Chapter 47 Surrounded by Frost (please read more!)

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  Chapter 47: Surrounded by Frost (please read it!)
  "Hey!" []~( ̄▽ ̄)~* (Simple!)
  Facing the praise, Cai Ling raised her head proudly.

  After all, she has practiced this skill dozens if not hundreds of times these days, so it is only natural that she can learn it today.

  "Cai Ling, release the ice tornado again, this time on a smaller scale." After Chen Wei was overjoyed, he couldn't help but command.

  "Hey!" (Okay!)
  Chen Wei felt that Cai Ling's success in releasing the ice tornado just now might have been an accidental success, but it did not mean that she had fully mastered this skill.

  The subsequent multiple release exercises will help Cai Ling master the ice tornado skillfully.

  After a while, the faint dragon roar sounded in Chen Wei's ears again, and he saw a white snow dragon carrying the fine snow falling from the sky to form a whirlwind covered with frost flowers.

  However, this time under Cai Ling's careful control, the whirlwind did not expand violently, and the power of the storm was much smaller.

  "It seems that he has really learned it!" Chen Wei's eyes lit up slightly when he saw this, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

  You must know that Ice Tornado, as a third-level ice skill, is extremely difficult to learn.

  A few days ago, he and Cai Ling spent almost every morning at the ice and snow training ground practicing ice skills, trying to learn from the analogy to better understand this skill.

  As a result, Cai Ling's proficiency in other ice skills increased rapidly, but she had no clue about how to learn ice tornadoes.

  Therefore, after seeing Cai Ling in front of him successfully mastering the ice tornado, Chen Wei's mood at the moment was like a rainbow after a storm, and he was immediately filled with pride and joy.

  "Ice tornado has been successfully learned, let's learn new skills next!"

  Chen Wei said while the iron was hot. He hoped that Cai Ling could learn a few more new skills to increase her combat range.

  "Yeah?" (ノ ̄▽ ̄) (What skill?)

  Cai Ling tilted her head. She was now full of confidence.

  "Frost Surround. This skill is the advanced skill of Ice Armor, but its learning difficulty is much lower than that of Ice Tornado." Chen Wei smiled.

  "Hey!" (′▽`〃) (No problem!)
  Upon hearing that the difficulty of the new skill was lower than that of the ice tornado, Cai Ling raised his head and spit out the snake core indifferently.

  "Don't underestimate the difficulty of learning this skill. It's not easy to learn to be surrounded by frost!"

  Chen Wei touched Cai Ling's head. Although he reminded Cai Ling not to be proud and complacent, there was always a hint of sadness in his eyes. I can't hide my satisfaction.

  Even though Frost Surround is only a second-level ice skill, it requires a pet beast to have a very high level of ice control.

  As a rare skill that is both offensive and defensive, it can condense around the pet beast to form four constantly moving ring-shaped frost guards at the moment of release.

  These four high-speed moving rings of ice can not only last for a long time, but can also withstand four attacks from the opponent.

  Of course, under the control of the pet beast, these ring-shaped frosts can also turn into biting ice spikes in an instant, giving the opponent a severe blow at the critical moment.

  If Cai Ling successfully learns this skill, her fighting style will become more colorful.


  On the sidelines, Chen Wei picked up Cai Ling's phone and clicked on the detailed instructional video of the frost surround skill.

  "Watch the video carefully and get a feel for it."

  "Hey!" (Don't talk while studying!)
  Chen Wei suddenly burst into laughter when he heard this. He shook his head helplessly, then didn't say much and stayed with Cai Ling silently. Watch the video together.

  The content of the instructional video is not much, only a short five minutes, but the content inside is full of detailed information.

  "How is it, do you understand?" After reading, Chen Wei turned to Cai Ling and said.

  "Yeah!" (~o ̄3 ̄)~ (It seems a bit difficult!)

  Cai Ling's big, watery eyes were full of doubts.

  "It's okay, don't worry. If you don't understand, you can watch it a few more times." Chen Wei didn't pay attention and continued to click on the teaching video. It's embarrassing to say that Chen Wei usually teaches Cai Ling new skills all by relying on the mobile phone in his hand. After all, he doesn't have the ability to teach Cai Ling step by step how to learn ice skills.

  In the ice and snow venue, time passes slowly.

  At this time, Cai Ling was using her mind power to control the mobile phone to float in the air on the snow, and then looked like she was thinking hard.

  While she was thinking about it, she carefully watched the ice-feathered penguin in the video gradually release the frost surrounding skill under the command of the beast master.

  Chen Wei, on the other hand, was sitting on a seat not far from the snow, meditating and cultivating the Source Star in his mind.

  "Buzz buzz..." The vibrating sound of the mobile phone interrupted Chen Wei's practice.

  He took out his brand new Ali mobile phone in confusion.

  After checking the Q letter message, his face became a little more happy.

  This afternoon, there were six titanium crystal puppets in the Muppet Mall that needed to be appraised. As a result, another 60,000 star coins were recorded.

  "Cai Ling, stop for a while. Let's go eat first. I have something to do in the afternoon. I'll practice new skills tomorrow." Without thinking, Chen Wei waved to Cai Ling, who was still immersed in thinking. .

  "Hey!" (*^ワ^*) (Okay!)
  Cai Ling had long wanted to take a break and eat.

  She has been practicing according to the instructional videos this morning, but unfortunately she has gained very little, and she has never understood the essentials of using the Frost Surround skill.

  It's just that she had confidently boasted in front of Chen Wei before, but in the end she didn't make any progress, and she was a little embarrassed to speak.

  Chen Wei walked to Cai Ling's side, and then stretched out his arm out of habit.


  Seeing Cai Ling's body wrapped around his hand in an instant, Chen Wei had a smile on his face.

  "It's okay! If you can learn the ice tornado today, you're already progressing very quickly. You can learn the frost surrounding skill slowly tomorrow, don't worry." Chen Wei comforted softly.

  "You just need to practice meditation while I'm working in the afternoon!"

  "Hey!" (You can learn it in two days, it only takes two days!)

  Cai Ling's stubborn voice suddenly came from Chen Wei's mind.

  "Isn't two days too short? It took us more than a week to learn the Ice Tornado Scroll."

  Chen Wei's expression became a little weird, Cai Ling's strange desire to win!

  "Hey!" (▼ヘ▼#) (Trust me!)
  Cai Ling said emotionally as if she felt that Chen Wei didn't trust her.

  "Okay, okay, you are the one I trust the most."

  Chen Wei smiled knowingly, rubbed Cailing comfortingly with his cheek, and then walked to the restaurant of the Beast Taming Association.

  The world is huge, and eating is the biggest thing. As for learning skills, you can take your time.

  To be honest, Chen Wei really doesn't understand Cai Ling's pursuit of efficiency in learning new skills, although this is a good thing.

  But it is obvious that Cai Ling can learn skills quickly enough, far beyond his expected range, and crushing other pet beasts. Why is he still working so hard!
  Is she trying to get herself into trouble?

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei shook his head helplessly.

  There is something wrong with this pet beast working too hard. Being her beastmaster is so stressful!

  (End of chapter)

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