Chapter 227 All destroyed

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  Chapter 227: All Destroyed
  At the same time, the mysterious silver and blue lines on Cai Ling's dark golden dragon horns and the edges of its limbs suddenly burst into dazzling light.

  A majestic momentum like the pressure of a real dragon enveloped the maze on the third floor in an instant. Feeling this strong pressure, the Amethyst Horned Dragon, which fell into a state of madness, actually regained some of its sanity. A cry of surrender came out of his mouth.

  All the strange beasts behind the Amethyst Horned Dragon couldn't help but feel awe for the superior dragons in their hearts, and stopped using their racial skills.

  The next second, in the horrified eyes of Guan Qingxin and Xu Kun, seemingly endless ice tornadoes soared into the sky, annihilating all the skills launched by the distant alien beasts, and taking advantage of the trend, the alien beasts not far away were killed. Covered all.


  Waves of vast ice energy like a destructive force burst out in the maze. The crazy energy spread rapidly and swept away in all directions.

  Feeling the destructive ice energy erupting in the distance and the impending shock wave, Guan Qingxin and Xu Kun trembled slightly, and their faces suddenly turned pale.

  Under such an attack, they actually felt the danger of death.

  Without thinking, Guan Qingxin and Xu Kun directly activated the high-level defense equipment at the bottom of the box. Even their mental power was always in contact with the Kongmingshi bracelet, ready to exit the underground maze at any time.

  Seeing this, Chen Wei's pupils suddenly shrank, and he quickly reminded himself of the two candidates not far away, shouting: "The ice storm is about to break out, activate the defense source device!" Although he knew that after Cai Ling transformed into an infinite firepower turret

  , The power of the skill increased several times, but the astonishing sight before him still shocked him.

  As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Wei quickly hugged Yutong and the smaller Cailing in his arms, and then activated the earth barrier on his body, which was a defensive source weapon that could fully withstand a full blow from the sixth-order mid-range beast.

  In the blink of an eye, the crazily spreading frost and shock waves spread as fast as lightning, and the sharply dropping low temperature instantly enveloped nearly half of the third-level maze.


  Under the tense gaze of everyone, countless small voices continued to sound, and a frightening loud bang suddenly sounded, and the ice that froze everything began to explode and shatter.

  The group of alien beasts with strength below level 4 in the distance were directly shattered into pieces by the continuously exploding ice explosions, leaving only countless tiny red ice crystals.

  The explosion continued. Countless ice tornadoes shook the sky and the earth, and the terrifying infinite ice tornadoes exerted their final afterglow after turning everything within a thousand meters into ice and snow. The tornadoes of frost that soared into the sky seemed to reach the surrounding areas. All the spatial fluctuations were distorted.

  The only one present who could stop the explosion of terrifying power, the Dragon-Eating Mangrove, was quietly looking at Cai Ling in Chen Wei's arms, with a bit of longing in his eyes, but he had no intention of taking action.

  The whole world seemed to be dyed white by frost and cold air.

  The biting cold wind blew by, and when Chen Wei opened his eyes, there were irregular ice cubes everywhere.

  Aware of the strong wind blowing above his head, he subconsciously looked up and saw a huge hole with a radius of several thousand meters suddenly appeared in front of Chen Wei.

  "Cai Ling could have just penetrated the maze of the earth!"

  Chen Wei looked around, then looked at the huge bottomless hole above, and then couldn't help but swallow.

  "There shouldn't be any compensation for the damage caused by candidates during the actual combat assessment, right? Probably?"

  "Huh." o(^`)o (Not bad.)
  After Cai Ling took a look at the damage he caused, his eyes lit up slightly, and then An expression of regret appeared on his face, which was not strong enough.

  "Mi!" () (The eldest sister is so strong!)
  Yutong, who was seeing such a big scene for the first time, opened her mouth slightly and looked at Cai Ling with bright eyes, as if she had found the target to chase.

  "Well done, have all the strange beasts been dealt with?" Chen Wei asked softly.

  "Hey." (**) (There are still three strange beasts lying in ambush four hundred meters ahead.)
  Cai Ling looked at the ice rocks in the distance with disdain. Even the fourth-level Amethyst Horned Dragon could not hide from her spiritual perception. "Cough cough cough!" Continuous coughs sounded in the silent maze.

  Looking at Guan Qingxin, whose hair was covered with ice crystals, and Xu Kun, who was not far away and looked disgraced, Chen Wei said, "Sorry, this is the first time I used this skill with all my strength, and it almost affected you." Xu Kun wiped the frost off his face

  . , and then looked at the scene in front of him with a shocked face, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

  If someone else were to tell him that a third-level pet beast could directly destroy a small-scale beast tide consisting of hundreds of alien beasts with one skill, including dozens of fourth-level and above alien beasts, he would probably think that That person is crazy and doesn't even have any realistic logic.

  But it was himself who witnessed this scene with his own eyes. At this moment, he only felt as if he was dreaming.

  Xu Kun was silent for a while, then looked at his pet beast Frost Jade Chicken, and suddenly slapped it.

  "Cack!" (▼ヘ▼#)
  The stunned Frost Jade Chicken immediately spread its wings, even the green feathers on its neck stood up, and its sharp beak pecked the palm of the beastmaster's hand like lightning.

  "Ah, it hurts."

  Xu Kun felt a sharp pain coming from his palm.

  "It doesn't look like a dream."

  Looking at the unscarred but aching palm, Xu Kun sighed and thought to himself.

  On the other side, Guan Qingxin looked at the Kongming Shuangjiao that had shrunk into a mini form in Chen Wei's arms, her eyes a little dull.

  "Even if this is an SSS-level genius, it's too exaggerated!"

  It's not like she has never seen a sixth-level king's pet beast take action. Compared with the sixth-level alien beast, the huge damage caused in front of her is just a small scene, but with this kind of destructive power Putting it on the third-level dragon, she was really unbelievable.

  "Hello, are you Chen Wei?" Guan Qingxin suddenly asked: "That Yuanxing rated SSS-level beast-controlling genius."

  "Yes." Chen Wei responded casually, his eyes still staring at the direction prompted by Cai Ling.

  "Let's talk later. There are still three alien beasts that have not been dealt with."

  Hearing this, Guan Qing was slightly startled. There were still alien beasts surviving under such a terrifying attack just now?

  "Frost Royal Ice Explosion." Chen Wei ordered.

  The next second, blue light appeared in Cai Ling's eyes.


  At this time, in the frost-covered area ahead, thunderous explosions resounded, and the roars of several amethyst horned dragons before their death suddenly appeared in the mushroom clouds mixed with fine ice crystals.

  Seemingly as the last straw that broke the camel's back, the Amethyst Horned Dragon, which was already seriously injured and on the verge of death, met its final end amid the ice explosion.

  At this point, all the alien beasts that came from the maze were wiped out.

  (End of chapter)

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