Chapter 309 Painted Tree Demon

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  Chapter 309: The Painted Dryad:
  "What's wrong? Is the mission difficult?"

  Wu Sixi, who has an active personality, subconsciously moved in front of Chen Wei to watch. Then his mouth opened slightly and his eyes suddenly widened.

  Seeing this, the other team members also looked at the document in the captain's hand curiously.

  "I'll tell you some bad news. Our team's mission is to lead the fifth-level alien beasts!" Chen Wei said helplessly.

  Instructor, what's going on?

  This mission was obviously aimed at him, the team leader, and did not take into account the training experience of the team members!
  Hearing this, Yu Xiumin and Wu Sixi's faces darkened.

  With Captain Chen Wei here, there is no need to be afraid.

  Instead, they were worried that their pet beasts would not be able to contain the fifth-level beasts, thus becoming a weak point for the team.

  At this time, other teams also learned about their mission goals.

  Unlike Chen Wei's team, the mission targets of other beast control teams are only fourth-level elite alien beasts. Even Zhuang Jinggen's team, their mission targets are only high-level four-winged flying tigers.

  "Let you lie down holding your thighs to win. It will be miserable now!" Several freshmen who were gloating about their misfortune looked at the members of Chen Wei's team with pity.

  "Okay, have you seen the towering mountain range in the distance? That's the Yongli Mountain Range where your training is."

  Instructor Zu Hao glanced at the gloating freshman and reminded him.

  "There are a large number of alien beasts inhabiting the Yongli Mountains. Let me remind you that after entering the mountains, you may encounter powerful alien beasts with a higher level than the mission target at any time, so you'd better remain in awe and vigilance at all times. Heart."

  At this point, instructor Zu Hao's voice paused slightly.

  "The level of difficulty of the experience mission represents the overall evaluation of your team by the legion. If you are confident enough, you can directly hunt strange beasts in the Yongli Mountains that are higher than the mission target. Of course, the premise is that you will not cause a reduction in the number of the team. "

  "Finally, the exotic beasts you hunt will be received by the instructors in charge, and can be directly converted into credits at Red Sandalwood University. The higher the strength level of the alien beasts, the more credits they can exchange for!" At this time, I heard that there were credits

  . Yes, the eyes of the freshmen present were shining.

  "It is now eight o'clock Jinhua time, and the training and assessment ends on time at five o'clock in the afternoon. You still have nine hours to complete the task." Instructor Zu Hao looked down at his watch and said with a smile.


  The Yongli Mountain Range is located in the southern area of ​​Yongli Island, with an altitude of more than 13,650 meters. The entire mountain is in the shape of a pyramid. The terrain inside is particularly steep, and there are some inhabitants that are difficult for ordinary beast masters to encounter. of rare and exotic beasts.

  It is said that there are Chi dragons that appear deep in the Yongli Mountains. Even many beast masters within the Beast Control Corps will come to this mountain range to find or contract some rare beasts.

  At this time, Chen Wei's team was walking on the outskirts of the Yongli Mountains.


  High in the sky, a frosty ice falcon was carefully observing the surrounding situation.

  "There are three diamond wolves wandering five hundred meters ahead, and their strength is around the middle level of the third level." Yu Xiumin said.

  "I understand." Chen Wei touched Cai Ling's head.

  In fact, before the Feng Shuang Ice Falcon discovered the ambush strange beast, Cai Ling had already sensed the three sneaky Gangshi Wolves through her mental power.

  However, in order to increase Yu Xiumin's confidence, Chen Wei selectively concealed this point.

  "The third-level corundum wolf is a good training target. Do any of you want to continue to train the fighting ability of the beast?" Chen Wei pointed to the solid corundum in front of him.

  "Let Yaojin and I try it." Yu Yang said.

  As the strongest person in the team besides the captain, he can cooperate with Yao Jin to deal with strange beasts like the Gang Stone Wolf, and there is no need for the captain he admires to take action. "Then I'll leave it to you!" Chen Wei said with a slight smile.


  With the sound of two explosions, the three wolves hid themselves as stubborn rocks on the roadside. The Gang Stone Wolf, who planned to attack secretly, collapsed to the ground under the repeated attacks of the Iron Spring Serpent and the Holy Light Star Lin. Got to be full of potholes.

  "Nice job." Chen Wei admired as he watched the wonderful cooperation between Yu Yang and Yao Jin.

  A third-level low-level iron spring snake cooperated with a second-level high-level holy light star lin, and in just a few seconds, three third-level mid-level steel wolves were easily eliminated.

  Yu Yang and Yao Jin are worthy of being freshmen at Rosewood University. Commanding their pet beasts to engage in cross-level battles is as easy as drinking water.

  "No way, it's far worse than the captain!"

  Hearing the captain's praise, Yu Yang smiled a little cautiously.

  Perhaps it was Chen Wei's praise that made Yu Yang feel particularly proud. All the strange beasts that Chen Wei's team encountered were dealt with by Yu Yang who was very motivated. Even Wu Sixi and Ding Ziling on the side didn't have a chance to take action.

  "I'm not telling you, you are working too hard. Can you spare a few strange beasts for my Zhao Kong Thunder Tiger to use!"

  Wu Sixi looked at Yu Yang who was panting slightly in front of him, and most of his body's energy had been consumed. said.

  "Sorry, I'll save a few more for you next time." Yu Yang swallowed the pill that restored his energy and physical strength, with an embarrassed smile on his face.

  "Everyone, please don't make any noise. There is a big guy in front of you." Chen Wei suddenly lowered his voice.

  Hearing this, all the team members looked at each other, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

  To make Captain Chen Wei so alert, the strange beast that appeared in front of him must be at least a fourth-level leader, and may even be a fifth-level leader.

  Yu Xiumin even raised her head and glanced at the Wind and Frost Ice Falcon high in the sky.

  "Xiao Lan, are you lazy? You didn't even notice the strange beast hidden in front of you!"

  Feng Shuang Ice Falcon: "???"

  It quickly used its sharp eyes skill to scan the direction of Chen Wei's team.

  "Violent!" (`ω) (There are indeed no strange beasts ahead!)

  Hearing the words transmitted from Xiaolan's mind, Yu Xiumin shook her head.

  "It seems that Xiao Lan's investigative capabilities still need to be improved!"

  Yu Xiumin did not continue to pursue the Feng Shuang Bing Falcon's negligence, but looked curiously at Cai Ling wrapped around Chen Wei's wrist.

  If she guessed correctly, Cai Ling should have used spiritual skills to discover the unknown beast.

  "Hey!"~(ー`~) (Another tree spirit!)

  After saying that, Cai Ling told Chen Wei all about the appearance of the strange beasts she perceived.

  "The head is made of green tree vines intertwined together. There are two dark blue plant roots on the left and right sides of the body that are similar to human arms. The torso rooted deep in the ground is still three crystallized green crystals. Isn't this the fifth-level commanding beast?" Painted tree demon]."

  Chen Wei's eyes suddenly lit up.

  He did not expect that his team would encounter the mission target of this experience assessment just after entering the outer reaches of Yongli Mountain Range!
  Could this be the legendary fate?
  (End of chapter)

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