183. Chapter 183 Teleportation

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  Chapter 183 Teleportation

  Because the forced teleportation in Norman Secret Realm is a random teleportation.

  Richard considered that the tracking mark on his body after he killed Gildas's clone was not like the tracking marks of ordinary wizard apprentices. This mark was extremely strong and could not be covered up by the concealing cloak.

  Therefore, if Richard chooses to be forcibly teleported out of the Norman Secret Realm, there is a small chance that he will be teleported near the control area of ​​the three major colleges, and there is a high probability that he will be teleported to the control area of ​​the night elves.

  Because a large part of the Underdark is currently under the control of the night elves. If he is teleported to the dark night control area, even if he has been promoted to an official wizard, he will be in considerable danger.

  Therefore, it is not a good choice to directly choose to be forcibly teleported out of the secret realm.

  However, if Richard chooses to leave through the secret realm gate, he will encounter another thorny problem, which is the reaction of Gildas and the three major colleges.

  Regarding this point, after careful consideration, Richard concluded that the three major colleges may not have time to react.

  Due to the restrictions on information transmission in the secret realm, even if Gildas's clone is killed, Gildarts himself outside the secret realm will only suffer severe backlash and will not know who killed him. The werewolf clone.

  The murderer can only be tracked from the tracking mark.

  From this logic, it means that as long as you are fast enough and the time is short enough, you can make a time difference.

  If he had used the teleportation array to go out before Gildas reported it, the three major colleges would not have known that he had killed Gildas's werewolf clone.

  Of course, as time goes by, you will be exposed.

  Even if he leaves no trace, there is a high probability that he will be found if the three major academies arrange for wizards who are proficient in prophecy to search for him.

  Although he has been promoted to the first level of wizard, he is only the first level.

  Therefore, a senior first-level wizard who is proficient in the prophecy system will definitely be able to find himself.

  Secondly, in addition to the first-level wizards, the three major academies can always find several second-level wizards who are proficient in the prophecy department. It has
  only been more than 20 minutes since Gildas's clone was killed. Therefore, as long as he and Stepina's actions are enough, Quickly, you should be able to leave the secret realm through the teleportation array calmly.

  It's not that Richard hasn't considered returning directly and joining the Ignis School to seek asylum. First, it's because his promotion speed is so fast.

  It’s so fast that it’s unbelievable and can’t even be explained!
  Secondly, he killed the commander of the so-called rescue team this time, which had a huge impact. Richard could not guarantee whether the Ignis School would protect him.

  Because judging from the rankings of the three major colleges, the Ignis School is at the bottom, and naturally has the least say in the joint meeting.

  Therefore, in order to avoid being dragged into slices or imprisoned, Richard thought for a long time and decided to retreat to the blind fishman tribe camp first.

  I had just been promoted and needed to find a safe place to consolidate.

  And considering that Gildas, who has an official status, is relentless in looking for him, it is obvious that he will be safer in the Underdark.

  he also killed Dorothy, and the night elf mistress was even more powerful. If he was determined to find him, it would be difficult to hide his whereabouts under the endless mysterious witchcraft.

  Although the blind murloc tribe is located in a remote area, it is on the edge of the night elves' power and has weak control.

  Richard has also considered this and does not think that he will be safe just because he is hiding in the blind fishman tribe.

  However, as long as he has a place to stay in a short period of time, it will be enough. If not, he will quickly retreat from the Gray Fern Wilderness to the gray dwarf-controlled area.

  It only took Richard a few seconds to sort out the various complicated thoughts and thoughts mentioned above and choose the best solution.

  This should also be an advantage after being promoted to an official wizard.

  Due to limited time, Richard quickly woke up the wizard apprentices who were lying on the ground after being hit by the forgetfulness spell.

  He was wearing a covering cloak, covering himself and Stephana.

  "Hi~ My head hurts!" The first one to wake up was the male apprentice from Gurus Academy. His strength was at the limit of a third-level wizard apprentice, so he naturally woke up the fastest.

  Then others slowly began to wake up.

  I saw Stefan frowning and waking up with a painful look on his face. After all, the sequelae of this amnesia technique are a bit serious. If you are unlucky, it will damage the hippocampus in the inner temporal lobe of the brain.

