156. Chapter 156 Perfect Transformation

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  Chapter 156 Perfect Transformation
  This outfit is too revealing. No wonder Master Richard looked at me intently just now. Stephana couldn't help but snicker, and then she became even more happy.

  "Boo~" I saw the spider girl with a curvy figure and cool clothes, walked up to Richard, and kissed Richard hard on the face while Richard was not paying attention.

  Richard was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Stephana would give him a sudden and sexy attack.

  Although Richard was actually quite enjoying himself, he pretended to be angry and said, "As a descendant of a noble family? Remember to maintain the noble demeanor." "Giggle!

  Master, I'm just too happy, so I can't help myself. Don't blame me." Stephana knew at a glance that Richard was not angry, and she suddenly smiled like a flower.

  At this time, Richard seemed to suddenly come to his senses and complained: "With your interruption, I almost forgot an important thing." "

  This Man-Faced Demon Spider is your companion beast. In order to preserve its corpse, I plan to try to transform it into a walking zombie

  first." When Richard killed the trio of red-haired girls in Jenna, he had found an ancient parchment scroll on the short girl - the zombie transformation ritual, and later in Gray Fern Learning took place while in the wilderness.

  I brought up the inspiration panel and saw that in the [Witchcraft] column, the zombie transformation ritual (43% entry level) was progressing a little higher than the previous spiritual body reincarnation ritual. This is because Richard has not deliberately spent any time. Energy points have been increased.

  Therefore, it is still at the entry-level control level.

  However, since he has decided to transform the Man-Faced Demon Spider, and he has plenty of energy points on hand, Richard plans to first improve the level of control over the zombie transformation ritual.

  [It was found that the host is practicing the zero-level witchcraft zombie transformation ritual. Did/do you consume energy to gain inspiration for practicing the zero-level witchcraft zombie transformation ritual? ]

  Without hesitation, Richard dragged the slider to 10,000 and selected "Yes!"

  In an instant, Richard's soul was pulled into the dream space. This time he still came to an empty underground hall. There was a vague figure in the center of the room, carefully drawing the witchcraft required for the transformation ritual of the walking dead on the ground. Array.

  The next second, he was possessed by this figure.

  I saw that the shape of this witch formation was different from the reverse pentagram, hexagram, and even the newly learned spiritual body reincarnation ritual patterns that Richard had used before.

  The outline of the witch formation for the zombie transformation ceremony is a circle with a diameter of about three meters.

  There are two equilateral triangles in the circle, and the six vertices of the two equilateral triangles are all on the ring, equidistantly spaced.

  Since Richard had already learned the witchcraft formation many times, with the support of massive inspiration, Richard's learning speed was like a rocket boost.

  I don’t know how long it took for
  the world to spin. Richard returned to his body and called up the inspiration panel to see that (Walking Corpse Transformation Ritual, Grandmaster 23%)

  had not reached the limit. After continuing to invest energy points and
  repeated this twice, Richard called up the panel again and took a look. , it clearly shows: (Transformation Ritual of the Walking Dead, Extreme, Special Effects: Perfect Transformation).

  [Perfect transformation: The transformed corpse will maintain 100% minimum body activity.

  After carefully reading the explanation of this special effect, Richard was immediately overjoyed.

  You should know that the movement speed and attack speed of ordinary walking zombies are relatively slow. This is because the body activity in many parts of the body has been reduced to zero.

  Partially necrotic muscle tissue will affect the movement of the entire limb, making the entire body appear particularly stiff and uncoordinated.

  But if all the body parts of a zombie can maintain minimal activity, it is obvious that the walking speed and attack speed of this zombie will not be much different from those in life.

  The only thing that may not be as good as in life is the explosive power in a short period of time, and this has always been the weakness of the walking zombies. Even the advanced walking zombies have this problem.

  Therefore, being able to have this [perfect transformation] special effect is obviously much better than what Richard had expected before.

  Immediately, Richard began to draw the witchcraft formation extremely smoothly on the ground in the center of the hall.

