Chapter 378 Legendary Resources

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  Chapter 378 Legendary Assets
  Although Cai Ling's whole-body Holy Dragon Coil can only last for five minutes, there is a risk that part of the dragon's blood will permanently crystallize any longer.

  But as the saying goes, high risk and high return, Cai Ling, who used the Holy Dragon Coil to increase her normal energy value to 400,000, already has a combat power close to that of a sixth-order king's pet beast at this moment.

  Coupled with the ice tornado that has been cultivated to the perfect level, even if Cai Ling is facing a sixth-level king beast, Chen Wei is sure to retreat safely after a short fight, let alone the fifth-level intermediate Wuji in front of him. Red dragon.

  But because it was an exhibition match, Chen Wei was not in a hurry to let Cai Ling defeat his opponent and win. Instead, he asked Cai Ling to charge the ice tornado while letting the Wuji Red Dragon show its most powerful posture.

  I saw the infinite red dragon spreading its wings and soaring into the sky. Circles of terrifying purple flames shrank rapidly and converged into a twisted light bomb emitting five-pointed stars.

  The countless flame dragons within the light bomb seemed to be ready to move, and the scorching heat even made some young beast masters watching the battle unable to help but become thirsty.

  As the signature skill of Wuji Red Dragon, Wuji Hunting has two release methods. One way is to use the flame field of Wuji Hell to carry out large-scale continuous bombing, which is very useful for clearing out miscellaneous soldiers.

  Another way is to combine it with Ji Ren's natal talent to sublimate the purple flames on the tail of the Infinite Red Dragon and turn it into countless hunting dragons that devour everything.

  When Ji Ren was training in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains, he used this move to have a brief confrontation with a king-level beast master without losing.

  "You can let me use this move in an exhibition match. Chen Wei, you are indeed stronger than the rumors!" Ji Ren looked at Chen Wei with burning eyes and couldn't help but clench his fists.

  "End it with an ice tornado!"

  Chen Wei no matter what Ji Ren was thinking, this was just an exhibition match, and what he had to do was very simple, that is to win this battle with unquestionable strength.

  As Cai Ling exhaled a cold breath, the extreme ice formed in the frozen extremity on the platform suddenly bloomed with endless chill, and continued to break and condense into dozens of beautiful ice dragons exuding extremely low temperatures.

  The moment the ice dragon appeared, terrifying frost and snowflakes suddenly descended, just like the sky was falling apart, and countless powerful ice tornadoes roared out from behind Cai Ling.

  Facing this horrifying scene, not to mention Ji Ren who was facing the enemy head-on, even the strong beast masters who were watching the battle showed expressions of surprise and uncertainty on their faces.

  This terrifying ice power has obviously surpassed the level of fourth-level elites and fifth-level leaders, and has even reached the standard of sixth-level kings.

  "I will never lose!"

  Feeling this terrifying power comparable to that of a sixth-order king, Ji Ren was shocked, but an unyielding will also emerged from the effect of the Nishi Dragon Scale.

  "Wuji's Hunting Dragons!"

  Affected by this, the Wuji Red Dragon roared angrily, and flames ignited all over its body. Even if its momentum was at a disadvantage at this moment, it gave people the feeling of risking their lives for a fight.


  The flame beam gathered by the infinite red dragon split like a meteor shower the moment it approached Cai Ling, turning into countless roaring fire dragons that rushed to bite Cai Ling.

  At the same time, ice storms large enough to cover the sky and the sun collided with the fire dragon.


  Feeling that his dragon hunt was at a disadvantage, Wuji Red Dragon reluctantly let out a dragon roar. The flame light bullets gathered in front of him seemed to be powerfully blessed, and the number of fire dragons that emerged instantly increased sharply.

  Under the shocked gazes of everyone, the massive group of ice dragons and fire dragons were enveloped in a crackling light.

  The fighting platform was filled with rubble, and the roaring shock wave almost destroyed the defensive shield set up on the platform.

  "It's over. This isn't a battle of the same level at all!" "Fortunately, it's just an exhibition match, otherwise Ji Ren's reputation as a genius would probably be compromised." "Look at what he said. He can be defeated by Chen Wei

  . Maybe this will be Ji Ren’s highlight moment.”

  “Grandmaster Han really has gained a good disciple!”

  Even though the smoke and dust on the battle stage had not dissipated, the strong beast masters present had already used their mental power to sense who was the final winner, and they all looked at Chen Wei on the stage with fiery eyes.

  In these days, a sixth-level king beast master can be called a strong beast master. However, Chen Wei is only nineteen years old this year. He has become an official beast master in just over a year, and he already has a skill comparable to that of a sixth-level king. combat power!

  This is crazy to all the powerful people present!
  However, what is even more concerning is that Chen Wei is only nineteen years old and already possesses such terrifying combat power.

  If he was given another ten years, or even a hundred years, what a terrifyingly powerful Chen Wei would be by then!
  epic? Or a legend?
  When he thought of this possibility, Shan Hongyi glanced at Han Jiuyao with some envy, and sighed in his heart: "There are people who will succeed you!" You must know that legends are difficult to achieve,

  even if he is a legendary powerhouse, if he wants to cultivate him before his life span is exhausted, A legendary disciple taking over the mantle is also a long shot.

  At this time, there were many legendary powerhouses in the venue who had the same idea as Shan Hongyi.

  Over the years, there have been many evil geniuses in Donghua, but in the process of growth, there are always geniuses who will fall midway due to experience or breakthrough.

  But now Han Jiuyao has broken through and become a Grand Master Alchemist. He is very powerful. With her protection and resources pouring in, with Chen Wei’s demonic talent that astonishes even the legendary strong men, I am afraid it will not take a hundred years for Donghua to become a master. There will be one more legendary strongman!

  As the snow on the battle platform stopped falling, the flames went out, and the Wuji Red Dragon, who fell into a deep ravine on the ground and fell into a coma, gradually appeared in front of everyone.

  "Has all the energy in your body been exhausted? As expected of the Wuji Red Dragon, who is famous for his strong and domineering character."

  Looking at the Wuji Red Dragon who still had a hint of unwillingness on his face, Chen Wei let out a heavy breath, and then followed the rules of the exhibition match. Rules saluted.


  It has to be said that among all the beast masters that Chen Wei has fought against, the Wuji Red Dragon can be said to be the only one in strength. It even reminded him of the Hanglai Dragon on Yongli Island.

  Overall, he was very satisfied with this exhibition match!

  "Winner Chen Wei!"

  After Qu Shuyi announced the results of the exhibition match, the medical staff at the edge of the battle stage immediately boarded the stage to treat Wuji Red Dragon.

  Under the auspices of Qu Shuyi, after briefly saying a few words about his apprenticeship, Chen Wei returned to his seat under the astonishing eyes of everyone.

  "Congratulations, senior brother, for winning!" Xu Chengtian congratulated.

  Compared with the previous reluctant address of senior brother, this time he shouted with conviction.

  He played against Ji Ren in his junior year, and the result was a disastrous defeat.

  Even Ji Ren can't stand up to Senior Brother Chen, and he doesn't think he has the qualifications to put on airs now.

  (End of chapter)

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