  When Stefan opened his eyes, he was a little confused at this time. He remembered that he followed wizard Gildarts and a group of wizard apprentices to the vicinity of the night elves' base camp.

  Then, there seemed to be a big battle?
  Huh! Why can't I remember the specific scene of the battle?
  Stefan, whose eyes were unfocused, looked left and right, and looked around. He saw ravines and corpses strewn around the camp. There were corpses of wizard apprentices, but more of them were corpses of spider knights.

  But the most special thing is the circle of corpses of the Demon Spider Knight in the center of the camp, lying neatly and seemingly without any scars on the outside.


  So weird!

  By the way, where is Wizard Gildarts?

  Stefan searched carefully and found that there was no trace of Wizard Gildas at all. He couldn't help but guess that the night elves had been defeated. Then Wizard Gildas saw that we were all unconscious, so he returned to the stronghold for treatment. Is the injury gone?

  Although it's not that reasonable, it seems to be the only explanation.

  Moreover, one thing is certain, whether it is judging from the casualties on the scene or the fact that people like ourselves can still survive, our side will definitely be the final winner.

  Otherwise, several of them would have been captured by the Spider Knight.

  Soon, everyone woke up.

  "We won, right?"

  "We must have won! Otherwise, how could we survive?"

  "What an idiot, asking such a question."

  A certain second-level wizard apprentice immediately lit up his eyes and shouted: "Then Doesn't it mean we can go out? Haha, it's so good,

  we can finally go out!" "Hey! That's right, let's go out quickly. Not far behind the supply point is the secret realm gate, let's go quickly!"

  Si Tifan and a man and a woman from Gurus Academy looked at each other.

  Originally, Stefan wanted to stay some time and see the situation.

  However, the situation here is a bit strange, and Wizard Gildas is also missing.

  The three of us should return to the base to report on the situation first.

  Moreover, the three of them did not accomplish anything. As members of the rescue team, they also worked hard to rescue a group of surviving apprentices. Thinking of this, Stefan communicated with the two people from Gurus Academy. They had the same idea, and they were worried about the long nights and dreams, so they felt that they should set off immediately.

  So, Stefan said to everyone: "Okay! Let's leave the secret realm first!"

  After saying that, the others seemed to be worried about what might happen if they continued to stay, so they stood up immediately and stopped resting.

  A group of eight or nine people walked directly through the camp and quickly headed to the location of the secret realm gate.

  Richard used a concealing cloak to hide himself and Stephana, mixed in with the team of wizard apprentices, and headed towards the gate of the secret realm.

  When Richard came to the gate, there was only more than two minutes left, and the repelling power of the secret realm was getting stronger and stronger.

  However, Richard was instantly attracted by the shape of the gate.

  I saw that the gate of the secret realm was ten meters high and had a hollow square structure. The material seemed to be made of a pure black unknown stone. The surface was engraved with complex and exquisite patterns. These patterns were obviously not for decoration, but some kind of strange... Ancient witchcraft symbol.

  Standing in front of the gate, a sense of simplicity and simplicity comes to you.

  This ancient door, which has been standing for who knows how long, has the magical power to break through space and carry out teleportation.

  Richard immediately thought of the teleportation array he teleported in.

  At that time, I heard many third-level wizard apprentices chatting in the stronghold. This teleportation array is a two-way teleportation array. As long as the energy is continuously supplied, it can successfully receive people or teleport people into the Norman secret realm.

  But this gate in the secret realm is, to a certain extent, a one-way portal.

  In other words, if the teleportation array in the stronghold loses its energy supply, then the one-way teleportation function of this gate will be disabled and it will become just an ordinary stone gate.

  In this regard, Richard couldn't help but sincerely admire the magnificent witchcraft and ingenious designs of the ancient wizards. This was a completely different civilization from his previous life, but it had all kinds of magic.

  Stefan took a step forward and recited a long spell in the Hutt language. After a few seconds, a huge amount of energy began to gather in the center of the door.

  The originally empty scene in the center of the door suddenly became like water, with ripples rippling.

  The wizard apprentices all had extremely happy faces.

  Obviously, this one-way portal can be used normally and there is no problem.

  As a result, the wizard apprentices stepped into the portal one after another, as if they were squeezed into a mirror, and disappeared in the next second.