  Within a few moments, Richard had finished carving out the witchcraft array required for the zombie transformation ritual, and at the same time placed six pieces of blood amber on the six nodes of the witchcraft array.

  The auxiliary material required for the transformation ritual of the walking dead is not the intermediate magic stone, but blood amber, a kind of blood essence taken from the body of living things.

  During the ceremony, not only can the damage of the corpse be repaired, but the activity of the corpse can also be improved.

  Stepina took the initiative and dragged the giant human-faced demon spider corpse to the center of the circle.

  As Richard's low spell sounded, the fine lines on the zombie transformation witch formation began to emit a faint red light, and then passed through the complicated formation path, converging on the corpse of the giant human-faced demon spider.

  Suddenly, the body of the Man-Faced Demon Spider also began to emit a faint red light.

  As the ceremony progressed, the red light became more and more dazzling, and the huge wound on the body of the Human-Faced Demon Spider began to grow suddenly and healed at a high speed.

  And all kinds of small wounds were completely smoothed out in the blink of an eye.

  After more than ten seconds, all the wounds on the body of the Human-Faced Demon Spider were healed!

  At the same time, the Human-Faced Demon Spider at this time gave others a strange feeling, that is, the Human-Faced Demon Spider in front of them seemed to be sleeping soundly, and it did not look like it had died after a battle at all.

  Stephana on the side was overflowing with surprise when she saw this scene.

  "How come the completion rate of this zombie transformation ritual is so high!" Stephana thought to herself.

  Although she did not know how to perform this ritual, she had also seen relevant descriptions of the zombie transformation ritual in books.

  The description in the book and what she was reading now were almost like two descriptions.

  You know, in general walking corpse transformation rituals, if the corpse is damaged, it would be great if it can be simply repaired during the ceremony, but it will not be completely healed!
  What's more, the Man-Faced Demon Spider in front of her seemed to feel like a living creature. Even the tiny fluff on the surface of its body had recovered, which was simply unbelievable to Stephana.

  As the red light shrank into the body of the Man-Faced Demon Spider, Richard's voice came:


  "Stepina, try it and sign a contract to summon the zombies."

  "Yes, Master!"

  Stephana He couldn't wait to sign a zombie summoning contract with the Man-Faced Demon Spider.

  After a while, she successfully signed the zombie summoning contract, and then began to control her summons and perform various actions.

  In Stephana's astonished gaze, the zombie-like human-faced devil spider in front of her eyes seemed not to be stiff at all when crawling, but was still so flexible, which simply subverted her cognition.

  "Master, is your level of control over the zombie transformation ritual particularly high? This is simply unbelievable." Stephana blinked with a pair of beautiful eyes that were about to drip, and looked at Richard with admiration.

  "Not bad." Richard smiled mysteriously and did not answer Stephana's question directly.

  Although Stephana would not betray, she was too shrewd, so Richard felt that sometimes it would be better to keep a little mystery about her.

  If you just rely on breath perception, even Richard can't perceive the depth of Stephana's strength, because based on mental perception alone, Stephana is only at the level of a first-level wizard apprentice.

  But obviously, Stephana, who has the body of a spider woman, cannot only have this little strength.

  So Richard is also curious now, how strong is Stephana's current combat effectiveness?
  "Stephanna, how much fighting power can you bring out of Spider Woman's body now?"

  Stephana was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that she was either busy paying attention to Spider Woman's beauty or busy controlling the summoned objects, but she had been ignoring the issue of her own combat power.

  Therefore, Stephana quickly tried out the various abilities and witchcraft of her new body.

  After a while, Stephana frowned and said with great disappointment: "Master, the only talent I can use at the moment is Blade Arm!" "Oh, by the way,

  there is also a talent witchcraft: Shadow Swiftness."

  "It seems that these are the only two abilities currently."

  After listening to this, Richard thought thoughtfully.

