Chapter 4 Finally Inspired

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  Chapter 4: Finally Inspired
  Due to the fierce battle below, Richard, who had no time to reflect carefully, quickly controlled the crossbow to aim at the vine monster.

  This time, Richard felt like he had divine help when he started to control the crossbow!

  "Whoosh!" Another flaming arrow was shot.

  Before the vine monster could react to what happened, "Pfft!" The rocket hit the monster's chest, and the powerful inertia brought the monster to the ground instantly. At the same time, the kerosene spread out, and the monster's surface instantly ignited a raging fire.

  At this time, the monster that had just gained the upper hand was instantly severely injured and on the verge of death, lying on the ground wailing.

  Since it was a double-shooting crossbow machine, after shooting the two arrows, Richard immediately installed the crossbow arrows skillfully.

  This crossbow normally requires two people to operate. Although Richard has been training as a knight since he was a child, and his strength is much stronger than that of ordinary people, it is still extremely laborious to install it.

  But now, it is easy to install.

  As soon as the installation was completed, Richard immediately shot a rocket at another monster.

  Another precise hit on a vine monster caused the vines around it to shrink back, as if trying to extinguish the fire on its body.

  But the wood burned when exposed to fire, not to mention the addition of kerosene. After a while, it was burned to ashes amidst howling sounds.

  Immediately, everyone fighting on the field became more energetic. There were only two monsters left out of the original four.

  [Absorbable energy found, yes/no?]

  "Yes!" Sure enough, you can get this kind of energy point by killing monsters, and Richard was overjoyed.

  Richard had this kind of guess when he absorbed energy points from the monster's remains.

  That is, the monster has some special energy that can be absorbed by the system into energy points.

  And since the system was first activated, it seems that Richard no longer needs contact to absorb energy, but can absorb the energy that escapes when the monster dies from a distance.

  [Get 262 points of energy.

  [It was discovered that the host was using a crossbow. Did/does it consume energy and gain inspiration for using the crossbow?

  Of course, Richard quickly dragged the slider to the rightmost position 262 and selected "Yes!"

  Immediately, Richard was pulled into the dream space again. In the dream, he possessed a figure and controlled the crossbow to shoot for a full 262 seconds. The second crossbow arrow was the same as last time. Every arrow shot gave Richard a lot of insights into the control and shooting of crossbow arrows.

  After Richard returned to his original form, the situation on the field became clearer. His father and brother each resisted a monster and fought closely with it. Many guards used swords, guns, swords, halberds and torches to besiege him.

  Richard took aim at the two monsters. Since his father and brother were fighting hand-to-hand with the monsters, they were too close.

  This made him afraid to pull the trigger for a while, fearing that it would be bad if he accidentally hurt his family.

  Although with his current familiarity with crossbows, it was almost impossible for him to be accidentally injured, but to be on the safe side, he could only aim hard for the time being and wait for the opportunity.

  Suddenly, the vine monster that was fighting the Baron's father let out a terrifying howl at a very high decibel level!
  For a moment, the heads of everyone around him seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer, and several guards even fell to the ground in pain, covering their heads.

  The figures of his father and brother were also stunned by the roar, and the two monsters seized the opportunity and hit them hard with vines.

  In the distance, Richard finally found the shooting window, and without hesitation, he pulled the trigger twice in succession!

  With two "swish" sounds, two flaming arrows more than one meter long shot at the monsters at high speed, one after the other.

  Puff, puff, two rockets hit the monster's chest respectively, and the fire oil scattered, instantly igniting a raging fire.

  At this time, the monsters who had just wanted to make a comeback were severely injured and were on the verge of death. They lay on the ground and kept wailing.

  The battle is over!

  [Absorbable energy found, yes/no absorption]


  [Acquire 278 points of energy.

