Chapter 10 Beast Masters Association

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  Chapter 10 Beast Tamer Association

  The Shuishan City Beast Tamer Association building is located in the center of Jiangcheng District, surrounded by bustling areas.

  As a landmark building in Shuishan City, the Beast Master Building is fifteen stories high and is also the tallest building in Jiangcheng District. It covers an extremely large area and is magnificent.

  "Why don't we find a junior ice and snow training ground with a lake? Not only can we save some money, but we can also practice our skills together."

  In the hall of the Beastmaster Association, Huang Zhicheng turned back to Chen Wei and said.


  "I haven't had the chance to show you my thorn fish until now. Why don't you help me identify the pet's potential later?" "No problem, let's go to the front desk to rent

  a training venue first." Chen Wei responded happily.

  Hearing this, Huang Zhicheng quickly walked to the front desk of the beastmaster hall, and within a short time, he had registered the venue rental procedures.

  Under the guidance of the young lady at the front desk, the two quickly arrived at an artificial ice and snow area with a lake.

  This ice and snow training ground covers a vast area and can accommodate a large number of beast masters.

  At this moment, not far from Chen Wei, there were two beast masters chasing and playing in the snow with their pet beasts [Snow Cheetah].

  "Weige, let's get to know each other. This is my partner, Xiao Hei."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Old Huang moved his right hand forward, the star ring between his fingers flashed with blue light, and a white bone spur appeared in the blue talisman array in front of him. black thorn fish.

  "Plop." This is the sound of the thorn fish breaking the ice on the surface of the lake.

  As soon as it fell into the cold lake water, the thorn fish swam around excitedly, its powerful body jumping up in the lake from time to time, splashing into waves filled with crystal clear ice.

  "Xiao Hei? Your naming is too casual!" After teasing Lao Huang casually, Chen Wei frowned slightly, glanced at the active thorn fish in the lake, then turned to Huang Zhicheng and said: " Let it be quiet, otherwise it will be difficult to observe."

  "Xiao Hei's name is simple and easy to remember. Wait a moment, it will probably take some time for Xiao Hei to calm down."

  Lao Huang raised his right hand and scratched his head helplessly. Just one day into the contract, Xiao Hei didn't listen to him very much. Order. For example, now, looking at the thorn fish that did not obey orders, he smiled sheepishly.

  The cold wind brought a bit of snow, and also brought a bit of chill.

  Chen Wei didn't say much. He squatted down and watched silently through the falling snow as the excited thorn fish gradually calmed down. He used the appraisal method to observe it carefully.

  [Beast Name]: Thorn Fish

  [Beast Attributes]: Water, Poison
  [Racial Level]: Yellow Level High Extraordinary
  [Racial Skills]: Water Jet, Thorns and Poison Arrows, Stealth

  [Beast Potential]: Yellow Level High Level
  [Introduction] 】: An extraordinary fish that lives in the waters. It has a dark complexion and is covered with white thorns and bone spurs. It is a medium-sized fish. It is good at hunting food with poisonous arrows after hiding. It has a docile personality and weak aggression. Because the thorns and spurs on its body contain venom, which is highly dangerous, it is not recommended as a starting pet.

  "Looking at its size and the luster of the thorn bone spurs on its body, it is obvious that its physical condition is very good. It should be a high-grade extraordinary pet beast of the yellow rank, with considerable potential." He stroked the quiet thorn fish head with his right hand

  . Seeing that it was very docile and showed no resistance, with a hint of curiosity in its dull fish eyes, Chen Wei stood up and said with a smile on his face.

  "Of the thorn fish in the glacier, Xiao Hei is the one that suits me best. It seems that I have a good taste. Although Xiao Hei's potential has been improved by drinking the water of life, he was at least a middle-grade yellow-level before." Hearing this, Old Huang suddenly became excited

  . He knelt down and touched Xiao Hei with his hand excitedly.

  Ignoring Lao Huang's beauty, Chen Wei turned around and summoned the little Cailing, then held it in his arms and said softly: "Cailing, we are going to start training today!" "Er, Eh?" (Training) What is it?) Cai Ling responded lazily.

  Chen Wei looked serious when he saw this, "Training is about practicing skills. I will train for two hours today. If the effect is good, I will help you strengthen it. How about it?" "Easy,

  eaas!" (Simple, no problem! )
  Hearing this, Xiao Cailing directly opened her cute big eyes, looked at Chen Wei seriously, then happily wrapped her body around Chen Wei's arm and shouted crisply.

  "Yeah, yeah, it won't change as promised. Get off my hands first, and let's practice the first-level skill Cold Breath first!" "Hey." (Look at

  Xiao Cailing opened her mouth and said Three streams of cold blue air were spit out from his mouth, hitting the snow-covered rocks not far from the snow.

  After the blue airflow disappeared, the entire rock had been frozen by ice.

  Seeing Xiao Cailing skillfully releasing the cold breath skill many times in a short period of time, Chen Wei couldn't help but smile a little more on his face, and felt a little emotional in his heart, is this the potential of the best earth-level people?
  One month after he was born, he could accurately hit the target with three consecutive shots of cold breath. In terms of proficiency, Cai Ling's cold breath has already reached the level of proficiency. After repeated practice, he might even be able to reach the proficiency level.

  Cold Breath can be said to be the core skill of Han Jade Snake. The advantage of this skill is that it breathes very fast and has a very short cast distance. It can instantly freeze the opponent during the battle, making it lose the ability to resist. However, the disadvantage is that it is a limiting skill. , the skill itself does not do much damage.

  "Ah, Xiao Hei."

  A sudden cry of pain interrupted Chen Wei's thinking.

  He frowned and turned around to see that the fingers of Huang Zhicheng's right hand were bleeding with bright red blood. He was obviously injured by a thorn fish attack.

  "What's going on? Stop the bleeding first. Fortunately, the teeth of the thorn fish don't carry toxins, otherwise you would have to go to the hospital now."

  Chen Wei looked at the thorn fish standing dumbly in the water with a solemn expression. After seeing that it did not act excessively, , and quickly took out the band-aid from his backpack.

  He tore open the package, walked over to Huang Zhicheng, and put a band-aid on the wound on Huang Zhicheng's finger.

  "Hey?" (What happened?)

  Cai Ling also stopped practicing Hanxi and looked at the thorn fish with doubtful eyes.

  "I accidentally touched Xiao Hei's mouth just now and was bitten unexpectedly." Lao Huang said helplessly.

  "I see, I thought your beast control contract was backfired!"

  Chen Wei's frown suddenly relaxed, and his tone became much more relaxed.

  Although there are very few examples of contract backlash, as long as it occurs once, it will cause huge damage to the beast master's source star.

  At worst, the source star was downgraded, and at worst, the source star collapsed violently, causing the beastmaster to die on the spot.

  Seeing that Old Huang was fine, Chen Wei reminded him jokingly: "Be careful, the thorns of the thorn fish are poisonous. I don't want to see your news on TV!" Although the pet beast cannot take the initiative under the restrictions of the beast control contract

  . Attack the beast master, but some weapons grown by the pet beast will also pose a threat to your own beast master, such as fangs, poisonous stings, etc.

  When Huang Zhicheng heard this, he rolled his eyes at Chen Wei angrily. How could he have made such a bad friend? If he can't speak, then don't speak!

  Seeing Lao Huang's depressed look, Chen Wei continued, "How do you feel now?"

  "The wound is not big, and it will probably heal soon. I just have to be careful when I touch it in the future." Lao Huang glanced at it. A glimpse of a thorn fish in the water.

  (End of chapter)

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