Chapter 145 Mutation Talent

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  Chapter 145 Mutation Talent
  [Drug Essence]: The drug essence purified from agarwood leaves and wattle flowers can slightly enhance the nerve's perception ability in a very short period of time after use.

  Looking at the white cloud bottle in front of him, Chen Wei blinked.

  It seems that he is overthinking, and the appraisal talent cannot be used to make elixirs.

  "Forget it, if it doesn't work, then it won't work!"

  Chen Wei shook his head, but he had no intention of stopping the appraisal talent.

  He controlled the fifteen jade bottles in front of him to float up, and then poured the medicinal essence in the bottles into the Qingyang Cauldron one by one according to the order of the refining process.

  After these liquids entered the cauldron, they gradually condensed into a group of strange liquids with colorful colors on the surface under the heat of the Qingyang flames.

  Looking at the liquid medicine submerged in flames, Chen Wei used his mental power and appraisal talent to control the flames to dry and refine the elixir.

  As time passed slowly, a faint fragrance gradually began to emit from the cauldron, and Chen Wei's eyes immediately stared at the medicinal liquid in the cauldron.

  This period of time is now a critical moment for Cheng Dan, and he cannot take it lightly.

  One mistake and the Falling Star Pill that you have worked so hard to refine will be gone!
  After a moment, a drop of sweat slowly dripped from Chen Wei's forehead.

  In front of him, the upper furnace of the Qingyang Cauldron was surrounded by flames, like a miniature cyan sun, and exuded a fragrant medicinal fragrance.

  Under this intense high temperature, the energy of the medicinal liquid in Qingyang Cauldron continued to condense and gather, and even the color became darker. Chen Wei's face also became extremely solemn at this moment.

  He raised his perception ability to the highest level, and the majestic spiritual power continuously poured out from the source star, tightly entangled in the medicinal liquid in Qingyang Cauldron.

  Under his guidance, the flames became more intense, and the crimson liquid began to condense into pills.

  When the final liquid medicine was completely stable, a soft light red light flashed away, and three round red pills appeared in the Qingyang Cauldron.

  At the same time, three rays of light red air flowed out from the medicine cauldron, and their target was Chen Wei.

  Chen Wei was slightly startled.

  What the hell is this weird thing?

  There is no record of these three strange air currents in the alchemist's manual.

  Chen Wei wrapped Yuanli in his palm and planned to stop it with his hand.

  However, the air flow seemed invisible, passing directly through his palm and quickly entering his pupils.

  Chen Wei subconsciously closed his eyes and hurriedly activated the source power in his body, trying to expel the three inexplicable red currents from his body, not even caring about the newly refined Falling Star Pill.

  However, a cool feeling surged out of his eyes, even covering his Source Star.

  "What is this?" Chen Wei couldn't help but open his eyes and murmured in surprise.

  With the fusion of these three air currents, he could clearly feel that his vision seemed to become a little clearer, and even the Origin Star cultivation level improved slightly.

  Although that trace was insignificant, Chen Wei was very sure that it was not the increase in cultivation brought about by the Chixia Flame Formation Diagram.

  Thinking of this, he took out the alchemist's manual given by Sister Mu Ning from the star ring and kept searching for it.

  "No, not at all." Chen Wei frowned. There was no record of this situation at all, and no similar information could be found online.

  After pondering for a while, his peripheral vision glanced at the Qingyang Cauldron aside. With a thought, three attractive Falling Star Pills suddenly floated out from the furnace mouth.

  "Is this a problem with Falling Star Pill or mine?" Chen Wei showed a trace of doubt on his face.

  Since you can't find the reason, let's do it again!
  He gritted his teeth and prepared for the second refining.

  After having the first successful experience, Chen Wei cautiously started refining alchemy for the second time, trying to achieve consecutive successes.

  However, this time, he failed!
  Although he was following the same steps and techniques, at the last moment of condensing the elixir, he hesitated when he thought of the three strands of air. Even his own mental perception tightened subconsciously, leading to the final failure of the elixir condensation.

  Chen Wei shook his head, collected the waste elixirs in the Qingyang Cauldron, and prepared to use them as fertilizer to bury them in the soil in the herb space to increase fertilizer, and then continue to refine the elixirs.

  An hour later, Chen Wei looked at the five Falling Star Pills in front of him with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

  After the alchemy was successfully made this time, let alone three strands of air flow, not even two strands appeared.

  "Could it be just an accident?" Chen Wei thought to himself.

  In order to explore the reason for the birth of air flow, he started refining for the third time.

  Another hour passed, and there were seven Falling Star Pills floating in the air in the alchemy room, but this time two inexplicable air currents appeared again.

  "Sure enough, it's a matter of identifying talent!" Chen Wei was a little surprised.

  As long as he activates his identification talent during the process of refining the elixir, after the elixir is successfully refining, the number of strands of air flow will be born according to the number of elixirs, and then quickly integrate into his eyes, as if he is gestating something!
  This had to surprise Chen Wei.

  Is it possible that his appraisal talent has such a hidden use?
  Chen Wei scratched his head. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't use his appraisal talent to identify himself, he would even want to do an appraisal for himself now!
  Let’s call this inexplicable flow of air alchemy!
  His appraisal talent observation cannot analyze the process of refining medicine, but it can make the medicine produce pill energy. Although he does not know what will be born after absorbing too much of these pill energy, but it is always a good thing to improve the source star cultivation level.

  However, thinking about the disadvantages of Falling Star Pill, a new question suddenly popped up in his mind. Could this pill energy also have the negative effect of making Yuan Xing miserable?
  Thinking of this, Chen Wei started refining alchemy again, but this time he was refining the first-level elixir Fei Phosphorus Pill.

  [Crimson Phosphorus Pill]: A first-class medium-grade fire elixir. After taking it, it can slightly increase the source power content in the body of the fire element pet, and also has the effect of quickly restoring the fire element source power.

  After the furnace of Scarlet Phosphorus was completed, Chen Wei's physical and mental energy was also consumed.

  He classified these elixirs into jade bottles, his eyes full of excitement.

  Whether he is refining the Falling Star Pill or the Scarlet Phosphorus Pill, as long as he succeeds in refining the pill, he will be blessed by the elixir's energy.

  Although this ray of elixir energy is scarce, when accumulated, the growth rate of his Source Star will increase a lot.

  What's more, Chen Wei had a feeling in the dark that this Dan Qi seemed to be giving birth to some mysterious power in his eyes, and the increase in Source Star cultivation level it might have was just incidental.

  Chen Wei shook his head and couldn't help but smile dumbly.

  Maybe he was overthinking it. Even if the alchemy energy had the effect of cleansing and improving eyesight, it didn't mean anything.

  The Monkey King can create a blazing eye with golden eyes in Laojun's alchemy furnace. Could he also use this elixir to create a copycat version of blazing eyes?
  You know, he didn't just pop out of a rock. The difference in talent alone is huge!

  (End of chapter)

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