  "This should be because your mental power is only at the level of a first-level wizard apprentice. Although your physical body has reached the strength of a formal wizard, it is obvious that you cannot use the full capabilities of your body." "I predict that

  , If you want to fully utilize all the abilities of this body, in terms of mental power, you must at least reach the limit of a third-level wizard apprentice." "

  Of course, it would be best if your mental power can reach the strength of a formal wizard. ."

  In fact, Richard had already expected this.

  Even if Stephana's soul is reincarnated into Spider Woman's body, it is impossible for him to possess all of Spider Woman's abilities.

  Let me ask, if Stephanna could bring out all the potential in Spider Woman's body, Richard would definitely not choose to perform the soul reincarnation ritual on Stephana at this point in time.

  After all, the only bond between the two was the blood oath contract.

  If the contract partner is stronger than Richard, Richard still has to worry about whether Stephana will bite her back.

  However, although Stephana's soul is not the original soul of Spider Woman's body. But Richard also didn't expect that after reincarnation, Stephanna could only use two abilities of Spider Woman's body.

  This is much lower than Richard expected.

  In particular, the witchcraft that Richard valued the most - the Dark Chain, was unknown to Stephanie until she was young and old.

  "It's a pity. It turns out that Spider Woman's dark chain is a very powerful witchcraft, but it will probably take a long time for you to use it." Richard said with a hint of regret.

  Stephana's eyes lit up and she said: "The witchcraft of Dark Chain you mentioned seems to be in my memory. One day in the future, I will definitely be able to use it." Richard thought for a while and planned to test Stephana

  . combat effectiveness, so as to be well aware of future battles.

  Quickly equipping himself with a dark element shield and skeleton armor, Richard turned around and said,

  "Stephana, try attacking me with all your strength."

  "Okay, master, you have to be careful." Stephana also Very excited.

  After all, she also wanted to know how effective the new body was in combat.

  The next second, his originally white and delicate hands suddenly turned into black blade arms, with a cold light flashing.

  Then Stephana opened her mouth again and read a few syllables quickly. Suddenly, her whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of gauze, and her speed surged.

  Richard transformed the mimicry wristband into a round shield, pulled out the Ice Guardian with his right hand, and immediately struck each other with Stephana's blade arm.


  What surprised Richard was that even with the sharpness of the Ice Guardian, the blade surface of Stephana's blade arm was not damaged at all.

  The first move was evenly matched, which made Stephana very happy, and she continued to attack Richard!

  "Ding-ding-dang-dang!" After a sword fight.

  Stephana's familiarity with her new body is getting better and better, and her slashing speed is getting faster and faster!

  At this moment, Richard was using almost all his strength except witchcraft, but Stephana was still able to fight him vigorously.

  This made Richard's expression change, he was surprised and happy!

  He has the physical fitness of a high-level knight, coupled with the extreme level of Cornell swordsmanship, and is also equipped with two top-level witchcraft props.

  In such a state, Stephana can still fight with her vigorously, which shows that her actual combat ability is no less than that of an ordinary third-level wizard apprentice.

  Suddenly, Richard used his shield to block Stephana away, retreated and quickly cast a slow spell on her.

  When the black mist merged into her body, Stephana was stunned for a moment.

  But the next second, Stephana smiled coquettishly, and her movement speed was almost unaffected.

  Richard observed carefully and found that it was not completely unaffected, but that his movement speed was only reduced by about 10%.

  "Master, your zero-level witchcraft has little effect on me." Stephana said delicately.

  This was even more of an unexpected surprise for Stephana. It turned out that her body was so resistant to dark elements.

  Richard also had a stern look on his face. It seemed that Stephana's actual combat power was almost as good as his.

  You know, judging by her breath alone, Stephana is only a first-level wizard apprentice, but who would have thought that she would be more difficult to deal with than a top third-level wizard apprentice.

  After fighting for a while, Richard became more and more sure of his judgment.

  Stephana's actual combat ability has almost reached the limit of a third-level wizard, which is not much different from him.

  This surprised Richard, but at the same time, he secretly became more vigilant.

  He couldn't let her improve her strength any more, and he had to keep her with him all the time. After all, Richard didn't want the backlash of the blood oath contract to happen.
  the two came out of the underground crack and returned to the Silver Pine Forest, Stephana was still in a state of surprise.

