191. Chapter 191 New Body

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  Chapter 191 New Body
  Grace’s chestnut hair was stuck together due to sweat, and there seemed to be a lot of dust on her hair. It should have been aroused when she used a powerful witchcraft to fight against the gray dwarf old man Dissos. Caused by dust and dirt.

  It has been more than twenty years since she was chosen by the Mistress, from an ordinary night elf woman to being given the Spider Woman bloodline and promoted to the top of the Price family.

  This is the first time in so many years that I have encountered such a frustrating task.

  Not to mention that during the previous tracking period, the tracked target was misled in various ways, and it could even be said to be a joke.

  Just talking about the hotel battle just now, looking back now, it seems that the other party also set a trap in advance, and he just rushed in.

  If Richard heard this, he would definitely cry out. This time it was really a coincidence. He also didn't expect that there would be a wanted criminal like Dessol in the hotel, a wanted criminal from the night elves.

  So by chance, the two sides had a fierce fight.

  However, Grace still raised her head reluctantly and showed a sincere smile to the frustrated subordinates around her, as if she wanted to show that as the commander of the pursuit team, she had not been defeated by difficulties and setbacks!

  Yirenai's situation at the moment was not much better. The wizard's robe that was originally used to cover her appearance was torn to pieces, revealing a pair of tight dark leather armor.

  There were even many scratches on the leather armor at the moment, faintly oozing with blood.

  And the three sparse Spider Knights following her were all injured, and it seemed that their injuries were not serious.

  Grace couldn't help but feel sad when she thought that out of the twelve energetic elite spider knights before they came, there were now only two or three big cats and kittens left.

  Of course, the biggest blow to Grace was Felidy's tragic accident.

  If all the spider knights were killed in this battle, Grace would be willing to do so in exchange for Felidy's survival.

  It's a pity that Felidy has just grown up and been promoted to a senior spider woman (equivalent to a formal human wizard). Unexpectedly, something happened to her on her first mission. You must know that Felidy is an extremely talented spider woman.

  In the second year after being given the spider woman bloodline by the mistress, she can be promoted to a high-level spider woman. This is at least one of the top ten in the history of the Price family, and she is deeply loved by the mistress.

  This time I took the initiative to ask Ying to participate. I also promised my mistress that I would ensure Felidy's safety, but I didn't expect that I would die in this inconspicuous task.

  Goddess Rose is on top, Mistress is on top. It was really Felicity who volunteered to go to detect it, and she really didn't take the initiative to arrange it. No one could have imagined that such an accident would happen!
  Until now, he didn't even know how Felidy died in battle.

  Was it Shadra or Desire's killer? Feliti died so quickly that she had no time to rescue her!

  Grace couldn't help but shudder when she thought about the failure of the mission and Felidy's death in battle. After the two events were superimposed, she might face the horrific punishment from her mistress.

  no! I can't just go back like a lost dog!
  The result of waiting for yourself like that will be...
  Irene: "Grace, what should we do now?"

  "I plan to go find Nicole."

  "What! It's the one who abandoned the faith of the goddess Rose and switched sides. Are you a devil? Are you crazy! Grace!" Irene's face was horrified and incomprehensible, as if the word "Nicol" represented an extremely terrifying person.

  "I will never go with you." Yirena turned around and planned to leave.

  "Irene, are you going back like this? Do you know what punishment you will face if you go back now?" From behind Irene, Grace's voice sounded like a mother animal's low roar.

  "No," just halfway through her words, Yirena suddenly woke up.

  Yes, not only did he fail in his mission this time, but more importantly, Felidi, who was loved by the mistress, was also killed in battle. In this case,
  Irena stopped, obviously hesitating. -
  Back to herself After entering the room, Richard called out the crystal.

  When the facehugger-like crystal crawled on Felidy's face, a picture was transmitted to Richard's mind like a slideshow.

