530.Chapter 528: Ghost Purification Pill Sutra

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  Three minutes later, under the surprised gaze of Huang Wenhao, who was covered by Yuangang's helmet, Chen Wei's wounds had recovered as before, and even his clothes were brand new, but his chest was still aching.

  "Chen Wei, what a strange name. I remember that there is no ghost man named Chen in Chunji Mansion. Could it be that they are ghost men from other mansions?" Just when

  Huang Wenhao was surprised, Chen Wei's voice rang out.

  "This is a healing elixir that I made at random. General Huang, do you want one?"

  Glancing at the elixir in Chen Wei's hand, Huang Wenhao shook his head.

  It was just a minor injury, not something that would make him owe a debt of gratitude for a top-quality elixir.

  Then Huang Wenhao began to change the topic and talked about medical skills, trying to confirm the identity of Dr. Chen Wei.

  Huang Wenhao was responsible for explaining and asking questions, while Chen Wei was responsible for listening and occasionally putting forward his own opinions. During this conversation, Chen Wei also learned more about Dayou's ghost doctor.

  Dayougui heals diseases and saves people very quickly. Generally, if an accident occurs on the same day, it can be cured on the same day. However, such high treatment efficiency hides a shortcoming, that is, some diseases can only treat the symptoms but not the root causes. Occasionally, the disease will recur, overdrawing part of the patient's life. potential.

  Therefore, in Dayou, ghost people will selectively ignore some minor illnesses and pains and rely on their own bodies to push through. Only when serious illnesses are difficult to recover will they seek help from ghost doctors.

  "Use heavy medicines for serious diseases, use light medicines for minor diseases. The function of elixirs is not limited to one end. Serious diseases can also be cured with light treatment. Three feet of ice is not a day's cold. The treatment of serious diseases should not focus on efficiency, but like peeling off the cocoon. Solve the problem fundamentally..."

  Chen Wei's words shocked Huang Wenhao's heart, and his attitude became more respectful.

  Although he has never learned medical skills, nor can he refine gold and stone elixirs, he has never eaten pork and has never seen a pig run away.

  Not to mention that the elixir Chen Wei easily refined was above the spirit level. In terms of identity, he was at least a spirit-level ghost doctor. His novel treatment ideas of treating serious illnesses with light medicine opened his eyes.

  At least in Huang Wenhao's eyes, the Jun-level ghost doctors in the Shenwei team might not be as good as Chen Wei in terms of medical skills.

  This harmonious scene couldn't help but make the accompanying Shenwei soldiers murmur in their hearts.

  According to the regulations of the Shenwei Team, every suspected prisoner needs to wear a magic chain during the investigation.

  Unexpectedly, General Huang not only did not put the magic chains on the suspects, but became more and more happy as they talked, and even ordered them to use their precious horses to drive the ox cart.

  Is this still the cold-faced general who was arrogant before and put the rules of the Kamui Team first?

  Huang Wenhao's kind attitude along the way, not to mention the soldiers under his command, even Chen Wei was a little surprised.

  It seems that the records in the ancient books are correct. Only fists and strength can gain the respect of the ghost clan. The previous battle was not in vain.


  With the help of war horses to pull the cart, Chen Wei's speed suddenly increased. The journey that originally took a day only took about half a day to arrive.

  Yinyuan City is the closest large city to Xingyuan Lake. The main body of the city wall is made of blue and white granite with excellent defense. The surface of the wall is also covered with a layer of magic stone powder, which can greatly reduce the erosion and damage of ghost power.

  There are dozens of powerful ghost soldiers at the gate of the city, whose strength is probably in the fourth-level ghost realm. They are constantly reviewing the ghost soldiers who enter the city, and while verifying their identities, they also charge a part of the city entry fee.

  Because the horses with the symbol of the Divine Power Team opened the way, Chen Wei's ox cart did not even need to queue up, and arrived at the city gate under the envious and awed eyes of many ghosts. The soldiers on the side who were responsible for checking identities and collecting fees did not even look like they were investigating, and waved decisively to let them go. What stood out was their fear of power.

  "I wonder what Dr. Chen's plans are after entering the city? If you plan to settle in Yinyuan City, I can recommend you to become the medical officer of the Shenwei Team. It will not be difficult to accumulate merit with your ability. In the future, you may be promoted to Heiye County or even Chunji Mansion, exchange for miraculous elixirs such as Ghost Emperor Pill."

  Even though he knew there was little hope, Huang Wenhao still opened his mouth to solicit.

  Maintaining urban stability requires strong people. Where there are more strong people, the higher the land price and the higher the economic level.

  Although Yinyuan City is a big city with a good name, there are only five ghost king level experts at full strength. Most of them are in the early stage of ghost kings and have no hope of further breakthroughs.

  As for the mid-term and above, ghost kings with dreams basically run to county-level or even prefecture-level cities in search of slim hope for a breakthrough.

  The combat power of having one more Ghost King will be a big improvement for the declining Yinyuan City, not to mention that Chen Wei is also a strong Ghost King who has mastered medical skills and can cure diseases and save people.

  This is also the reason why Huang Wenhao has been showing goodwill to Chen Wei since he learned that Chen Wei had nothing to do with the destruction of Fengshan Village.

  "To be honest, I only plan to stay in Yinyuan City for a few days, treat a few patients who are close to each other, collect some elixirs and cultivation resources, and then go to the imperial city to see if it is possible to enter the Juxian Pavilion to practice quietly. "Chen Wei declined politely.

  The Juxian Pavilion is a talent gathering place opened by the Dayou royal family in order to recruit talented and powerful people from the people and increase the power of the royal family to prevent some unappreciated heroes from turning to the rebels.

  Hearing this, Huang Wenhao's eyes showed a trace of subtle disappointment.

  Compared with the Imperial City Juxian Pavilion, the price offered by Yinyuan City is really too low!

  People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places. If he had the confidence to join Juxian Hall, he would also make the same choice as Chen Wei.

  Therefore, Huang Wenhao was not angry. When he heard that Chen Wei wanted to collect elixirs and rare resources, he made a suggestion.

  "As far as I know, the Hong family in Yinyuan City has a collection left by ancient doctors. It records a large number of elixirs that can improve the purity of blood. The highest level of elixirs is the King-level [Pure Ghost Alchemy Sutra]." The treasure, and the clan also keeps a rare elixir with an imperial level called [Forged Martial Emperor Zhi]." "Would the

  Hong family actually choose to sell the inheritance of the Alchemy Sutra?" Chen Wei became interested and asked curiously.

  You must know that elixirs are easy to obtain, but elixir scriptures are difficult to find.

  Even in Donghua Kingdom, where information is gradually becoming more transparent, the only alchemy scriptures that ordinary people have access to are the basic alchemy scriptures compiled by the Alchemist Association, let alone Dayou, who regards inheritance as their destiny.

  Selling family inheritance is something that even a spendthrift with no brains can do.

  "It's not a sale, it's an exchange." Huang Wenhao smiled bitterly.

  If it were just a simple sale, it wouldn't be a problem to buy the Danjing and Huangzhi with the family's financial resources and connections. The problem is that what the Hong family wants to exchange is too precious, so precious that even the Huang family behind him doesn't have it.


  Chen Wei was slightly startled. He felt that this statement was no different from selling. It wasn't all about exchanging things for things. The one with the highest price got it! (End of chapter)

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