  "Huh~huh~" Richard, who was so busy and sweating profusely, opened the translucent panel again and saw that his crossbow proficiency had actually reached (2% proficiency)!
  [Name]: Richard Clavell
  [Attributes]: Strength 1.9, Agility 2.3, Constitution 2.1, Spirit 3.6
  [Skills]: Clavell breathing method (53% rough), Cornell swordsmanship (62% rough), crossbow (Proficiency 2%)

  [Energy Points]: 278
  It is a step up from rough to proficient, and it is another step up from proficient to proficient. It turned out that his mastery of crossbows had improved by two levels. No wonder Richard felt that the crossbow he was holding now was like holding an old friend for many years, and he knew every part of it like the back of his hand.

  At the same time, Richard is now extremely comfortable with wind speed, humidity, parabola calculations, etc. when shooting!

  Many guards on the field began to clean the battlefield, and the baron who got up looked at the top of the inner castle at the first glance.

  Just when the first rocket was fired, the baron noticed someone operating the crossbow machine on the top floor.

  The more the baron looked at him, the more he felt that the man looked like his second son Richard.

  So he immediately called Li Wei, ran up to the top floor, and took a closer look, and it turned out to be his youngest son Richard.

  "Good boy! Father said it was you who shot the crossbow, but I still don't believe it! This shot was too accurate!" Brother Li Wei suddenly picked up Richard with all his strength, spun him around a few times, and said happily.

  "I was just lucky. I hit the monster with several arrows in a row. How can I compare to my father and brother, you two fighting the monster head-on with real swords and guns!" Richard also said with a smile.

  Seeing the two brothers and brothers, the Baron felt relieved. He didn't know how many aristocratic heirs fought against each other for inheritance rights, which eventually led to the disintegration of the family.

  Looking back at these two in my own family, alas! God has treated him well.

  "Father, I want to follow you and my brother for formal knight training starting tomorrow. I hope you can agree." These words were Richard's decision after careful consideration.

  In the previous training sessions attended by the original owner, Richard found that most of them were just for fun.

  This time he proposed to participate in formal training. On the one hand, it could well cover up his rapidly improving skills. At most, it would make his father and brother think that he was talented.

  On the other hand, it will give him more opportunities and autonomy to participate in battles.

  "Okay!" Although the father, who had always been serious about words, only said one word, the curvature of the corners of his mouth fully showed his mood.

  "Richard, you finally figured it out! Haha!" Brother Li Wei said excitedly, rubbing Richard's hair vigorously.

  His brother Levi had persuaded him many times before to seriously participate in knight training.

  But at that time, Richard said that since he did not inherit the family business and had such a strong brother to protect him, he could just live his life as a noble young master.

  At first, my father and brother tried various methods to persuade me, but none of them succeeded.

  In the end, the two of them felt helpless towards their lazy brother and let him go.

  The elder brother Levi did not expect that after this incident, his younger brother's attitude towards knight training had undergone a 180-degree change, and he actually offered to participate.

  After chatting for a while, my father and brother had to deal with the aftermath, so they went downstairs.

  And Richard returned to his own room on the second floor.

  When Richard returned to the room, he was both excited and a little scared.

  Now that I think about it carefully, those four vine monsters were still very troublesome when they appeared together.

  If he had been fighting with them in the field at that time, he would have been knocked away by the vines in a few blows, or even seriously injured.

  Fortunately, an idea flashed in his mind, and he achieved victory with the help of the huge lethality of the twin crossbows and the right kerosene.

  Thinking back carefully, those four vine monsters were most likely caused by mutations or infection by the injured soldiers.

  The specific cause is not clear. You can ask your father about this tomorrow during the day, although he may not know it.

  Richard also wanted to continue to add more points to improve his strength. After he triggered the inspiration just now, his improvement in the crossbow was quite huge, and the system effect was remarkable.

  Now he plans to try breathing techniques to see how they work.

  So, according to the pattern of the family's breathing method in his memory, Richard made a starting position similar to the horse stance.

  His whole body undulated slightly like waves, and in coordination with his breathing, he stretched his hands forward and performed the second pose
  and then the third pose.
  Sure enough, as he expected, he had an inspiration as soon as he practiced:

  [I found out that the host was practicing the Clavell Breathing Technique. / Do you want to expend energy and get inspired by Clavell Breathwork?

  (End of this chapter)

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