Chapter 67 William’s Secret (please follow up)

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  Chapter 67 William’s Secret (please read it later)
  After Richard got off the ring, he received a bottle of vitality potion and began to drink it while watching.

  William's combat power has always been a mystery for now. Richard especially wants to see if Andrea can force out William's full combat power!

  The two of them walked up from one side of the ring.

  William is still the same as before, wearing light armor and carrying two swords!

  And Andrea is still wearing a fine knight's armor and holding a sword and shield.

  "Andrea, I wanted to fight you once before, but you kept refusing. This time I can finally get what I want!" William said after looking at Andrea.

  "Isn't it okay this time?" Andrea said calmly.

  "Yeah, I hope you won't disappoint me!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, William was like a cannonball. He kicked his left foot fiercely on the spot, and the whole person rushed out four or five meters away, and instantly pulled out his arms on his back. Sword, rush towards Andrea!

  Andrea's reaction was also super fast. After chanting the spell, a cloud of gray mist suddenly enveloped William's head!
  William's speed suddenly slowed down a lot, but the most important thing was that his energy and energy seemed to be greatly reduced, and he felt much weaker.

  But this did not affect the distance between the two people. Soon, William and Andrea were fighting each other.

  "Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, sword and shield clashing sounds echoed throughout the ring. Both of them moved very fast. In just a few seconds, the two of them fought dozens of times!

  "What kind of witchcraft did Andrea cast just now? I remember the last time he cast it was a dark element shield, right?" "

  If I'm not mistaken, it should be the Weakness Spell!" "

  What? The Weakness Spell? Then William It's really amazing. Even though he was hit by the weakness spell, he was able to fight to a tie with Andrea!" "

  Good boy! But these two look like a showdown between high-level knights!"

  "By the way, have you noticed that William has never performed witchcraft once?" "

  That's right, if you don't tell me, I haven't noticed yet. It is true that he has never performed witchcraft once! Is it possible that he still has it? Didn't you have time to learn?"


  Suddenly, after a hard blow, the two of them retreated several meters away.

  "William, you should be at the level of a senior knight, right?" Andrea asked while breathing heavily.

  Before he fought with William, he always thought that he and William should have the same fighting strength, but he didn't expect.
  "Andrea, is this your strength? The strength of just an intermediate knight is not enough!" William looked calm and breathed. Evenly, as if the fierce battle between the two just now had no impact on him.

  Just listen to William continue to say: "The warm-up is over, Andrea, if you only have this strength, then be prepared to lose!" The

  next second, William took off the wrist guards on his left and right hands, and suddenly exposed Two dark metal rings!

  After casually throwing it on the ground, it made a dull impact, which showed its heavy weight.

  hiss! Many freshmen were immediately shocked!

  "Damn it, has William always been wearing these two heavy bracelets in battle before? This damn thing is still not human!" "I took it off this time, I don't know how much the movement speed will increase! Andrea loses It’s decided!”

  “No, it’s not just the speed! The main thing is that the speed of the sword will increase dramatically! Have you noticed that these two metal rings are not fixed on the ankles, but on the wrists.” An eye-catcher The decent freshman said.

  On the ring, Andrea's pupils suddenly tightened, knowing that the biggest challenge he would face today had appeared!

  Without any hesitation, Andrea immediately cast a dark element shield on himself!

  But the next second, a strong wind blew in his face, and William's swords struck him hard!

  Andrea barely reacted and barely raised her shield to block the slash.

  But this was just the beginning. William's figure was like a top, circling Andrea's body, launching a storm-like offensive, waving his swords as densely as a spider web!

  When clashing with Andrea's sword and shield, the metals collided and rubbed fiercely, and sparks flashed out in an instant, which was very dazzling!
  Many of the many freshmen watching the battle below could no longer keep up with the pace of the two men's battle. As sparks flew everywhere, they could barely make out two blurry figures fighting.

  On the rostrum, Professor Ivan said: "As the royal family of the Kingdom of Heron, the Bannings family has an ancient inheritance of French seal swordsmen. Now William is using Bannings' inherited swordsmanship - whirlwind swordsmanship!" "That's right

  , However, as far as I know, the Bannings family is most famous for the Bannings Seal, right?" Seles asked.

  "Yes, but William probably won't, because it is a secret skill that can only be mastered by the Seal Swordsman. One of the prerequisites for learning is that you must pass the Green Grass Trial and transform your body before you can master the Seal!" "But the Green Grass

  Trial The side effects of refining are very great. While it allows an ordinary person to master the power of the seal, it also blocks the possibility of a person mastering witchcraft. Therefore, since William chooses to come to the Ignis School, he will definitely not choose to participate in the Green Grass Trial Refining!" Professor Ivan added.

  "A reasonable inference." Meia also agreed with Ivan's inference.

  Soon, Andrea gradually couldn't keep up with William's attack speed, and the dark element shield on her body was constantly being rippled, and the light became dimmer. Obviously, it couldn't last much longer!
  Richard off the court was almost staring at the showdown between William and Andrea.

  As a top archery master, Richard's eyesight is what he lacks most.

  Obviously, William has the upper hand, and Andrea's defeat is only a matter of time!
  And the most critical point is that William did not perform any witchcraft from beginning to end.

  But this does not mean that William does not know witchcraft!

  On the contrary, Richard believes that William must be able to do witchcraft, and it is not ordinary witchcraft, it may be the kind of witchcraft that can determine the outcome of victory or defeat!
  Think about it from another angle, this is the Ignis School. If William doesn't come to learn witchcraft, then what is he doing here?

  Therefore, he must know at least one level zero witchcraft.

  Richard immediately started thinking, looking for the most likely answer. After all, it was his turn to confront William in the next game.

  Suddenly, all possible shadow-based zero-level witchcraft flashed through Richard's mind like a marquee!
  Yes, the first one is to reduce the opponent's attack power, such as the Weakness spell. After William masters it, he can further highlight his combat effectiveness and gain an advantage in close combat.

  There is also a second type, which is witchcraft to further enhance one's own combat effectiveness. There are many of these, such as secondary shadow arrows, death rays, shadow grips, etc.

  The last possibility that Richard could think of was defensive witchcraft, but this situation seemed unlikely based on William's character.

   Thanks to book friend 20220529181634700 for your monthly ticket!
  (End of chapter)

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