187.Chapter 187 Spiritual Nose Technique

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  Chapter 187 Spiritual Nose Technique

  "Hey! This is indeed the direction to the gray dwarf-controlled area. Now we're in trouble." "

  Quick, we should be in time."

  A few seconds later, three senior spider women rode large black-toothed wolf spiders. The Demon Spider Rider followed closely behind, galloping toward the west path in a menacing manner!
  Fern Town is a town controlled by gray dwarves. It is also the town closest to the blind fishman tribe. Fingart has been there more than ten times. This is one of the reasons why Richard brought Fingart with him. one.

  Of course, the most important thing is that Richard is basically certain that if Fingart stays, he will most likely die at the hands of the ruthless night elves.

  Therefore, after Richard told Fingart the situation, he let him make his own choice.

  Obviously, for Fingart, there are only two options, either to stay and continue to be a blind fishman prophet but very likely to face the risk of death, or to give up his identity as a blind fishman prophet and go to the gray dwarf-controlled area with Richard. Start from scratch.

  This choice is not difficult, after all, survival is the first priority!

  But to be honest, Fingart still had some doubts about Richard being so cautious.

  In fact, even Stephana also had some doubts in her heart, and felt that the master seemed to be making a fuss out of a molehill.

  Along the way, Richard obviously understood the expressions of the two of them, and smiled faintly in his heart. He did not say anything, but held the black box with light green patterns in his hands and worked hard to crack it.

  This black box had already destroyed part of the protective and key formations due to Dolos's powerful self-destruction.

  Therefore, after a few days, after Richard intermittently used the lowest intensity mental shock to conduct multiple attacks, he should be able to open the box immediately.

  Sure enough, a few minutes later, there was a "click!"

  Like a sound of nature, it sounded in Richard's ears.

  "Master, it's successful!" Stephana said with joy on the side, and she was also curious about what was inside.

  Richard immediately stopped and slowly opened the box.

  Suddenly, a vast, long and vast breath burst out from the box in an instant!

  Richard and Stephana were fine, but Fingart on the side instantly felt a natural suppression from his blood. He was trembling all over and almost fell to his knees on the ground.

  The three of them took a closer look and saw a dark red crystal in the shape of a water drop, flickering brightly and dimly in the center of the box, like a living thing.

  "Hiss! Master, this must be the crystallization of the essence and blood of high-level creatures. This breath is too terrifying!" Fingart touched the fine beads of sweat on his head and said.

  Just a drop of blood suppressed him so much, which shows how noble and powerful the opponent's bloodline is.

  Stephana also obviously felt the pressure, but she was much better than Fingart.

  She said with the same solemn expression: "Master, who can make the bloodline of a high-level spider girl feel suppressed must be a higher-level creature, but in the dark area, there are only a handful of such top-level creatures, and judging from the breath, I It seems that I feel the breath of the dragon."

  Richard nodded. A drop of blood essence can have such power. It can be believed that this creature itself is so terrifying. It is probably even more terrifying than the second-level great wizard.

  "Are you sure it's a giant dragon? Not some kind of sub-dragon or mixed-blood dragon descendant?" Richard asked after thinking for a while.

  "It's definitely not the blood essence of a dragon or something like that. If it were just a dragon, there would definitely not be such a strong sense of oppression. And I seem to smell the smell of sulfur and fire. I guess this should be the blood essence of a fire dragon or even a black dragon. Stephana said after thinking for a while.

  After listening to what Stephana said, Richard nodded, although he couldn't figure out where Dolores got this drop of blood.

  But obviously, such things are very important to the night elves, so it was not easy to say before. Now Richard is basically sure that the night elves will definitely follow their tracks and follow them.

  Moreover, this speed should be very fast.

  Richard thought for a moment and said, "Fingart, where is the other isolation box I asked you to bring?"

  "Master, here!"

  After taking the isolation box, Richard did not grab it with his hands. Instead, he dexterously used the zero-level witchcraft Shadow Grip, shrinking the big hand made of dark elements into a normal-sized palm, and put the dragon's blood exuding surging aura into the isolation box.

  As the isolation box closed, the breath disappeared instantly. This made Fingart stand up straight and breathed a sigh of relief. The blood suppression just now felt too uncomfortable.

