Chapter 87 Remarks on the launch

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  Chapter 87 Remarks on the Release
  Dear readers, this book will be on the shelves tomorrow.

  This is the first novel I have written. I would like to thank my editor Wu Tong in advance, as well as all the readers who gave me rewards and voted to read it. It is you who gave me the confidence to continue writing. Thank you all! ! !

  Readers who can see this, it means that this book can barely penetrate your eyes.

  So I hope that on the day it is released, readers can give me a 10-cent first order, so that this book can go further and the seedlings will not die halfway! ! !

  Of course, if after reading so many free chapters you still feel that it’s not worth even a dime, there’s nothing you can do about it.

  Because I didn’t save the manuscript, I couldn’t publish it on the day it was released. I’m really sorry. As you all know, my coding speed is really powerless.

  Finally, thank you all readers for your continued support! ! !

  (End of chapter)

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