Chapter 316 Demonized Beast

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  Chapter 316 The demonized monster
  is the next morning.

  A domineering mechanical fighter plane fell from the sky above the highest peak of Yongli Mountain Range, surrounded by five huge transport aircraft.

  A large number of freshmen stepped off the transport plane, including Chen Wei's team.

  "The ruins of the First Emperor are full of dangers just thinking about it." The handsome Yu Yang glanced around at the expectant beast masters around him, looking a little nervous.

  "There's nothing to worry about. The mechanical beasts inside the ruins will all become our guardians when the time comes." Wu Yaojin said with a relaxed expression and a smile.

  "Guardians belong to guardians, but you have to fight when you should fight, otherwise there won't be so many restrictions on entering the ruins of the First Emperor."

  Seeing Wu Yaojin taking it for granted, Yu Yang said speechlessly.

  "The secret realm is about to open!"

  Chen Wei interrupted their conversation and looked up at Lieutenant General Yun who flew out of the mechanical fighter plane.

  "The Secret Realm of the First Emperor is officially opened!"

  As General Yun Zhong finished his words, the large mysterious talisman array set up on the top of Yongli Peak suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

  The next second, a mysterious passage looming in the space fluctuations suddenly appeared.

  "It's time to go!"

  Chen Wei looked at his teammates beside him, with an excited smile on his face.

  "Buzz buzz!"

  At this moment, the Kong Akashi bracelets that the freshmen received from the legion resonated with the passage in the sky, and thousands of dazzling rays of light poured from the secret passage to all the freshmen and instructors on the top of Yongli Peak. .

  In the blink of an eye, only a few dozen beast masters remained on guard at the originally crowded Yongli Peak.


  When Chen Wei opened his eyes and looked at his familiar teammates and the sudden appearance of instructor Zu Hao, his expression couldn't help but be slightly startled.

  "Instructor Zu Hao, why are you here too?"

  Wearing luxurious black and silver armor, Instructor Zu Hao patted Chen Wei's shoulder with his muscular arm, his voice was steady and reliable.

  "There are dozens of ruins in the secret territory of the First Emperor. Without me to lead the way, how would you know which one is the real ruins of the First Emperor." As soon as he finished speaking, instructor Zu Hao

  directly summoned the fully armed Banyue giant elephant.

  "You guys come up first. This place is far away from the ruins of the First Emperor. It will be faster if I take you there." Instructor Zu Hao frowned slightly as if he recognized the surrounding environment.

  After hearing this, everyone looked at the instructor gratefully, and then all jumped onto the broad back of the giant elephant.

  "Be careful before entering the ruins. There are still some remaining demonized beasts inside the secret realm." Instructor Zu Hao looked at the puddle of dried blood in the distance with a solemn expression.

  Thanks to the actions of a large number of powerful beast masters, there is no longer a single demonized beast alive on Yongli Island.

  However, in the vast secret realm and numerous restricted ruins, there are still a very small number of demonized alien beasts with strange abilities who use the secret realm ruins to avoid being strangled by the beast-controlling legions.

  However, because the strange auras of demonized beasts above level five are too obvious, they are completely the key targets of the beast control army.

  Therefore, although the demonized beasts that can survive are not fuel-efficient lamps, their strength is basically not higher than that of the fifth-level commander. Zu Hao originally thought that the demonized alien beasts in the secret realm had been hunted down by the legion, but he did not expect that he had just teleported into the secret realm and encountered traces that were suspected to be left by the demonized alien beasts.

  "Demonized beast!"

  Upon hearing this name, Ding Ziling's body froze, her beautiful eyes full of fear.

  As the only survivor of the demonized alien beasts, she knew very well that the demonized alien beasts were a group of horrific existences that were fond of blood, pursued death, crazy and curious.

  "Don't worry, it's okay."

  Sensing Ding Ziling's inner fear, Chen Wei comforted him with a smile.

  In his opinion, it's not like the Scarlet Disaster is coming. A group of demonized beasts that have been almost wiped out are really not worthy of the spotlight.

  "No, captain, you don't know the horror of demonized beasts. They are a group of immortal monsters."

  Facing the captain's comfort, Ding Ziling became more and more nervous, and even her breathing became rapid.

  Seeing this, the other team members couldn't help but look at Ding Ziling curiously, with more or less nervousness and uneasiness on their faces.

  "It's an exaggeration to not die. Even demigods in this world will perish, let alone a bunch of scum." Instructor Zu Hao turned to look at

  Ding Ziling, and saw that she seemed to be frightened, and said with dissatisfaction.

  In order to let everyone have a clear understanding of the demonized beasts and reduce the fear in their hearts, instructor Zu Hao took the initiative to talk about some information about the demonized beasts.

  "Demonized beasts will appear with the birth of Tianyuan Secret Realm. In the mouth of researchers, they are also called demonized beasts, strange beasts, etc. It can be said that they are the common enemy of humans and strange beasts." Speaking of this

  , Instructor Zu Hao looked at the ground in the distance and thought, and a piece of sand stained with dried blood instantly appeared in his hand.

  "The emergence of strange beasts will lead to devastating disasters. Most people will fall into a state of madness just by seeing or thinking about the appearance of strange beasts. Some lawless elements will even mix information about demonized beasts into the royal family. Among the beast information, this is the reason why the country blocks most of the knowledge about exotic beasts from ordinary people."

  Upon hearing this, Chen Wei's pupils suddenly shrank.

  Is it his imagination? Why does this terrifying demonized beast sound a bit like the evil god spread in previous lives?

  "Weird and strange beasts contain a variety of attributes, including void type, evil spirit type, scarlet type, death type, and shadow type, etc., and this pool of blood is left by the scarlet type strange beast. According to the breath, this The strength of this scarlet monster is probably around the third level."

  Under everyone's surprised gazes, Instructor Zu Hao crushed the blood-stained sand into pieces.

  "Unlike ordinary beasts, what makes strange beasts most difficult for beast masters to deal with is that they are extremely immortal and contagious. This is why Ding Ziling said that demonized beasts are monsters that cannot die! "

  While Zu Hao was explaining the information about demonized alien beasts to the new students, he also kept reporting the locations where the suspected demonized alien beasts appeared to the beast control base inside the secret realm.

  "Extremely contagious? In other words, strange beasts can infect humans or strange beasts into strange beasts?" Chen Wei asked in surprise.

  "That's right." Instructor Zu Hao glanced at Chen Wei and then continued to explain.

  "But there is one thing to be thankful for. The alien beasts or humans infected by the demonized monsters will only inherit part of the infectious power of the monsters, and will not completely inherit the immortality of the monsters. Otherwise, maybe several countries near Donghua Kingdom would have They fell under the tide of demonized beasts."

  "Are the immortal beasts very powerful?"

  Seeing that instructor Zu Hao was very afraid of the demonized beasts, Chen Wei couldn't help but ask.

  (End of chapter)

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