  Relying on the special effects of the concealing cloak, Richard and Stepina followed closely behind.
  this time.

  The stronghold is located in the central square, on a wide platform half a meter high.

  I saw the ancient and huge six-pointed star witchcraft array, suddenly began to shine with a soft light that flickered on and off.

  The two third-level wizard apprentices who were responsible for the registration of the teleportation array were lying on the chairs bored and chatting. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

  Due to the restrictions of the rules of the Norman secret realm, it is impossible for the night elves to foolishly teleport from the secret realm to the stronghold to seek death. Therefore, the only possibility for the teleportation array to be activated is that a wizard apprentice returns from the secret realm.

  Thinking of the rescue team that had set out to carry out the rescue before, the two looked at each other, but their expressions were different.

  "The rescue must have been successful!" The apprentice, who judging from the mark on his chest, was obviously the Ring of North, said overjoyed.

  "Could it be said that the rescue team succeeded in rescuing so quickly?" The apprentice from the Gurus Academy asked a little hesitantly. After all, the teleportation array may have been activated by the apprentice survivors in the secret territory of Norman, and they were lucky enough to save themselves.

  "The werewolf clone of Wizard Gildarts is really awesome!" The apprentice from the North Ring couldn't help but admire.

  "Hey! You are familiar with the wizard Gildarts who led the team this time." The third-level apprentice of Gurus Academy said in surprise.

  You know, ordinary wizard apprentices in the stronghold can find out that the one who led the rescue team into the Norman secret realm this time is the wizard Gildas from the Ring of North, but they will not know such details. For example, the other party just mentioned A werewolf clone or something.

  However, he realized in the next second that his companion seemed to have a good relationship with Stefan, another apprentice of the North Ring who entered the secret realm for rescue. He must have better information channels than himself and others. Quite a few, and there was no doubt that he was there immediately.

  Only a single figure was seen, and with the flash of white light, he suddenly appeared on the ancient six-pointed star teleportation array. As the strong light dissipated, the two people could clearly see that there were nine people teleported here.

  However, the apprentice from Gurus Academy looked quite puzzled, and thought to himself, it seemed that a total of eleven rays of light had flashed just now, why were there only nine of them?
  "Stefan!!" The apprentice of North Ring shouted excitedly.

  Instantly, his thoughts were interrupted by the shouts of his companions, because he also saw a
  dazzling white light flash by his acquaintance from Gurus Academy. When he looked around again, Richard found that he and Stepina had already Returned to the base again.

  He clearly felt that the tracking mark on his body was stained by killing Gildarts' clone. At this moment, since he left the Norman secret realm, it seemed that the mark was no longer suppressed by the rules. After a slight tremor, it was instantly triggered.

  Richard frowned. Obviously, if the caster of this tracking mark was paying attention to this matter at the moment, he must have discovered his traces by now.

  Without hesitation, Richard hugged Stephana and quickly ran towards a dark dense forest to the north.

  Under the cover of the concealing cloak, the group of wizard apprentices who had just been teleported were unaware of it.
  an hour ago.

  In the dark area, in a certain room of the stronghold.

  Gildas instantly felt dizzy, and a heart-breaking pain hit his soul! Even as a formal wizard, he couldn't resist this kind of pain, and he immediately let out a scream!
  He fainted all of a sudden and fell to the ground.

  The two attendants who heard the noise outside the door quickly knocked on the door.

  "Dong dong dong"

  "Wizard Gildarts, are you okay?"

  "Wizard Gildarts, has something happened?"

  There was no response after knocking on the door several times. The two apprentices at the door looked at each other. , immediately felt that the situation was a bit serious, and immediately opened the wooden door of the room on his own initiative.

  I saw the always majestic wizard Gildas, now pale and sweating profusely, lying motionless on the floor.

  The scene that caught their eyes made the two of them turn pale with fright. They quickly helped Wizard Gildas to the bed and quickly sent someone to report it.

  After a while, I saw a middle-aged wizard with a majestic face and a breath as deep as the sea, walking from the end of the corridor with several official wizards.

  "Dear Wizard Graf!" Several wizard apprentices at the door of Gildas' room immediately bowed and saluted respectfully.

  Graf nodded with a serious expression. When he heard the apprentice's report just now, his first thought was that the rescue mission would most likely fail!

  (End of chapter)

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