? I can't care too much now.

  Since Zachary doesn't give face to the Haaland family, don't blame the Haaland family for affecting his business and slapping him in the face.

  After sending away his second uncle Powell, Richard personally came forward to allocate supplies and form a caravan.

  The sixth squadron of Harland Territory is composed of mercenaries under the command of uncle Thoros. They can just take on the task of protection, since they have experience anyway.

  In addition, the caravan also needs some merchants who are proficient in trade. This kind of talent is difficult to find. For large-scale goods trade, one must be proficient in mathematics.

  The vast majority of ordinary people in Chenxi Continent are illiterate, and those who understand mathematics are very rare.

  Not everyone has the vision to spend a lot of money to train their children to attend church schools.

  Caravans controlled by hereditary nobles, these people are selected from the noble branches and the sons of slave families.

  The Harland family has only been prosperous for a short period of time. They lack suitable talents and can only choose from indentured servants.

  Fortunately, there are all kinds of characters among the indentured slaves, especially the more than 2,000 indentured slaves who escaped from the Orc Empire, and their quality is higher.

  Richard quickly selected seven or eight indentured slaves who were proficient in basic mathematics and asked them to transform into businessmen and serve as the backbone of the caravan.

  (End of chapter)

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