505. Chapter 504 Captain Green Bull

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  Chapter 504: Captain Green Bull
  Donghua Kingdom, one of the six poles of the Blue Star, does not have an immortal demigod sitting in the country. Unexpectedly, Dayou, the country established by the ghost people, has power that rivals or even exceeds that of Donghua Kingdom. No wonder we were able to establish a kingdom in a wild land full of strange beasts!
  The only thing that made Chen Wei feel strange was how could Dayou with such strength be so unknown. He had not even heard of any information about Dayou in Donghua Kingdom.

  "Taotie, search the database for relevant information about Dayou and the ghost clan!" Chen Wei commanded with his thoughts.

  "Roar!" (No problem!)

  "The Oniman clan has been recorded in the Beast Taming Customs. They are a special kind of human beings who are intelligent and good at using physical power. However, they have been extinct in the ancient times. However, in the strange

  records It is recorded in the book that in the Middle Ages, a strong man from the ghost race named Heitu entered the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to secretly learn secret martial arts and was decapitated." "As for Dayou, from ancient times to the present, there has never been a famous person in Donghua

  . It is the kingdom of Dayou, and the only country with a similar name to Dayou, which calls itself Jiuyou, was founded by a demonic dragon and has nothing to do with the ghost race..." In addition to practicing,

  Taotie also likes to download some royalties on the Donghua Kingdom network. Animal information.

  Taotie can also rely on its powerful computing power to secretly invade some beast-controlling websites with lower defense levels and forcibly download information.

  Only some information that has a higher protection level and is top secret will not be invaded by Taotie. Therefore, Taotie can also be said to be a living encyclopedia.

  There is no information about Dayou even in Taotie, which means that this country is either isolated from the world, or the information has been blocked by the Donghua Kingdom Beast Control Association!

  Chen Wei hoped it was the second possibility, otherwise it would be difficult for him to find his way back to China!

  Heitu looked at the absent-minded Chen Wei, a little nervous, fearing that he would make the big man in front of him angry because of his poor hospitality.

  "Sir, the area around Kutou Village has always been uneasy at night recently. It's getting dark. Why don't you rest here for the night?" Heitu suggested cautiously.

  There was a loud thunder-like noise in Kutou Mountain last night. There must have been some extraordinary beast or treasure. It is estimated that the big man in front of me came here for this reason.

  Thinking of this, the heat in Heitu's eyes disappeared momentarily.

  Kutou Village is just a small marginal village. No matter what treasures are found in the mountains, they are not something that weak mountain people can covet!

  Hearing this, Chen Wei turned his head and glanced at Heitu, then nodded.

  The night in Dayou is extremely dangerous. It is the exclusive time for many powerful and strange beasts to hunt. Even with Bai Luo's protection, Chen Wei does not want to take risks easily.

  What's more, he also wants to see how the Great You Totem worshiped in Kutou Village, the "Guardian Dragon God", protects the villagers!
  "Daddy is back!"

  At this moment, the sleepy red-haired child at the entrance of the village cheered happily.

  Chen Wei looked towards the direction where the sound came from, and saw the bright red sunset shining on the horizon. More than twenty burly men with extraordinary strength were slowly moving forward carrying more than a dozen giant beasts.

  In front of these big men, there was a leading man with thick eyebrows whose muscles exuded bronze luster and the slenderest horn on his forehead. He was holding a huge hunting bow in his hand, and his eyes were sharp and careful to observe the surroundings.

  Upon hearing the return of the hunting team in the village, the closed wooden houses in the village opened one after another.

  A group of ghost women whose clothes could only cover key parts of their bodies rushed to the village entrance with sharp knives, took over the alien beasts carried by the men, and began to skillfully process the fur, flesh, and fat of the alien beasts.

  The big men sat on the ground and started chatting in twos and threes while processing the bones of the alien beasts into specialized hunting weapons.

  The children who had previously scattered back to their houses returned to the village well and watched the ghost women handling the strange beasts, their faces full of slander.

  Seeing this, the ghost women who had finished processing part of the alien beast's body licked the beast's blood on their hands, which was an excellent body refining product, and then took a small piece of alien meat that was no bigger than the thumb and handed it to the child's mouth to feed, waving their hands. Children stay away. This busy scene made Chen Wei's eyes flash with curiosity.

  He has rarely seen such a barbaric but warm and strange lifestyle in Donghua.

  Seeing Chen Wei's interest, the village chief Heitu stood up and made a respectful gesture of invitation.

  "Hongying, is there anyone in the village?"

  Green Niu, the leader of the hunting team, asked abruptly while sitting on the stone, looking at the distinctive and imperceptible shallow footprints on the path at the entrance of the village.

  "I don't know!" Hongying, who had overslept, shook her head.

  "Here comes a doctor without horns!" After finishing the meat of the alien beast in his mouth, White Helmet responded: "He can also use ice magic, and the arrows I shot were frozen into lumps of ice!" "Without horns

  ! ? Doctor!"

  Green Bull's pupils shrank, and he looked at the open door of the village chief's house as if sensing something. He immediately saw the handsome young man who made him feel a little bit of danger and had a noble temperament.

  "Danger is not an opponent!!!"

  Green Bull, who had experienced the hardships between life and death, felt the strength of Chen Wei at the first moment. There was definitely a power hidden in the seemingly thin wrist that made him panic!
  "Hey, your perception is pretty good, you can actually detect the existence of Cai Ling and Taotie!" Chen Wei took a deep look at this man whose muscles were all tense, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

  "This is Green Bull, the hunting captain of our Kutou Village." Heitu introduced.

  Green Bull lowered his head slightly and lowered the horn on his forehead to Chen Wei's chest to express his respect.

  "Hello, distinguished guest!"

  The teammates behind Green Bull looked at the captain's actions with a hint of disbelief in their eyes.

  "If you have any questions, you can ask Lu Niu. He has been to Heiye County when he was young. He is the most knowledgeable person in the village. He basically knows the distribution of strange beasts near Kutou Mountain." Village Chief Heitu said.

  Hearing this, Chen Wei's heart moved.

  Dayou's cities are classified into countries, prefectures, counties, cities, counties, and villages. Being able to go to Heiye County shows that Green Bull has quite good strength.

  [Name]: Green Bull
  [Attribute]: Wood
  [Bloodline Concentration]: Ghost Lord (Transcendent Commander)
  [Strength Level]: Fourth-level upper level (seriously injured, when in perfect condition, fifth-level lower level.)
  "The seriously injured fifth-level Ghost Lord, with such strength, fell to the bottom Go to a small village on the edge and serve as the leader of the hunting team!" Chen Wei thought to himself.

  "Do you know the nearest city from here?" Chen Wei asked.

  A trace of doubt flashed in Green Niu's eyes, but he still said respectfully: "More than a thousand kilometers north of Kutou Village is Chunji Mansion, one of the thirteen mansions of Dayou. There are many powerful people in the mansion. It is said that the master of Chunji Mansion Possessing the peak strength of a seventh-level ghost emperor."

  Chen Wei nodded slightly.

  Generally, top-secret information flows among the upper echelons. The Ghost Emperor is considered a very prominent figure in Dayou. Maybe he can find an opportunity to get information about Donghua Kingdom from the head of Chunji Mansion.

  (End of chapter)

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