  After a moment, Richard showed a thoughtful expression and said, "Stephanna, I think you can consider changing into another body." Stephana was surprised,

  pointed at Felidy's body and said, "Master, Could it be that there is something strange about this body?"

  Richard nodded: "Yes, this spider woman, named Felidy, is a very talented spider woman, even better than your current Shad. The potential of La's body is much higher."

  This immediately made Stephana's eyes light up. The pursuit of improving her own strength has always been Stephana's lifelong pursuit, and it is also a concept that has been instilled in the Knight family since she was a child.

  The pursuit of strength was once Stephana's obsession. Although she had died once before, and after being reincarnated as a spirit body and resurrected again, she still had a strong desire and interest in becoming stronger.

  Now that there is such an opportunity, she has no objection at all, and naturally supports it 100%, saying: "Master, of course I am willing, Stephana is willing to obey any arrangement you have." Richard nodded, since Stephana herself had no

  objections , you can start implementing this now.

  Looking at the size of the room, Richard found that the room arranged for him by the bearded dwarf commander was quite luxurious and spacious. The floor of the living room was more than enough to draw the witch formation.

  Therefore, Richard immediately decided to perform a body-changing ceremony for Stephana. The body-changing ceremony was essentially an enhanced version of the spiritual body reincarnation ceremony.

  For Richard, who had already raised the spiritual body reincarnation ritual to the limit, it was naturally not difficult.

  The outer outline of the shaman formation for the spirit reincarnation ceremony is a circle with a diameter of about three meters, and two square structures are drawn inside.

  After Richard finished drawing, he asked Fingart to move Felidy's body to one of the two squares of the witch formation. At the same time, he asked Stephanie to lie in the center of the other square.

  After everything was ready, Richard was ready to start the formal spiritual body reincarnation ceremony.

  Richard already knew the entire process of the reincarnation ceremony.

  This time it just adds some difficulty. First, Stephana's spirit body needs to be separated from Shadra's current body without damage, and then her spirit body needs to be reincarnated into Felidy's body.

  In Richard's opinion, perhaps the most difficult part of the whole process was the extraordinary pain Stephana had to endure during the stripping.

  However, he will speed up this process as much as possible to reduce Stephana's pain.

  According to Richard's instructions, Fingart placed eight intermediate-level magic stones at the intersections of the outer ring of the witch formation and the vertices of the two squares. This is an important energy supply for the witch formation.

  After a while, a low spell sounded in Richard's throat, and his spiritual power began to be injected into the witch formation on the ground at a special frequency through the witchcraft model of the spiritual body reincarnation ceremony in his mind.

  Suddenly, the witch formation glowed with green light!
  Suddenly, Richard's eyes were only dark, and the whites of his eyes had disappeared. When he turned his head to look at the location of Stephana's body, Stephana only felt that Richard's eyes looking directly at her were like black holes.

  Immediately, Stephana felt a huge invisible force, pulling her entire spiritual body out of the body of the spider girl Shadra, and quickly flew into the sky above the witch formation with severe pain.

  After only a few seconds, Stephana felt her spirit body return to her mother's body again, as if she was soaked in a hot spring, and the pain was immediately gone.

  It turned out that her spirit body had been inserted into the new body of Felidy by Richard again.

  At this time, the green light was so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at it!

  After lasting for a few seconds, the light of the entire witch formation began to gradually dim. The eight energy-rich magic stones shattered automatically at this moment, and their energy was completely gone.

  After a while, Felidy's eyelashes trembled slightly, and then she opened her eyes, with a hint of confusion in her charming eyes.

  "How do you feel?"

  "I can't tell you how it feels. It seems that this body accepts me more than the original one." Stephana thought for a while and used the word "acceptance."

  After listening, Richard nodded. The whole process should not cause much damage to Stephana's spirit body. After all, the interval between peeling off and reincarnating is only a few seconds. This is not something ordinary wizards can do.

