161.Chapter 161 End in person

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  Chapter 161 Ending in Person
  "Then you can't just wait here and do nothing, right?" Another bald wizard said loudly.

  Obviously, the bald wizard supported the suggestion of the wizard Linda.

  Just listen to the bald wizard continue to speak loudly: "If the positioning method in the Norman secret area cannot be solved in a short time. What about the more than a thousand wizard apprentices from our three major colleges in the secret area?" "Are we just watching them

  ? , were surrounded and suppressed by the Demon Spider Knights, and all died inside?"

  These sonorous and powerful words immediately resonated with most of the wizards present.

  Many people nodded in praise.

  After all, they more or less have disciples who were trapped in the secret realm of Norman due to this unexpected incident.

  Some wizards received messages from their friend wizards asking for help, saying that a disciple they valued was trapped in the secret territory of Norman, and they hoped to find a way to rescue him as soon as possible.

  Seeing many wizards nodding in agreement, the bald wizard's momentum became even stronger.

  Just when he was about to continue saying something, another tall wizard stood up and said only one sentence:

  "If we now put these one hundred top third-level wizard apprentices into the Norman secret realm and The Spider Knights fight. So if there are heavy losses, who will bear the responsibility?"

  Suddenly, many wizards present fell silent!
  Many wizards turned their heads to look at the great wizard Graf at the head of the meeting table.

  This kind of important decision can only be made by level 2 wizards, not anyone else present.

  Going around and around again, this gave Grand Wizard Graf a little headache.

  The current situation in the secret territory of Norman is unknown. If we rashly mobilize the one hundred top level three wizard apprentices into the secret territory for rescue.

  This decision was also very stressful for him.

  The top third-level wizard apprentices are not cabbages. They can have as many as they want. They are almost all the backbone elites of major colleges and the seeds of future wizards.

  So although this is already the third meeting of the stronghold, it seems that there is still no consensus.

  There was silence in the conference hall!
  In the hall that was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop, suddenly, an official wizard from Gurus Academy broke the silence and said: "

  I do have a rare witchcraft item here called [Deflection Magnet]. The original main function was that it was rich in magnetism and could deflect the attacks of metal weapons on the holder."

  This suddenly made everyone stunned. Does this have anything to do with the current discussion?
  When a wizard was about to interrupt, he saw the other person take out two pebble-shaped light blue ores from his arms, and continued: "But
  I just remembered that [Deflection Magnet] also has a rather tasteless strange thing. The only thing is that these two pieces of [Offset Magnet] come from the same mother mine." "

  Therefore, they will induce each other. When two people hold one piece each, as long as they are not too far apart, they can Determine the direction of the other party."

  Upon hearing this, the wizards present were all human beings, and they instantly understood what the other party meant.

  Wouldn't that solve the problem of positioning in the secret territory of Norman?
  The quantity is just too small!

  "So, respected Grand Wizard Graf, can you see if you can select two third-level wizard apprentices with strong combat capabilities and tacit understanding, and let each of them hold one. Then after entering the Norman secret realm, the two of them can pass two The two [Offset Magnets] guide each other so that they can converge as soon as possible." "

  After the convergence, with the cooperation of the two people, the chance of survival is greatly improved."

  The speech of this Gurus Academy wizard made many wizards present His eyes lit up.

  That's right, I never thought before that they really don't have any witchcraft props or witchcraft tools specifically used for positioning or sensing.

  But some witchcraft props or witchcraft tools have attached functions that play a role in positioning.

  This immediately opened up a new way of thinking to the wizards present.

  They all began to rack their brains to think about which of the witchcraft props and witchcraft weapons they owned had special features or abilities similar to [Deflection Magnet].

  Upon hearing these words of the Gurus Academy wizard, Master Graf immediately raised his brows and his expression softened a lot.

  Yes, this kind of witchcraft props or weapons, with so many wizards present, we should be able to get a few more.

  Perhaps the three major academies are not yet able to locate and connect hundreds of spider knights like the night elves.

  But they can at least try to locate or communicate with several people using some kind of witchcraft prop or witchcraft weapon.

  Then, from among the current one hundred top third-level wizard apprentices, he selects the strongest apprentices who have reached the extreme level, and enters the Norman secret realm with such witchcraft props or weapons in hand.

  When these people's chances of survival are greatly increased, the trapped apprentices can know that the major colleges have not given up on rescue, which will definitely boost their morale!
  In this way, a considerable number of wizard apprentices in the secret territory can be organized to confront the Spider Knights head-on.

  In this case, not only can the rescue be successful, but it may also be possible to make a comeback and deal a heavy blow to the Spider Knights!
  Thinking of this, a smile finally appeared on Grand Wizard Graf's face that had been serious these days.

