Chapter 99 Sad Xiao Jin

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  Chapter 99 Sadness Xiao Jin
  At this time, Chen Wei was very tangled in his heart.

  But that's not to say that I regret it.

  After all, as the Holy Land in the eyes of domestic alchemists, Red Sandalwood University will definitely have top-quality elixirs like the Star Condensing Pill.

  He just felt sorry for missing such an opportunity.

  "I just nodded and didn't report to Tenglong Academy. Can I take this elixir?"

  Chen Wei was silent for a while, and then asked tentatively.

  Long Wenshi's expression suddenly froze. He didn't mean what he said before by nodding.

  "As long as you report to Tenglong Academy with me now, this Star Condensing Pill will be yours." He explained word for word.

  Just kidding, if he dares to give away the Star Condensing Pill for nothing, his uncle will beat him to death when he returns.

  "Reporting now?" Chen Wei asked doubtfully.

  "Yes, this is this year's admission notice. With your current strength, if you are still studying in the third year of high school, it would be a waste of time."

  Long Wenshi looked at Cai Ling in mid-air, his eyes full of admiration.

  After pondering for a moment, Chen Wei breathed a long sigh of relief and refused in a relaxed tone: "Sorry, my goal is still Red Sandalwood University."

  Hearing this, Long Wenshi showed a trace of surprise on his face, as if Chen Wei's refusal was beyond his expectation. .

  "Won't you continue to think about it?"


  Long Wenshi's face showed a hint of regret and bitterness.

  Is Rosewood University really that good?
  There are actually beast masters who can resist the temptation of the Star Condensation Pill.


  Looking at Long Wenshi's disappearing figure, a trace of regret flashed in Chen Wei's eyes.

  Tenglong Academy, which is famous for its dragon system, has never been within his choice, because it would be too easy to expose his second talent.

  Unlike other beast control universities, most of the beast control masters who enter Tenglong Academy contract with dragon-type pets.

  With his strong dragon affinity, he would probably be exposed within a few days in the academy.

  Although Rosewood University, one of the top five universities, also has this possibility, as long as the number of dragon-type beasts is not large, it can still deal with it.

  "Forget it, it's useless to think too much. The most important thing now is to break through the source star to the third level." Chen Wei closed his eyes and continued to practice the source star.


  On the other side, Long Wenshi looked at the mobile phone in his hand, with an uncertain expression on his face. Finally, he gritted his teeth and dialed his uncle's phone number directly.


  "Hey, what's the result?" Long Lexin asked curiously.

  Long Wenshi couldn't help but swallow his throat, then closed his eyes and said in a low voice: "Teacher, Chen Wei refused. His target university is Rosewood University." "Even if I took out the Star Condensing Pill

  , He still refused!"

  "Red Sandalwood University? It is indeed a good school." Long Lexin sighed, seemingly not caring about Chen Wei's rejection at all.

  Hearing this, cold sweat suddenly broke out on Long Wenshi's forehead.

  Being familiar with the teacher's temper, he knew that the teacher was really angry this time!

  "Since the enrollment failed, the Star Condensing Pill will be handed over to you. I have only one request, don't let me down in next year's National College Competition." "


  "Is this a mistake?" He looked hung up. Long Wenshi's face gradually showed a hint of excitement.

  Tenglong College, in the room of the vice president. Long Lexin looked at the green dragon totem on the wall, a trace of desire and hope flashed in her eyes.

  "As long as the teacher can take that crucial step, what nonsense Donghua Five University will soon become Donghua Sixth University!"

  At this point, Long Lexin couldn't help but look at Ba in the distance. Longshan Mountain, that was where his teacher went into seclusion.


  In the evening, Chen Wei, who was buying high-quality staple food for his pet beasts, suddenly received a message from the Shuishan City Beast Taming Association.

  "The delayed opening of the secret realm in Changhe City has opened qualification reservations for beast masters in Hanyang Province. Those who are interested in exploring can click here to sign up for the assessment. Those who pass the assessment can obtain the qualification to explore the secret realm. In addition to pet beasts, the secret realm All the resources obtained from this website belong to the individual."

  Chen Wei looked at the familiar message displayed on his phone with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

  Wasn't this third-level secret realm in Changhe City said to be open before? Why was it delayed until now?

  "Could it be that the association suffered too many casualties while exploring the secret realm, and now it is temporarily recruiting cannon fodder!" Chen Wei couldn't help but guess.

  "Mi." (I'm hungry!)

  Yutong called softly.

  Chen Wei quickly checked the time on his phone. Well, it was indeed a bit late!

  "Wait a moment, I'll prepare your dinner." Chen Wei soothed softly, and then walked straight to the kitchen.

  As for the news about the secret realm of Changhe City that he had just seen, he had completely forgotten about it.

  Changhe City is not far from Shuishan City. It only takes two hours to take a special train, but he still has no plans to go to the secret land of Changhe City.

  After all, he now has no shortage of beast control resources, so he doesn't need to put himself in danger, so it is more comfortable to stay at home and practice.

  Dinner time.

  In front of Chen Wei was a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes and fried pork with peppers.

  On the dining table of the three pets, there are various beast-controlling resources, such as Cai Ling's Purple Cold Grass, Bai Luo's Evergreen Spirit Milk, Yutong's Fire Source Crystal and Spirit Fish.

  Not long after she started eating, Cai Ling swallowed the purple cold grass in front of her and looked at Chen Wei expectantly.

  "It will take a while, that medium-sized tiger rooster is not yet cooked!" Chen Wei said with a smile.

  It was like this every time. Cai Ling and Yu Tong seemed to prefer eating his secret grilled fish to Purple Cold Grass and Fire Source Crystal.

  Obviously this grilled fish is just a snack for the two of them, and it can't even increase their energy.

  "It's okay, you can wait!" Cailing conveyed her thoughts.

  "Mi!" (o▽)o (I want to grill fish too!)
  Yutong's eyes lit up slightly, then she buried her head and accelerated her eating speed.

  "The grilled fish this time is big enough. Would you like to eat some too and have a taste." Chen Wei turned to look at Bai Luo.

  The last time this little guy saw Cai Ling and Yu Tong eating happily, he even gave them his share.

  "Chirp!" ( ̄▽ ̄)~* (Okay, but I want to eat that one more!)

  Chen Wei followed Bai Luo's gaze and saw Xiao Jin blowing bubbles in the huge fish tank.

  Seemingly noticing Chen Wei's gaze, Xiao Jin immediately wagged his tail excitedly, and his scales shone with golden light like silk.

  "No, Xiao Jin is your future partner." Chen Wei held his forehead with his hand and said somewhat speechlessly.

  Why are both of them like this? What kind of charm does Xiao Jin have that makes you and Cai Ling never forget it?
  Bai Luo's eyes dimmed slightly, and then a cheerful smile appeared on his face.

  "Chirp!" (▽*) (Then I also want to try grilled fish!)

  When Chen Wei saw this, he couldn't help but smile with relief on his face.

  That's right. Xiaojin is so small, how much meat can he have on his body?

  Not to mention his reluctance, even if Xiaojin is roasted, there won't be enough meat on it to fit between your three teeth! ! !
  (End of chapter)

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