  Although the two of them were curious about why Richard wanted to change a box to contain the dragon's blood, as the owner, Richard did not explain, and the two of them could not take the initiative to ask.

  "Keep on going!" Richard said in a deep voice.

  But now Stephana and Fingart already somewhat trust Richard's judgment.

  Because in addition to a witchcraft, there was also a drop of dragon's blood that unexpectedly fell into the hands of the owner. In this case, the night elves would definitely not give up.

  The preciousness of the dragon's blood is self-evident.

  The three of them galloped westward along the path several people wide in the Gray Fern Wilderness.

  Even the weakest Fingart has the level of a third-level wizard apprentice, so he travels extremely fast, not much slower than ordinary horses.

  At this time, Richard, who was moving forward rapidly, was focused on thinking about a problem.

  Although the night elves have not yet been seen at all, there is an old saying in the past life that people who do not worry about the future will have to worry about the near future.

  Therefore, Richard was thinking, if he was on the night elf side, and after arriving at the blind murloc camp, he found that the target had left, what method would he use to continue tracking him?

  The most likely method is to locate directly through black mirror or dragon's blood.

  However, Richard was confident in the isolation box he made. Not only was the material of the box mixed with a large amount of lead, which had a strong isolation ability, but he also engraved several shielding witch formations on the surface and inside of the box.

  Therefore, the possibility of the other party directly locating Black Mirror and Dragon's Blood is extremely slim.

  So from his point of view, the other party has only two more likely ways. One is to track the breath of the Spider Woman bloodline on Stephana, and the second is to track the breath of Fingart.

  As for the possibility of using prophecy witchcraft for tracking, generally speaking, prophecy witchcraft can only determine the general direction. For specific searches, it is more practical to use witchcraft such as spiritual nose magic.

  After thinking about this, Richard basically had a plan in mind.

  After the three of them continued walking westward for about an hour, they saw a trade convoy in front of them that was also heading to Gray Fern Town.

  Richard's eyesight was sharp, and he could clearly see from a distance that the trade convoy that looked like a long snake was guarded on both sides by green lobster men armed with various weapons. They had long shrimp tentacles and a hard shell. Quite fierce.

  Carrying the heavy cargo were three huge lizards, more than ten meters long.

  Judging from the breath of these lizards, although their size is similar to the iron-jawed lizards and basilisks that Richard had killed before.

  But the appearance is quite different, especially the single horn on the forehead, which makes the shape of this lizard somewhat similar to the hybrid monster of rhinoceros and Komodo dragon that Richard saw in his previous life.

  "It seems to be a trading convoy of the Green Shell Lobster Tribe." Fingart, who was on the side, took a closer look and identified the origin of the other party.

  Richard nodded. The Green Shell Lobster Man knew that starting from the blind fishman tribe's camp and walking westward along the dark water lake for dozens of miles, there was the Green Shell Lobster Man's camp.

  In terms of strength, the Green Shell Lobster Man is a little stronger than the Blind Murloc Tribe, but they are still on par.

  "That one should be a one-horned lizard, right?" Stephana said curiously, looking at the lizard carrying a mountain of cargo. She remembered that she had seen a few of them in the blind fishman tribe.

  "Yes, it is indeed a one-horned lizard. This kind of lizard has a strong load-bearing capacity, thick scales, rough skin and thick flesh, and is omnivorous, so it is easy to raise." Richard smiled and said, "Just so I

  have This idea can be verified. According to the speed of the night elves, it is estimated that they can track here within a few hours." "

  Fingart, take off a fish scale from your body and give it to me."

  "As you command, master!

  " Gart immediately pulled out a piece of fish scales from his body. Although the fish scales in many parts of his body had degenerated, and the scales in some parts had become abnormally fine, there were still a few large and lumpy fish scales on his chest.

  He took out a piece of shiny light green fish scales the size of a baby's hand from his chest and handed it to Richard.

  Then, Richard asked Stephana to pull a strand of hair from her head.

  Under the surprised gazes of the two people, Richard put on the low-level witchcraft-shielding cloak and immediately enveloped Stephana and Fingart. In an instant, the three of them disappeared without even a trace of breath leaking out. As a low-level witchcraft, the obscuring cloak has only one effect, which is to hide.