  When Stephana stood up slowly and took two steps, she was surprised to find that this body seemed to have a natural fit with hers.

  Stephana still remembered that when she was reincarnated in Shadra's body, it was difficult to even stand up after she succeeded. She staggered and even needed Richard's help when walking. After a long time, she slowly got better.

  But this time,
  just after the reincarnation ceremony, I was able to stand and walk calmly.

  In addition, she could feel that this body had a sense of vitality, as if there was some magical power contained in the blood, which was promoting the growth of the entire body.

  Fingart on the side was already stunned at this moment.

  As his first servant and the one who surrendered a ray of soul to Fingart, Richard was quite relieved about him. After all, he could control the other person's life and death with just a thought.

  Therefore, Richard did not let him go out during the secret spiritual body reincarnation ceremony just now, but let him observe and gain more knowledge.

  Fingart's performance over the past six months has made him very satisfied. Therefore, letting the other party see this secret will make the other party feel that the master does not regard him as an outsider.

  It can be regarded as an extremely effective means of controlling one's subordinates.

  At this moment, Fingart's mind was filled with admiration for his master, Richard.

  At the same time, a trace of longing arose in my heart!
  If one day I can find the corpse of the ancient dark fish-man, can I ask the owner to perform this magical witchcraft on me?

  No! The master will definitely be willing!
  Because he is his master’s number one servant and represents his master’s face!

  The more Fingart thought about it, the more confident he became. The master must also want his servant to be as strong as possible!
  "Master, your knowledge is so profound and your skills in drawing the witch formation are so superb. Fingart expresses the highest respect!" Fingart bowed and praised with a smile on his face.

  "Well, Master, if one day, your humble servant can find the body of the ancient dark fish-man, Master, can I do the same?"

  Richard immediately understood what Fingart meant, nodded, and said with a smile: "Do a good job! The body of the ancient dark murloc should not be difficult to find."

  "Thank you, master!" Fingart almost cried with excitement! He heard that the master agreed to his request!
  Now, even if his master asks him to fight the Night Mistress, he will move forward without hesitation!

  Stephana walked smoother and smoother, and she became more and more satisfied with this body, and there was one thing that made her particularly satisfied.

  That is, this body seems to have never been "used".
  Among high-end spider women, it can be said to be extremely holy! ——Half
  an hour ago.

  Next room.

  Dissol, who was sitting on the mahogany chair, was unusually not playing with the twin girls at this moment. Instead, he was holding a recording crystal, digging his consciousness into it, and carefully examining the alchemy combination bomb that Richard exchanged with him. Top secret recipe.

  While studying, Dissol was amazed and praised Richard's fantastic ideas.

  "What a brilliant idea. Using only these common raw materials, we created an alchemical bomb that is as powerful as first-level witchcraft." "It's a pity that the total

  raw material prices are a bit expensive, and the skill requirements are too high, otherwise , if it can be produced in batches, it will be enough to change the outcome of a small battle."

  However, after a while, Dissol felt the huge gathering and surge of dark element energy coming from the room next to him.

  "Hey! This is some kind of witch formation! There is such a strong energy fluctuation? Could it be that the young wizard Levi is also very proficient in the witch formation?" After carefully sensing the energy fluctuations in the room next to him, Dissol couldn't help but

  wonder I admired this young wizard named "Levi" even more.

  You should know that although many senior wizards are proficient in various skills, the age of such wizards is generally over one hundred years old, or even one hundred and fifty years old.

  As for young wizards in their thirties and forties, simply practicing meditation and learning witchcraft has generally used up all their free time and energy. How can they have any spare time to learn or even improve potions, witchcraft formations, etc. The attainment of craftsmanship.

  "Wizard Levi is such a talent!" Dissol couldn't help but sigh. If he recruits such talents into his organization, he should receive valuable rewards.

  At this moment, the idea of ​​recruiting the other party in Dissol's heart was like a seed sown in spring, which sprouted out of control when encountering the spring rain.