  From time to time, she would suddenly accelerate, and then wave her extremely sharp blade arms towards the scattered monsters in the forest, continuing to test the combat effectiveness of her new body.

  As for the one or two scattered Dark Fang Spiders or Crystal Web Spiders, when they saw Spider Woman rushing over to kill them, they immediately shivered and did not dare to move at all.

  After Stephana killed several monsters like chopping melons and vegetables, Richard saw the joy on her face almost overflowing. He couldn't help but shook his head and was speechless.

  However, this is easy to understand. After all, when she was a first-level wizard apprentice, she was imprisoned in the crystal body of the Soul-Eating Demon Spider, and it is only now that she finally came out.

  Moreover, as soon as he came out, he was using a spiritual body at the level of a first-level wizard apprentice to control the body of a formal wizard. This kind of surprise, curiosity, and joy were intertwined, and it was really hard to extricate himself.

  It was evening when Richard took Stephana back to Silverpine Town.

  The vast swaths of sunset glow were as if red dye had been knocked over, rendering the blue sky a large area of ​​deep red and light red, extremely gorgeous.

  At this time, sporadic people could be seen walking around the damaged houses in the town, looking through the remains of their houses, picking up some daily necessities, etc.

  But this should all be a spontaneous act, and reconstruction has not officially begun, otherwise the number of personnel would not be so small.

  Richard looked at this scene and nodded slightly.

  Because before Richard left, he specifically emphasized this point with his father.

  Even before he comes back, the entire family must focus on defense and be on alert at all times.

  Temporarily resettle the town residents in the inner fort and do not allow them to return to Silver Pine Town to rebuild their homes.

  To avoid serious secondary casualties if the monster comes back again.

  It seems that my father and Rollins Knight have implemented their suggestions very well.

  Stephana looked at the ordinary and slightly dilapidated town in front of her, turned her head curiously and asked, "Master, are you born here?" "Well, that's right!" Richard thought for a moment, and

  he This is a time-travel situation, and I don’t know whether I should answer it or not, but I should.

  Stephana was a little confused. What does it mean? Shouldn't there be only two clear answers, yes or no? What a strange answer.

  But after glancing at Richard's expression, it was obvious that he didn't want to talk about this topic anymore. Stephana, who was good at observing words and emotions, naturally stopped asking further questions.

  Soon, the two met a group of patrols from the Richard family.

  Of course the patrol knew his second young master, and immediately sent a patrol back to the castle to report the news.

  The other two people immediately dismounted and invited Richard and Stephanie to get on the horse. During the process, the two of them frequently glanced at the graceful and beautiful Stephana.

  Stephanie had a dignified and noble posture and said nothing.

  Richard waved his hand and said: "Don't bother, we will be at the castle soon. You can carry out your tasks as usual."

  When Richard and Stephanna arrived at the family castle.

  The Baron's father and mother had already received the message from the patrol, and they were waiting at the gate of the inner castle with Knight Rollins and other senior officials.

  "Father, mother, brother, I have made you worry." When Richard saw his family, he was instinctively moved.

  Brother Li Wei gave Richard a warm hug and patted Richard's shoulder heavily, but his eyes would glance at Stephana beside Richard from time to time, curiously.

  "Just come back!" The baron's father said with a slightly trembling tone when he saw his second son returning.

  "Father, you can rest assured, the source of the monster has been eliminated!"

  "Okay, okay!" The baron was immediately relieved and said "good" several times in a row.

  "It's great that these damn monsters have finally been eliminated!" Knight Rollins finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  As the Sheriff of Silverpine Town, he had been under great pressure recently. When he heard that the source of the monster had been eliminated, he felt greatly relieved.

  "Who is this?" Mother looked at Stephana, who was wearing tight leather armor and looking slightly cool, and asked Richard suspiciously.

   The next two chapters have the same chapter names, but the content has been modified and is brand new content and will not be repeated.

  (End of chapter)

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