  At this time, a wizard from the Ignis School also spoke: "Grand Wizard Graf, I have a low-level witchcraft [Mistmanto Orb] in my hand. There are five orbs in total. The raw material for its production comes from a There are five clam beads in the giant sea clam.

  The original function of [Mistmanto Orb] is to enhance the witchcraft effect of dark and water elements, but because it is produced from the same sea clam, the five orbs can sense each other, and the distance The closer you are, the brighter the light will be.

  If five extreme-level wizard apprentices each hold one, they can sense each other's position within a hundred miles."

  "I think that as long as more than three people can gather together after they enter the secret realm, they must be a strong team."

  Many wizards couldn't help but nodded. The area of ​​a hundred miles is already very wide. In this case, holding the orb in hand The probability of apprentices gathering together is very high.

  When Grand Wizard Graf heard that this time five people were able to locate at the same time, the upward curve of the corners of his mouth became even more obvious.

  So, after many wizards at the scene thought hard and talked in a hurry, the more than 20 wizards present actually came up with four or five witchcraft props and low-level wizards that could be used to locate each other in a certain area. device.

  Basically, a few can be used to form a team of two people, and a large number can be used to form a team of five people.

  This made everyone present look much better, and the originally serious atmosphere in the conference hall suddenly became lighter.

  A smile finally broke out on Grand Wizard Graf's face at this moment.

  As long as he has plans and actions, the pressure on his shoulders will be much lighter.

  Moreover, maybe there will be an extra surprise this time! ——At
  this time, Gildas, who had been thinking for a long time, suddenly said: "Since there is such a good way, Grand Wizard Graf, I plan to use my clone to directly enter the Norman secret realm." This immediately shocked everyone present

  . The wizards were stunned. Dark wizards are all exquisite egoists.

  But just now they actually heard a dark wizard say that he was willing to risk his clone being killed and venture into the Norman secret realm to save the wizard's apprentice?

  Could it be said that his direct descendants are in it?
  But a direct descendant isn't worth a wizard's personal risk.

  Next to Gildas, another male wizard from the Ring of North immediately turned his head, looked at him in surprise and said,
  "Gildas, are you crazy? I also know your clone meditation method, okay? Let you give birth to a clone whose strength is close to the original one when you are a first-level wizard."

  "But once this clone is damaged, your own mental power will be severely damaged and your strength will be greatly reduced. Even if there are precious medicines to treat mental damage, it will take more than ten years to recover!" It seems that

  ! , this male wizard has a good relationship with Gildas and knows his situation very well.

  Although Graf's expression remained unchanged, he was already overjoyed. An official wizard was willing to send a clone into the Norman secret realm to carry out the rescue plan. This will greatly improve the success rate of this plan!

  What you want!

  However, he seemed to have thought of something in an instant. He straightened his face and said in a low voice: "Wizard Gildas, your dedication is admirable!" "However, if your clone's strength is only the

  apprentice's limit, then what will it mean after entering?" It's not that big. After all, an apprentice at the extreme level will not be much weaker than a clone controlled by a formal wizard in all aspects." "

  But if your clone's strength reaches a first-level wizard, it will obviously not be able to enter the secret realm. How are you going to solve it? What about this question?"

  As soon as Graf finished speaking, many wizards in the conference room began to whisper.

  Yes, the great wizard Graf hit the nail on the head.

  If your avatar's strength is only at the limit of an apprentice, it won't be of much use after entering. Even if you control it with a wizard's level of strength, it will only be one against three at best.

  But if your clone's strength reaches the official wizard level, you will obviously not be able to enter due to the restrictions of the rules of the secret realm.

  Obviously, Gildas also heard the doubts and whispers of many colleagues, but he cleared his throat and said calmly: "Grand Wizard Graf and my colleagues here, because this matter involves some of my own secrets, so , please keep it secret."

  Graf nodded and waved his hand, and all the third-level wizard apprentices serving on the scene immediately exited the room.

  At the same time, a thin soundproof shield rises.

  "Gildas, do you need the range to be smaller?" Graf asked gently.

  Gildas looked around at the formal wizards and found that almost all of them craned their necks, waiting for him to tell his story expectantly.

  At this time, it would be very offensive if he told Grand Wizard Graf that only you could know.

  After all, this secret is not a special secret. Maybe many wizards have similar experiences.

  Since he was planning to say it, he would no longer hide it.