  Not only can it hide the figure and aura of the user and all teammates within five meters, but it can also cover up a large part of the energy fluctuations caused by witchcraft. It can be said to be an excellent item for sneak attacks and ambushes.

  I saw Richard leading the two of them to quickly follow the trading convoy of the Green Shell Lobster Man, and under the watchful eyes of the two, they stuffed Fingart's fish scales into the cargo of the first one-horned lizard.

  And placed Stephana's hair in the cargo of the second one-horned lizard.

  Finally, Richard stuffed the black box with light green patterns on the surface, which was originally used to store the dragon's blood, into the third one-horned lizard.

  Stephana and Fingart looked at each other in confusion.

  Next, Richard led two more people, covered by their cloaks, to advance parallel to the convoy in the grass on the side.

  Although the low-level witchcraft concealing cloak requires continuous input of mental power when used, a third-level wizard apprentice can continue to use it for two or three hours. For Richard, who has been promoted to a formal wizard, even if he continues to use it for half a day, it will not be a big deal. burden.

  After waiting for a long time, there was no movement behind the path. This made Stephana and Fingart couldn't help but laugh inwardly. It seemed that this time the owner made a miscalculation. The night elves did not pursue them, or they did not track them so quickly. them.

  The master is too suspicious!
  However, what the two did not expect was that about an hour later, there was a sudden burst of dust behind the trail, and at the same time, there was a slight vibration on the ground.

  A few seconds later, three spider women riding large black-toothed wolf spiders appeared in front of them. At the same time, there was a team of elite spider knights behind them!

  "Hiss! Three spider women!" Fingart couldn't help shouting in his heart!

  Stephana also looked at Richard with watery eyes, admiring Richard's judgment in her heart.

  The three of them immediately stayed where they were, observing the development of the situation under the cover of low-level witchcraft cloaks.
  green-shell lobster trade team at the front of the trail had obviously discovered the menacing team coming from behind.

  It was such a narrow path, and the speed at which the other party rushed over was so fast that there was no way to avoid it.

  All fools know that the other party must have bad intentions when they come.

  "(Lobster language) Get ready to fight!" shouted a lobster man elder with a white goatee.

  Within a few seconds, more than twenty green-shelled lobstermen guarded the three horned lizards, forming an oval defensive formation.

  However, when the enemy approached, the expression of the elder lobster man changed drastically!
  He blurted out: "Senior Spider Woman!!"

  After three beautiful spider women rode large black-toothed wolf spiders to the front of the lobster people's team, the coercion of the senior spider women scared the lobster people's expressions. Many of them changed their faces. People even lay down directly on the ground.

  Apparently, the three spider women looked down upon the panic of the Lobster Man's trading convoy, but after a closer look, they showed rather puzzled expressions.

  The dozen or so spider knights behind them surrounded the more than twenty green-shelled lobster men. This action made the elder lobster man turn pale and thought to himself, this is an attempt to eliminate us. ?

  The elder lobster man immediately took two steps forward, bent down deeply, and said respectfully: "Your Highness the Spider Girl, I don't know what you have to do, which requires humble servants to do." The other party's respectful attitude

  , This obviously made the expressions of the three spider women soften. Immediately, the three of them jumped off the large black-toothed wolf spider and stepped forward.

  I saw the senior spider girl named Grace saying: "You are a tribe of green-shelled lobster people, right? According to the order of the mistress, we are hunting fugitives and need to search your convoy." "Fugitives?" The lobster

  leader The reporter was stunned when he heard this, but he immediately reacted and said repeatedly: "Of course, your noble Highness the Spider Woman, please search as you like. We definitely do not hide any fugitives!" The other Spider Woman, Felidi, had sharp eyes

  . He looked at the elder of the lobster man and said: "Huh, I think you must know better than me the consequences of hiding a fugitive. And whether you hide a fugitive or not is up to you." "Yes! Yes!" The elder of the lobster man said

  . He said submissively.

  Feliti made a quick gesture, and after a short spell, she moved her nose slightly, sniffed, pointed at the hill-like cargo on the back of the second one-horned lizard and said, "Unload it!"

