Chapter 273 The Qualifications of the Medicine Saint

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  Chapter 273 Medicine Saint's Qualifications
  Sensing the worry hidden in Senior Sister Tan's gentle voice, Chen Wei felt warm in his heart.

  "Yes, when Yutong was evolving, a seventh-level overlord Rongyang Island turtle suddenly attacked." He said calmly.

  Tan Xueqing frowned, her thoughts spinning rapidly.

  Although a new beast master had no chance of survival in front of a seventh-level overlord, she still did not doubt the authenticity of Chen Wei's words.

  But the Rongyang Island Turtle knows that Chen Wei is Teacher Han's man. Unless it goes crazy, it will never dare to kill its junior brother for no reason. But it is hard to say about the pet beast.

  "How is Yutong now? Is he injured?" Tan Xueqing asked.

  "No injuries." Chen Wei shook his head.

  It was precisely because Yutong was not injured during this evolution and the situation did not become serious that he knew that he could not do anything to the lava island turtle for the time being.

  Hearing this, Tan Xueqing's face softened.

  The death of a titanium crystal puppet doesn't actually matter to her, but what she cares about is whether her junior brother will be backlashed by the contract because of this, which will damage the source star, and finally affect Chen Wei's work in refining medicine. Development potential.

  "Wait a minute! Senior Rongyang Island Turtle has been pursuing traces of the power of destiny throughout his life, and has never violated the school rules of Red Sandalwood University. Is it possible..." Thinking of

  this shocking possibility, Tan Xueqing His voice suddenly became hoarse.

  "Do you know that there is a legend about the power of destiny in the secret realm of Ghost Island Volcano?"

  Chen Wei took a deep breath. Sure enough, it was because of the power of fate that the Rongyang Island Turtle resolutely attacked Yutong.

  "I have never heard of this legend, but after this evolution, Yutong has an additional destiny attribute." He confessed truthfully.

  Chen Wei felt that there was no need to cover up such things that could not be concealed, otherwise it would only arouse more suspicion.

  Tan Xueqing: "???"

  What an international joke, but for tens of thousands of years after the death of the Yam Saint, no beast master has ever come into contact with the power of destiny in the secret realm of the Onigashima volcano.

  As a result, I met my junior brother once I went in!
  Could it be that this is fate?
  Tan Xueqing, who was surprised by this, turned on the mute of her mobile phone because she was afraid that she would lose her temper and use foul language.

  Seeing a long silence on the other end of the phone, Chen Wei continued: "Maybe it's due to good luck. This time, Yutong evolved directly from a transcendent race to a king race, and his strength has skyrocketed a lot." "I understand

  . Can you come over to the No. 2 teaching building now? We can meet and discuss the next thing." "

  Wait, why don't you stay at home? I'll go directly. Is your current residential address the dormitory registered by the school? That's wrong!" Senior Sister Tan's impatient voice came from the phone.

  Chen Wei: "Yes, that's right."


  Looking at the hung up phone in his hand, Chen Wei smiled helplessly. It seems that the power of destiny is indeed a rare treasure. Now he doesn't even act calmly. The senior sisters are starting to get anxious!

  A minute later, the clear doorbell rang.

  "So fast!"

  With this thought in mind, Chen Wei opened the door.

  Outside the door, Tan Xueqing, with blond hair like a waterfall, was standing there waiting in her uneven instructor uniform. Her graceful figure and her cold phoenix eyes gave people an intellectual beauty.

  Tan Xueqing looked at Chen Wei carefully and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that he was indeed not injured.

  She suppressed her inner urgency and walked slowly into the hall.

  "Can you let me see Yutong's evolved form?" She asked curiously after taking the tea from Chen Wei. "Okay."

  Chen Wei nodded, and saw the star ring between his fingers flickering, the dazzling white talisman array disappearing in an instant, and Yutong's noble and powerful posture suddenly appeared in Tan Xueqing's eyes.

  Looking at the mysterious pet beast in front of her that made her feel vaguely threatened, Tan Xueqing suddenly fell silent, with some unconcealable shock in her eyes.

  She was more concerned about what the pet beast in front of her was than Chen Wei, who had broken through the fourth level of terrifying cultivation of Yuan Xing!
  Judging from the aura, it is only as strong as a third-level upper-level or fourth-level lower-level beast, but it can bring a slight sense of threat to itself. To a certain extent, this is something that even a sixth-level king's pet beast cannot do!
  "Does it have a racial name after it evolves?" Tan Xueqing asked.

  Generally speaking, the attributes and specialties of a pet can be known from the race name alone.

  "Destined Dragon Illusion." Chen Wei said.

  "Destiny Dragon Illusion?" Tan Xueqing repeated.

  After evolution, in addition to the fate attribute, the titanium crystal puppet also added the rare dragon attribute. Is this a coincidence or the reason for the emergence of the power of fate?
  Thinking of this, Tan Xueqing took a deep look at Chen Wei.

  Destiny system!

  This elusive attribute actually appeared on a titanium puppet. It's no wonder that the Rongyang Island Turtle couldn't accept it and even attacked it on the spot.

  You must know that even the Saint Tan Yao who was favored by the power of destiny could not cultivate a destiny beast, even if it was only a destiny beast at the level of a high-level extraordinary race.

  Being able to control such a high-ranking destiny beast, Junior Brother Chen Wei might really have a chance to become the legendary Medicine Saint!
  Tan Xueqing's beautiful eyes lit up when she thought of this possibility.

  The teacher is currently in retreat, teaching his junior brother the knowledge of refining medicine all on his own.

  If Chen Wei could become the Medicine Saint in the future, wouldn't it be such an honor...

  However, how quickly this surprise came, and the fear that followed it also surged into Tan Xueqing's heart in the blink of an eye.

  "Fortunately, the Rongyang Island turtle spared his efforts at the last moment, otherwise if something happened to my junior brother, I would have to pull out its shell!"

  On the other side, Senior Sister Jiantan looked at Yutong, her eyes glowing, and then her body gradually began to reveal traces of cold murderous aura that made people feel like falling into an ice cave.

  Chen Wei subconsciously put his hand on Yutong's head to comfort him to prevent Yutong from acting too aggressively.

  "Senior sister."

  Feeling the increasingly cold temperature of the atmosphere in the hall, he couldn't help but remind him.


  After regaining consciousness, Tan Xueqing coughed twice, and then asked seriously: "What do you plan to do with the Rongyang Island turtle?"

  After hearing this, Chen Wei said firmly: "Now I am not the opponent of the Rongyang Island Turtle, but I will definitely fight it after I become an epic powerhouse. As for whether it lives or dies, it all depends on God's will." I sensed the confidence and confidence contained in Chen Wei's words

  . Tan Xueqing was slightly startled by the murderous intention.

  "Is it possible that Rongyang Island Turtle is really crazy and didn't hold back at all? Otherwise, how could the resentment of my junior brother be so great? But if the old guy didn't hold back, how did Yutong survive?" Tan Xueqing raised her eyebrows

  . Wrinkled, his tone was a little cold, "Junior brother, can you tell me the whole process?"

  Chen Wei glanced at the senior sister in front of him who seemed to be erupting at any time like a volcano, and said truthfully.

  "If Bai Luo hadn't been here, maybe Yutong and I would have died in the Turtle Island Volcano..."

  After hearing this, Tan Xueqing's expression suddenly changed, and the aura of an epic powerhouse suddenly broke out.

  (End of chapter)

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