Chapter 404 Unlimited Dragon Scales

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  Chapter 404: Unlimited Dragon Scale
  When Chen Wei finished his meditation practice and opened his eyes, the aura that was enough to overwhelm the mountains and rivers even made the onlookers dare not look directly.

  "What a breakthrough!" An incredible sound of surprise came from the crowd.

  In the eyes of some people who believe in conspiracy theories, Chen Wei's breakthrough after the battle was nothing more than grandstanding.

  After all, most of the students in Rosewood University knew that Chen Wei had been baptized by the sacred tree at the opening ceremony, which enabled the Source Star to break through to the fourth level, and now only one month has passed.

  Even if he took a panacea every day to increase his cultivation speed, it still took Han Wuguang, the current fastest record holder at Red Sandalwood University, two months to break through from the early stage of the fourth level to the middle of the fourth level.

  It's really outrageous that Chen Wei made another breakthrough so quickly.


  "This is the late fourth level!"

  Feeling the glowing sparks on the source star, Chen Wei's eyes flashed with joy, and then he thanked Lu Xiuzhen, the protector.

  "It's just a little effort." Lu Xiuzhen smiled slightly, put the space-blocking earth-locking shield into the star ring, then turned and left.

  "Congratulations to Captain Chen Wei for breaking through to the mid-level fourth level." Yu Yang said with a respectful expression.

  Chen Wei glanced at Yu Yang and had no intention of correcting him.

  Although there is only a small difference between the middle and late stage of the fourth level of Source Star, it is still too troublesome to explain the terrifying rate of progress of Source Star.

  "The fourth level of Source Star is nothing. All kings are ants. Only those who have advanced to the sixth level of the King Beast Controller can barely be considered a strong person." Chen Wei's voice was full of desire.

  "King?" Wu Sixi had a hint of longing in his eyes.

  Even in Rosewood University, where many geniuses are born, there are only a few beast masters who can finally successfully break through to the sixth level king.

  "There are too many people here, let's find another place to chat!" Chen Wei quickly suggested while looking at the crowd of people around him who were frantically approaching.


  Late that night, after the social gathering, Chen Wei returned to the villa smelling of alcohol.

  "There are still half a year left for the club's mission. There is no need to rush to complete it. Next, you can focus part of your time and energy on Xiao Jin's research." Looking at Xiao Jin who was "thumping and

  puffing" in front of him and frantically using water jump in the dragon's blood pool, Chen Wei shook his head. Shake his head.

  The strengthening speed of Cai Ling's dragon blood is still a bit slow. Maybe she can try it with Bai Luo's dragon blood tomorrow.

  Just as Chen Wei was thinking, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

  "Golden elixir quota, rapid promotion to epic?"

  Chen Wei's eyes lit up when he saw the message sent by Senior Sister Tan.

  It's good to have a good master. As long as he makes steady progress according to the plan set by the teacher, he will most likely become an epic powerhouse that can overwhelm the entire city in the future.

  However, there are gains and losses. If he chooses to accept the golden elixir quota given by the teacher, regardless of whether he successfully advances to the epic level in the future, he will need to bear a debt worth the equivalent of two realm-breaking golden elixirs.

  However, Chen Wei also understood that cultivating disciples was not charity, and the teacher would definitely have to pay a lot of benefits and costs for him to set a place for the golden elixir.

  "It seems that we have to set a small goal to advance to the sixth level peak within ten years, otherwise we may miss the rare golden elixir that breaks through the realm."

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei slowly closed his eyes and planned to continue to comprehend the Qinglong Constellation Diagram. . "Buzz!"

  Chen Wei raised his brows and turned his head to look at his cell phone that was ringing again on the desktop. What was displayed on the screen was the group chat of the Donghua Dan Society.

  [Hongteng: Xia Market recently unearthed a batch of ancient mechas from ancient times. If anyone wants them, I can sell them at a cheap price. ]

  [ Shandan: Ancient mecha! Hasn't this kind of outdated mecha been eliminated by history long ago and can only be collected as an antique?

  [Honglian: It’s okay, it depends on what type of ancient mecha it is. The kind of inscription mecha that has no armor on the surface, the body of the alien beast inside has died, and the mechanical armor structure is completely exposed is not valuable at all, but The ancient mechas of the guardian beast series are an exception. Hong Teng, if you produce the guardian beast mechas, I can take them all.

  "Ancient mecha?"

  After seeing the news in the group, Chen Wei's eyes flashed and he became interested.

  You know, the ancient mechas handed down from ancient times are strong or weak. The strong ones can be compared to epic legends, while the weak ones are not even comparable to the extraordinary. Therefore, many researchers like to excavate ancient mechas for research to see if they can Can't come across top quality goods.

  Compared with ancient mechas, the purchasing channels for modern mechas are extremely limited. Most of them are in the hands of the military and cannot be purchased by non-members of the Beast Control Corps.

  In this way, perhaps Taotie's self-transformation and infinite evolution skills can be used to try to devour ancient mechas, and maybe even acquire skills from ancient times.

  Chen Wei thought for a while, even though he felt that the quality of the ancient mechas sold by Hongteng was not good, he still decided to type and inquire to see if he could build this relationship chain.

  After all, Xia Market is most famous for its ancient mechas, among other things.

  [Alchemy Apprentice: How to sell ancient mechas? What series is there? What's the price? ]

  [Bai Zhi: I admire you, boss. Ancient mechas are antiques that only rich bosses can afford, and they have little practical value.

  At this time, the girl wearing a red suspender looked at the group chat message in her hand, with a look of surprise on her face.

  She still remembered the ID of Alchemy Apprentice. He seemed to be a weirdo who was obsessed with refining Falling Star Pills.

  [Hongteng: Three first-generation Guardian Dragon series mechas, one second-generation Guardian Dragon series mecha, and thirty inscribed mechas. All mechas are packaged and sold at one time. They are not allowed to be purchased separately. They are only sold for 200 million star coins. If you don’t have cash, you can use level 6 beast control resources or elixirs to buy it, and I can make up the difference for the extra money.

  [Pulsatilla: This price is a bit expensive. The fifth-generation Mechanical Dragon King of the Guardian Dragon series only sells for one billion star coins on the market. Moreover, the first-generation Mechanical Dragon is small in size and has almost no combat effectiveness. It can only be used for research. One Just a few million star coins.

  As for the second-generation Guardian Dragon mecha, due to the changes of the times, its combat power varies. The price depends on its built-in skills, otherwise the price will fluctuate too much. ]

  [Pulsatilla: Could you please tell me about your skills? ]

  [Hongteng: The core skill of the second-generation mechanical dragon inscription is the sixth-level dragon skill "Unlimited Dragon Scale", so the price of 200 million star coins is very reasonable.

  Seeing the skill of Unlimited Dragon Scale, Chen Wei was suddenly moved.

  As one of the most famous skills in the Guardian Dragon series, the passive skill of Unlimited Dragon Scale can increase the power of all dragon skills released by the mechanical beast by two levels, and greatly increase the defense ability.

  Even if ordinary researchers purchase a second-generation mechanical dragon, they cannot take off its "unlimited dragon scale" skills and give them to other pet beasts, because modern mechas generally learn skills through mechanical chips, rather than relying on external armor.

  But Taotie is obviously different. Both infinite evolution and self-transformation can help it successfully acquire the skills of ancient mechas.

  Thinking of this, Chen Wei, who was moved, quickly replied.

  [Alchemy Apprentice: @红vine, I want them all.

  (End of this chapter)

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