  So, he slowly said: "All my colleagues here are trustworthy people. Because this secret involves myself, I hope that my colleagues here can help me keep the secret after listening to it." "As we all know, most secret

  realms The limit on strength is mainly based on the fluctuation intensity of mental power to determine whether it exceeds the limit, and the Norman Secret Realm is obviously no exception." "

  And the clone meditation method I practice has a secret skill, which is that I can Withdraw a part of the clone soul and return it to the main body." "

  I calculated that if about 60% of the clone soul is withdrawn, the intensity of the clone's mental power fluctuation should just reach the upper limit of the Norman Secret Realm." "

  Although, This will greatly reduce the combat effectiveness of my clones, but with the witchcraft props and witchcraft weapons contributed by my colleagues, I think I should be able to gather a few people in the secret realm quickly." "By then, as long as I gather two or three

  people As a wizard apprentice at the extreme level, I can handle it calmly even if I encounter a team of about ten people from the Spider Knights." After hearing what Gildas said,

  everyone present, including the Grand Wizard Graf, looked at Gildas. His eyes were full of approval and admiration.

  This kind of selfless spirit is exactly what the dark wizard lacks.

  But obviously, if they could listen to Gildas's voice, they wouldn't think so.

  Gildas decided to take action personally this time, mainly because he discovered that Richard, who had never paid much attention to him before, seemed to have a big secret.

  He had a vague hunch that if he could learn the other party's secret, it would be of great help to him.

  To take a step back, this secret doesn't have much effect on him.

  But if you can know how the other party quickly promoted from the first-level wizard apprentice to the third-level wizard apprentice Joakim in one year, it will be a great improvement for your family!

  Secondly, a direct heir whom he values ​​​​will also serve as a rescue force at the extreme level of the apprentice and enter the Norman secret realm. With him accompanying him, the safety of this direct heir can also be guaranteed.

  Finally, he was a little bit upset about what happened when he was teased by Richard last time.

  After running thousands of miles away, I was actually following a bird or a doll. It was so lonely.

  After thinking about it for a while, Graf found that the entire plan was very feasible, and he was very confident in rescuing the wizard apprentices in the entire secret realm. It was also possible to severely damage the Spider Knights in the secret realm of Normandy.

  So, he immediately said: "Very good! Since the wizard Gildas has personally attacked, I think the danger in the Norman secret realm will be lifted immediately!" "

  Gildas, in the Norman secret realm, your clone will Enjoy the highest command authority, and as long as you can successfully complete the rescue mission, the joint meeting will never be stingy in terms of rewards." "

  Then it is decided. Twenty-three will be selected from one hundred top third-level wizard apprentices. Wizard apprentices who have reached the ultimate level."

  After a pause, he added: "Gildas, it is up to you to use the [Mistmanto Orb], and give priority to four apprentices at the extreme level. If there are not enough people, then you can Talk to me."

  "At the same time, for these twenty-three extreme-level wizard apprentices, the stronghold secret warehouse will be opened, and the right to purchase combat potions, alchemy bombs, and witchcraft props will be opened at a 30% discount. Let them buy it!"

  "Finally, all wizards who have improved the above-mentioned wizard props or witchcraft can come to me to exchange them for points after the meeting." "The

  meeting is dismissed!"
  Secret Realm.

  In a jungle where ferns grow thickly.

  I saw a blond girl running wildly in the jungle. The girl was well-proportioned and wearing a gray apprentice robe. She was very beautiful, but she looked a bit embarrassed.

  It seems to be being pursued by the enemy.

  Sure enough, in the same woods, a few seconds later, a tall and thin man was chasing after him. He was wearing a knight's armor with exquisite patterns and his appearance was extremely handsome. His pair of pointed ears and slightly dark skin showed that he was a man. Night Elf.

  If Richard were present, he could easily identify that the blond girl was Mei Luo.

  Meiluo, who was in a panic, found that she was about to reach a waterfall ahead. The water vapor in the sky showed that the waterfall was probably a very large one.

  Sure enough, when she got closer, she found that the waterfall right next to her was actually 100 meters high!

  But she has no way to escape now!
  It seemed that the only way was to jump down.
  Just when she was at a loss, she was about to close her eyes and decide to jump down.

  Suddenly, a light green vine as thick as a thumb quietly wrapped around her slender waist, and with a scream from Mei Luo, she was dragged to the side of the lush vegetation!

  He disappeared in an instant!

  The next second, Meiluo, who was among the vegetation, was covered by a white and tender palm!
  When the night elf man who was tracking here heard Mei Luo's scream, his original cat-and-mouse expression immediately calmed down and he speeded up to the waterfall with a serious face.

  After searching around to no avail, he thought of the scream again and muttered: "Hey, this female human apprentice is very courageous. She dares to jump from such a height." The night elf

  man turned around and left angrily. Got it!
  (End of chapter)

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