  Immediately, the elder of the lobster man turned around and shouted: "Unload all the goods and let your highnesses search."

  However, at this time, the spider girl Irene who had been silent at the side said:
  "Shadra is so arrogant. Personality, it is impossible to hide in the smelly cargo of the Lobster Man."
  In the grass about 70 to 80 meters away.

  Under the sheltering cloak.

  "The second one-horned lizard, it seems that the other party is chasing Fingart all the way." Richard thought to himself.

  "Yes, Fingart has lived in the tribe for so many years. It is very easy to find certain tissues in his body, and it is very convenient to track." "

  However, it cannot be ruled out that the other party has the ability to track Stephana's Spider Woman bloodline. "

  Stephana and Fingart obviously understood Richard's previous intention at this time.

  Looking at each other, they both saw horror in each other's eyes. They didn't expect that just as their master Richard said, the night elves would soon send people to catch up.

  Moreover, I didn't expect that the other party would be so generous, and three high-level spider women came at once. If they were caught up without any defense before.

  Apart from the master, both of them are probably going to die here.

  Fortunately, the owner had the foresight!

  The two of them could not help but feel a surge of heartfelt praise and admiration for their master Richard, who was silently meditating on the side.

  Especially Fingart, his legs were weak at this time. It turned out that the three spider women were following his trail.

  If you choose to stay and continue to be a prophet in the tribe, you will most likely die miserably!

  At this moment, Fingart could be said to be filled with admiration for his master Richard.

  Originally, he only admired his master's strength and rapid progress, or his mastery of potions and his ability to prepare various extremely difficult potions. But this time, he truly admired Richard's ability to predict the enemy's prophet.

  Because in this world, there are definitely many powerful people, but there are really too few who can accurately predict the enemy's thoughts at such a young age like the master.
  a group of spider knights searched carefully, they found nothing, not to mention people, not even a shadow!
  Feliti went into battle in person, her nostrils flaring slightly like a hunting dog. This made the green shell lobster warriors next to her look quite surprised. They didn't know why the noble spider woman acted so... like a dog, no
  . , is an indecent move.

  Finally, Feliti found a fish scale the size of a baby's fist from between the two pieces of cargo.

  After repeated confirmations, Feliti was sure that this was the source of the smell!
  "Damn it, it's just a fish scale!" Felicity said, her face turned blue with anger.

  "Sister Grace, we have all been tricked by each other!"

  This made Grace, the most senior among the three high-ranking spider girls, her pretty face turn red with embarrassment and anger.

  After all, it was she who suggested tracking down the fish-man prophet named Fingart.

  Before, she was quite confident that the other party had missed one thing, which was the loophole of the fish-man prophet named Fingart, but now it seems that this is not a loophole, it is a deliberate misleading left by the other party.

  The three of them chased after him happily.

  Now it seems that the other party has already expected this.

  Reluctantly suppressing the feeling of vomiting blood in her heart, Grace's brain was spinning rapidly. In order to obtain the blood of the black dragon and the mirror of nightmares, the three of them must find each other and complete the mission of the mistress.

  Grace seemed to be thinking of some horrific scene waiting for the three of her, and Grace shuddered.

  "Sister Grace, what should we do now?"

  "By the way, these despicable slaves actually dare to secretly trade with the gray dwarves. Sister Grace, will you let me kill them all?" The spider girl stretched out her pink tongue and licked her delicate red lips.

  Obviously, Felicity wanted to take her anger out on the Lobster Man.

  "Feliti, forget it, this kind of thing is very common in the border areas, and the Green Shell Lobster people also contributed a lot when they accompanied us into the surface." Grace said slowly.

  "Hmph! Count them lucky!"
  this time, Richard was trying to figure out one thing. Originally, he was only less than 50% sure that the night elves might send someone over.

  After all, the three major necromancer academies are currently putting a lot of pressure on the night elves. At this time, the other party sends three high-level spider women out, and the meaning of this is quite intriguing.

  It seems that that mirror or that drop of dragon's blood has an unusual significance to the night elves.

  It seems that my plan can be changed.

  (End of chapter)

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