  Suppressing the urge to knock on the other party's door right away, Dissol decided to postpone the recruitment matter until tomorrow.

  After all, too many things have happened tonight, and it is not appropriate to disturb others now.

  The twin girls stared wide-eyed, looking at their master muttering to himself, and asked curiously: "Master Dissol, is that human wizard really so talented?" "Yes, is it better than the master?

  " Are you still powerful?"

  Dissol shook his head and said: "You are not wizards, so of course you don't understand. The other party can develop such a wonderful formula as an alchemy combination bomb at a young age. If you give him some alchemy from our gray dwarves, Formula, I wonder what other fantastic ideas will burst out!"

  "You must know that young people have the most active minds!" "

  Moreover, judging from the energy fluctuations just now, the other party is also proficient in witch formations. This kind of talent is really amazing.

  "I am 148 years old this year, but I was promoted to an official wizard at the age of 49. At the age of 55, I began to systematically study the branch of alchemy - puppetry. At the age of 121, I finally became the gray dwarf puppetry master. " .”

  "It took me a total of 66 years from puppet apprentice to puppet master, but that's it. My teacher has already praised me, saying that I am a rare genius among gray dwarves in a century." "I said this, you understand

  ? ?"

  The twin girls opened their big bright eyes, covered their mouths in surprise and said, "Then isn't this wizard Levi a genius that is rare to see in a thousand years?"

  Dissolt was immediately dumbfounded and said with a smile, "That's not true. Such an exaggeration, but it can be regarded as a genius that is rare to see in five hundred years!"
  Turning his attention back to Richard's room.

  After completing the reincarnation of Stephana's new body, Richard immediately began to study the recording crystal he had just obtained, which contained some information about source blood extraction, purification and flame crystals given by Disol.

  In the previous transaction with Dissol, Richard exchanged the secret recipe for the alchemical combination bomb he developed for this material, which can be regarded as each getting what he needs.

  Richard discovered that if he wanted to use the essence of blood such as source blood to stimulate the improvement of his own mental power, he would need to use different levels of fire crystals and different levels of source blood extraction witch formations.

  What he exchanged for this transaction was the extraction and purification of the first-level bloodline essence, which corresponds to the source blood of a bloodline creature equivalent to the first-level wizard level.

  Due to the source blood extraction, the requirements for the corpse are extremely high. Basically, if it exceeds an hour, the quality of the source blood will be greatly reduced. Therefore, Richard plans to extract the essence of the Spider Woman's bloodline in Shadra's body now - that is, the Spider Woman's source blood. .

  Fortunately, Richard already had a lot of experience in drawing witchcraft formations, so he learned how to draw witchcraft formations with source blood very quickly.

  At the same time, Richard invested all the thousands of energy points he earned from casually killing monsters during the past few days in the Gray Fern Wilderness into the improvement of the Origin Blood Draining Witch Array.

  In the dream space, Richard quickly upgraded it to: Origin Blood Draining Witch Array (9% proficiency), which is enough for current use.

  So, Richard quickly drew the witch formation in the room again, and asked Stepina to place Shadra's body in the center of the witch formation.

  After everything was ready, Richard began to recite the activation spell for the blood-draining witchcraft array.

  To a certain extent, the effect of this witch formation is very similar to that of the witch formations collected by Xue Po. It seems that they can be said to be of the same origin to some extent. This may mean that a long time ago, these two witch formations were both It was from the hands of an ancient wizard.

  On the other hand, this also allowed Richard to quickly absorb the source blood of the witchcraft formation and reach a mastery level.

  Otherwise, if you start from scratch, you will most likely not be able to reach the level of mastery with the thousands of energy points you easily obtain.

  As the originally plump body gradually shriveled up, strands of blood were extracted from Shadra's body and gathered above the witch formation, forming a blood mass the size of a head.

  After a while, all the blood in the body was drained!

