549. Chapter 548 Those who wish take the bait

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  Chapter 548 Those who wish to take the bait,

  whether they are ghosts who specialize in physical training or beastmasters whose systems are completely different from those of Dayou, if you want to increase the speed of training, apart from the practitioner's own talent, the most important thing is training. The energy concentration of the earth.

  The specially opened training room in the City Lord's Mansion was obviously much better than the single training room set up in the inn. The majestic energy gathered even reminded Chen Wei of the shock of his first trip to Red Sandalwood City.

  "The bait has been set out, it just depends on when the fish takes the bait!"

  After saying that, Chen Wei picked up the high-grade dragon crystal and started to strengthen it.

  The progress of collecting elixirs in the City Lord's Mansion was slow, and it was estimated that it would take another day or two, so during this period he had been immersed in Source Star cultivation and strengthening dragon crystals.

  The promotion of the fifth-level source star is more difficult than Chen Wei expected.

  Although he can clearly feel the growth of Source Star, mental power and even body every day, the speed of improvement of Source Star is still lower than before. Relying on hard work, it will take at least one year to break through Source Star to the mid-term. Half a year.

  "Sure enough, swallowing pill resources is the fastest way to break through the realm!" Chen Wei slowly exhaled a breath.

  Compared with the slow progress of hard training, the source of feedback brought about by Yutong's breakthrough quickly allowed him to take a solid step in the early stage of the fifth level.

  Perhaps he should focus more on obtaining the Dragon's Breath Divine Grass, and use the breakthrough of his pet beast to promote his own Origin Star.

  "Dong dong dong!" There was a knock on the door.

  Chen Wei opened the room, and the person who came was Hong Taining, whom he had not seen for a day. At this time, there was still a trace of excitement on his face that could not be concealed.

  "Sir, we have collected all the elixirs."

  "Very good, I will start refining the elixir today." Chen Wei nodded slightly, but felt a little disappointed.

  It shouldn't be. As one of the most noble ghosts in Dayou, no matter how slow King Linwang Youluo's reaction is, the people under him will not miss the information about the hemorrhagic disease.

  "Is it possible that we have to wait in Yinyuan City for a few more days? Or go to the Imperial City Juxian Hall as originally planned?"

  Seeing that things did not develop in the direction he expected, Chen Wei's heart suddenly sank.

  It's not that he wants to play tricks and pay for his own status, but Chen Wei knows human nature well and knows that things that are too easy to obtain are often discarded like worn-out shoes.

  If you want to know your identity as a master of medicine, it is obviously better to take the initiative to seek refuge with him than to be condescended to recruit him.

  The drunkard's intention was not to drink. Chen Wei's argument with Huang Xuelan in public, including his cure, was not only to gain fame, but also to lure King Lin into his trap, to become a top figure in Dayou, and to know that he could travel across the world. This is top-secret information that only the upper echelons can know.

  Of course, risks and opportunities coexist with this approach. Chen Wei dared to do this because he believed that the risks were within his control.

  After all, he can cure blood diseases and refine life-extending elixirs. No matter where he goes, a world-renowned medical expert will be treated with courtesy by all forces and try to win him over. He will not choose to use threats and oppression to prevent his family from taking a fancy to him. Talents turned to other forces in the blink of an eye.

  Of course, tit-for-tat and unwillingness to see the old enemy strengthen in strength, except for those who choose to turn the tables and attack.

  Therefore, for the sake of safety, Chen Wei decided to either not cooperate or hug his thigh. If he wanted to hug him, he would hug the biggest, thickest and most fragrant thigh in the entire Dayou. At the same time, it was also the powerful thigh that no one dared to mess with. He would speed up the search for wealth and leave Dayou as soon as possible. quiet.

  Nowadays, there is no ghost noble in Dayou who is as powerful as the empress who dominates Dayou and suppresses the thirteen holy clans. Not to mention that the empress's biological brother, Linwang Youluo, is a prince with a relatively good reputation and sufficient achievements in the military.

  Chen Wei is more cautious in his actions. He is not afraid that the ghost he saves is a smart person, but he is afraid that the ghost he saves is a lunatic who is affected by the seven deadly sins and does not care about his reputation. In the end, he will break up in unhappiness. Lin Wang Youluo was carefully selected by Chen Wei smart people.

  Even if it was just to show off to his subordinates, it would be impossible for King Lin to mistreat his benefactor who saved his life, and Chen Wei's safety would be highly guaranteed.

  At this time, Chen Wei didn't know that he had just left the room and went to the alchemy room to refine the life-extending elixir. Lin Wang Youluo, whom he had been thinking about deeply, was already being solemnly received by the master of Chunji Mansion with a team of strong and powerful people. The elite soldiers moved towards Yinyuan City.

  As the leader of the Aoki Holy Clan, Qingbei, the master of Chunji Mansion who has reached the peak of Ghost Emperor's cultivation, is a well-known strong man in Dayou. He is a transcendent existence that can make ordinary Ghost Emperors run away.

  But even such a strong man could only submit to the imperial power. He accompanied Wang Youluo to Yinyuan City, causing a huge scene.

  "This old guy's sense of smell is really sharp!" Youli's eyes were a little unhappy.

  On the surface, Empress Youzhao of Great You is the ruler of the entire Great You, but the reality is exactly the opposite. The Thirteen Palaces of Great You are actually jointly ruled by the royal family and the Thirteen Saint Clan. Each palace leader is served by the patriarch of the Saint Clan. It is equivalent to a small autonomous vassal state.

  The only position that the royal family can intervene in the local area is a deputy palace master who has a nominal name but no real power.

  If there are interests, there will be struggles. In order to obtain enough interests and obtain more resources, when the royal family is strong, it will automatically suppress the saints. On the contrary, when it is the saints' turn to be strong, they will choose to ignore the royal family and make the emperor order It cannot be spread out of the imperial city.

  Of course, a single saint clan is actually no match for the royal family, and the royal family can even be wiped out at a small price, but it is different when thirteen saint clans unite. That is enough power to change the dynasty.

  The period when his eldest sister Youzhao succeeded to the throne, that is, the Great Youtian Granting Year, was the period when the power of the Saint clan slowly suppressed the royal family.

  Therefore, Youli had a strong opinion on this group of white-eyed wolves, and even suspected that Qingbei was accompanying him this time to hinder Brother Wang's plan.



  The luxurious motorcade had just approached Yinyuan City when it was attracted by the sudden thunder in the sky.

  The sharp soldier looked up and saw a bright stream of light disappearing in an instant.

  At this time, Qing Bei, who had a calm face, felt something in his heart, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

  With his knowledge and strength, he could naturally sense that the thunder that just appeared was actually caused by the doctor's success in refining the alchemy in Yinyuan City.

  There were only two elixir sounds, and coupled with the meager energy fluctuations, Qingbei judged that the doctor who refined the elixir should only be at the king level. However, the elixir he refined was too rare, and its quality was comparable to the king-level elixir. .

  Seeing the corners of Qingbei's mouth raised slightly, Youli clenched his hands tightly, veins appeared, and his face instantly became gloomy.

  As a disciple of Holy Lord Zihan, although she is not as good as her peers, she has considerable attainments in medicine and has become a king-level physician at a young age.

  Naturally, she can also perceive things that Qingbei can sense.

  (End of chapter)

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