Chapter 206 Difficulty Increase

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  Chapter 206 Difficulty Increase
  There were still twenty minutes before the exam started. Chen Wei glanced around and found that there was not even a familiar face among the candidates in this classroom.

  "After all, there are so many candidates taking the Beast Control College Entrance Examination, so it makes sense that they are not allotted together." Thinking of this, he began to meditate with his eyes closed, preparing to face the exam in his best condition.

  The morning test on the first day was about exotic animals.

  Chen Wei glanced through it briefly and found that the questions on the test paper were all common types. Even the last few big questions, which were obviously used to score points, were relatively simple in his eyes.

  "Sure enough, this kind of exam, where you can get high scores by rote memorization, is basically not difficult for practitioners with high spiritual power." Chen Wei started to answer the questions with a relaxed look.

  "Sorry, according to regulations, late candidates are not allowed to enter the examination room." At this moment, a small commotion near the classroom door attracted Chen Wei's attention.

  Looking at the strange classmate at the door who covered his face and cried bitterly, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

  Although I heard that every year some candidates would be late for the Beast Control College Entrance Examination due to various accidents, this was the first time Chen Wei had seen such a thing with his own eyes.

  However, compared to the proportion of points that the theoretical knowledge assessment accounts for, the candidate's Source Star assessment and practical assessment are obviously more important and will earn more points.

  Although the lack of a theoretical exam will have a big impact on the candidates, as long as the beast control master is strong enough, even if the basic score does not meet the application threshold of Donghua's five colleges, the eight colleges can still give it a try!

  After all, in the final analysis, beast masters still have to rely on their strength to speak for themselves!

  "What a pity!"

  Chen Wei shook his head, then handed in the paper in advance and left early amid the surprised looks on the faces of the candidates around him.

  The afternoon test was on resource theory. This is the subject in which Chen Wei is most confident as an appraiser, and the subject in which he is most confident in getting full marks.

  The results obviously speak for themselves. He successfully completed the exam and should be able to get full marks.

  The next morning the test was on elixir theory.

  After quickly writing the next few big questions that were extremely difficult for ordinary beast masters, Chen Wei couldn't help but look out the window and smile.

  It seems that he is lucky. These are all knowledge points mentioned in the Alchemist's Manual. I don't know if Lao Huang has been reading the Alchemist's Manual these days. If so, he should be able to get a good result in this exam. results.

  Then, there is still the familiar early submission stage, and the candidates in the classroom are already somewhat used to it.

  In their view, Chen Wei, who could hand in every exam in advance, was either a knowledgeable academic master or a self-destructive scumbag.

  The last exam in the afternoon was theory of origin, which was the subject that Chen Wei was least good at.

  But even so, he still completed all the questions perfectly, except for the penultimate big question.

  [The star ring in the hands of a beast master is the home of pet beasts. Can a star ring that loses one-third of its face during battle still be usable? If it can still be used, there are several repair methods that can maintain the internal strength of the star ring. space, thus preventing the collapse of its internal space? Please list them in order. ]

  "Is this a new question type this year? It's such a weird question!" Chen Wei was at a loss for what to do.

  After pondering for a moment, he decisively wrote that it can continue to be used.

  As for the several repair methods later, he relied on confusion. After all, it is the beast control college entrance examination. If you have a chance to get one more point, you will get one extra point. What if you are lucky enough to guess right!

  After handing in the test paper and leaving the venue, Chen Wei estimated his approximate score in his mind as he walked.

  "It's okay. I should be able to get a score of more than 570 in this theory test."

  There are four subjects in the beast control theory college entrance examination, each subject is full of 100 points, and the total score is 600 points. Last year, Donghua's five major requirements The score line is 560, which should be more than enough based on my current estimate.

  "Long time no see, Chen Wei." A familiar clear female voice suddenly sounded. Seeing the familiar figure, Yu Xiumin immediately quickened her pace and soon reached Chen Wei's side.

  She smiled and patted Chen Wei on the shoulder, "The theoretical exam is finally over! How did it go? Are you confident?" "

  Well, there should be no problem at Rosewood University." Looking at the graceful girl in front of him, Chen Wei smiled modestly. .

  "Me too." Yu Xiumin smiled confidently, and then looked at the teaching building not far away, "I heard that the practical assessment of Red Sandalwood University will be difficult this time!" Hearing this, Chen Wei

  showed a little curiosity on his face, "Has the content of this year's practical assessment of Rosewood University been announced?"

  Yu Xiumin shook her head, "The specific content has not been announced yet, but I heard that as long as the score of this year's practical assessment reaches 100 points, you can enter Rosewood University." "

  One One hundred percent?" Chen Wei murmured.

  He had also heard some news about Donghua's five major practical assessments, but compared with previous years' actual combat scores, one hundred points was really too low.

  He knew that Ning Yi, the top scorer in Shuishan City's college entrance examination last year, had an actual score of 115 points, but she still missed the top five in Donghua.

  If this is the case, the lower the admission score of Rosewood University this year, the more difficult the practical examination will be.

  "Yes, I feel that my chances of getting admitted to Rosewood University this year are much slimmer. It can even be said to be impossible." Yu Xiumin smiled bitterly.

  "Then you want to give up?" Chen Wei stared at her closely.

  Yu Xiumin clenched her fists, and an unusually firm voice suddenly sounded, "I don't want to give up. If you don't give it a try, I really won't be willing to do it." Looking to the sunset in the distance,

  Chen Wei changed the subject and said, "Yes. Now, I still owe you a late-night snack. Can I exchange it for dinner?"

  Yu Xiumin was slightly stunned, with a smile on her face: "Let's agree first, I want a big meal."

  "Don't worry, it will definitely be a big meal."

  So, Chen Wei took Yu Xiumin back to his home.

  "Didn't you say you would take me to a big dinner? What are you doing?" Yu Xiumin subconsciously scanned the layout of the hall. Well, it's not bad, and it's surprisingly clean.

  "As a chef, I personally take care of it, doesn't it count as a feast?" Chen Wei responded with a smile.

  He still believes in his craftsmanship more than eating out.

  "Then I'll wait and see. By the way, how can I help?" Looking at Chen Wei's busy back, Yu Xiumin couldn't help but stand up and asked.

  "No, I can do it myself. Cailing, come and make tea. Yutong, please entertain the guests." "

  What a beautiful titanium crystal puppet. Is it a mutant?" Yu Xiumin took Yutong, who was sleeping on the sofa. Tenderly held in arms.

  This was the first time she had seen such a titanium crystal puppet with one blue and one red eye.

  "Mi!" (▼ plate ▼#) (Let me go!)

  Yutong, who was forced to open his business, began to struggle violently.

  If it hadn't been dissuaded by its own beast master, it would have wanted to throw a fireball into its face!
  (End of chapter)

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