  Looking at Shadra's body at this time, it was beyond recognition! It is impossible to distinguish the other party's original charming face, but it is like a mummy that has been exposed to the sun for thousands of years in the desert. It is impossible to distinguish the face, gender and even race.

  But this is only halfway through the process. Next, this large mass of blood must be concentrated and refined into the most fundamental source blood in a spider woman's body.

  This process takes a little time, and requires relatively high persistence and concentration of the caster's mental power.

  I saw a blood mass the size of my head, starting to beat like a heart.

  With each tremor, the color of the blood cells will become brighter and thicker, and at the same time, some impurities mixed in them will be discharged, turning into black smoke and dissipating in the air.

  Gradually, the blood cells gradually condensed and became smaller and smaller, and the color also changed from light red to deep red.
  Finally, they condensed into a drop-shaped bright red crystal the size of a fingernail.

  The process of absorbing and purifying the blood essence of the entire Spider Woman body, that is, the Spider Woman's source blood, is now complete!

  Staring at the Spider Woman Origin Blood in his hand and feeling the surging blood energy in it, Richard couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

  Currently, he has three options for how to deal with the spider woman's blood. One is to sell it to the gray dwarf wizard Disol. Judging from how eager the other party was when he saw the spider woman's body in his hand, he must give it to him. A satisfactory price for yourself.

  The other is to keep it until you arrive in Tuge City, then buy the flame crystal and use it as a consumable to stimulate and enhance your mental power.

  The last method is to use it on Stephana. You must know that this drop of Spider Woman's origin blood is nothing less than a super tonic for a Spider Woman of the same bloodline!

  This will put Stephana, who has just changed her body, into a period of strength blowout.

  It turns out that the owner of this new body, Feliti, seems to be a spider woman with outstanding talents. If this drop of source blood is poured into it -
  and Dissol and the twin gray dwarf girls in the side room will feel the influence of the spider girl next to them again. The surging energy fluctuations that came were shocking again.

  "Origin Blood Draining Witch Array!!" Disol couldn't help but lost his voice.

  "You can't be wrong, this wave!!"

  Disol clearly remembered that the wizard named "Levi" did not understand the extraction and purification of source blood. Otherwise, the other party would not be able to use his hard work to develop it. The secret recipe for the alchemy combination bomb came out, and he exchanged relevant knowledge with himself.

  But what did you feel just now?
  What came from the next room was obviously the movement of the blood-draining witch formation!
  Oh my God! God the Titan Father! This. This.
  Dissol was shocked!

  The twin girls next to them were obviously aware of this problem. Their beautiful eyes widened in shock, and their small mouths could fit a wine glass.

  Disol immediately stood up, paced back and forth in the room, and murmured to himself: "No, we can't wait until tomorrow. What the other party draws must be the source blood of the spider woman. What if the Levi wizard directly uses it?" What should I do if he has the blood of the Spider Woman?"

  "No, he should not have the flame crystal, no, no, no, what if he does?"

  Dissol found that he was confused!
  "Wait a minute, is it possible that he can use the source blood for other purposes?"

  Dissol scratched his head and had a headache. It seemed that if he wanted to impress the Levi wizard to switch to the spider woman's source blood, he must have to do it. There's a lot of bleeding!
  After a while, when Richard closed his eyes and meditated, he slowly regained his mental strength.

  There was a knock on the door, "Dong, dong, dong!", and at the same time, there was the familiar loud voice of Dissol:

  "Your Excellency Levi, I take the liberty of disturbing you at such a late hour!"

  At this time, Fingart had returned to his room. The room was rested, and only Richard and Stepina were left in the room.

  Stephana, who was lying on the bed enjoying the wonderful time alone with her master, couldn't help but muttered: "This old man is so perverted, it's so late at night."

  Richard opened his eyes and motioned for Stephana to put on the half mask first, and then covered her face. , and then slowly opened the door.

  (End of chapter)

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