Chapter 265 Begins to Evolve

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  Chapter 265 begins to evolve

  the lava mountain path.

  In the dark, bottomless mountain road, Chen Wei held Yutong in one hand and Cai Ling's dragon horn in the other, and then continued to descend at a rapid speed.

  The darkness covering everything in the mountain road seems to make people forget the passage of time.

  I don't know how long it took, but Chen Wei suddenly noticed a red light underneath, and he couldn't help but feel refreshed.

  Soon, as the red light became more and more intense, Cai Ling's speed gradually slowed down, and finally successfully escaped from the mountain road and stayed firmly in the air.

  Looking at the scene that appeared in front of him, Chen Wei was slightly startled.

  As if you are in a world of flames, the ubiquitous red magma is boiling, spewing, and exploding, and there are crisp explosions.

  "This is the crypt area suitable for the evolution of fire-type beasts. The fire-type source power is really terrifying!"

  Chen Wei couldn't help but admired as he looked at the fire-type energy around him that seemed to have materialized.

  If it weren't for Senior Sister Tan's recommendation, it would be really difficult for me to find such a suitable place for evolution.

  "How do you feel? Should we go deeper?"

  Chen Wei lowered his head and glanced at Yutong.

  "Mi!" (**) (It's very good here!)
  Yutong showed an excited expression on his face.

  "Then let's get started." Chen Wei said with a smile.

  At this moment, Cai Ling suddenly looked at the hot magma flowing underneath, her majestic dragon eyes full of fear.

  "Hey!" (▼へ▼メ) (There is something!)
  Hearing this, Chen Wei was slightly startled.

  Completely different from the edge zone and volcanic zone, as a place for evolution, there should be no strange beasts living in the crypt zone!

  "Hey, interesting little guy, you can actually find me." An interesting voice suddenly sounded.

  At this time, the already extremely violent magma river seemed to be stimulated by something and converged into a surging lava wave. Under the huge wave, an endless figure began to gradually appear.

  The first thing that caught Chen Wei's eyes was a huge hook-shaped upper and lower jaw that was as sharp as an eagle's beak. Then there were two curved red horns growing backwards at the back of the head. Finally, there was a pair of intelligent eyes and extremely slender lips. Neck.

  Seeing the shocking scene in front of him, Chen Wei couldn't help but swallow his throat.

  The head of this unknown beast can cover the sky and the sun. It's hard to imagine just how huge it is!

  "Little guy, are you the beast master recommended by Tan Yatou?"

  After hearing these words and noticing the scrutinizing gaze of this giant beast, Chen Wei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and the signal stone he was holding tightly in his hand also Then let go.

  "Yes, senior."

  Chen Wei secretly glanced at the terrifying giant beast in front of him with his peripheral vision. If he guessed correctly, this giant beast should be the guardian of Turtle Island Volcano, the seventh-level overlord alien beast [Rongyang Island] turtle】.

  It is said that the rising sun turtle of the dominant race can evolve into the rising sun turtle of the king race, and then evolve from the rising sun turtle into the melting sun island turtle of the overlord race.

  Chen Wei thought this was just a rumor, but he didn't expect that a small secret place like Turtle Island Volcano actually had an overlord guardian.

  "Fortunately, I didn't attack the Xuyan Spin Turtle blocking the boiling flame!"

  Looking at the domineering Rongyang Island Turtle in front of him, Chen Wei couldn't help but praise his caution.

  "Yes, I haven't seen a beast master as interesting as you for a long time!"

  Rongyang Island Turtle took a deep look at Chen Wei and his pet beast.

  "For the sake of Girl Tan, I will let you experience the Earth's Earth Fire. Remember, never touch the Earth's Earth Fire when you get there."

  After saying that, the Molten Sun Island Turtle spewed out an extremely huge lava column toward the sea of ​​magma. For a time, large waves of magma began to surround the lava column to form an extremely special flame channel.

  "Go in. Through this passage, you can reach the heart of the earth's crust."

  "Thank you, senior." Chen Wei bowed gratefully.

  Just when he was about to enter the passage, a voice suddenly sounded.


  Chen Wei looked at Rongyang Island Turtle in confusion.

  "I almost fell asleep. With the strength of you and your pet, entering the heart of the earth's crust will only be reduced to ashes by the extreme high temperature. Before entering, I will put this stone on you and your pet." [Fire

  Protection Glazed: A sixth-level fire-based beast-controlling resource, a glazed stone made from the shed shell of the Rongyang Island turtle. After wearing it, it has the ability to dispel high temperatures and survive in the heart of the earth's crust.


  Chen Wei's expression froze as he watched the fire-proofing glass flying from the Rongyang Island turtle into his hands.

  That is to say, with the protection of Bai Luo, he can still survive in the heart of the earth's crust even without the fire-proofing glass. If it were someone else, he would probably not survive a narrow escape if he went down like this.

  After putting the fire-preventing glass on himself and his pet beast, Chen Wei, who felt a little unreliable, tentatively stretched out his hand to feel the temperature of the flame channel. After confirming that it was safe, he stepped into it with confidence.

  Looking at Chen Wei's disappearing back, the Molten Sun Island Turtle slowly sank into the sea of ​​magma.

  "I haven't been able to find any clues about the power of destiny for three thousand years. Is the power of destiny mentioned by the Yam Saint really just a joke?" With such doubts, the Rongyang Island Turtle began to go deep into the underground

  . Then look for the illusory power of destiny in the legend.


  Deep in the dead heart of the earth's crust, a young figure slowly appeared, with a light red protective shield covering his body.

  "Is this the home fire?"

  Looking at the strange black flame not far away, Chen Wei activated his spiritual eyes.

  [Homecoming Earth Fire]: The seventh-level fire system's top resource, the mysterious flame born in the heart of the earth's crust, contains the world-destroying power that triggers the eruption of a super volcano. It is also an epic earth fire that can create or even reshape the earth. It emits Breath can increase the success rate of fire pet beasts when evolving.

  The moment the message of Homecoming Fire came to his mind, Chen Wei couldn't help but reveal an excited smile on his face.

  Although contact with this thing is forbidden, he is satisfied to be able to touch the majestic fire energy emanating from the Home Fire.

  "This time we can finally start evolving."

  "Mi!" (▽*) (Okay!)

  Seeing that Yutong was ready, Chen Wei took out all the evolutionary resources he had prepared from the star ring.

  Fire Essence Black Crystal, Hundred Years Refining Crystal, Fire Pattern Grass, Hundred Crystal Vine and Purple Light Crystal Tiger Magic Core are all necessary resources for the evolution of Yanjing Ragdoll.

  In addition, Chen Wei also added three additional advanced beast-controlling resources: Sun Fire, Flame-breaking Rainbow Dragon Demonic Core, and Flame Unicorn Demonic Core.

  Now that the seventh and sixth level beast control resources have been used, Chen Wei's goal is of course not satisfied with just being the transcendent leader of Yanjing Ragdoll.

  And unlike Guixin Earth Fire, Yutong, who has refined the Great Sun Fire for many times, already has a high resistance to the True Fire of the Great Sun.

  "Is three high-level dragon crystals used for this evolution? Or are all nine high-level dragon crystals studded!"

  Looking at Yutong who looked impatient in front of him, Chen Wei gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

  (End of chapter)

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